"A short and quick message that will shake the whole nation" - And knoweth it not(39)
- 2000 AD is the end of 6 Millenniums since Adam. They were the days of men!
- 2000 AD is the beginning of the 7th Millennium. This is the day of the Lord!
- God created all things in 6 days, and He rested on the 7th day.
- God gave only 6 days for man to work ; the 7th day was the Lord’s Sabbath day.
- God had commanded the people to cultivate the land only for 6 years ; and the 7th year was the Sabbath year.
- For God one day is like thousand years and, one thousand years like one day.
- By these things God was foreshadowing what He was going to do at this end time, at the end of the 6th millennium.
- God had given only the 6 Millenniums for man to reign and enjoy the world.
- Now the 7th Millennium is the Lord’s Millennium and He wants to reign the world through a Man, Whom He has chosen by His sovereignty.(Dan.4:32; Dan.7:13; Rev.11:15;12:1-5)
- God always works as He had promised!
- At the end of 400 years of staying of the people of Israel in Egypt the Lord was ready with His prophet Moses to deliver them as He had promised to Abraham. (Gen. 15:13,14)
- At the end of 70 years of captivity in Babylon the Lord had stirred the heart of the king Cyrus to send the people of Israel back to Jerusalem to rebuild the Temple.(II-Chron.36:21-23)
- As it was then, so is it now. Now at the end of 6 Millenniums the Lord is ready with His King to reign in the Lord’s Millennium.
- Behold THE MAN whose name is the Branch, and he shall grow up out of his place and he shall build the temple of the Lord and shall sit and rule upon his throne – Zec.6:11, 12.
- Behold THE MAN (THE MESSIAH) whose name is THE BRANCH Amplified Bible
- Behold , the days are coming, says the Lord, when I will raise up for David a righteous BRANCH and he shall reign as king Jer.23.5;
- This MAN THE MESSIAH Whose name is THE BRANCH is THE TRUE SON of DAVID that is going to reign in the Millennium.
- This MAN MESSIAH Whose name is the BRANCH can not be Jesus Christ, because Jesus has referred Himself as the VINE, and men as the branches (Jn.15:5)
- God had raised this MAN MESSIAH as the Son of man that was to come at this end time.
- The life in the planted Grain of Wheat reproduces grains of wheat at the harvest time, so the Holy Spirit that was in Jesus Christ has reproduced another Son of man at this harvest time, the end of the world (Jn.12:24 ; Matt. 13:39). He is the CHRIST THE FIRST FRUITS of the harvest.
- He was in this world in this generation. All the signs and the attributes of the Son of man were manifested profoundly in His ministry.
- God had offered Him as the Sacrifice of atonement. Jesus Christ was the Pascal Lamb.
- Like Jesus Christ this MAN THE MESSIAH also had risen from the dead on the third day of His burial. (Jn.14:12; Rev. 12:5), and has ascended to heaven. Now he is seated on the throne of God.
- From there He is going to come to Rapture the Bride, and then after 3 and 1/2 years He will come with the Bride to reign in the Millennium.

- His image was found on the planet Mars.That is the sign of the Son of man that was to appear before His coming. This image on Mars was photographed by an American space craft, and it was published in Indian news papers in 1988. The white head wear is the white wig Which signifies that this MAN is coming as the God’s Judge with Supreme authority.
- The prophecy of NOSTRADAMUS Mars shall reign for the good cause is connected with these prophecies of the Bible for the end time. Very, very soon the heaven and the earth will be shaken to prove this Message.
- To know who this MAN MESSIAH is, search the Scriptures and, the Spoken Word Messages and the Modern Church history, and find out for yourself. Otherwise read our subsequent issues of World Shaking Message Series.
- This short Message is sent in the name of the living God of Heaven.
- Great judgment of God is commanded to follow this Heaven sent short Message, to strike this generation for not believing the very Promises of Jesus Christ for this end time, and for failing to recognize the fulfilments of those Promises.