"A short and quick message that will shake the whole nation" - And knoweth it not(39)
The Great Apostle Paul, who came at the end of the Old Testament age, said that the Old Testament was only a shadow of the New Testament. The Great Prophet Branham. who came at the end of this Seventh Church age, has said, “In the Old Testament there are patterns, types and shadows. The Old Testament was a shadow of the New Testament. That which is in both Testaments is a shadow of this day. Various TRUTHS can be had from certain portions of Scripture” -Here Ye Him
Yes, Brethren, We are now living at “THE HARVEST TIME”, which is the end of the Rapturing age. The Lord by His Sovereign Grace has led the TRUE CHURCH into this Rapturing age to see various TRUTHS in REALITY through the Revelation of THE WRITTEN WORD AND THE SPOKEN WORD OF GOD-AMEN !
Now, we have come to the very time of “ADOPTION”, and the Lord has already raised “THE MANIFESTED SONS OF GOD”, who are “GODS EAGLES” ordained to be “LED BY THE SPIRIT” and to lead the Bride to possess “A NEW SPIRIT AND A NEW HEART”, and to attain “THE STATURE OF A PERFECT MAN”, and to show for sure the clear “SIGNS OF HIS COMING”, to put her into “GOD’S PROVIDED WAY FOR THIS DAY” and keep her ready for “THE RAPTURE” to go to “THE WEDDING SUPPER” and to “THE FUTURE HOME OF THE RAPTURE TO GO TO THE HEAVENLY BRIDEGROOM AND THE EARTHLY BRIDE.”
If these things are not crystal clear, my Brethren, “LEAN NOT ON YOUR OWN UNDERSTANDING”, you better get into “DESPERATION” for we see the “FLASHING RED LIGHT OF HIS COMING”, Please understand the “LEADERSHIP” of the “END TIME MESSENGER” and enter into the “INNER VEIL” to feast on “THE SPIRITUAL FOOD IN DUE SEASION” and to relish “THE NEW WINE”. Then you will see the “POWER OF TRANSFORMATION” coming on you to put you into the experience of “LOOKING TO THE UNSEEN” and you will “BE CERTAIN OF GOD” because you will see “THE MIGHTY GOD UNVEILED BEFORE US”; and then you will understand that always “CHRIST IS REVEALED IN HIS OWN WORD”.
My Brethren, I beg you , don’t neglect and reject this last “MESSAGE OF GRACE”. Already the unbelieving world has failed to recognize “THE MESSIAH” and has overlooked “THE SUPER SIGN”- “THE MINISTRY OF CHRIST.” Now, “THE TIME HAS COME” for the Lord to send this last “MESSAGE OF WARNING” because God always first sends “WARNING THEN JUDGEMENT”. Please remember that the “INDICTMENT” is already over.
If you read this message with an open heart without any prejudice, you will not fail to see that the SAME MESSAGE OF THE GREAT PROPHET BRANHAM that went forth as THE SHOUT which led to the FIRST CLIMAX at the evening time is now AGAIN going forth as “THE VOICE” in this midnight hour in the form of MIDNIGHT CRY to culminate in the SECOND CLIMAX,THE RAPTURE.
That is the purpose of this “SHORT AND QUICK MESSAGE”.
I pray god to bless every reader. May this little message serve as a guideline to understand the winding up move of God.
August 1, 1984
- Now, we are living in the days of:
- How the Lord has been building His church through these church ages.
- The Great Prophet speaks of the capping of the Church and also of the capping of an individual.
- There are three kinds of Mysteries in the Bible,
This message is only for those BELIEVERS WHO ARE LOOKING FOR THE COMING OF THE LORD AS FORE TOLD BY THE GREAT PROPHET WILLIAM MARRION BRANHAM, whose messages are completely based on the Living Word of God, THE BIBLE. If you read this message carefully and watch, you will see that this will either separate you and seal you for the great Rapture or for the rejection. It depends on your attitude towards the VANDICATED WORD OF THE HOUR, the message of the great Prophet Branham—Amen.
If you just watch the tone of the message you will understand that the SPIRIT OF GOD will not strive anymore with man. The door of mercy is completely shutting. THE TIME IS NO MORE — Amen.
In this message the Lord wants to take us deeper into the revelation of the mystery of Thunders. Human mind has gone miles and miles away from the mind of Christ. The great Prophet has said that in every generation people are going farther away from God than in the previous generation. Now, we are the last generation and so, man’s mind has gone farthermost away from the mind of Christ. It is God’s gracious and perfect: will to place His full mind into His Bride at this last generation. So, the Lord is achieving this by the renewing of the mind of the Bride through the opening of the seals. Whenever the Lord opens a Seal, definitely it would be quite contrary to man’s thinking and expectations. It needs “HUMILITY” in the spirit to accept the revelation of the WORD of the hour. That is how very religious and sincere people missed the most precious LIFE OF GOD by their lack of humility to accept the revelation of the Word of the hour. It was so in every age and it is so now in this winding up age also.
“…. we find out, that at the beginning when a message was sent to – to misconstrue his word as to doubt one word it was total annihilation and eternal separation from God misconstrue” that messenger’s word. —End Time Evangelism
First of all if we don’t know the hour that we are living in we can’t understand what things we should look for and to whom we should look for leadership. We are living in the winding up days and we should search the written word, the Bible and the Spoken Word, the great Prophet’s message, and find out for sure what things should we have to look for. The written word and the Spoken word are sufficient for us to know, beyond any shadow of doubt, what time we are living in, what things we should look for and whom should we have to look for our Leadership.
“How that God, in His infinite wisdom, has foreshadowed all things to us; that we might by these things know of certain what lays before us. Made it so plain, that God and His Word, and the nature and His Universe, is so perfectly arranged together, that even the —- the sinner can see something is fixing to take place. God has so arranged it. No one is without excuse.” —-Hearing, Recognizing, Acting on the word of God (2)
In these last days, God has interpreted His own Word through our Beloved Prophet Branham. So, the Word has now become very clear and plain. God’s plan of redemption has become so crystal clear that the Bride sees that the time has come for her to take off. She has already begun to hear the Spirit crying that “the time is no longer.” —- Amen.
In the days of John the Baptist, people were looking, according to the word of God, for three persons.
- Elijah,
- Christ, and
- “That Prophet”
Later on people understood that “that Prophet” was Christ Himself.
“And they asked him, what then? Are thou Elias? And he said, I am not. Art thou that Prophet? And he answered, No…and they asked him, and said unto him, why baptizest thou then, if thou be not that Christ, nor Elias, neither that Prophet?” —John 1 : 21, 25
In the same way the Bible teaches us to look for the following ministries in the last days.
- Ministry of Elijah,
- Ministry of Christ,
- Ministry of the Sons of God,
- Ministry of the angels of the Son of Man.
“Behold, I will send you Elijah the Prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.” —Malachi 4 ; 5, 6
“And Jesus answered and said unto them, Elias truly shall first come, and restore all things” —Mat. 17 : 11
“And he said unto the disciples, the days will come when ye shall desire to see one of the days of the Son of man, and ye shall not see it” —Luke 17: 22
“And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man” —Luke 17 : 26
“When the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord; And he shall send Jesus Christ, which before was preached unto you: Whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things …” —Acts 3 : 19-21
“For the earnest expectations of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.” —Romans 8 : 19
“… the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels.. The Son of man shall send forth his angels…” — Matt : 13 : 39, 41
“So shall it be at the end of the world; the angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the just.” —Matt : 13 : 49
If we very carefully study the written word and the Spoken Word of God under the guidance of the Holy Spirit we will understand beyond any shadow of doubt that the first two ministries, namely the Ministry of Elijah and Ministry of Christ were fulfilled in the great vindicated ministry of the Prophet Branham.
There are so many end time Ministers of Gospel who do not believe in the winding up ministry of the Manifested Sons of God. It looks very strange and pitiful to see many Preachers and Teachers, who profess to carry the end time message, denying the ministry of the Sons of God when the Bible and the Great Prophet’s message tell us very clearly of the ministry of the Manifested Sons of God at the end of the Laodicean age.
It his high time they check up their stand with the written Word and the Spoken Word of God. The Word of God is the TRUTH; and the Lord has vindicated the message of the great Prophet Branham to be the TRUTH. And we know that denying the truth is false. Any teaching that denies or disagrees with the truth is false teaching. ANY MAN, WHO EVER IT MAY BE, WHO BRINGS SUCH FALSE TEACHINGS DENYING THE TRUTH IS A FALSE TEACHER.
Apostle Paul warned the Early Church of the false teachers in his days :
“For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flook. ALSO OF YOUR OWN SELVES SHALL MEN ARISE, SPEAKING PERVERSE THINGS, to draw away disciples after them.
Therefore watch, and remember, that by the space of three years I ceased not to warn every one night and day with tears.” —Acts 20 : 29-31
Apostle Paul warned the early church of the false teachers in his days. Now, the Holy Spirit is warning the Bride to be cautious of the false teachers in this end time. In this end time ANY MAN, WHO EVER IT MAY BE, WHO DENIES OR DISAGREES EITHER PARTIALLY OR WHOLLY WITH THE VINDICATED MESSAGE OF THE GREAT PROPHET BRANHAM IS A FALSE TEACHER.
In the days of Paul, the false teachers arose from among the brethren. In these last days it is repeating again. The great prophet has said that the history is repeating itself.
“Now, if that first branch that come out of the vine, produced a Book of Acts behind it, that first church; if that vine ever puts forth another, another branch, it’ll write another Book of Acts behind it. For the very Life that’s in the vine brings forth into the branch.” —-We would see Jesus (21)
“If that tree ever puts forth another branch, they will write another book of Acts behind it. So, you see, the same Life has got to be in the same thing.” —-The Second Seal (195)
“If the first vine it put forth, they wrote a Book of Acts behind it, if it ever puts forth another one, it’ll write a Book of Acts behind it, That’s right. —Blasphemous Names (35)
When the Apostles set up the original church there arose false teachers from among the brethren speaking perverse things contradicting the Apostles’ teachings. Now, the Holy Spirit has already set up the five fold ministries and has begun writing another Book of Acts through the Apostles of the latter church. And also the false teachers have already come up from among the brethren denying the written word and the Spoken Word. These false teachers have come with their teachings denying the ministry of the Manifested Sons of God and the revelation of the Thunders, Without this revelation the Bride cannot have, the great Prophet has said, the fulness of Christ and the faith for the Rapture.
The Holy Spirit which warned the first church through the Apostle Paul is now warning the Bride to be careful of these false teachers.
The Bride of Christ, being the word Bride, will be of the same stock as that of the first church, who differentiated very easily the genuine from the false.
“I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars:” —Rev. 2: 2
Oh! Bride! don’t be pleasing men any more. Prove every thing and keep yourself away from the false. Check every thing with the Written Word and the Spoken word of God.
When the Great Prophet Branham was here he was the leader of the church. Now, we are not living in the days of the prophet. Now the time has come for the church to know and recognize her leader.
Always it has been the tendency of man to take another man’s office. That is why so many impersonations have come up
in the church. Even in the church-local, the believers are trying to take up the office of the pastor. But, in these days the church has to come to its proper place as told by the great Prophet in his message on church order. Every man must be in his place ordained of God. And one must not try to take another man’s position.
When Judas died, his place became vacant. And the Apostles put a lot and elected Matthias to fill that vacant place. But, God had fore ordained Paul to fill that vacant place. Men chose Matthias, but God chose Paul.
“… We’ve got to channel ourselves in God’s provided channel and God’s way of doing it. No matter how much we think ‘it’s right it’s got to be according to the word of the Lord or it’s in vian.” —Leadership (15)
Whenever God sends a leader, the church takes a turn around a corner. Now, in this end time the church has taken the turn around the last corner and has entered in to the Rapturing age. Whenever we turn around a corner we get a radical change in everything.
Moses led the people up to the river Jordan. When the leadership was handed over to Joshua, the people had to take up a turn around a corner and enter into a new phase of their Journey. They went into the Promised Land and possessed it.
“I have a message, I feel, from God. It’s a little odd to some people that… I don’t to be different, — I’m living at a changing time… As long as you’re building the wall one straight way, it’s all fine, …. the bricklayers can go right down the row. But when you have to turn the corner, that’s where the time— And we’re not building a wall; we’re building a house, you see, so these turns has to come. They come in the age of Martin Luther, John Wesley and the Pentecostal age; IT’S HERE AGAIN, SO WE… IT’S HARD TO TURN THE CORNERS…” —Leadership (2)
Now the Bride has already taken a turn around a corner. Generally when we take a turn around a corner there will be a
radical change in every thing. Suppose we walk along a huge compound wall running from North to South and take a turn towards the East, we will see many changes, such as :
- Our direction of walking will be changed from towards South to towards East.
- Our field of view will be completely changed and we will be seeing new things which were hidden before we took a turn.
- Because the direction, field of view, clarity of things and everything has become new we will be having altogether a new sensation in us.
These changes will be real to only those who have taken the turn around the corner. Same thing happens in the spiritual realms also. Because the great Prophet has said that natural types the spiritual.
We are no more under the leadership of Moses and we have now come under the Leadership of Joshua. Generally turning around a corner brings separation. Now the Holy Spirit has already begun separating the Bride from the foolish virgins.
Already great changes have taken place in the Church since the time the Great Prophet left the scene. Many of the believers who profess to be the believers of the Prophet’s message have knowingly or unknowingly become denominated. That’s why we find so many groups among the brethren. These groups of people don’t move with other brethren and they have formed their own circle for their own activities. By doing this they are only walking in another street of Babylon. If you refer to the dream of Bro. Jackson there you will see that the Prophet told the brethren to be watching at the white stone, and then the Prophet disappeared from the scence. After His disappearance, we see, that brethren went out in different groups in different directions. And only a few were standing watching at the white stone in obedience to the Prophet’s word.
Now we are in the days of the fulfillment of this latter part of the dream. Most of the brethren have left the message of the Prophet Branham as the denominated church has left the word of
God. What has happened in two thousand years in the Church the same thing has now happened among the brethren They have become denominated. The great Prophet Branham has said that denominationalism always brings blindness from seeing the truth. That is the reason the Jews rejected their Messiah. And that is the reason the Gentiles have rejected the great Prophet Branham. And that is the very reason the brethren are rejecting and denying the winding up ministry of the Manifested Sons of God and the revelation of the Thunders. Prophet Branham was the Manifestation of the Word for that hour the evening time. The Manifested Sons of God are only the manifestation of the Word for this winding up time the Midnight.
“…Each age, it’s alloted in the Scripture here. So God, through the Holy Spirit, reveals His word by manifesting It and vindicating it Himself, showing that It’s His word being brought to pass in the day that it’s promised.’ —Things that are to be (4)
God has allotted His word for every age and there by He makes His children to adapt themselves into the provided channel of God. To know the word of the hour and God’s provided channel, search the written word and the Spoken Word of God and get yourself adapted. There is no hope outside of the provided channel of God. Amen.
“But now who leads you? That’s the question now. Now, WE’RE ALL LED BY SOMETHING tonight. We have to be, We’re led. Notice.” —Leadership (13)
“Has God lost control, or is He just permitting another agency to control? I wonder, The true answer to this question is … To my opinion, there is two spirits in the world today at work. The two spirits, one of them God’s Holy Spirit, the other one the devil’s spirit working in deception. The people of the earth are now making their choice. The Holy Spirit is here calling out a Bride for Christ…” —God of this evil age (14)
“Always in nature you’ll find God. And God likened us unto sheep that has to be led.” —– Leadership (12)
“But since I’ve passed twenty-five now, twice, and so kind of little hard for me to—– to do like I used to do. And it’s like worn-out car, but I’m still running. Uh-huh, I want to keep on chugging along till it’s… I go to scrap heap to be molded over again. That’s the promise… This, remember this, that each one of us, young or old, your first step that you ever made in your life, someone had to lead you. THAT’S RIGHT. AND YOUR LAST STEP YOU’LL EVER MAKE, SOMEONE WILL BE LEADING YOU. SOMEONE HAS TO LEAD.” —– Leadership (3,4)
“Well, it depends on what you’re looking at. See, what you’re looking for” —– Leadership (8)
“But this Bible tells you who, when, where and what to look for and never has failed one time.”
“Now you must choose your leader. You’ve got to choose it, friend. Look in God’s looking glass, the Bible, and see where you’re at tonight.” —– Leadership (40)
“And I think the Lord, by His Word, showed that what hour we’re living. And make sure that we understand these mysteries that’s happening. You know, the Bible said, “THE WISE SHALL UNDERSTAND.” —– What is the attraction on the mountain (2)
“The Spirit of wisdom comes into the church to make known to the church by the revelation of the Holy Ghost—– bringing the church in and revealing what day that we’re living in. Just the same as Gabriel came to —– Daniel, the Holy Spirit comes to the church in the last days to reveal these great, deep, secret things. Do you understand now?” —– The Seventy Weeks of Daniel (103)
“Now, the Holy Spirit comes now. Of course, It wasn’t sent… Why won’t all the people receive it? It wasn’t sent to
them… It’s sent to those who will believe. The messages is to the believer. To them that perish It’s foolishness, but to them that are in Christ and part of that seed, It’s Life” —– It is the rising of the Sun (20)
“Now, you’re ordained to Life. You see It if you’re ordained to see it. If you’re not ordained to see It, you won’t see It, Said, “They have eyes but they can’t see, ears and can’t hear.” How thankful you should be, church! How you should straighten your self up from these things! HOW YOU SHOULD BE ON FIRE FOR GOD! THAT YOUR EYES BEHOLDS WHAT YOU SEE, YOUR EARS HEARS THE THINGS YOU SEE, LEADERSHIP!” —– Leadership (26)
“Now, you see why I wanted to tape this, and send it to the people. THE HOUR HAS ARRIVED! TRUTH’S GOT TO BE KNOWN! —– The Third Exodus (26)
“And we must follow HIM, is the only way to have Eternal life. SO THE LEADERSHIP OF GOD IS : FOLLOW THE VINDICATED WORD OF THE HOUR BY THE HOLY GHOST.” —– Leadership (42)
“…I took two and a half hours to speak on: Doing God a service without it being God’s will. Now, that sounds STRANGE, BUT WE’VE GOT TO CHANNEL OURSELVES INTO GOD’S PROVIDED CHANNEL AND GOD’S WAY OF DOING IT.” —– Leadership (15)
“He did in that age just as He did in all ages, and like He will do, just He promised to do. God promises anything, then he comes down and proves his word to be right. All that believe, all that believe the message of that age, came in and was saved. So will it be in any age. All who did not believe Message and the Messenger perished. And all who truly believe
the Word of God today, will be taken out. All that does not believe the Word of God, will perish with the world. —– Proving His Word (18)
And I say this with all love and respect. So is there some thing spiritually wrong with a man that’ll run back into his denominations of creed and refuse to see Bible Light when it’s shining right before him. There’s something wrong with him. He goes back into his creed’s and forms and shuts the door, and says, “There is no such a thing as that.”
… “they’re both the same: THEY LEAVE THE WORD OF GOD TO MAKE AN ORGANIZATION. SEE? AND THEN WHEN IT COMES TO MANY GREAT TRUTHS, THAT SEEMS STRANGE TODAY, IT’S FOREIGN TO THEM, because they’re only been taught by a ritual. We have no ritual but the Bible.” —– The Indictment (11)
“… the sixth seal now being opened, it was for a three fold purpose. Now, here was the purposes: The first thing was that the sleeping virgins had to go through the tribulation period for purification. She had to be purged of her sins of unbelief and rejecting the Message. This she has done in the tribulation period… Now she is not the Bride, but it’s the Church—– the pure people that didn’t have the opportunity may be, to receive the Message, or in some way that they were blinded by these FALSE PROPHETS, and they didn’t get a chance; and yet they’re really sincere in heart, and God knows their heart, and here they’re purged—– during this time.” —– The Seventh Seal (575)
If we watch everything that happens in the world and in the church we will understand beyond any shadow of doubt that the Lord has brought us to the very coming time of the Lord. That
is why the great Prophet has warned us very often in his message to watch the church. By watching carefully the silent move of God the Bride will understand for sure how close she has come to that great day of Rapture. In this END OF TIME, the Lord is doing so many things simultaneously to wind up this dispensation. God’s ways are always hidden to the people of the world. It was in the days of Jesus Christ, It was so in the days of the great Prophet Branham. And IT IS SO AGAIN IN THIS WINDING UP TIME. God has made the winding up move of the plan of redemption so plain and very distinct through the SPOKEN WORD OF GOD. Many of the precious brethren have failed to see it because of their denominational spirit and lack of HUMILITY to sit and learn from the Message of the great prophet.
“He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. He came unto his own, and his own received him not” —John 1 : 10, 11
It was so then and it is so now again –Amen! Apostle John had revelation and authority to write what God had shown him. Under the same revelation and authority it is now sent to the Church. The history is repeating itself. The Church has already begun to write another BOOK OF ACTS. “He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the church”
“If that tree ever puts forth another branch, they will write another BOOK OF ACTS behind it.” –The Second Seal (195) — Blasphemous Names (35) –We would see Jesus (24)
Many of the precious brethren have become BLINDED to see the fulfilment of the Word of the hour because they have FAILED TO HONOUR THE SPOKEN WORD OF GOD. By disregarding the Spoken Word they have dishonoured the very God whom they claim to worship and whom they are expecting for. Anyone, whoever it may be, disagrees partially or wholly with the Spoken Word has already rejected the counsel of God against themselves.
“And all the People that heard him, and the publicans, justified God, being baptized with the baptism of John. But the Pharisees and lawyers rejected the counsel of God against themselves.” — Luke 7: 29, 30
My Precious Brethren, if you have not given the due regard and honour to the Spoken Word as you give to the written word, the Bible, it is high time you repent for your sin and come to God. The Lord is lifting up His mercy very fast and the grace of God is coming to an end, and the door of mercy is getting completely shut. My Brethren, hurry up and get desperate. The Grace is ending. Don’t take this warning lightly. Oh! the door of Mercy is shutting completely. Very soon you are going to see the very entire power of God walking on the face of the Earth. Then it will be too late. Amen. The tone of the message of the Holy Spirit will awaken the slumbering Bride and make her see that the door is shutting completely. Amen!
In the Old Testament nothing much was told about Melchizedec. But when the Lord raised the Apostle Paul, he received more revelation about Melchizedec and he has given it in the Book of Hebrews. In the same way the Lord has raised the great Prophet Branham in this end time and has interpreted His written word so that the Bride could see everything in plain view.
If you study the written Word through God’s microscope, the message of the great Prophet Branham, you will see everything clearly. Many precious brethren have rejected the God given microscope and are trying to understand the things of God by their carnal mind. And that is why they have become blinded to the winding up move of God–the MINISTRY OF THE MANIFESTED SONS OF GOD. God has made it so plain through His OWN INTERPRETATION. There is no escape for anyone. Oh! Brethren, humble yourself before God. Search the Scriptures through the Microscope of God– the Spoken Word, there you will find it is written about this God’s provided channel the MINISTRY OF THE MANIFESTED SONS OF GOD. Go and get into the God’s provided channel and escape from the Judgement of God. Amen!
At this end of time the Lord is accomplishing so many things simultaneously.
Now, we are living in the days of:
- — the Church getting its Perfection
- — the capping of the pyramid
- — the Harvest time
- — the Third Exodus
- — the Dynamics coming into the Mechanics, the Super Church
- — the Fulness of times
- — the coming time of the Lord
(or) the time of the Midnight Cry.
Let us study these things one by one in the light of the interpretation given by the great prophet.
Before the coming of the Lord the Church must attain its perfection.
“That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word. That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. — Ephesians : 5 : 26, 27
“What are we coming here for? What are we doing ? Are we coming here playing a game? Are we coming here meeting as a lodge ? Christ can’t come until that Church is perfectly right. He is waiting on us. I believe we’re at the end” — And knowth it not (37)
“Let us think of the Laodicean Church Age, and its condition, today. As far as I know, I don’t see anything to hinder at this time the coming of the Lord Jesus, outside of the readiness of His Church. I think that’s one of the Prophecies” — And knoweth it not (6)
“Oh, Church of the Living God, we can’t stand around here on little “sugar-tits” that we’re nursing around here today, we’ve got to be full and prayed up with Quickening Power until the quickening of the Holy Ghost… We got to be caught away some day in that rapture yonder. Yes, Sir! Amen! Oh, my! –It is the rising of the Sun (38)
“…for the life that was in Christ has to be in you or you’re lost” –Hebrews (355)
“…the true church of Christ (the Bride) is sold out to Him and His Promised Word’til the very mind that is in Christ is in you.” — Choosing a Bride (26)
“Let us go on to perfection. How can we be perfected? Through the death of Christ…we’re perfected through Christ” — Hebrews (188)
“Now, we got that this morning, how that we are perfected. Perfected! Absolutely spotless and:blameless! Not one sin on us! Are you above temptation? Never! Do you sin every day? Yes, Sir! BUT, YET, WE ARE PERFECTED BECAUSE WE ARE in Him.” — Hebrews (209)
“the only way that we can be perfected is to be in Christ” –Hebrews (255)
“Then he said, THAT WHICH IS IN PAST WILL BE DONE AWAY WITH, when that which is perfect is come or when that which is perfect is made known.” –Questions & Answers 08-23-64
(Please read the message “Fulness of Christ in the Church”)
The Bride gets perfected by receiving the revelation of the perfect word.
“Then he said, that which is in part will be done away with, when that which is perfect is come or when that which is perfect is made known” — Questions & Answers 08-23-64
“But having the revelation of His secret made known to them by His grace, how the grace of God…it means the Church, that He’s trying to get into it.” — Christ is the Mystery of God (58)
We get the revelation of the Word through the Message of the Holy Spirit.
“Do you see? The message will not come by some great mights or powers, but by the Spirit of God!”
“It’s the Spirit of God that gives the Message to the people. It’s the Spirit of God that confirms the Word.” — The Message of Grace (8, 11)
“And he gave some apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
FOR THE PERFECTING OF THE SAINTS, for the work of the ministry. for the edifying of the body of Christ” — Ephesians 4:11, 12
“God hath set some in the Church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers…” –I Corin.: 12,28
“…by revelation he made known unto me the mystery; as I wrote afore in few words. whereby, when ye read, ye may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ. Which in others ages was not made known unto the sons of men, as it is now revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit.” –Ephesians 3: 3,5
The Holy Spirit always revealed His mysteries first to the apostles; and through the apostles the revelations were passed on to other saints.
“God had to open up those Seven Seals. Not in a denomination. I have always been against it. But out of the denomination, He might take a Bride– not a denominational Bride. He couldn’t do it. It is against His own word. He opened those Seven Mysteries in there, AND IT SHOWS FORTH AND BRINGS FORTH THOSE THINGS THAT HAVE BEEN HID SINCE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD—MIGHT BE REVEALED IN THE LAST DAYS TO SONS OF GOD. THEY BROUGHT THAT FORTH NOW BEFORE THE PEOPLE THAT THEY SEE IT. THERE YOU NOW TO THIS UNDENOMINATIONAL BRIDE” –Invisible Union of the Bride of Christ (43)
“…these mysteries has been hid now, remember, the Bible said, “Since the foundation of the World, waiting for the manifestations of the sons of God,” to display them to the Church. Oh, my! you get it?” — Adoption (31)
“What do you think the writer of this Book that seen it, and seen where it would be manifested in the last days, WAITING AND GROANING FOR THOSE SONS OF GOD TO RISE IN THE LAST DAYS WITH THE POWER OF THE HOLY GHOST AT THE END OF THE AGE, TO REVEAL THE SECRET THINGS FROM THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD, to bring it up…” –Adoption (32)
So, for the coming of the Lord the Church has to attain its perfection. For the Church to attain its perfection , perfection has to be made known. For the perfection to be made known the mysteries have to be revealed. For the mysteries to be revealed the Manifested Sons of God have to come. without the Ministry of the Sons of God the Church cannot attain its perfection. So, in this Rapturing age we have to look for the ministry of the Manifested Sons of God.
Now, the Lord must have put the Manifested Sons of God on the scene because the Super Church has already begun to receive the revelations of mysteries. The Word Bride will recognize the Manifested Sons of God through their message and channel herself within the God’s provided channel– Amen.
In the Prophet’s teachings on pyramid, we know that the body of the pyramid represents the complete Church from the day of Pentecost. Without capping of the Pyramid, the Church cannot go in the Rapture. So, before the Rapture the body of the Pyramid has to be fitted with the Capstone . Christ is the Chief cornerstone and He Himself is the Capstone.
Now does the Pyramid get fitted with the Capstone? We get fitted with the Capstone in the same manner as we got fitted with the Chief Corner Stone. By one Spirit we are all fitted into the one Body of Christ, the Church.
“For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body…” I Corin. 12:13
How do we get the baptism of the Holy spirit? Only through the revelation we get the baptism of the Holy Spirit. So, by the revelation of the Thunders we get the fulness of the Spirit and get fitted with the Capstone.
“It might be closer than you think it is. It has got me scared! Oh, I haven’t done enough! Where are we at? Time shall be no more. He announces that time is over.What happens? What happens ? Could that be so, now Brethren? Seriously think! IF IT IS, THEN THE PYRAMID IS CAPPED BY THE SEVEN THUNDERS.” — Sirs, is this the time (47)
“He opened those seven mysteries in there, and it shows forth and brings forth these things that have been hid since the foundation of the world — might be revealed in the last days, to Sons of God. They brought that forth now before the people that they see it. There you now to this undenominational Bride.” — Invisible Union of the Bride (43)
“…these mysteries has been hid now, remember, the Bible said, Since the foundation of the world waiting for the manifestations of the sons of God’ to display them to the Church. Oh, my! you get it?” — Adoption (31)
For the church to go in the Rapture, the Church has got to be capped. For the Pyramid to be capped, the Thunders have to be revealed. For the Thunders to be revealed the manifested Sons of God have to come.
In this end time the Lord has already manifested His sons through the revelation of the Thunders. The Bride will recognize them very easily through revelation from God. Amen!
“We’re turned a corner! We’re looking towards Heaven, watching for the coming; the cap on the Pyramid, as we would say, His coming back.” — Leadership (21)
In this harvest time we have to consider two important things.
- First of all the grain must be ripened fully and be ready for the harvest. Then how does the grain get ripened ?
- Secondly there cannot be an harvest without reapers. Then, who are these reapers?
Let us take up these questions one by one and study them in the written word and the Spoken Word. The grain gets ripened fully when the life enters completely into the grain. In the same way the Bride gets the maturity when she receives the fulness of Christ. How does she get the fulness of Christ? By receiving the complete revelation of Christ. How does she get complete revelation of Christ? She gets the complete and perfect revelation of Christ through the revelation of Thunders. Already we have seen that only through the Manifested Sons of God we get the revelation of Thunders.
“This is the complete revelation of Jesus Christ, and the Seven Seals had the mysteries hid of what it all was, and is supposed to open it in the last day, at the Laodicean age, at the end of time. Thanks be to God, that finishes the Message to the Church.” — Feast of the Trumpets (102)
“Now notice, but at the opening of the Seventh Seal, Revelation 10, the full word is to be borned into manifestation again and vindicated by the Spirit of God in the full strength.” — The seed is not heir with the Shuck (18)
“…There’s nothing left by then, but just the grain. Is that right? Got to be the grain. It’s got to be the same kind that went into the ground, Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever. A Spirit come upon the Bride to do the same things that He did. See it’s the reproducing again of the grain.” — The Seed is not heir with the shuck (28)
“He is sovereign. He does what He wants to. But stand there and wait to see what He will do then FEEL IT BREAK THROUGH ON YOU LIKE THAT.” — What is the Attraction on the Mountain (3)
Now, who are these Reapers? The Bible tells us that in the end time the Lord would send His servants for the harvest.
“…the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels…The Son of man shall send forth his angels…So shall it be at the end of the world; the angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the just.” — Matt. 13:39, 41, 49
These angels are not the Angelic beings of Heaven, because the Lord has not taken these Angelic beings to be co-workers with him. He has taken only men as the co-workers with God.
“We then as workers together with him.” — II Corin. 6:1
“Now then we are ambassadors for Christ.” — II Corin. 5:20
“For we are labourers together with God.”– I Corin. 3:9
Now, what does the Spoken Word of God say about these servants of the Harvest? Harvest and the rounding up of the cattle are one and the samething of gathering of the Bride for the Rapture.
“They say there will be a great roundup, And cowboys like dogies will stand…When the boss of those riders come by”
See who it is?—The Boss of the riders! That’s the lamb to the SEVEN MESSENGERS WHO’S POSTED AND KNOWS EVERY BRAND.” — The Breach (108)
At this COMING TIME of the Lord, the time of the Seventh Seal, the Lord has promised to send His seven messengers to reveal the mysteries. Whoever receives the revelation of the Thunders attains the maturity and THE MESSAGE ROUNDS THEM UP FOR THE GREAT SWEEP OF GOD, THE TRANSLATING POWER.
“the seals are to be OPENED by the Lamb and REVEALED to the Church, and then time is no more.” — The Breach (77)
Christ the Lamb opened the Seals and now these opened seals are made known to the Church through the Seven Messengers.
“He come to get His Subjects. He revealed His secrets, and they saw it; and time is no more at that time. Time is run out its finished. All right.” — The Breach (107)
“He doesn’t do anything unless He make it known (Amos 3) He makes it known first, and He promised that these things would come in the last days and the Seventh Church age, at the end of it, when the MESSENGERS ARRIVED, there it would be. There would be revealed those BROKEN SEALS. They would be revealed; and there they are. THAT IS IN THE NAME OF THE LORD. Believe it, friends. COME OUT OF BABYLON” — The Second Seal (222, 223)
The saints of God who edited the book of Seals have wrongly punctuated the word “messengers” in the above quotation by putting the apostrophe. In the Light of the present revelations from God it is very clear that the great prophet was fore telling of the coming of Seven MESSENGERS at this end time for the harvest.
My brethren, check up your stand and try every spirit, and come out of the denominational system.
“Notice, in verse 41 (Matt. 31) the two also very close, so close in the last days till he didn’t do it… He could not depend on some certain church to separate them, say Methodist or the Baptist, or the Pentecostals, to separate them. He said, “He sends His angels to separate them.” An angel is coming to bring the separation, segregation between the right and the wrong. And no one can do that but the Angel of the Lord, He’s the one that is going to tell which is right and which is wrong. God said HE WILL SEND HIS ANGELS AT THE LAST TIME. Not angels down through here, but angels at the last time, and would gather together. We know that this is the coming harvest time now. Now, an angel is actually interpreted a “messenger.” — The seed of Discrepancy (5)
“And now, they were the MESSENGERS that come to interpret that Pyramid on that Message of the secret of these Seven Seals which lays with inside the Pyramid.” — The Seventh Seal (578)
In this Harvest time, the written word and the Spoken Word warn the Bride to look for the Ministry of the Sons of God for her to attain maturity and for the gathering together for the Rapture.”
This Third Exodus is not for the formal Christians, nor for all the believers who profess to be the believers of the prophet’s message but denying through their fruit. Fruit is the message they preach. Any man, whoever it may be, who feels ashamed to proclaim the great Prophet Branham to the public; of him also shall the Son of Man be ashamed when he comes in the glory of his Father with the Holy Angels. –Amen!
“Holy Spirit in the form of a Pillar of Fire, God coming down in manifestation brought out the first exodus… brought Israel out of Egypt. The second exodus was Christ bringing the church out of Judaism. And the third exodus is when the same Pillar of Fire takes the Bride from the Church. See? out of the natural, out of the Spiritual, and the Spiritual out of the Spiritual, the three.” –Is your Life worthy of the Gospel (7)
The Third Exodus is only for the elected Bride. “God is now calling a spiritual exodus. Where He called a natural exodus for His people, He’s calling a spiritual exodus today — to His what?–His elected. Only to His elected!” –The Third Exodus (37)
To understand the set up of the third exodus we must understand the set up of the first exodus. In the first exodus Moses delivered the people from the Egyptian bondage and led them in the wilderness up to the river Jordan. And when Moses died the Lord raised Joshua to lead the people into the promised land.
In this spiritual fulfilment, the third Exodus the message of the great prophet Branham delivered us from the denominational bondage and has led up to the promised land, the FULNESS OF CHRIST. At the end of the ministry of Moses people saw their promised land. They even tasted the fatty things brought from the promised land. So also here in this third Exodus at the latter part of the ministry of the great prophet, we were led to see out promised land–THE FULNESS OF CHRIST in the Great Prophet Branham himself,— Amen!
“Three is perfection. The ministry come to its perfection when it reproduced Christ AGAIN IN NATURAL AMONGST HUMAN BEINGS” -Souls in prison (50)
God has made the great prophet Branham to be the FIRST CHRIST reproduced from among men. Amen! Glory to God! We will see more in detail about this as the Lord leads us into the next message, “The True Son of Man.”
When Moses died, the Lord raised Joshua, a servant of Moses, to lead the people into the promised land. Now in this Third Exodus our present leader is our Great Joshua the Holy Spirit.
After the death of the great Prophet many people have taken up the leadership under assumption. Some people, by their money and influence assumed the office of an apostle and began to ordain Pastors, Teachers, Evangelists and so on. It is human tendency to act out of carnality even before God could bring His move at His appointed time. Apostle Peter and others did the same thing to fill up the vacant place of JudasIscariot and ordained Matthias. Where as God had ordained Apostle Paul to take up that place.
The same history is repeating again. After the death of the great Prophet Branham many people tried to take up the successive ministry. But now everything has became a failure because it was not ordained of God, Now the predestinated time of God has come for the manifestation of the fore ordained ones. When the fore ordained move of God comes all the other false things have to come to a standstill. Because the very God Himself has already begun to move. And the Bride has already begun to hear the rustle at the top of the mulberry tree. Amen! Now the moving time has come. This is the moving time! Amen!
Just as the Prophet Moses knew the end of his ministry the great Prophet Branham also knew that His great ministry was coming to an end as foreordained of God.
“I’am beginning to fade away, Lord. I know my days can’t be too many more…” –The Seventh Seal (573)
“…this will be the thing that will start the rapturing faith to the going away,
.see. And I must lay quite for a just a little while. Now remember, and you are listening to this tape you might see such a change in my ministry right away, dropping back– Not going up; dropping back, We are right at the age now, and it can’t go any further.” — Look away to Jesus (7)
“But since I’ve passed twenty-five now, twice and so kind of little hard for me to… And it’s like a worn-out car, but I’am, still running…I want to keep on chugging along till it’s…I go the scrap heap to be molded over again, That’s the promise.” — Leadership (3)
“Let us follow this Christ for a few…this Moses for a little while…” — Leadership (36)
“As I see my years creeping up, my shoulders stooping, and I know…30 years here in this platform, yes, 33 years here on the field, that’s long life. — And knoweth it not (39)
“And Moses called unto Joshua and said unto him in the sight of all Israel, Be strong and of a good courage: for thou must go with this people unto the land which the Lord hath sworn unto their fathers to give them; and thou shalt cause them to inherit it.” — Deut. 31:27
“And Joshua the son of Nun was full of the Spirit of wisdom; for Moses had laid his hands upon him.” — Deut 34:9
In the same way the great Prophet Branham has handed over the Leadership to our Great Joshua, the Holy Spirit. The Last Message “Leadership” was only an announcement of the handing over of the leadership.
“So the Leadership of God is; FOLLOW THE VINDICATED WORD OF THE HOUR BY THE HOLY GHOST.” — Leadership (42)
“Notice! This leadership confronts every one of us today.” — Leadership (22)
“And O Church, walk up! Can’t you see the same thing tonight? The hour that’s been promised is on us…Follow the leadership of the Spirit.” — Leadership (35)
“That’s Eternal Life, leadership of the Holy Spirit, leading His Church.” — Leadership (23)
Many saints of God are going in their own way being led by their carnal mind without understanding the significance of the Leadership of the Holy Ghost. If we read very carefully the written word and the Spoken Word of God with all reverence the Holy Spirit will reveal the meaning of the leadership of the Holy Ghost.
The Holy Spirit being a Spirit always used the human agency to lead the Church. Amen.
“Before God could ever set His Church in order, they waited ten days and nights ‘til they all became in one place and one accord, AND THERE CAME THE HOLY SPIRIT FOR LEADERSHIP.” — The Third Exodus (30)
“If He’s still God, He can use my lips to speak the same word that He would do, ‘cause He has no lips but mine and yours. He has no eyes but ours. So He just comes down and operates His Church through OUR BODY.” — The Message of Grace (39)
“He got the Holy Ghost,That was His Tutors uh-huh to raise His children. All right. Then how would you know the Holy Ghost knows. He speaks through human lips. How do you know then He’s telling the truth ? When you see the Holy Spirit speaking through a lips that’s the truth, exactly every time…” — Adoption Pt.II (49)
So, the leadership of the Holy Spirit is through the foreordained five fold ministry of the Holy Ghost.
“Would the Bride of Christ have a ministry before the Rapture? Sure. That’s what’s going on right now ! The Bride of Christ, certainly! It is the message of the hour — the Bride of Christ. Sure, she consists of apostle , prophets teachers, evangelists and Pastors. Is that right?– that’s the Bride of Christ…She’got a ministry, a great ministry– the ministry of the hour it’ll be so HUMBLE …Remember, when God predicts anything great to happen the people are looking so far away by their wisdom ‘til they miss what happens.” — Questions and Answer (Seals) (495)
“And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets: and some,evangelists; and some pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ…” — Ephesians4:11,12
“And God hath set some in the Church, first apostles…” — I Corin 12:28
So, the Leadership of the Holy Ghost is through the ministry of the apostles of the latter Church. The leadership that the Bride has to look for is the Ministry of the Manifested Sons of God whom God has already raised with the ministry of apostles. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the church in this winding-up time. Amen.
The great Prophet in some of His messages has spoken of ‘Mechanics’ and ‘Dynamics’. What He was trying to explain by using These words is clearly stated in the message of “It is the rising of the Sun”
“There has been churches, churches, brides, brides churches, brides, brides, but there’s got to come One! Hallelujah! There has to come a REAL BRIDE! There must come one that’s not only got the mechanics, but the Dynamics of It, makes THAT CHURCH LIVE, MOVE IN THE POWER OF HIS RESURRECTION.” — It is the rising of the Sun (17)
“Therefore, your body is the temple of the Dynamics Because Why? From the beginning you are part of the mechanics! Oh-h-h! There’s your resurrection .There’s the Church in the resurrection with Him.” — It is the rising of the Sun’(24)
“You potentially have the Earnest, the waiting, Now, when you get the Dynamics, you have been quickened from mortal to immortality. It makes the whole body come subject to the Word. It’ll make you act different, look different, live different; It’ll just make you different.” — It is the rising of the Sun (28)
“But all of a sudden the Dynamics came. Yes. And what did It do? It not only filled their Spirit inside, but It quickened their mechanics. Their bodies where quickened. They were no more cowards. They went right out in the face of the people. Yes, Sir! “You men of Judea and you that dwell in Jerusalem!”
Where before the Dynamics come, they were just Mechanics… the Dynamics come into the mechanics. They wasn’t afraid no more…You need to close yourself in the UPPER ROOM till the DYNAMICS come. That’s right. — It is the rising of the Sun (30)
Two things, the great Prophet is trying to tell the Church.
1. The Church has to be set in its position so that it could be ready to receive the Dynamics. When it comes.
2. When the Dynamics comes it will translate the Bride and rapture her.
We can understand it clearly if we consider the construction of an aeroplane. Mechanics is designing and making of the various parts and assembling them by placing every member in its predesigned place When the dynamics comes, that is. when the power is produced by igniting the compressed fuel, the aeroplane TAKES OFF into the air.
The great Prophet has said that the natural always types the spiritual. Mechanics is the setting of the Church in its position by the Holy Ghost, and Dynamics is the perfect filling of the Holy Ghost into Church. It is the Omnipotent God Completely pouring Himself into His Church. It will be the entire power of God walking on the face of the earth.
Let us study the ‘perfect interpretation’ of the perfect word and find out how the Lord is setting up His church in its position to receive that great Dynamics, the great quickening power of resurrection.
Soon after the Rapture the LORD is going to deal with Israel and that is why before He could deal with them He has set them as a nation in the Promised Land. In the same way the Lord is setting the church and making it ready to receive the Dynamics into it.
- How is the Church set in its position?
The church is set in its position by the revival.
- When does the revival come in the Church?
The revival comes in the church when the word of God is revealed.
- How is the word of God revealed to the Church ?
God reveals His word first to the apostles and through them to the church.
- Who are the apostles in this latter church?
The spoken word of God tells us clearly that in the end time the Lord would raise the Manifested Sons of God with a ministry of revealing the mysteries and setting the church in order. Amen.
So, in this time of the coming of the Dynamics the Bride has to look for the ministry of the Manifested Sons of God without which she cannot be fitted in her proper place in the Church and be prepared to receive the Dynamics from God. Amen!
“And the only thing that He is waiting for is for His- His army to get their position, like the stars- get the position” — The Greatest Battle (11)
“Why did God have to harden Pharaoh’s heart ? To put the people back in the promised land before He could bless them, to bring forth the Messiah to them” — The Third Exodus-(11)
“They had to be in their land. Remember, they had to come out of the land that they were in and get into the land of promise, before their promised Messiah could ever come, and the Church had to do the same thing. Get out of that group of rejectors over into the Promise, before Messiah can ever be manifested before them, you see it?” — The Third Exodus (15)
“There you are. That, now that’s Truth, friend, Now don’t you see where the church misses its placing, why we haven’t got revival, why we haven’t got things going on? That’s where it lays” — Adoption Part II (51)
“The Bride hasn’t had a revival yet. There has been no revival there – no manifestation of God to stir the Bride yet, see? We’re looking for it. It will take those seven unknown thunders back there to wake her up again. He will send it. He promised it. Now watch.” — The Third Seal (253)
“That we bow our heads tonight as a church, as a group of called out, believing people here tonight to teach. The Word, positionally placing us, into the Body, that where we belong, and where we can work fitly together as member of the Body of Christ. — Adoption (25)
“Now, Joshua, placed them in the natural land, Now the Holy Spirit is placing the Church, positionally, in the land, that they, in the position that they belong in their inheritance.” — Adoption (28)
Look at the church now, calling out, coming into power. The Holy Spirit coming down. The mysteries of God being revealed and set in order, see. The right Church- She’s already in the White House, and the church is pulling itself together.” — The Third Exodous (25)
“And that’s the way God does too. He has to have us; He’s depending on us to work through us” — The Greatest Battel (8)
“the creation is waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God, What’s everything waiting on? What’s the whole creation waiting for? The manifestations of the Sons of God. It’s waiting for the church to become into its position.” — Adoption (88)
Most of the people who profess to be the believers of the message of the great Prophet Branham have failed to see the manifestation of the promises prophesied by him. The reason is that they have failed to give due regard and honour to the God sent Prophet of this end time. And also they have to give importance to “the SPOKEN WORD” as they give to the written word. The Bible is a collection of the messages of the prophets who came in different times. It is a very miserable thing that these saints have ignored the fact that the very same God who spoke through those Prophets, whose messages have become the Scripture, has in these last days spoken through the Great Prophet Branham. Infact the Lord has called the Prophet Branham in a very much higher calling than any of those Prophets of the Scripture.
“And He said, “But that was the prophets of the Old Testament. YOU’VE BEEN CALLED TO BE IN A MUCH HIGHER OFFICE THAN THAT.” — Standing in the Gap (29)
The Bride WILL NOT FAIL to recognize the greatest calling with which the great Prophet was called. And they will give the SAME REGARD AND HONOUR to the Spoken Word as to the written word. -Amen. Because she knows for sure that the very same God has visited the church in this end time through the Body of the great Prophet Branham– Amen.
Almost all the Prophecies of the great Prophet Branham regarding the church have already come to pass with an exception of a very few things; namely the complete shutting of the door of mercy and pouring out of the entire power of God into the Church and the resurrection.
It is a very sad thing to note that many saints have already missed the Rapture. Though the translation of the body is instantaneous the process of Rapture has been spread over a little span of time. The great Prophet has termed this little span of time as “THE RAPTURING AGE”. The very God who came into the Prophet is preparing the Bride through the vindicated message of the great Prophet.
“…some of you people that really believe this to be the TRUTH that we are entering another age. We are entering the raptured age.” –Invisible Union (55)
“For we that are in this tabernacle do groan, being burdened not for that we would be unclothed, but clothed upon, that mortality might be swallowed up of life. Now he that hath wrought us for the self same thing is God; who also hath given unto us the earnest of the spirit. — II Corin. 5:4, 5
The great prophet who came after the outpouring of the latter rain, has prophesied about the pouring of the former and latter rains on the Bride. “There will be a former rain and a latter rain. And the latter rain will produce both former and latter rain, in the same season. We are at the end time.” — Hearing, recognizing, acting on the Word of God (27)
“It shall come to pass in the last days, I will pour out my spirit from on high. The former and latter rains shall come together in the last days.” — Invisible Union of the Bride of Christ (45)
“See now, why I have been so zealous of the kind of seed that I have planted for the Body? THE RAIN’S GOING TO FALL PRETTY SOON; I MEAN THE REAL RAIN. And it’s got to have seed to fall on. I hope I live to see it. Do you understand now? — The Spoken Word is the Original Seed (109)
“Oh. there will be a true former and latter rain in the last days upon that little group that come with Him on this little donkey” — What is the attraction on the mountain (19)
The great Prophet Branham has termed these rains as “Real rain” and “True former and True latter rain.” By studying this prophecy with the book of Joel we understand that the rains prophesied by the great Prophet Branham are quite different from that is told in the Book of Joel. Prophet Joel has told “…that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh…”
But the true former and latter rains are only for a little group of people, the Bride.
The great Prophet has termed these rains as the TRUE FORMER RAIN and TRUE LATTER RAIN. There is a significance in terming as TRUE or REAL RAIN. We find the interpretation for this in the Spoken Word itself.
“If there’s an antitype, there’s got to be a type for that antitype to come from. And everything I say that is ‘TRUE’ has a TYPE. It has a type. You have a shadow. And the Bible said that old things was a shadow of the new things to come” — How can I overcome? (13)
The former and latter rains are only the shadow of the “TRUE FORMER AND LATTER” rains prophesied by the great Prophet Branham. The former rain and the latter rain of the Book of Joel were poured on the day of pentecost and around 1906 respectively. Now, the Bride has already been receiving the True Former rain in a very simple and silent way ! The out pourings on the day of Pentecost and at the beginning of the Laodicean age were accompanied by the gifts of the Spirit such as speaking in tongues and prophesying. So, the evidence of the outpouring was quite visible and evident. So, the people went in multitudes to have an experience of that outpouring.
Where as these “TRUE RAINS” are not for all the people but only for the foreordained members of the little flock — the Bride.
So, the Lord has been pouring out this “TRUE FORMER RAIN” in a very simple and silent way without any outward manifestation, unnoticed by the public, through the BAPTISM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT WITHOUT SENSATION.
“The mystery of the Baptism of the Holy Ghost, without sensation, but the person of Christ performing the same works that He did’’ — Sirs, is this the time (32)
“Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail, whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away. For we know in part, and we prophecy in part. But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.” — I Corin . 13:8,10
Now, it is a very sad thing to say that the pouring of the True former rain is coming to an end, as the purpose of the True former rain is coming to an end.
“But what man calls foolish, God calls mighty, See? So now watch it (see?) it’ll be so humble that you’ll…that you’ll miss it if you’ve not got the Token there to examine it. You see? See? — Desperation (7)
“Oh, Church. rise and shake yourself! Pinch you conscience, wake yourself up in this hour! We must be desperate or perish! There’s coming forth something from the Lord! I know it as THUS SAITH THE LORD. There’s coming forth something, and we better get desperate. It’s between life and death. IT’LL PASS THROUGH US AND WE WON’T SEE IT — Desperation (23)
The meaning of the Hebrew terms used, to tell of these former and latter rains, explains clearly the purpose of these TRUE RAINS.
“Someone asked me to repeat that Hebrew word again. In Joel the 2nd chapter (Joel 2:28) where he’s speaking of the coming of the former and latter rain the word former is the Hebrew Word MOUREH, … which means teaching. In other Words, it will be a teaching rain and a harvest rain.” — The Spoken Word is the original seed (64)
The Lord has been teaching His little flock for the last few years revealing the mysteries hidden since the foundation of the world by pouring out the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, which is the Baptism of the Holy Spirit without sensation.
“That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of Glory, MAY GIVE UNTO YOU THE SPIRIT OF WISDOM AND REVELATION IN THE KNOWLEDGE OF HIM.”
The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints. And what is the exeeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power.” — Ephesians 1:17, 19
Through this teaching rain, the True former rain, the Lord has revealed the mysteries and is setting up the Mechanics, the Super Church ready to receive the Dynamics the great Translating power from God.
“Look at the Church now,calling out coming into power. THE HOLY SPIRIT COMING DOWN. THE MYSTERIES OF GOD BEING REVEALED AND SET IN ORDER, SEE. THE RIGHT CHURCH– She’s already in the White House, and the Church is pulling itself together.” — The Third Exodus (25)
“In these last days the True Bride Church (Christ’s Seed) will come to the Head stone, and SHE WILL BE SUPER CHURCH, a super race, as she nears Him. They in the Bride will be so much like Him that they will even be in His very image.”– Pick up your pen and write
“I truly believe before the Church can have the Rapture it’s got to have rapturing faith. We can’t even have faith for divine healing, let alone rapturing faith. Got to have a faith that’ll change and quicken this body and be taken away. I BELIEVE THERE IS A CHURCH ON ITS ROAD TONIGHT, A POWER OF THE LIVING GOD that man will speak the word here and there and it’ll flash like lightning. And a Church is coming out, not a psychologist, not some of this put-on, make believe, but a REAL, TRUE, GENUINE, ANOINTED, HOLY GHOST CALLED OUT CHURCH” — Israel before the Brazen Serpent
Very soon the Lord is going to shut the door of mercy and pour out His Dynamics into His Mechanics for the translation and Raptured. Amen!
“Let the people, let that little flock , that litlle remnant, that God will give him, let that little remnant go to calling out to God and watch what happens. There’ll be a national showdown . There’ll be a power that they never seen before. Trouble of it is , this time it’s going to be TOO LATE FOR THEM THEN. THE DOORS WILL BE CLOSED.” — A True sign that’s overlooked (35)
“It’s a uniting time of God and His Bride too. And I say this with reverence and respect. I believe that the Bride of Christ is called; I believe she’s sealed in the Kingdom of God. I believe the mechanics is there. They’re waiting for the Dynamics, that’ll take her off the earth into Glory, in the Rapture…The Dynamics of this church will be a refilling of the Holy Spirit, that we have worked in a small measure,
while the Head Stone is coming down to unite, with the Body. But when that Head and Body unites together the full power of the Holy Ghost would raise her up just like…Even the dead that’s dead in Christ for hundreds of years ago, will rise in the beauty of His Holiness and take a flight through the skies.” — What shall I do with Jesus called Christ (29)
“I believe that the Church of the living God is moving into a sphere now that’s going to shake the whole world…Oh its going to come to pass pretty soon. I’m looking for it to happen in this meeting. I’m wanting it to happen now. That the anointing will strike the whole church of the living God and she will rise to her feet like a mighty marching army. The sick will be healed by a word. The Blind will see, the deaf will hear, the dead will be raised up and the power of God will shake the world with the Church of the Living God. We’re in the process of it now. I believe it’s soon coming to pass.” — Speak to the Mountain (59)
“That’s the thing that God will do to His Sons here on earth some day. He’ll call you aside, church, if you’ll only obey Him and stand on the word and believe It and He’ll place into the church before the coming of Jesus Christ, He’ll place into the church all the powers that Christ had in Him… The same power that rested in Jesus Christ rests in the placed Sons in Body of Christ. Placing of a Son. Took him out in a certain place, have a ceremony before angels and place him positionally what he is in the Body of Christ. Then that person has the authority, Let me say this, if you count me a fanatic from this night on; that very same thing I’m speaking of will be done. There’ll be a power come into the Church and now is coming in that the Holy Spirit will anoint the people till they’ll speak the Word and it will create itself like that. We haven’t seen power… that’s coming into the church now. I know it for a fact. Say unto this mountain “Be moved”, don’t doubt in your heart but believe that what you say shall come to pass, you can have
what you have said. The placing of the church in the position where the fulness of the power of the Holy Ghost comes into the church. Then CRITICS MOUTH WILL BE SHUT.” — Hear ye Him.
“These mortal bodies will not see death, BUT JUST OF A SUDDEN, THERE’LL BE LIKE A SWEEP GO OVER US, AND YOU,RE CHANGED. You’re turned back like Abraham was, from an old man to a young man, from an old woman to a young woman. What’s this sudden change? And after while you’re travelling like a thought, and you can see those then who are already resurrected. Oh, what an hour! Then we’ll gather with them and then be caught up with them to meet the Lord in the air.” — C.O.D. (934. 935)
The great Prophet likens the church to a construction of a structure of a human statue from the foot to the head,
“Our last great reformation was Pentecost. And today we’re moving from that, and the Pentecostal message won’t mix with this, because it’s another day, It’s all the Word of God, ‘but it’s building, like the feet, arm, coming up, It’s forming a Bride for the rapture. — Rapture (9)
“See, down through the age we started off from the foundation, from the first church age when the Seed went in the ground, the complete seed. Then it come out through the feet, Luther, come back out then through Wesley, then into Pentecostals. the tongues and the lips. See ? Now, it’s in the eye, prophetic, of Malachi 4 and so forth: And now, there’s nothing else left for it to come, but Him Himself to step into that’ cause that’s the last thing there is. The next is the intelligence, and we have no intelligence of our own; it’s His” — Christ is revealed in His own Word (20)
“Then He started rising see, and from the feet, He begin to build the Church, th Bride, coming back, on back, and now coming out into the Head Stone, where it all joins together and makes the one great transfigured Body of Jesus Christ. Now, there isn’t one moving faculty beyond the eye. Is that right? The next is the intelligence, which is Christ Itself, who controls the whole body. No moving motion beyond that. See?” — Christ is revealed in His own Word (37, 39)
Now the church has moved to the Position of the mind in the structure of the Body of Christ. That’s why the baptism of the Holy Ghost in this Rapturing age doesn’t cause any sensation in the body but it renews our mind; and by the renewal of the mind we get transformed everyday. Through the baptism of the Holy Ghost without sensation– The true former rain–The teaching rain–the Bride is attaining the fulness of Christ by getting her mind completely replaced by the mind of Christ. “…but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind” — Romans 12:2
“It has grown from the feet, into the thigh, and now it is in the head, fixing to go, manifesting the Full measure, the Bride the same as the Groom.” — Modern events are made clear by prophecy (30)
Luther was a part, Wesley was a part, the prophet was a part. If they aren’t a part-just in the revelation that they was making the Body, feet, toes, arms and so forth until the Head (we’ll get to that in a few minutes, see?) that makes the entire Rapture.” — Christ is the mystery of God (30)

In the structure of the Body of the Bride, the Prophet was raised at the place of the “Eye,” At that time the Church saw the manifestation of the acts of the Prophet. Now, during these twenty years the Church has grown and come upto the place of “Intelligence”- the mind. Now, the Lord has enlightened the mind of the Bride to see the mysteries hidden before the foundation of the world. The Lord is renewing the mind by the baptism of the Holy Spirit without sensation. By this anointing, only our mind is renewed and the mysteries are revealed. This anointing is beyond any sensation in our body. That is why the great Prophet has termed it as the baptism of the Holy Spirit without sensation.
Now, the Bride is getting the greatest anointing through this silent move of God. The greatest anointing is understanding the mysteries of God. By renewing the mind of the Bride, the Lord is transplanting His own mind into her.
“And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God” — Ephesians 3: 19
“And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him” — Col. 3: 10
“God unfolding Himself, not in sensation not that …He just gets it so humble til anybody can see it.” — God in simplicity (40)
Now the Lord is fulfilling this promise by sending His True former rain– The teaching rain. The Lord has placed His fulness in the great Prophet Branham. Now the Bride is getting the same fulness through the revelation of the Spoken Word, which is the perfect interpretation of the perfect Word.
“Give ear, O ye heavens , and I will speak ; and hear, O earth the words of my mouth.
My doctrine shall drop as the rain; my speech shall distil as the dew, as the small rain upon the tender herb, and as the showers upon the grass. — Deut 32:1, 2
“I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth is come, he will guide you into all truth… He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you.” — John 16:12, 14
Oh! the Bride has already attained the fulness of Christ.Amen! It is veiled to the unbelieving world, and to the make believers, who have failed to accept the complete message of the Prophet. The Lord Jesus Christ was veiled to the unbelievers and make-believers. Whereas the real believers, the foreordained seeds of God, recognized the Lord. Then He was a single GRAIN of wheat. Now, in this harvest time the Lord has already produced many GRAINS of wheat of the full stature of Christ already ready for the Rapture Amen!
The great Prophet has said that just before the rapture the members of the Bride would be in the very image of Christ.
“In these last days the true Bride Church (Christ’s Seed) will come to the Head stone, and she will be the Super Church, Super race, as she nears Him. They in the bride will be so much like Him that they will even be in His very image. This is in order to be united with Him. They will be one. They will be the very manifestation of the Word of the living God.” — “Pick up your pen and write”
The early disciples went to the upper room and waited for the fulfilment of the promise of God given through the Prophet Joel. This event, the Lord has kept as a shadow of what the Real Bride is now doing at this end time–waiting on the Lord for the fulfilment of the Promise of God prophesied through the great Prophet Branham. Now, the promise of God prophesied through the great Prophet Branham. Now, the promise is the pouring of the true latter rain for the translation of the Bride. The early disciples were at one place and so they gathered and waited in the upper room. Now, the Bride of Christ is scattered all over the world. So, what is the upper room for the Bride to go and wait for the fulfilment of the promise given through the great vindicated Prophet Branham ? The Word is the upper room for the Bride. Amen! This is the time to check our token. Oh! Bride check yourself whether you are in the place ordained of God. Husband, Wife, Parents, Children, Pastor, believer, and everyone, seek and find out your position in the Scriptures and be in your ordained place. If any one is not in the ordained place he is sure to miss the great sweeep of God. The Lord is going to pour out His Power only on His Word. In this winding-up time only the Bride will humble and confine herself within the place ordained of God. Amen!
“Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God. Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church “and he is the saviour of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their husbands in everything. Husbands love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it.” –Ephesians 5:21, 25
“Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right, …And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Servants, be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh,…And ye masters, do the same things unto them, forbearing threatening : knowing that your Master also is in heaven; neither is there respect of persons with him.” –Ephesians 6: 1, 9
“Oh, my! That ought to set every Christian to searching himself, and holding his hands before God and saying, “Cleanse me, Oh, Lord, look into my LIFE and let me see where my bad part is, and let me get it out of the way right quick.” For if the righteous be scarcely saved, where will the sinner and the ungodly appear ? IT’S CHECKING UP TIME” –Sixth Seal (400)
“We are living in a great hour. We’re living in a time where… well, you just be real HUMBLE, be a Christian, and try to live for God, and live HONEST with your fellow man, and love those who DON’T LOVE YOU…” –Questions and Answers. Seals (459)
You don’t have to stick a knife in a man’s back to kill him, you can break his character and kill his influence” –Hebrews (348)
“If the brother, you think he’s a little wrong (or the sister), say, “Lord, dont’t let me ever have the root of bitterness spring up, because it will affect him, and it will take the Christ right out of my life.” That poison acids of malice, and jealousy, and hatred, that will just take the Holy Spirit right away from you…Love one another anyhow, Talk nice about one another. Say nice things about one another, and then God will bless you.” –Christ is the mystery of God revealed (13)
“Lord, who shall abide in thy tabernacle? Who shall dwell in thy holy hill?
He that walketh uprightly, and worketh righteousness, and speaketh the truth in his heart.
He that backbiteth not with his tongue, nor doeth evil to his neighbour, nor taketh up a reproach against his neighbour.” –Psalm 15: 1, 3
“Ephesians 5:26. Submit yourselves one to another in the fear of God. ‘Submit yourself’ congregation, submit yourself to your pastor. Pastor, submit yourself to the whole congregation.Congregation, if you start in a clique, submit yourself to your pastor, in the fear of God. See ? Oh brother uh! Wives, submit yourselves unto your husbands, as unto the Lord; cause He is your Lord. How many knows that, you women? That’s exactly right. The Bible said so at the beginning. It’s still the same way. Wives submit yourself unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the Church, and he is the saviour of the body (so is the husband)…You ought to know that, you married people and adult, or children that’s old enough to know the way of life. All right. –Rev. Chapt. 4. Pt. III (674)
The Pastor is a special person. He’s built to where he can put up with fussings of the people. He’s a burden bearer. He’s the ox of the team. He’s a man that can set down where there’s somebody got something against somebody else and set down with them two families and take neither side, and reason it out and bring it right back in sweetness, see? He’s a Pastor, he knows how to take care of things.
The Evangelist is a special man. He’s a man that is burning like a fire ball, runs into a city and preaches his message and gets out of there somewhere else, he’s a special man.
The Teacher is a special man. He sets back under the anointing of the Spirit and is able and takes and puts them together by the Holy Spirit; the Pastor or Evangelist neither one could not compare with him.
The Apostle is a special man. He’s a setter in order. He’s a man sent from God to set things in order.
The Prophet is a special man. A prophet is a man to whom the Word of the Lord comes to.” –Warning then Judgement.
The Lord has placed a Pastor as the supreme head of his church (local). In these last days Satan has perverted the things of God everywhere. In denominational churches, at times we see the Pastor sitting and listening to a member of the church standing at the pulpit and giving a message. This perversion has crept into believers also. Pastor sitting and listening to a member of the church standing at the Pastor’s place and preaching to the people. It is as awkward a scence as a sheep trying to feed its shepherd and a woman trying to rule over her husband. These are the days people are trying to take another man’s position. But a real genuine church, which is preparing herself for the Rapture will definitely be set up in the same original pattern as it was in the beginning. The reason for this perversion in the church is that the Pastor instead of taking his stand on the Word of God, has become pleasers of men, He is selling out his birth right just to please men and to keep the people under bindings. This is nothing but the Babylonian system, the denominationalism which God hates. It is the Lord who builds and keeps the church. If a man is not foreordained of God, we cannot put him in the Body of Christ, and if a man is foreordained of God, we cannot put him out of the Body of Christ, So, it is the Lord who takes care of His Church,
“So then it is not of him that willeth nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy” –Rom. 9:16
“I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. So then neither is he that planted anything, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase” –I Corin. 3:6, 7
My Brethern, don’t be pleasers of men any more, Take up your position ordained of God. It is high time that the Pastor study the church order given of God and set up the Church service in the church order according to the Word of God. Amen! Time is running out. Power is going to fall one of these days. Come and hurry up to the upper room, the WORD of GOD and be in your position. Amen. Search the Written Word and the Spoken Word of God and keep yourself within the perfect will of God Amen.
God has created everything, God is doing everything, and God has allowed everything to manifest Himself. A real family and a real church manifest various attributes of Christ. Before there was a beginning, God had all His attributes within Himself, and now at this end of time. God has placed all of His attributes in his Church. Amen. So, the Church is the manifestation of all the attributes of God. The entire God head has been placed in the Church. SO, THE CHURCH IS HIMSELF EXPRESSED. AMEN,
“What was once in God’s mind is now in the Body of Christ”
“See the threefold mystery now? God manifested in Christ. Christ manifested in the Church; all together to bring back the original Adam and Eve again– man and woman which are one, made out of the same Blood and same Spirit and everything else.” — Christ is the mystery of God revealed (58, 62)
In a real family the husband manifests the attributes of Christ as Brideroom. The wife manifests the attributes of Christ as Bride. The father manifests the attributes of Fatherhood of Christ. The children manifests the attributes of Sonship of Christ. In a real church, the Pastor manifests the attributes of Christ as Shepherd, and the congregation, who sits humbly and listens manifests the attributes of Christ as Lamb.
Everyone in the perfect will of God will be manifesting Christ in his own foreordained place. So, it is Christ manifested in all in all. Amen.
“But the full and complete authority of the Church is the Pastor. Read that in Bible, see if that’s not Bible order. That’s exactly right. There’s no one above the elder. — Hebrews (338)
A Pastor should not sell his birthright of Supremacy in the church to anyone within the church or outside of the church. Now adays the church has become worse than the politics of the world. In the world, the countries are divided and controlled by the majors powers. Every country, because of its influence with the majors countries, tries to impose control over underdeveloped countries. Because of the disagreements and disunity of the major powers the small countries, though they are located geographically as neighbours, live in hatred with one another.
In these days the same conditions are prevailing in the church aslo. Even among the brethren who profess to be the believers of the prophet’s message, they have formed their own groups and cliques. Most of the groups are guided by the people who help them with money and other material help. People use these material help to have control over little groups. In a city in India there are three groups of believers, who profess to be the believers of the same message. Each group is guided by other groups in India, who in turn are guided by foreign groups. So, this system of groupism has brought a confusion among brethren. In the early days, people looked to God for their needs and guidance. Now, the time has come for the rectification and setting of the church in its position.
Dear Reader, whoever you are, if you are involved in anyway in these systems of groupism it is high time you leave such things and come to the Word of God. You be liberated from this bondage. Look to God and make others also to look God. Don’t try to have control over other churches.
If you are having any influence over other pastors, it is high time you repent of your sins and come to God; because you have taken the place of God. Only the Holy Ghost is the Ruler of the church. Even the early apostles never imposed their influence on any church. Every one was subjected to and was led by the Holy Ghost. It was so then and it is so now again. Time is running out. He that has an ear let him hear what the Spirit says finally to the Church. Door is shutting completely, Very soon you are going to see the entire power of God walking on the face of the earth, Amen! Then it would be too late for repentance. Amen! Oh! the Bride will recognize the warning of the Spirit and will channel herself within the provided channel of God. Amen,
Whatever you are, you are servants of God. Whatever God wants you to do, where your place is– God placed in the church some apostles, prophets, teachers, pastors: HE PLACED THAT BY VIRTUE OF HIS OWN PREDESTINATION,” –Invisible Union of the Bride (38)
“Joshua, not knowing this, but by inspiration, led of the Holy Spirit, after being into the promised land, give each man his promise, exactly what the Holy Spirit promised through their birth back there.
How that God has set some in the church through their pains! Oh!, they get tremendous sometimes. When a church is groaning under the persecutions of the outside world believing on the Lord Jesus, that the promise of the Holy Ghost is just as real to us as it was to Pentecost, how they groan and cry in their pain! But when they are born, and positionally born into the kingdom of God, then the Holy Ghost has set in the church, some apostles, some prophets, some teachers, some pastors, some evangelists.
Where the church is, now this is my purpose of doing this. The church is always trying to take somebody else’s corner. But don’t do that. You can never raise corn in Ephraim’s Corner, if you are in Manasseh. You have got to take your place in Christ. Positionally take it, —Adoption (8)
Then after being born, we are predestinated unto the adoption to be placed in the Body of Christ. You see what I mean ? What is the body of Christ? some are apostles, some are prophets, some are teachers, some are evangelists, some are pastors” —Adoption (56)
“We are at the end time, and God is adopting, setting posistionally in church in the Body of Christ.” –Adoption (75)
“God gives His gifts sovereignly. Gifts and callings are without repentance…Let God do the calling. God will call you, God will sanctify you. God will give you what He has need to give you. Yes. Sir.” —The Message of Grace (23)
“But then there’s five offices. First is apostles, prophets, teachers, evangelists and pastors. That’s ordained offices of God. Men hold them, see. They are not, can’t. You can’t wish for them, you can’t pray for them, they are sovereignly given, you’re born. –The Message of Grace (32)
“Look at the church now, “calling out” coming into power. The Holy Spirit coming down. The mysteries of God being revealed and set in order,” –Third Exodus (25)
“Don’t never try to take a preacher’s place. No, Sir! You stay right where you are at. See ? You do your work, what God put-told you. If you’re a finger, you can never be an ear, If you’re an ear, you’ll never be a nose, nose or eye…See ? You stay in your position.” –Rapture (38)
“…I say this, when a man stands true to the word, not just in one meeting, but to every meeting when a man stands true to the word, the time will come when they’ll leave him. Exactly ! They did it to our Lord. They’ll leave him when he stands for Truth.” –Present stage of my ministry
“You’ve got to stay in your calling, where God called you to. Now, as long as he remained king-he was a blessing to the people being a king. But when he thought he was a minister, then… He thought because God had blessed him, he could be anything he wanted to be, But he was a blessing to the people as a king…He became a curse upon them as he tried to take the minister’s place. And we know a lot of that, EVERYBODY WANTS TO PACK THE BALL. See ? When you’re playing a ball game (as it’s football season) the thing we want to do, is not everybody try to take the ball away from the man that’s got it; its trying to guard that man. Protect him, let him get through. We’re trying to make a-goal… The thing to do is protect this message that way it’s a-going, stay right with it, and knock everything away from it, if we’re ever going to cross the goal line… Do everything you can for the kingdom; but don’t ever infect your own idea; just say what the message says and keep going on (see ?) and then may be you’d have some influence. Well, don’t try to preach now until God, you know, calls you. You’ll get off in the wrong category, and then you’ll mess up everything. That’s it.And it doesn’t please God at all. –The influence of another (15, 17)
“There is five offices elected of God, For God has set in the church apostles, prophets, teachers, pastors, evangelists. God did that…but God set in the church for the perfecting of the church–can’t divide. — Questions and Answers2 (87)
“The greatest and highest from that there is for God to get . His message to His people is for the people to believe His word. That’s right. That’s the highest form– preaching the Gospel is the highest form. Then, if you notice, the Bible place it that way. First apostles, secondary, prophet and so forth.” — Visions and Prophecy (5)
“Would the bride of Christ have a ministry before the Rapture ? Sure. That’s what’s going on right now. The Bride of Christ, certainly! It is the Message of the hour-the Bride of Christ. sure, She consists of apostles, prophets, teachers, evangelists and pastors. Is that right?-that’s the Bride of Christ. Sure, she’s got a ministry, a great ministry-the ministry of the hour, it’ll be so simple…last Sunday? Remember, what I preached on ? Humility. Oh, don’t forget that. I’m going to stop a minute to warm that again. Remember, when God predicts anything great to happen, the people are looking so far away by their wisdom’ til they miss what happens…I don’t mean it may be that way, exactly that way, but that’s the way it is” — Questions and Answers (Seals) (495)
The Lord has already begun to manifest. His sons to the church through the revelation of the mysteries. But it is so simple it is veiled to the wise and prudent. The Bride has caught it as she is foreordained for it.
As the day of the Rapture is approaching nearer and nearer we must have more and more desire to come together for the fellowship in the heavenly places in Christ.
“You’ve got tapes on discipline in the church: how we be — have ourself in the church of God, how we got to come here together and sit together in heavenly places. Don’t stay home. If God is in your heart, you can’t hardly wait for them doors to open out yonder to get in here to fellowship with your brothers. If you don’t feel that way, then I tell you, it’s time you got to praying, because we’re in the last days where the Bible exalted us–exhorted us to—to much more as we see that day approaching, to love one another with Christian love and Divine love, to assemble ourselves together in heavenly palces in Christ Jesus, and love one another. This will all man know you are my disciples when you have love one for the other.” — Christ is the mystery of God revealed (12)
“And you go to church; don’t sit home, go fishing, and hunting and things like that on Sunday. You say ‘Well, I am not a legalist’ Well, you’d better be in that manner for a while dishonouring the resurrection of Christ. You go to church some where” — Question and Answers 1(49)
“I believe its a sin to fish, and hunt, and work on Sunday when you can go to church. Now, I believe you’re transgressing the law of God.” — Question and Answers 3 (170)
“I’m living at a changing time. We’re…As long as you’re building the wall one straight way, it’s all fine, the—the bricklayers can go right down the row. But when you have to turn the corner, that’s where the time…And we’re not building a wall; we’re building a house, you see, so these turns has to come. They come in the age of Martin Luther, John Wesley, and the Pentecostal age; it’s here again. So we…it’s hard to turn the corners.”
In the beginning the Invisible God, the Spirit, became Christ, the visible God.
“In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” –John 1:1
“Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature.” -Col. 1:5

The great prophet has said that the first and the most important purpose of God becoming Christ is to manifest Himself. God has been manifesting Himself to man all through the past six thousands years, through three dispensations.
- The dispensation of the Father.
- The dispensation of the Son.
- The dispensation of the Holy Ghost !
Now, we are living at the very end of the Holy Ghost dispensation. At the end of the Holy Ghost dispensation there is a little invisible age. The great prophet has termed it as “the shifting age” and so on.
Watch the church as it’s come, as it moves…Now, look at the age coming now right up to the Head Stone. See what I mean? The coming of the Lord the made known” — Adoption (107)
“Look up over the top of this last church age. See this little extension? The gentile days are finishing.! — Seventy weeks of Daniel (112)
“…Some of you people that really believe this to be the Truth that we are entering the raptured age” — Invisible Union of the Bride (55)
“I am thankful to God to be living in this time of the closing scenes of this world ‘s history…I would have chosen this age, for I think this is the Golden age” — Invisible Union of the Bride (6)
“We’re so glad, today, in this shifting age that we’re living in” — Proving His word (7)
Now, we are living at the very end of this Rapturing age. And that is why the Holy Ghost is revealing to the Bride what He has been doing in this invisible age. This has been veiled to the unbelievers and the make-believers but it is opened now to the elected Bride.
All along these three dispensations the Lord has been revealing Himself to His people. Whenever the people of God formed a denomination and substitued the word of God with their own man made doctrines and creeds, God left those people took a turn in a different direction and chose a new set of people who could see His promise. This has been repeating during the dispensation past. At every corner of a dispensation God raised a messenger with the message of the hour to lead His people round the corner. Everytime a corner come there was a religious disturbance and every time majority of the people failed to recognize the messenger because of their denominational spirit and rejected the God sent message of the hour. Denominationalism, the great prophet has said, always blinds the people.
In the beginning God became Christ and He manifested Himself to a group of people, the Israelites. Later on they left the Word of God and become denominated. That was the dispensation of the Father. At the end of that dispensation their very God became flesh and came as the Lord Jesus Christ. That was the dispensation of the Son. The Jews knew the promise of the coming of their Messiah. But when the Messiah came, they failed to recognize Him. So, the Lord took a little group of people around a corner and led them into a new dispensation. Majority of the people missed the Lord and rejected His life giving message. The Lord opened the understanding of a little group of people and made them see the fulfilment of the promise of the hour. Every time majority of the people, because of their blindness, hated and persecuted the little minority of the people who stood for the truth.
“…it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given”
“But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear” — Matt. 13: 11,16
At the day of Pentecost the Holy Ghost dispensation began. The Lord began to build His church. Now, the church is attaining its completion and perfection.
Now at the end of this Laodicean age when the Lord raised the great Prophet Branham, there came a turning point in the dispensation of the Holy Ghost, just as it was at the end of the Father dispensation. In the days of the Prophet there arose a religious disturbance, and the Prophet’s message brought out an undenominational church from the denominational church, just as Moses brought out a nation out of a nation.
“As Moses called a nation out of a nation, Christ today is calling a church out of a church, you see;” — Leadership (20)
This brought out a group of undenominational church contained both wise and foolish virgins, The great Prophet has mentioned very clearly about the coming of another turning point in the present church to separate the wise virgins from the foolish.
This is the last and final turning point which has already brought a religious disturbance among the believers of the Prophet’s message, and very soon it is going to shake the nations even. Amen.!
“I’m only building. The hour is close at hand when you’re going to see something happen, when something is going to take place and all this background here, had only been laying a foundation for a short, quick message that will shake the whole nation.” — And knoweth it not (13)
“We’ve turned a corner ! We’re looking towards Heaven, watching for the coming; the cap on the Pyramid, as we would say, His coming back ! The church must be resurrected soon, and we must get ready” — Leadership (21)
Already the Lord has taken the little Bride around the last corner and has formed the TRUE CHURCH.
In this little gap of twenty years since the great Prophet left the scene, the little undenominational church, which the great Prophet had brought out of the denominational church, has become little denominations. They have gone back to do the very things which the great Prophet so cautiously and graciously warned us not to do the things of denominationalism.
In Brother Jackson’s dream, we see, when the great Prophet asked the brethren to be watchful at the white stone, the brethren joined in groups and went out in different directions. That is what has happened among the brethren, they have left the word of the great Prophet and have formed their own groups and cliques. Oh ! the denominational spirit has already crept into the brethren. The great Prophet knew what is going to happen in the church after his departure. Read the great Prophet’s message and find out for yourself. Here are given a few passages to substantiate this!
“When all of them got up,I told them to watch that, and all of them came up to look in…I slipped off to one side and started going towards the west;…getting smaller and smaller, and went all the way out of sight…Then the brethren turned around, after while, and said,’Did he vanish ? where did he go?’ And he said that some took out that way, some took one way, and some another, but a very few stayed and looked on to what I had told them,” — Sirs, is this the time ? (15)
“He promised that these things would come in the last days and the seventh church age, AT THE END OF IT, WHEN THE MESSENGERS ARRIVED, there it would be. There would be revealed those broken seals-they would be revealed; and here they are. That is in the Name of the Lord. Believe it. friends, COME OUT OF BABYLON. — The Second seal (223)
“Listen, when you feel that little funny feeling, you get away from them walls. Get away; you will die in there! Don’t do it come out of it! Get away from all of that stuff! Flee to safety as quick as you can! Ask God for mercy…Heavenly Father, Oh I just sometimes, Lord, stand here, and I tremble. I think of that awful hour that is approaching, and there is no way to stop it. It is predicted that it would come, Now, I have thought of why don’t the people come and listen, and won’t they come and accept it? But of course I know that you have said they wouldn’t, so they won’t. But there is some that have got their names written on the Lamb’s Book of Life, and when those Seals are thrown open there, they see their name there, and the Holy Spirit speaks to them, they come.” — The Second Seal (224)
“And when this Seventh Angel rises in the Laodicean age and begins to sound forth the true trumpet…when he sounds forth that, you can’t fail, it won’t fail. because he will be vindicated by the Word of God. You will know exactly what it is. And when he does, he sounds forth to call from Babylon, ‘Come out of her my people and be not partakers of her sin” God send him-don’t miss it” — Sirs, is this the time? (39)
Oh! my brother, whoever you are, check up yourself and your stand. If you have been influenced by this deadly spirit of denominationalism, come out of it. Repent of your sin. Flee for your life. Get into the Ark-the perfect Word of God. The wrath of God is already on its way. Don’t neglect this warning of the spirit. Don’t postpone of setting right with God and with your fellowmen. Time is running out. Now it is between your life and death, Oh! my brethren, come out of Babylon. Can’t you recognize the voice of the Holy Spirit who is striving for the last time with His Chruch ? If you neglect this last warning of the Spirit, let this be known to you, whoever you may be, you are going to see that you are left out of the Ark of God without a speck of mercy. Amen. My brother, let not this happen to you. He that has an ear let him hear what the Spirit says unto the chruch. Amen. Please don’t look at the messenger. Don’t look to the country from where the message comes. If you look into the message with all your humility and without any prejudice in your heart, you will definitely see the voice of your loving God bidding you earnestly to escape from the wrath of God which is already on its road towards the earth. When the donkey spoke to that prophet, it was not the donkey but God spoke through the donkey. Very soon he was made to see the person who spoke with him. Very soon. you are also going to see the person who is speaking through these pages. Then there will not be even a speck of mercy but only the judgement, Amen. Don’t look to the messenger but look to the message, The very tone of the message will show you that mercy is running out. This is the last and final message of Grace of God. As this passes you, the Grace and Mercy of God are also passing before you. If you don’t humble yourself before God right now, the hour of mercy is shutting completely before you. You are going to see it. Amen. God is SOVEREIGN and He can do whatever pleases Him. Who are you to question HIM? This is the only provided channel of God, for this hour. Humble before God and adapt yourself into the provided channel of God.
“Don’t you listen to me, but listen to what I’ve said. What I’ve said is the message. Don’t pay any attention to the messenger. WATCH THE MESSAGE. Keep your eyes, not on the messenger, but on the message-what it said. That is the thing to look to; and God help us, is my prayer.” — Sirs, is this the time? (54)
People professed that they believed Moses but they rejected the Messiah. That is why the Lord said that if they had really known Moses they would have know Him also. The present day Christians profess to believe the Lord Jesus. If they really believed in their Lord, they would not have rejected the Great Prophet Branham; because He came as the very fulfillment of the word of the Lord. Nowdays at this END OF TIME many brethren profess to be the believers of the message of the prophet Branham; If they really believed the Prophet, they would have recognized this message, because this is only a fulfillment of the vindicated WORD of the hour-the great Prophet’s message.
“…blessed are your eyes, for they see; and your ears, for they hear.’ –Matt.13:16
If you very carefully watch the present conditions of the church, you will see that the Lord has already taken the Bride around the last corner to reveal the “True and Real things” to give Her the Rapturing faith. When the great Prophet was here, there was a turning point in the church around a corner. At that turning point, the Prophet’s message separated the ten virgins from the denominational church. Now, the foolish virgins have become denominated, and so the Lord has separated the wise virgins by sending the message of the ‘Midnight Cry’. Now, she is the TRUE CHURCH, THE REAL BRIDE. Amen!
At this end of time everything, the great Prophet has said, has come back to its place of origin.
- Jews have come back to their home land.
- Protestant Church has gone back to her mother-the Roman Church.

- The Gospel Light has come back to East again.
- The Bride has come back to God; she was taken from God and now she has been gathered back unto Him.
- Man was sent out of Eden; and now during this second climax he is being taken back into Eden.
“See the threefold mystery now? God manifested in Christ, Christ manifested in the Church; all together to bring back the original Adam and Eve again, man and woman… restore back Eden, bring back that which was lost.” –Christ is the Mystery of God Revealed.
The earth has come back to its original owner- the SONS OF GOD-Amen!
The denominations who failed to recognize the great Prophet have become blinded to see the separation of the ten virgins from the formal church. The denominated church has already gone into antichrist and is on its path towards destructions. Now the predestinated time of God has come for the separation of the wise from the foolish virgins The brethren who have left the Spoken Word have become blinded to see the manifestation of their very God through His Sons.God has already manifested his sons through the revelation of the mysteries of God hidden since the foundation of the world. God has already revealed the mysteries and has set the Super Church ready for the rapture.
Satan being very cunning and deceptive has kept the people of the denomination under a false hope to believe that they are on the Word of God because they print and distribute the Bibles and also because they have the Bible in their church and houses. Now, many of the precious brethren have been decieved to think in the same way. People think they are in the message of the Prophet just because they have the Spoken Word books and taped messages at home. If they have really believed their Prophet, they would not have allowed the spirit of groupism to enter into them.
People of the denominations profess that they believe in the Word of God, And when we show them the fulfillment of the Word of the hour, they fail to receive it,because of their denominational spirit. Now the history is repeating with the precious brethren. They say that they believe the vindicated message of the great Prophet. And when the very fulfillment of the vindicated message is shown to them, they don’t want to receive them. That shows the very same denominational and blinding spirit is prevailing among the brethren. We see the very words of the great Prophet being fulfilled before our eyes.
“Oh, Church, rise and shake yourself : pinch you conscience Wake yourself up in this hour! We must be desperate or perish! There’s coming forth something from the Lord! I know it as.
Just as the denominations have become a confusion, the groupism among the brethren has become a mess and confusion. It is a very sad thing to note that some of the brethren in the foreign countries have not only formed their own groups but by their money they are influencing other brethren in the poor countries to commit the same grave sin-groupism. Now the time has already come for the Lord to move in His Church. It is high time that the brethren repent of their sins of disbelieving the Spoken Word of God, and come back to the vindicated message of the hour ! if you reject this warning of the Spirit, you are going to face the judgement of God, because the grace of God is running out. These precious brethren who have left the Spoken Word of God are already on their way towards the great tribulation.
“Now, we find out also in this that the Sixth Seal now being opened, it was for a threefold purpose. Now, here was the purposes; The first thing was that the sleeping virgins had to go through the tribulation period for purification. She had to be purged of her sins of unbelief and rejecting the message…the pure people that didn’t have the opportunity, may be to receive the Message, or in some way that they were blinded by these false prophets, and they didn’t get a chance, and yet they’re really sincere in heart, and God knows their heart, and here they’re purged during this time. — The Seventh Seal, (575)
The Great Prophet Branham has termed certain things in His messages as “The True and Real things.”
“REAL, TRUE, GENUINE CHURCH” — Israel Before the brazen serpent.
“REAL TRUE CHURCH” — Revelation, Book of Symbols (12)
“THE RIGHT CHURCH” — The Third Exodus (25)
“TRUE BRIDE” — Modern events (31)
“A REAL BRIDE” — It is the rising of the Sun (17)
“REAL RAIN” — The Spoken Word is the Original Seed (109)
“TRUE BAPTISM OF THE HOLY GHOST” — Stature of a perfect man
“A TRUE FORMER AND LATTER RAIN” — What is the attraction on the mountain (19)
“TRUE GRAIN” — The anointed ones (61)
“TRUE WORD” — God’s only provided place of worship
“THE REAL MELCHISEDEC” — Who is this Melchisedec? (28)
“TRUE SON OF DAVID” — God in Simplicity (14)
“THE TRUE STONE & TRUE WORD” — The Spoken Word is the Original Seed (106)
“THE TRUE MESSENGER” — The Spoken Word is the Original Seed (125)
“THE TRUE TRUMPET” — Sirs, is this the time (39)
“THE TRUE CHURCH-BRIDE” — The Spoken Word is the Original Seed (119)
Why did the great Prophet call these certain things as “Real” and “True”? He himself has given the answer to this question in the message — “How can I overcome?”.
“If there’s an antitype, there’s got to be a type for that antitype to come from. AND EVERYTHING I SAY THAT IS TRUE HAS A TYPE, It has a type. You have a shadow. And the Bible said that old things was a shadow of the new things to come. He said, “But now you took the old Testament as a shadow, and now”, he said, “What are you going to do with this Church?” — How can I overcome? (13)
Even in the Scripture certain things are termed as ‘real’ or ‘true’ to differentiate and show the other previous things were only shadows and types of the true and real things.
TRUE BREAD: “Jesus then said to them, truely truely, I say to you, it was not Moses who gave you the bread from heaven; my Father gives you the TRUE BREAD from heaven.’ — John 6:32, 33
TRUE VINE: “I am the TRUE VINE” -John 15:1
REAL JEW AND TRUE CIRCUMCISION : “For he is not a REAL JEW who is one outwardly, nor is TRUE CIRCUMCISION something external and physical” — Romans 2:28
Now, the Lord is pouring out His Spirit of fulness, the Spirit of wisdom and revelation into His TRUE CHURCH-THE REAL BRIDE- to enable her to see the TRUTH of these true and real things which were hidden, all through the ages in the Written Word of the Scripture. Now the revelation of the Thunder Mysteries has given a complete and perfect revelation of Christ, and a clear, very distinct, and a perfect view of the great plan of redemption.
“He come to get His subjects. He revealed His secrets, and they saw it; and time is no more at that time. Time is run out; it’s finished, All right. — The Breach (107)
“Now, the mysteries of the Book are revealed when the seals are broken. And when the seals completely are broken, the time of redemption is over.” — The First Seal (124)
“IF IT IS COMING TIME that the revelation of the seven Thunders will be revealed to the Church (how to go) I don’t know. I have just stated what I saw”. — Sirs, is this the time (53)
How can we say for sure that we have come into the very time of His coming and we are living in the days of the manifested sons of God ?.
The Lord has kept certain ‘formulae’ in the message of the great Prophet Branham. They serve us as guidelines to understand the mysteries of God and also to know for sure our exact location in our third exodus towards the Hea Stone and to know very precisely the time that we are living and how near the Lord has brought us to that great day of Rapture. One of such formulae is “The God’s way of interpretation.”
When we go on a travel on a road we count every mile stone that we come across the road understand through our knowledge how near we have come to the destination. But in our Spirtual exodus it is different; we walk by faith and not by sight. So, in our Spiritual exodus, the Lord takes us to a certain place and then makes us see that we have already reached that place. When the Lord reveals the words which He has already accomplished, that tickles our heart and we get stimulated in the Spirit by the new wine and we priase the Lord our God for the new revelation.
The great Prophet has said that every scripture has a spiritual meaning and to understand that, the Lord alone has to reveal it.
“Now, if you’ll notice ALL SCRIPTURE HAS A COMPOUND MEANING but it’s hid from the eyes of the wise and prudent, and revealed to babes such as will learn” — Seven Church Ages (16)
“Lord Jesus, any man that’s physically able can pull back the pages of this Bible, but only the Holy Spirit can interpret it in the light that it’s been meant to”
— Paul a Prisoner (6)
— This day this Scripture (1)
— Feast of the Trumpet (5)
In the marriage in Cana, when they came short of wine, Mary went to Jesus and asked for wine. “Jesus saith unto her… mine hour is not yet come”. Later on when the ‘water turned wine’ was served, it was found to be more delicious than that was served at the beginning.
The Lord does everything to reveal Himself and His ways In God’s numerology number six represents the things of the earth. Jars or pots represent human body; water, the Holy Spirit; and wine, the revelation. God was trying to reveal His ways to His people.
The Lord first fills His chosen servants with His Holy Spirit and others receive the Holy Spirit only from these apostles through the revelation of their message.
“…By having the revelation of His secret made known to them by His grace…it means the church, that He is trying to get into it.” — Christ is the mystery of God revealed(58)
A particular revelation comes only at the time appointed of God.
“We notice, God reveals His Word in His predestinated season.” — Doing God a service without his will.
Mary, who is a type of the early church, desired to have the wine which was to be served at the predestinated time at the end. The disciples desired to see and know the things ordained for the end time. But it was not given to them. We are the most blessed people whom the Lord has ordained to taste the best wine in the kingdom of God. Amen! Glory to God!
“I am thankful to God to be living in this time of the closing scenes of this world’s history…I would have chosen this age, for I think this is the GOLDEN AGE.” –Invisible Union of the Bride (6)
Now, the revelation is unveiling of the word of the hour. In a function of unveiling of a statue, first the statue would be erected and veiled so that it will be unveiled on the appointed day.First without keeping a statue we cannot unveil and show a statue which was not even kept there. In the same way the Lord also reveals a person to the church, only while or after putting him on the scene; and reveals an event only when it has been accomplished of God.
“See, God don’t need no Interpreter. He’s His own Interpreter. HE DOES HIS OWN INTERPRETATION BY BRINGING TO PASS THE THINGS THAT HE SAID WOULD HAPPEN.” — Rapture (16)
“When-God’s interpretation of His Word is when. He vindicates and proves it to be so! That’s His interpretation-by making it come to pass! THAT’S WHAT GOD’S INTERPRETATION IS, IS WHEN HE MAKES HIS WORD COME TO PASS! HE’S INTERPRETING IT TO YOU.” — This day this Scripture is fulfilled (9)
“…AFTER IT’S ALREADY BEEN COMPLETED, THEN HE REVEALS; HE SHOWS WHAT HE’S DONE, OH. MY! — Christ is the mystery of God revealed (33)
“Now, God had a purpose and a hidden mystery. And that’s what I want to speak on to the Church this morning: the hidden mystery of God that He had in His mind before the world ever began and how that it’s unfolded itself right down to this present hour that we’re living. See? And then you WILL UNDERSTAND CLEARLY THEN (SEE?) ON, I BELIEVE; WHAT IS BEING DONE.” — Christ is the mystery of God revealed (17)
Even our Lord, when He was in the world, He told His disciples the scripture which related to His death and resurrection. And the disciples were not able to understand it; because the events of His death and resurrection had not happened yet. After His resurrection, He again referred to the same scriptures and interpreted to them. Then the disciples understood the Word because they saw the scriptures and their fulfilment. So, when God makes His Word known to His church, it means that he has already brought it come to pass. This fact serves as a very important formula to understand the mysteries of God and their fulfilment.
“Then he took unto him the twelve, and said unto them,Behold, we go up to Jerusalem, and all things that are written by the prophets concerning the son of man shall be accomplished.
For he shall be delivered unto the Gentiles, and shall be mocked, and spitefully entreated, and spitted on:
And they shall scourge him, and put him to death: and the third day he shall rise again.
“And he said unto them, These are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning me.
Then opened he their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures” —- Luke 24 :44, 45
“These things understood not his disciples at the first: but when Jesus was glorified, then remembered they that these things were written of him, and that they had done these things unto him.” —- John 12:16
Apostels John, though he wrote the Book of Revelation, didn’t have the revelation to understand the church ages. Even the other church age messengers didn’t have the revelation to understand the church ages; because the complete history of the church was not made yet. The great Prophet Branham, when he came at the end of the last church age, saw the scripture and their fulfilment in the church history. So, he connected them together and gave the interpretation of the Word-that is, “The Exposition of the Seven Church Ages.”
“…The revelation or the uncovering. Oh! How the last age and the coming of the Lord was-was covered up to the apostles ! They asked the question, but only one lived to have the Revelation; STILL HE DIDN’T UNDERSTAND IT, BECAUSE THE HISTORY WAS NOT YET MADE” —- The revelation of Jesus Christ (24)
The Great Prophet Branham, who came at the end of the LAST CHURCH age has told of the coming of ANOTHER CHURCH and He has termed it as:
* … the true Bride Church-the Super Church
* … the real true Church
* … A real Bride
* … The right Church
* … The true Bride
* … The true Church Bride
* … the Perfect Church
‘I truly believe the church can have the Rapture it’s got to have rapturing faith. We can’t even have faith for divine healing. let alone rapturing faith. Got to have faith that’ll change and quicken this body and be taken away. I BELIEVE THERE’S A CHURCH ON ITS ROAD TONIGHT, a power of the living God that man will speak the word here and there and it’ll flash like lightning. And a church is COMING OUT, not a psychologist, not some of this put-on make believe, BUT A REAL, TRUE, GENUINE, ANOINTED, HOLY GHOST CALLED OUT CHURCH.” —- Israel before the Brazen serpent
“I BELIEVE IT’S ON ITS ROAD, that when the church will be so wrapped in Christ, the Holy Spirit; mankind so lose the things of the world they just move in the Spirit, live in the spirit, move in the Spirit, walk in the Spirit, so fulfill the law of Christ. Then the love of Christ in the human heart moving in the Holy Ghost, that GREAT WONDERFUL CHURCH will go forth with power in Deity, because Deity will be revealed in human beings by THE HOLY SPIRIT BRINGING TO PASS THE THOUGHT OF THEIR MIND.” —- Word became flesh and India trip.
“This grand old Holy Ghost church is going to come out one of these days and shine like you’ve never seen.” —- Revelation, Book of Symbols (30)
“He’ll pour out that golden oil of the Holy Ghost upon that church and brother, fire will fall from Heaven and signs and wonders will take place like you’ve never seen before. Yes, Sir, “Fear not little flock, it’s your Fathers’s good will to give you the Kingdom.” —- Why we are not a denomination
“I believe that the Church of the Living God is MOVING into a sphere now that’s going to shake the whole world…Oh it’s going to come to pass pretty soon. I’m looking for it to happen in the meeting. I’m wanting it to happen now. That the anointing will strike the whole church of the Living God, and she will rise to her feet like a mighty marching army. The sick will be healed by a word. The blind will see, the deaf will hear, the dead will be raised up and the power of God will shake the world with the Church of the Living God. We’re in the process of it now. I believe it’s soon coming to pass…” —- Speak to the mountain
“God, I hope to live to see that church when she raises in the power and the beauty of the resurrection with the powers of God working through her with signs and wonders following the believers like it did in the New Testament.” —-Hear ye Him
“If a real church was ordained of God, really filled with the Holy Spirit, if sin would appear in the church, it’d be another like Ananias and Sapphira” —- Perseverance
In these last days the true Bride church (Christ’s Seed) will come to the Headstone, and she will be the SUPER CHURCH, a super race, as she nears Him. They in the bride will be so much like Him that they will even be in His very image. This is in order to be united with Him. They will be one. They will be the very manifestation of the Word of the living God” —- “Pick up your pen and write”
“Here’s the Bible written, which is a mystery itself. But on the backside of the Bible, the revelations was shown to Daniel, say that there’s seven voices to be uttered; and no man could open, no man knowed what it was. But the Bible said, and it told Daniel and also John , “That in the last days these seven voices would be known by the REAL TRUE CHURCH”. Yet get it. —- Revelation, Book of Symbols (12)
“There has been churches, churches, brides, brides, churches, brides, brides but there’s got to come One! Hallelujah! THERE HAS TO COME A REAL BRIDE! There must come one that’s not only got the mechanics, but the dynamics of it, makes that church live, move in the power of His resurrection.” —- It is the rising of the Sun (17)
“Look at the Church now, calling out, coming into power. The Holy Spirit coming down. Thy mysteries of God being revealed and set in order, see. THE RIGHT CHURCH– she is already in the White House, and the church is pulling itself together-not a denomination, but out of the bondage of iniquities, away from the Amorites. A people that’s free, Oh.” —- The Third Exodus (25)
“…John said… He thought the millennium would start right then, he thought the grain was ready. But it had to die and go into the stalk, come up again to make the TRUE BRIDE” —- Modern Events are made clear by prophecy (31)
“These last days, TRUE CHURCH-BRIDE comes to the Headstone will be the Super Church, a super Race as they near the great Headstone…” —- The Spoken Word is the original seed (119)
“Then they’re waiting for the Headstone which: is love…the Holy Ghost coming down through Christ Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is above all this, welding this together. Building what?…a PERFECT CHURCH for the Capstone to cap off! What’s it been doing again? It’s manifested through Seven Church Ages and Seven Messengers.” —- The Stature of a perfect man (47)
Before we study about this TRUE CHURCH in detail let us study how the Lord has been building His church through these church ages.
How the Lord has been building His church through these church ages.
“Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God:
And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone;
In whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit.’ —- Eph. 2: 19-22
Here, the great Apostle Paul describes how the Lord began the construction of the church. Being the angel of the first church age he was at the end of the first church age. So, he gives the description of the structure of the church only upto his age. He has not explained in what form the Lord would build it in future. It is just like seeing the construction of a structure which has come only upto the basement. Apostle Paul was able to see the structure of the church only upto his church age. THE LORD ALWAYS REVEALS THE ONLY THINGS WHAT HE HAS DONE.

“God’s interpretation of His Word is when He vindicates and proves it to be so! That’s His interpretation-by making it come to pass.! That’s what God’s interpretation is, is when He makes His Word come to pass; He is interpreting it to you” —- This day this scripture is fulfilled (9)
The great Prophet Branham, being the angel of the seventh Church age, came at the end of the Laodicean Church age. He has given the sketch of the church as it was shown to him by the Lord.
“So then upon these little sketches, that you see me looking down upon; and this first I started, I didn’t get this part here, until just about a day or two ago up in the woods. —- The stature of a Perfect man (11)
Prophet Branham is the first man to reveal to the church that the Lord is building the church in the form of a Pyramid. In the days of the Prophet the church had grown up to the top of the body of the pyramid as shown in the figure.
“But as we grow from the Lutheran age, Baptist age, Methodist age, Pentecostal age, we’re right upto the capping stone now, see, waiting and longing for that capping stone to set down, the building’s complete” —- Adoption. Pt. II(32)
“Watch the church as it’s come, as it move. Just take it in your own mind,…Then look at Wesley coming a little closer, into sanctification, weaving into the Scriptures. Look at right in between, the Wesley. The next thing come in was the Pentecostal age. And the Pentecostal age was the restoration of the gifts, the spiritual gifts. Now look at the age coming now right up to the Headstone.” —- Adoption Pt,IV (107)
As the Prophet Branham laid the foundation (Mal. 4:5,6) for the Latter Church, he has also brought the Headstone (Rev. 10 1:7,) and kept it in its position as shown in the figure.
The great ministry of the Prophet Branham is shown in the Scriptures as shadows and types. The Lord had given us the Scriptures to know for sure what the Lord has done and what He is doing right now;
“How that God, in His infinite wisdom, has foreshadowed all things to us; that we might by these things know of certain, what lays before us. Made it so plain, that God and His Word, and the nature and His universe, is so perfectly arranged together that even the-the sinner can see something is fixing to take place-God has so arranged it, No one is without excuse.” —- Hearing, Recognizing, Acting on the Word of God (2)
King Solomon built the first temple. The Lord allowed King Nebuchadnezzar to invade Jerusalem and destroy the temple. And he took the children of God as captives to Babylon. We see two notable things in his invasion against Jerusalem. The first thing was that the temple was destroyed; secondly, the children of God were taken as captives to Babylon.
These events show in shadows and types what has happened to the church in the seven church ages. Solomon’s temple types the first church. Later on the lord allowed the false teachings to come into the church. The church, which was originally founded on the faith, has now become the habitation of devils.
“Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field:Which indeed is the least of all seeds: but when it is grown, it is the greatest among herbs, and becometh a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches there of” —- Matt. 13:31, 32
“And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird”. —- Revelation 18:2
When the appointed time came for the rebuilding of the temple, Zerubbabel and Joshua came out of Babylon with the, real children of God whose spirit the Lord had raised to rebuild the temple.
“Then rose up the chief of the fathers of Judah and Benjamin, and the priests, and the Levites, with all them whose spirit God had raised to go up to build the house of the Lord which is in Jerusalem” —- Ezra. 1:5
“Deliver thyself, O Zion, that dwellest with the daughter of Babylon.” —- Zechariah 2:7
“Who art thou, O great mountain? before Zerubbabel thou shalt become a plain: and he shall bring forth the Headstone there of with shoutings, crying, Grace, grace unto it. Moreover the Word of the Lord came unto me, saying, The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this house: his hands shall also finish it. —- Zeehariah 4:7-9
Building of the Latter temple by Zerubbabel is only a shadow of what the great Prophet Branham has done. When the appointed time of the Lord came for building of the Latter church, the Lord raised the great Prophet Branham to lay the foundation. (mal. 4: 5, 6) for the Super Church and to bring the Capstone (Rev. 10: 1-7)
Zerubbabel brought the children of God out of Babylon to build the Latter temple. So, also the great Prophet Branham brought the children of God, out of Babylon, the denominational church to build the TRUE CHURCH, the living tabernaclc of the Living God. Amen.
“And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.” —- Rev. 18:4
But in the days of the Prophet Branham the Headstone was not fitted with the body of the pyramid, and that is why we see a gap between the Headstone and the body of the pyramid. As it was not the appointed time of the Lord for fitting the Headstone with the body of the Pyramid, the great Prophet has left the gap uninterpreted. God always interprets His Word only after its fulfilment. During this short span of time of about twenty years after the first climax in the year 1963 when the great Prophet opened the seals, the pyramid has grown gradually and has come upto the Headstone. Now, because the Church has come through the gap and reached the Headstone, the Holy Spirit our great Leader is interpreting the gap.
When the great Prophet Branham came as the seventh church age messenger to interpret the “Written Mysteries”, He was at the top of the body of the Pyramid,
At that time the Church and himself were standing at the same location on the top of the body of the Pyramid. When he had finished revealing all the written mysteries, then there came the time for revealing of “The unwritten mysteries”, the seals. Only at that time He had the visitation of Seven Angels from heaven.
“Could it be that the mighty Thunder, or the Seventh Angel in the seven constellation., seventh period constellation, the pyramid made in a form, three on a side, and one on top, and they dropped from Eternity. Could it be: Is this the Mystery of the Thunders that will bring back the Headstone?” —- Sirs, is this the time? (48)
The seven Angels came in a constellation in the form of the “Headstone”; and when they came upto the prophet, He was caught up into the constellation. There He saw that whitestone inside that constellation. There is a great and marevellous significance behind this event. The great prophet has said that nothing happens without any purpose.
“Look, Let’s take a simple drop of ink. Everything is for a purpose, you gathered here this morning for a purpose. I eat at your house, Charlie. Nellie, you cooked for me for a purpose, Everything is for a purpose. This Church is erected for a purpose, There’s nothing without a purpose and a cause. —- God in Simplicity .(60)
The constellation of seven Angels in the form of the Headstone with the whitestone within the constellation represents the Head of Christ in which were the mysteries hidden since the foundation of the world.
The significance of this great event is that God, by His sovereignty, has raised the great Prophet Branham to the highest spiritual dimension of the Headstone where he could see and understand the mysteries hidden in the great mind of God. We will see this in more detail as the Lord leads us into the next message “The True Son of Man,”

When the great Prophet interpreted the Written mysteries the Church and the Prophet were in the same location at the top of the body of the Pyramid,whereas after this great event, when he interpreted the unwritten mysteries, the seals, His location was in the Headstone; whereas the church was still at the top of the body of the Pyramid. When the great Prophet opened the seals it was the “First Climax” of His message.
“Do you remember the vision, about three weeks ago standing in the Sun, preaching to the congregation?”. —- Sirs, is this the time?(29)
“It’s just so, talk about heavenly places in Christ Jesus ! What a wonderful place ! What a wonderful time? Of all the times that I have been behind the pulpit at the Tabernacle, I have never in any time of my ministry ever worked into the realms of God and the Spiritual realms as has been this time-beyond anything I ever did in any time of my ministry, in any meeting at anywhere like this. Mostly, it’s on healing-this is revealing of Truth by the same Spirit-same Spirit.” —-Questions and Answers-Seals (462)
“I’d like to add this, that of all the services I’ ve ever had in my life, I believe this week has been the most glorious time of all my life in services. No matter what I have… I’ve seen great miracles performed, of course, before in healing services, but this is beyond that. It’s been one of the great times-highlights of my life is to be here; and seeing the little Tabernacle take on this different look. Not only that, but the inside has taken on a different look. —-The Seventh Seal (525)
When the great Prophet opened the written seals, it was the “First Climax” of His message. And it was the evening time-before the evening shadows fell. Now the Holy Spirit, our great Joshua is revealing the unwritten seals, the mysteris of Thunders. This is the Second Climax, Now it is the midnight hour. Now, being the midnight hour,gross darkness has come over the world, and most of the people are groping in darkness. Even most of the precious Brethren who profess to be the believers of the message of the Great Prophet have gone into gross darkness of denominationalism and have became blinded to see the Godsent light.
Before the Israelites left Egypt and went out on exdous, there was gross darkness over entire Egypt; where as the children of God had light in their dwelling places. Now the samething is happening in the Spiritual realm also. Now the True Bride is getting ready for the Third Exodus. And so, God has sent His light to gather His Elect Bride together for the Rapture.
“And in this great hour that we’re now living and we see yearly it gets darker and darker to the world, and the coming of
the Lord gets brighter and brighter as He reveals Himself in His Word and in His manifestation.” —- The Third Seal (229)
The God-sent light has already produced the second climax in the Prophet’s message. But this second climax is so great that it looks very simple to the eyes of the wise and prudent and it is passing over their heads. The revival is so simple that it has become imperceptible to the wise of the world,
“The Bride hasn’t had a revival yet. There has been no revival there-no manifestation of God to stir the Bride yet, see? We’re looking for it. It will take those seven unknown thunders back there to wake her up again. He will send it. He promised it.” —- The Third Seal (253)
“I believe that we still have a great light come on now that’ll just flood the earth one of these days for a short period, may be just in a matter of months. But I believe that there’s great light coming.” —- Questions and Answers(10)Oct.15-1961
“Notice! But watch when the Spiritual Bride when she begins to have a revival, when she BEGINS TO COME BACK AND line herself up with the Word of God, watch then AGAIN, You see, how that the Scriptures at that time, there will be a MESSAGE sweep out to CATCH THAT BRIDE-catch that woman-elect.” —- Invisible Union of the Bride of Christ (9)
“Now, but you notice when the people begin to try to line with the Word, there comes a fresh message from the Word of God right straight to the people, and it kept that message in line up every time. It is just in God,” —- Invisible Union of the Bride of Christ (9)
“Revival in our time. The revival would be so small, they’d never know it ever happening.” —- The seed is not heir (25)
“Love would be so far away, in the last days the only love there would be left, would be between the Elect of God’s people.” —- Hebrews (88)
“Now, if you’re wide awake, you’ll see something. I hope I don’t have to hold it in my hand to show you. It’s here. Smart, education will miss it. The simple vision-when they’re revealed in such simplicity, till it just covers over the top of people’s head .” —- God in Simplicity (60)
“God made all of His works so simple that the simple could understand it; and God makes Himself simple with the simple in order to be understood by the simple. —- God in Simplicity (22)
“…When this comes to pass, it’ll be great, big like this, and it’ll be so humble you’ll miss the whole thing and just go right on.” —- God in Simplicity (66)
“I want to shock you a little bit. The Rapture will be the same way. It’ll be so simple; no doubt it will be like wise-’tll the Rapture will come one of these days and nobody will know nothing about it.” —- God in Simplicity (57)
The revival is simple, the second climax is simple and the Rapture is so simple that many precious Brethren are missing it.
“God hiding Himself is Simplicity, then revealing Himself in the same.” – Amen! —- God in Simplicity (20)
So, when the great Prophet opened the unwritten mysteries, the seals to the Church, it was able to understand the things which had already been accomplished. But it could not understand then the things that have now happened in the gap. Because its location at that time was only at the top of the body of the Pyramid, and it had not crossed the gap and come to the Headstone. Now, at this coming time of the Lord, it has grown and come to the Headstone.
“…In these last days the TRUE BRIDE CHURCH (CHRIST’S SEED) WILL COME TO THE HEADSTONE, and she will be THE SUPER CHURCH, a super race, as she nears Him. They in the Bride will be so much : like Him that they will even be in His very image. This is in order to be united with Him, They will be one, They will be the very manifestation of the Word of the Living God:” —- An Exposition of the Seven Church Ages
These Living Words of the Living God spoken through the great Prophet Branham have already come to pass as any other promise in the Bible. Amen! He that has ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the church, Amen!
Now the church has progressed in its upward journey towards the Headstone and has already reached the Headstone, at the base of which lies the whitestone. That is why the church is now receiving the revelation of the Thunder mysteries. Because the church has reached the Headstone, it has become a perfect unit. The only thing that has to happen is the closing of the door and pouring of the Power into the Super Church. One of these days we are going to see the Super Church in its super action, The Living God in His Living tabernacle-THE TRUE BRIDE-AMEN!
The great Prophet has said that only the revelation of the Thunders will cap the Pyramid. And the Thunders will be revealed only through manifested Sons of God.
“Seriously, think! If it is, THEN THE PYRAMID IS CAPPED BY THE SEVEN THUNDERS. That is how He makes the individual. He caps him and seals him with the Holy Spirit-and now the Headstone comes to cap off the Church. Does the Thunders mean that, my Brethren?” —- Sirs, is this the time (47)
“…these mysteries has been hid now, remember, the Bible said, “Since the foundation of the world, waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God to display them to the Church. Oh, my ! You get it?” —- Adoption (31)
By applying the formula of ‘‘God’s way of interpretation” it is very clear beyond any shadow of doubt that because the TRUE CHURCH has already received the revelation of Thunders, God must have put His Sons already on the field. Only through revelation we understand the move of God,
- For the Rapture, the Church has to be capped.
- For the capping of the Church, the Headstone has to come.
- For the Headstone to come, the Thunders have to be revealed.
- For the Thunders to be revealed, the manifested sons God have to come.
The Holy Spirit, Our great Leader is interpreting what He has already accomplished. Let him, who has the Spiritual understanding, understand what the Spirit is trying to reveal to the Bride. Amen!
Crossing through the gap of the invisible age (the rapturing age)-the gap between the Head stone and the body of the Pyramid-is not given to all the people who profess to believe the message of the great Prophet and actually don’t believe it as a complete and perfect message given of God. But it is given only to the BRIDE. who has been foreordained of God to believe it completely. Instead of progressing through the Rapturing age to be fitted with the Headstone, many precious brethren being denominated have formed their own “Mini Babylons” and are still encamped at the top of the body of the Pyramid. The great Prophet has said that though the church has come to the end of Laodicean age, many people are still living in the end of Lutheran age, Wesleyan age and so on. Now, the Bride has crossed over. Rapturing age and has come to the VERY TIME OF THE COMING OF THE LORD, whereas many precious Brethren are still living in the Pentecostal age.
The Great Prophet has said that when once people denominate themselves they lose the revelation from God.
“Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.” —- Rev, 2:5
That is why they are not able to see the wondrous things that are now being revealed to the Bride.
The Israelites, when they were in Egypt, were called the People of God. But when they left Egypt and began their exodus, they became the Church of the Living God. The Church is always a progressing one because the Life of the Living God is in her, The Church is the living Tabernacle of the Living God.
The people who have become denominated and are still encamped at the top of the body of the Pyramid have already begun to question and dispute the revelation which their very God is so graciously sending out to call the WORD BRIDE to come out of the man-made ‘Mini Babylons’-the denominated groups of believers of the Prophet’s message.
Oh! Bride of Christ, get desperate and come out of man-made groupism. The Spirit of God is not going to strive with man anymore. The time has come for the Lord to shut the door of mercy.
If people really believe the Written Word and the Spokent Word of God, they would have recognized this Message! because this is only a fulfilment of the Scriptures and the prophecies of the Great Prophet Branham.
If people seek for the vindication of this message, they must know that this was already vindicated through the Prophet’s message as this only makes the Prophet’s message fully known to the Bride.
There was no vindication to Noah’s message till the door was shut.
“…knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be…” —- Matt.24:36
The Angel of the Lord said: This(the third pull) will not be a public show!” —- Tent Vision
Those who want to see the signs and wonders for the vindication, let them wait a little while till the door of mercy is completely shut, and the entire Power of God is poured into the Bride, and the complete authority is bestowed on the Sons of God. Amen.
Groupism is the first step towards denominationalism which God always hates. Once people begin groupism, God gets out of that group of people and they sever themselves from the exodus of the Church. Their entire activities will be of carnal efforts like of any other major denomination, which God will never acknowledge. And their service would be nothing but “doing God a service without His will”
When the great Prophet was here the Church was revived and it had reached the first climax. After His going away, brethren began to go in their own way leaving the Spoken word of God and have formed their own groups. This is shown very clearly in Bro.Jackson’s dream.
“I slipped off to one side and started going towards the west; towards the setting of the Sun, coming up a hill, going down a hill, coming up a hill, going down a hill, getting smaller and smaller, and went all the way out of sight.
“…Then the brethren turned around, after while and said,
‘Did he vanish? Where did he go? And he said that some took out that way, some took one way, and some another, but a very few stayed and looked on to what I had told them.” —- Sirs, is this the time? (15)
The little group which stayed at the top of the mountain and kept watching at the whitestone in obedience to the Spoken Word of the Great Prophet is the Real Bride of Christ.
During 2000 years the original church has left the Written Word of God and has become a denominated Church. At the end of the last Church age, God raised the great Prophet to turn the people back to the Written Word (the father’s faith) through the Spoken Word. Now during these 20 years, since the first climax in 1965, the people who were restored to the Word, have left the Spoken Word of God and have formed their own denominations. Now, at last at the coming time of the Lord, the Holy Ghost is sending out the last Trumpet call to restore the Bride back to the Spoken Word of God and be prepared for the great Rapture.
The ministry of Prophet Moses was a shadow of the ministry of the great Prophet Branham. Prophet Moses was raised to deliver the people of Israel from the Egyptian bondage. Prophet Branham was raised to deliver the Children of God from the bondage of Spiritual Egypt, the denominational church. Prophet Moses led the people upto the promised land. So also the great Prophet Branham led the people upto its promised land-the fulness of Christ.
Before his death, Prophet Moses knew that his people would leave his commandments and go in their own way; and so he warned them.
“For I know that after my death ye will utterly corrupt yourselves, and turn aside from the way which I have commanded you; and evil will befall you in the latter days; because ye will do evil in the sight of the Lord, to provoke him to anger through the work of your hands.
And Moses spake in the ears of all the congregation of Israel the words of this song, until they were ended.” —- Deuteronomy 31 : 29, 30
So also Prophet Branham knew that the Church would leave his Spoken Word and go again into denominationalism; and so, he has warned the Church.
“Some of you people that really believe this to be the Truth that we are entering another age; we are entering the raptured age. You know, the Church can’t go in its condition and it can’t get any better; it must get worse. How many knows that, say, “Amen”. It’s got to get worse, and it can’t go like this. —- Invisible Union of the Bride of Christ (55)
“…in the last days and the seventh church age, at the end of it, when the messengers arrived, there it would be; There would be revealed those broken seals-they would be revealed; and here they are. That is in the Name of the Lord. Believe it, friends. Come out of Babylon.” —- The Second Seal (223)
“Listen, when you feel that little funny feeling you get away from the walls. Get away; you will die in there! Don’t do it! Come out of it! Get away from all of that stuff! Flee to safety as quick as you can! Ask God, for mercy…I think of that awful hour that is approaching, and there is no way to stop it… But there is some that have got their names written on the Lamb’s Book of Life, and when those Seals are thrown open there, they see their name there, and the Holy Spirit speaks to them, they come.” —- The Second Seal (224)
Prophet Moses said that his words would fall on the people of Israel after his death as small rain upon the tender herb.
“Give ear, O ye heavens, and I will speak; and hear, O earth, the words of my mouth.
My doctrine shall drop as the rain, my speech shall distil as the dew, as the small rain upon the tender herb, and as the showers upon the grass.” —- Deut 32:1, 2
This Scripture shows what the Lord is now doing in the Church after the death of the Great Prophet. In these last days God has visited His Church according to His promises and has given “His Spoken Word” message through his chosen body of the great Prophet Branham. This ‘Spoken Word’ Message has the Spirit of fulness in it.
“For it is not a vain thing for you; because it is your life: and through this thing ye shall prolong your days in the land, whither ye go over Jordan to possess it, —- Deut 32:47
When our hearts were turned to the hearts of our fathers, we were Pentecostal babes like tender herb. Now at this end of time the Message of the great Prophet is poured on us as the “True Former rain.”
“Oh, there will be a TRUE FORMER and LATTER rain in the last days upon that little group that come with Him on this little donkey.” —- What is the attraction on the mountain (19)
Now, the TRUE CHURCH, the real Bride, is already experiencing the true former rain. This is the baptism of the Holy Ghost without sensation. And this is the pouring of the Spirit of wisdom and revelation to renew our mind to understand the Written Word through the Spoken Word of God. Through this true former rain the Lord is pouring the Spoken Word message deep into the heart of the Real Bride. The power in the Spoken Word is renewing the mind of the Bride and the life in the Spoken Word is going deep into the heart to produce the ‘Divine Love’, which is the fruit of the Spirit.
“According as his divine power hath he given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue:
Where by are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises; that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature…” —- II Pet 1: 3,4
When the Prophet Moses smote the Rock the second time water came out ABUNDANTLY,
“And Moses and Aaron gathered the congregation together before the rock, and he said unto them, Hear now, ye rebels; must we fetch you water out of this rock?
And Moses lifted up his hands, and with his rod he smote the rock twice: and the water come out ABUNDANTLY, and the congregation drank, and their beasts also. —- Numbers 20:10, 11
This event is only a shadow of the spiritual fulfilment of what the Bride is experiencing now, after the passing away of the Great Prophet. Now, the Bride is getting filled with the Spirit ABUNDANTLY-the Spirit of fulness.
The Lord Jesus Christ, as the original grain of wheat, had to die to bring out the Church and to reproduce Christ in the last days from among men.
“…the Church of God, which he hath purchased with His own blood.” —- Acts 20:28
“Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone, but if it die, it bringeth fourth much fruit.” —- John 12:24
The first church had to die in the dark ages in order to bring forth the Latter church with much glory. This Latter church of the living saints, which is going to be translated and taken up in the Rapture, is the TRUE CHURCH.
“The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former,” —- Haggai 2:9
The great Prophet Branham who is the first Christ reproduced from among men, had to die to bring forth the TRUE CHURCH with the fulness of Christ in it. He is the first fruit of the harvest. We will see it in more detail as the Lord takes us into the next message “The True Son of Man.”
“And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept; and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead there of;
And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man” —– Genesis 2:21, 22
God gave Adam a deep sleep in order to bring out Eve from him. Even from the very beginning the Lord was trying to show how the Bride of Christ would be brought out from Christ. The Great Prophet Branham, the True Adam had to die to bring forth the True Church.
“It’s always been that Third Pull. Three is perfection. The ministry come to its perfection when it reproduced Christ again in natural amongst human beings” —- Souls in prison (50

“Watch the identification there not just the preaching, but the sign identified the word of God made flesh in a man.” —- God is identified by His Characteristics (12)
It took about 2000 years since the original corn of wheat, the Lord Jesus Christ, died for the harvest. Harvest is the gathering of the produce of what was sown. And it is the reproduction of the original seed in a larger scale! In the harvest time all the grains don’t ripen at the same time. Only a few grains get ripened at first. It was a commandment for Israel to gather them and offer as the first fruits of the harvest. Then in the end all the grains would be gathered.
“And thou shalt observe the feast of weeks, of the first fruits of wheat harvest, and the feast of ingathering at the year’s end.” —- Exo. 34:22
These festivals of Israel are only shadows of what the Lord has done and is doing in the Church. The Church has already produced the first fruits of the harvest. The Great Prophet Branham is the first man to have the fullness of Christ placed in him. Now, the Church is attaining the fullness of Christ. The Great Prophet Branham attained this maturity during the third pull of his ministry.
“It’s always been that third Pull. Three is perfection. The ministry come to its perfection when it reproduced Christ again in natural amongst human beings.” —- Souls in Prison. (50)
Now the Church has already come into the Third Pull ministry. The True Church has already been led into the little wooden room which is the Third Pull ministry, to understand the mysteries of the Thunders. Only the revelation of the Thunders gathers the Bride together for the Rapture. This unity is the unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God. The revelation of Thunders has given a complete and perfect revelation of Christ and has given the Rapturing faith. Going into the little wooden room, the Third Pull, is not given unto all the people.
“That’s the only way you’ll know Him today; only way you’ll get the three fold revelation of God is for the Holy Ghost… And the only way it can ever be, is you’re predestinated to see it. If it don’t, you’ll never see it, cause that light can flash and you’ll go away and make fun of it and explain it away by some intellectual conception when the very God Himself manifesting Himself and proving it. See? But, if it ain’t upon you to see it, you won’t see it.”
Many people have already begun to laugh at this, question and dispute this message of the Holy Ghost. Precious Brethren with their wisdom are looking for vindication of this message when the Great Prophet has said very clearly that this will be very simple and will not be a public show.
“The Angel of the Lord said: “This will not be a public show.” —- The Tent Vision
“…There’s coming forth something from the Lord! I know it as THUS SAITH THE LORD. There’s coming forth something, and we better get desperate. It’s between life and death. It’ll pass through us and we won’t see it.” —- Desperation (23)
Vindication of this message during this silent move, the baptism of the Holy Ghost without sensation, is only the Written Word and the Spoken Word of God. The Word is the sure vindication because in these last days false prophets have come up with mighty signs and wonders.
“…When this Seventh Angel rises in the Laodicean Age and begins to sound forth the true Trumpet… when he sounds forth that, you can’t fail, it won’t fail, because he will be vindicated by the Word of God. You will know exactly what it is. And when he does, he sounds forth to call from Babylon, “Come out of her my people and be not partakers of her sins” God send him-don’t miss it.” —- Sirs, is this the time? (39)
In the tent vision we see that when the people entered the little wooden room and came out of it, they were made whole and perfect. This refers to the church getting the Supernatural Mind of Christ and attaining the fulness of Christ through the renewal of the mind.
“Well, I stood and looked at that, I saw them bring a lady upon a stretcher, and there was a lady there taking her name and things on paper. And so, there was someone that came and got her and pushed her through. The next man came through was on crutches. I saw them go through that little building, and on the
outside the lady came out screaming to the top of her voice, pushing this stretcher. Then there was another lady on the other side…looked like kind of dark-haired woman…and she said, ‘What happened,’ And she said, ‘I’ ve been paralysed for 20 years, and look. I feel like, I never was sick’…the same voice, the Angel’s voice. He said, ‘I’ ll meet you in there, and this is the Third Pull, but nobody will know nothing about it’…He said, It will not be a public show this time…Now,Christian friends, when I leave this world, that will still be in my bosom. But you mark my word what’s going to take place.” —- Visions and Prophecy.
The lady on the stretcher represents the Super Church which is getting the fulnes and perfection of Christ. She got the deliverence after 20 years. Some of the Churches (local) have already received the message and have attained the maturity. Now, the True Church has come to the second climax in the Great Prophet’s message. It is already 20 years since the Church was in the first climax in the year 1963. It is very amazing to note that the time interval between the two events of Moses striking the Rock to get water for the people was also 10 years.
The first event was — Exo, 17:5-7- in B.C. 1491
The Second event was — Numb, 29:10, 11- in B.C. 1471
When he smote the Rock the second time water came out abundantly. Now, during this second climax the True Church is getting filled with the fulness of the Spirit.
Now, the Bride is having the second climax through the revelation of the Thunders. This is the last and final climax. Every ministry has a beginning, then a climax and then declination. The ministry of the Manifested sons of God, being the last ministry of the Church, attains a climax and in the climax the Church goes in the Rapture. This is the only ministry that doesn’t have any declination. Now, the time has come for the Bride to take off. That is why the Spirit of God is calling the Bride to come out of the ‘Mini Babylon’, the believers’ Groupism. When the Holy Spirit condemns the denominations, He does not condem the people but the denominational system.
What God always hated, what he was warning the Church everytime to keep away from; what the Great Prophet stood. against, shouted and cried at all through His life, the very same thing the believers have begun to do-the denominationalism. That is why at this end of time the Spirit of God is again calling out the Bride to come out of Babylon.
The Bride being the Word Bride, she will look to the Written Word and the Spoken Word for the vindication, because the Word is the sure and silent vindication of a message. In this hour of great darkness and confusion, the Bride will recognize the message, and she will identify herself with the silent move of God. Because only through this silent move the Lord is preparing the Bride for that great day of Rapture.
How is the Pyramid capped?
Thy Pyramid diagram given by the Great Prophet in the message “Stature of a Perfect Man” was a mystery to the church until now. Because it was not the time for the church to have the revelation of it. The great Prophet has said that there is a time ordained for every revelation. Before that time nobody can understand it because the revelation has to come from God Himself.
“God reveals His Word in His own predestinated season”. —- Doing God a service without His will (9)
If it is coming time that the revelation of the Seven Thunders will be revealed to the Church (how to go)…” —- Sirs, is this the time (53)
Now the predestinated time has come for the Church to understand the great Pyramid message, So, the Holy Ghost, our great Teacher is revealing the mysteries to the True Church,
The message of the Great Prophet is already interpreted and he has asked the people not to interpret it.
“You be sure to say just what the tape says! Don’t say nothing else…Don’t put own interpretation to it! It’s already interpreted.” —- God in Simplicity(19)
Inspite of this warning many people have come out with their own interpretations. People’s carnal interpretation has taken them quite far away from the Truth. It is high time they repent of their sin of misinterpreting and set right with God. Because the Holy Spirit has already begun to move in His True Church revealing the mysteries.
“So don’t try to interpret anything. Don’t try to put your interpretation to it. You only get further away. Just take my advice, if you believe me now…Now, take my advice as your brother: Don’t put your own interpretation to anything. You just go on and live a good Christian life, because you will only wind yourself away from the REAL THING. When you do it, you’ll only wind your way again away from the thing. And all of you are conscious and know that there’s something mysterious happening…So, just don’t try to make no interpretations. And especially tonight, when that seal becomes up in front of you. See? Just don’t try to interpret it. —- Questions and Answers(458,459)
This is only a “displaying Message” connecting the Written Word with the Spoken Word of God, History, dream and vision. The main object of this displaying message is to bring the already interpreted interpretations to the notice of the True Church and make it known to it to have the rapturing faith.
Only those who don’t believe the message of the Great Prophet Branham will laugh, dispute and question this “displaying message”. If they really believed the Great Prophet Branham they would have recognized and accepted this message because he Himself has foretold of this End of time Message and has warned to watch for it.
“…Our Kinsman had come back from the Throne of meditorial and had walked out here to take His possession…He that promised these things in the last days, He that said these things, He that’s now in the time of the revelation of these things being made known, “Come and dine.” Oh, don’t miss it, my brother.” —- The Breach, (112)
“Oh my! I wish I could get that to the people and could actually…Don’t fail, don’t fail, please don’t this time. I AM FIXING TO LEAVE YOU. Don’t fail! If you ever listened, listen. These seals are on the BACK SIDE of the Book, and at the time that the Seventh Angel is sounding…And when this seventh Angel rises in the Laodicean Age and begins to sound forth the TRUE TRUMPET…God send him-don’t miss it.” —- Sirs, is this the time .(39)
“…Something is fixing to happen…I don’t know when, I know what is going to happen, but it is bound to be, because He is revealing it right now. He doesn’t do anything unless He makes it known. (Amos 3). He makes it known first and He promised that these things would come in the last days and the seventh Church age, at the end of it, when the messenger’s arrived, there would be. There would be revealed those broken Seals-they would be revealed; and here they are. That is in the Name of the Lord. Believe it, friends.” —- Second Seal (223)
“This Word tells it here, and He’s hid it, And these mysteries has been hid now remember, the Bible said, “since the foundation of the world, waiting for the manifestations of the Sons of God” to display them to the Church. Oh my! You get it? —- Adoption (31)
It is a very pitiable thing to note many saints of God have begun to mock, jeer and reject the message of their own God whom they claim to worship. People have lost the fear of God, Once kings and people used to tremble when God sent a Prophet to them, Now in our generation God had raised the Great Prophet Branham to interpret the Written Word and to gather His own unto Himself. The Great Prophet has advised us to fast and seek the Lord in this end of time to have the revelation of the mysteries of God and be prepared for His coming.
“…Daniel…So he knew the time was at hand. So he set aside of all his daily tasks, set his face to God, put on sackcloth and ashes, and went to fasting and praying that he might understand when that time would be. And, I think if Daniel, reading the prophets before him, and this kind of an understanding that he was near the end, and sought God to find out how close the end was, then I think we’re justified by seeing that we’re at the end of the road now, to put on not sackcloth and ashes, but throw off the things of the world and our cares of this life, and seek God to find out what day of the year are we in, because we see we’re at the end. And so that the CHURCH WILL FAST AND PRAY AND BE READY… —-The Seventy weeks of Daniel.(97, 98)
“And I truly believe…at this last days is when God is going to reveal these secrets to the Church. He hasn’t done it before and the reason He hasn’t done it is to keep the Church a watching and praying all the time, not knowing when it was coming. But you remember in Daniel 12 He said, “The wise shall understand in the last- in this last days” ? It’s been given to him.
The Spirit of wisdom comes into the Church to make known to the Church by the revelation of the Holy Ghost – bringing the Church in and, revealing what day that we’re living in. Just the same as Gabriel came to Daniel, the Holy Spirit comes to the Church in the last days to reveal these great, deep, secret things. Do you understand now? —-The Seventy weeks of Daniel. (102, 103)
Instead of obeying the advice and counselling of God, let alone the denominational people who have already gone into the antichrist, the saints of God have begun to mock and reject the message which the Lord has so graciously sent to gather His children unto Himself and to give them the greatest faith, the faith of Rapture to take them back to heavenly home.
The devil with all his cunningness has made the brethren believe that they will go in the rapture somehow. If God could take the people somehow in the rapture, Christ coming to the world to die as the Lamb of God, and God raising the Great Prophet Branham to interpret His mysteries would be vain. And also God would be wrong in rejecting Cain’s offering and the service of David who sincerely tried to take the Ark of God into the city of David. Though God is Almighty He will not violate His own laws and predestinated ways.
Many saints of God, instead of searching the Written Word and the Spoken Word of God to find out God’s predestinated ways to be prepared for the Rapture and be adapted themselves into the provided channel of God, are resisting and rejecting the move of God. The devil has so cunningly induced them to substitute their self righteousness in the place of amazing Grace of God.
Oh, the Bride will get awakened by this Midnight Cry and get into the already provided channel of God. Amen!
The Great Prophet speaks of the capping of the Church and also of the capping of an individual.
The Great Prophet speaks of the capping of the Church and also of the capping of an individual. And the Pyramid diagram given by Him is both for the capping of the church and for the capping of an individual.
“You remember the Pyramid message? It is the capstone. What did it do? The Holy Spirit capped off the individual and sealed it when we added to our faith: righteousness, and godliness, and faith, and so forth-We kept adding to it until we got seven things, and the seventh one was Love which is God. That is how He makes the individual. He caps him and seals him with the Holy Spirit…and now the Headstone comes to cap off the Church. Does the Thunders mean that, my Brethren?” —- Sirs, is the the time ? (47)

In the diagram given above, two pyramid diagrams are superimposed one over the other. And that is why it remained a mystery till now. Now the predestinated time has come for the Church to understand the pyramid message. So, the Holy Spirit is interpreting it to the True Church by showing the two diagrams separately.

In both the diagrams there is a gap between the capstone and the body of the Pyramid. So in both the diagrams the connecting links are missing. Now the Holy Ghost is interpreting the diagram and has shown the missing connecting links. The Lord always interprets only after or while accomplishing a thing. Let us study the capping of these pyramids (an individual and the Church) one by one.

The Headstone is a perfect Pyramid in itself as it has got the apex. Christ is the Headstone, and Christ is perfect in Himself. Christ being the image of the invisible God the entire Life and Power of God was hidden within Christ Himself. First of all the True Church of the living saints has got to be perfected for the whole Church to be perfected.
“And these all, having obtained a good report through faith, received not the promise: God having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should not be made perfect.” —- Hebrews 11:39, 40
“After the one shuck’s gone, it’s seed. God is ready. If He isn’t doing it now, He’s going to call a church to perfection by His Word, Jesus Christ.” —- Marriage and Divorce (14)
“These people who died here are depending and waiting on us. So this Church has got to come to perfection inorder to bring the resurrection and they’re under-souls under the altar, waiting for this Church to come to its perfection.” —- The Stature of a perfect man (53)

The True Church of the living saints becomes perfected by fitting with the Headstone which is perfection itself. “In these last days the True Bride Church, (Christ’s Seed) will come to the Headstone, and she will be the Super Church, a super race, as she nears Him.” —- Church Ages (171)
“And that Church will have to have the same Spirit that was in that body, or it won’t dovetail with it in the resurrection. Those two pieces must come perfectly together; and if this Church isn’t perfectly (just exactly) the same Spirit that was in Christ, you’ll never go in the Rapture.” —- Hebrews, Chat.7 (359)
“The capping stone was rejected, the head-Christ. But it will come someday…The Holy Ghost coming down through Christ Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is above all this, welding this together. BUILDING A WHAT?-A PERFECT CHURCH FOR THE CAPSTONE TO CAP OFF! WHAT’S IT BEEN DOING AGAIN? It’s manifested through Seven Church Ages and Seven Church messengers.” —- The Stature of a perfect Man (46, 47)
“I believe there is a Church on its road tonight a power of the Living God that man will speak the Word here and there and it’ll flash like lightning. And a church is coming out, not a psychologist, not some of this put- on make believe, but a real true, genuine, anointed, Holy Ghost called out Church.” -Israel before the Brazen Serpent
“…You wait till the anointing of the Church really strikes home. They got faith, the little remant. After the doors of the Gentiles is closed, oh, God will anoint a Church then.” —- Questions and Answers1-3-54
“I believe it’s on its road that when the Church will be so wrapped in Christ, the Holy Spirit; mankind so loose the things of the World they just move in the Spirit, live in the Spirit, move in the Spirit, walk in the Spirit, so fulfil the law of Christ. Then the love of Christ in the human heart moving in the Holy Ghost, that great wonderful Church will go forth with power in Deity because Deity will be revealed in human beings by the Holy Spirit bringing to pass the thought of their mind.” —- Word became flesh and India trip
“This grand old Holy Ghost Church is going to come out one of these days and shine like you’ve never seen.” —- Revelation, Book of Symbols. (30)
“He’ll pour out the golden oil of the Holy Ghost upon that Church and brother, fire will fall from heaven and signs and wonders will take place like you’re never seen before. Yes, Sir, Fear Not, little flock, it’s your Father’s good will to give you the Kingdom.” —- Why we are not a denomination (48)
“I believe that the Church of the living God is moving into a sphere now that’s going to shake the whole world…Oh, it’s going to come to pass pretty soon. I’m looking for it to happen in this meeting, I’m waiting it to happen now. That the anointing will strike the whole church of the living God and she will rise to her feet like a mighty marching army. The sick will be healed by a word. The blind will see, the deaf will hear, the dead will be raised up and the power of God will shake the world with the Church of the Living God. We’re in the process of it now. I believe it’s soon coming to pass…” —- Speak to the Mountain (59)
“God, I hope to live to see that Church when she rises in the power and the beauty of the resurrection with the powers of God working through her with signs and wonders following the believers like it did in the New Testament.” —- Hear ye Him.
“And if it be your will Lord, just before that Church is raptured, may there rise power. Oh God, fill these vessels Raise ‘em up, Lord. Shake this world once more. We know it’ll be past time, there’ll be no repentance, it’ll be too far for them then. But show your power, Lord. Fill those vessels and shake this world like it’s never been shook before. Take your church then…Now I pray that you’ll shake the world with them just a few days before the coming of the Lord.” —-Perfect strength in Perfect weakness
The True Church of the Living saints is perfected by capping it with the Headstone. It is capped by the revelation of the Thunders.
“Could that be so, now, Brethren? Seriously think! If it is, then the Pyramid is capped by the Seven Thunders…and now the Headstone comes to cap off the Church. Does the Thunders mean that, my Brethren? —- Sirs, is this the time (47)
Could it be that the mighty Thunder…could it be: Is this the mystery of the Thunders that will bring back the Headstone?” —- Sirs, is this the time (48)
The Thunder mysteries are revealed to the Church through the manifested Sons of God:
“He opened those Seven Mysteries in there, and it shows forth those things that have been hid since the foundation of the world-might be revealed in the last days-to Sons of God. They brought that forth now before the people that they see it. There you now to this undenominational Bride.” —- Invisible Union of the Bride of Christ (43)
“…these mysteries has been hid now, remember, the Bible said, ‘Since the foundation of the world, waiting for the manifestation of the Sons of God’, to display them to the Church, Oh, my! You get it?” —- Adoption(31)
“What do you think the writer of this Book that seen it, and seen where it would be manifested in the last days, waiting and groaning for those sons of God to rise in the last days with the power of the Holy Ghost at the end of the age, to reveal the secret things from the foundation of the world, to bring it up…” —- Adoption (32)
The True Church receives the Spirit of fulness and attains perfection through the ministry of the manifested Sons of God, who are the apostles of this latter Church. These manifested Sons of God were foreordained of God even before the foundation of the world to reveal the mysteries and to set up this True Church at this end time.
The early Church received the earnest of the Spirit only through the Apostles. Whoever failed to recognize the Apostles missed the great blessing of Salvation and of being filled with the first fruits of the spirit, As it was then so is it now. Jesus Christ is the same Yesterday, today and forever. So, the Lord is perfecting the True Church through the ministry of the manifested Sons of God by fitting it with the fulness of the Spirit.

The Lord built the first Church through the Apostles, whom He made the foundation of the Church. The construction of any building begins only from the Chief cornerstone. The Lord Jesus Christ being the Chief cornerstone, the Church began from Him. Then the Apostles were placed as the foundation in alignment with the Chief corner stone. Latter on the other members of the Church were placed upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets.
Here in “the Apostles and Prophets”, prophets were the Apostles themselves. Because they had prophetic ministry also,they were termed as the Apostles and Prophets. A part from these Apostles and Prophets the other prophets were also in the Church.
They were occupying the second of the five fold ministry of the Church.
“Now John explains the change…he doesn’t explain it rather, but Peter does. John just said, “I saw new heavens and new earth…But it’s clear that both of these apostles and prophets were talking of the same thing.” —- The Future Home (11)
“Now John was commissioned to write what he saw. So the apostle and prophet picked up his pen to write it.’ —- The Breach (73)
The manifested Sons of God whom God has set in the True Church as the Apostles will have the prophetic ministry too. Because there is no other way of getting the mysteries revealed which were hidden since the foundation of the world.
The Holy Ghost, the Life of God, was in Christ the Chief cornerstone. When the Lord laid the foundation in alignment with the Chief cornerstone, the Spirit of God entered into the Apostles. When the other members were placed on the foundation of the Apostles, the Life of God flowed into these new members through the Apostles.
“Whom they set before the apostles: and when they had prayed, they laid their hands on them.” —- Acts 6:6
“Now, when the apostles which were at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they sent unto them Peter and John…Then laid they their hands on them, and they received the Holy Ghost.” —- Acts 8:14-17
“While Peter yet spake these words, the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the word.” —- Acts 10:44
“And when Paul had laid his hands upon them the Holy Ghost came on them; and they spake with tongues, and prophesied.” —- Acts 19:6
In the days of the Apostles, the Apostles were the provided channel through which the first fruits of the Spirit was poured into the Church. Now God is pouring out His fulness into the True Church through His provided channel-the manifested Sons of God. Amen!

In the perfecting of the Church, Christ Himself is the Headstone. As the Apostles were placed with Chief cornerstone, the manifested Sons of God are placed just below the Headstone. The other members are fitted with the Headstone through these manifested Sons of God. Now, the fulness of the Spirit is in the Headstone and this fulness of the Spirit first flows into the manifested Sons of God and through them into other members of this true Church, the Real Bride.
“Now all things has been brought, coming, shaping upto a headstone, to a manifestation of Sons of God coming back, AND THE SPIRIT OF GOD COMING INTO THESE MEN, SO PERFECTLY. UNTIL THEIR MINISTRY WILL BE SO CLOSE LIKE CHRIST’S TILL IT WILL JOIN HIM AND HIS CHURCH TOGETHER.” —- Adoption (104)
“BUT it will be capped That’s right. AND THEN THOSE STONES THAT FIT AROUND THAT HEADSTONE. WILL HAVE TO BE STONES THAT’LL BE SO COMPLETELY LIKE THAT STONE, it’ll fit it joint every-every where, The Pyramid is so perfect you can’t run a razor blade between them, where them stones go together. Such beautiful masonry. Some of them would weigh hundreds of tons up in the air, and so perfectly set together.
That’s the God’s bringing His Church. We are fitly joined together, one heart and one accord.” —- Adoption. (106)
The Manifested Sons of God are the people who connect the Headstone with True Church, And the True Church of the living saints is the link that connects the Headstone with the Body of the Pyramid, the Church.
The True Church is the connecting link that links the Headstone with the Body of the Pyramid. The Church cannot be perfected without being fitted with the Headstone. Bride cannot attain perfection without being united with the Bridegroom, as the body alone is incomplete and imperfect without the Head. Through this Third pull ministry the Bride is having an invisible Union with the Bridegroom and thus she is attaining the perfection.
The Life and Power of God are in the Word, the Headstone. The True Church now being fitted with Headstone, the same Life and power of God are passing into the True Church. Now by this Life and Power of God in the True Church, the dead saints are going to be resurrected. The dead saints are depending on this True Church for their resurrection and perfection.
The main aim of God becoming Christ, is to manifest Himself. God has been manifesting Himself in three different dispensations. God being a Spirit, He always manifests Himself through His Body. In every dispensation, He was manifesting Himself in a different Body. Everytime the Body He took showed in types and shadows of the eternal Body which He predestinated even before the foundation of the world.
- The Body in the dispensation of the Father was a theophanic Body. That is the Word.
“In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” —- John.1:1
- The Body in the dispensation of the Son was the Body of flesh- ‘Jesus!’
“And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us.”—- John, 1:14
- The Body in the last dispensation, the dispensation of the Holy Ghost is the Church.
In God’s numerology the number three is the number of completion.
“Three is a number of completion. See? The Third one…” —- Standing in the gap (35)
The Body which He has taken in this third and last dispensation will be eternal Body. In eternity the eternal God the Spirit, will be manifested only through Church.
“…and gave him to be the head over all things to the Church, which is his body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all.” —- Ephesians. 1:22, 23
“Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you.” —- I. Corin. 3:16
“And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and Prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone:
In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord.
In whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit.” —- Ephesians 2:20-22
The very arrangement of the various books in the Bible shows the Great Plan of redemption in a nut shell.
- The Old Testament : God was above people
- The Four Gospels : God was with the people
- The Book of Acts : God was in the people
- The Epistles : Epistles were written for the people to read and understand God, God by coming into the hearts of the believers.
He makes His children the living epistles for the people to see God in their lives.
“Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men.” -II Corin. 3:2
- The Book of Revelation : God makes us kings and priests.
“And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father” —- Rev. 1:6
God has been manifesting Himself in three dispensations. In this third and the last dispensation. He has simultaneously accomplished the purpose of creating man. God has created man to be the living tabernacle of the living God. All along the Church Ages God has been placing a portion of His Spirit in the vessels sanctified by His own blood, In these last days. He is placing His fulness in the Bride through the True former rain. God by His sovereignty chose the great Branham for placing the Godhead first in his body. The plan of redemption came to an end, as the first phase in the great prophet Branham, when the complete Godhead was placed in Him. And that’s why He said the door of mercy was beginning to close. Now everything is coming to an end as the Lord finishes keeping His fulness in the True Church.
“…by seeing those seals revealed and the great things that’s taken place right here in the last few years-I believe with all my heart the door of mercy is beginning to close.” —- The Fifth Seal (390)
Now, as we see the ‘broken seals’ are revealed, and the ‘revealed mystery’ is made known to the church, we believe with all our hearts that the door of mercy is completely shutting.
In the old Testament period “The Ark of convenant” was the dwelling place of God.
“…to bring up from thence the ark of God, whose name is called by the name of the Lord of hosts, that dwelleth between the Cherubims-” —- II Samuel 6:2
“And when the ark of the Lord came into the camp, all Israel shouted with a great shout, so that the earth rang again. …And the philistines were afraid, for they said, God is come into the camp.” —- I Samuel 4:5:7
From the very beginning the Lord was trying to show His will, purpose and ways to His people, That is why Apostle Paul writes that the things of the Old Testament were only shadows of things to come.
“Who serve unto the example and shadow of heavenly things.” —- Heb 8:5
“For the law having a shadow of good things to come, and not the very image of the things…” —- Heb 10:1
The ark of the Covenant contained three things in it.
- Tables of the Covenant
- Golden pot that had manna
- Aaron’s rod that budded.
Each of these has a spiritual significance and each represents something in the Church
“…the ark of the covenant overlaid round about with gold, wherein was the golden pot that had manna and Aaron’s rod that budded, and the tables of the covenant;” —- Hebrews 9:15
The tables of the covenant represent the Word, the Christ the Headstone.
Manna, when it was kept till next day, became decayed. But when God asked Moses to take some manna in a golden pot and keep it in the Ark, it remained ever fresh. Perishable became imperishable. This hidden Manna kept in the golden pot represents the True Church which is going to put on immortality.
“For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.” —- I. Corin. 15:53
The rod of Aaron, which was a dead rod, when placed in the presence of God in the Holy of Holies, brought forth buds, and bloomed blossoms, and yielded almonds.
“…the rod of Aaron for the house of Levi was budded, and brought forth buds, and bloomed blossoms, and yielded almonds” —- Numbers 17:8
The rod of Aaron represents the dead saints who are going to be resurrected.
The three contents of the Ark represent the elements of the pyramid, namely The Headstone, The True Church and the Church. Because the True Church is possessing the mind of Christ, it is seeing the real things in the shadows of the old Testament.
In the book of Revelation, when John was shown the seven candlesticks, Christ was having the seven churches in His mind. In the same way when Moses and others saw the Ark of God with its three contents, the Lord had the whole and perfect Church in His mind. Now, because the same mind of Christ is now being placed in the True Church, it sees the real things in the shadows and types.

The Church comes to its perfection by the True church as it is the connecting link which connects the Capstone with the Body of the Pyramid.
Here also in this pyramid diagram of a perfect man, the connecting link is missing. Here the connecting link is HUMILITY. Humility is to be meek and lowly in heart. Humility is one of the important attributes of God. God has been manifesting Himself in three dispensations. In the first dispensation, He manifested His attributes of: Creator, Fatherhood, Lordship, Kingship, Healer, Deliverer and so on.
In the Old Testament period, the Lord was the King over His people, So, laws and commandments were given to the people. Whenever people transgressed the law, God sent His judgement; and thereby He manifested His attribute of Judge. In the Father dispensation, He could not manifest His attribute of humility because a King in His Judgements seat cannot show his humility as He is bound by his own laws.
So, to manifest this great attribute of humility, God became man. In the dispensation of Son, the Lord manifested. His great attribute of humility. The Bible says that God is love. To express this divine love God became a man, and with His humility He expressed His love.
The fruit of the Spirit is love, and the various attributes of love are joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance. When the Lord was here, He had all the attributes of love expressed through Him. This He manifested through the chief characteristic of Sonship, the humility, and that is why He said:
“I am meek and lowly in heart”. —- Matt. 11: 29

The genuine Love is expressed through genuine humility, Humility is the characteristic of Sonship of God.
“God don’t dwell in glamour, God dwells in humility.” —- Hebrews (153)
“Greatness is expressed in humility, real humility.” —- How can I overcome.
“They are looking for that (the denominations are looking for some great outward manifestations). But the church is looking for the humility and the signs of the Living God, Christ”. —- Christ is the mystery of God revealed (65)
Adam, before he could lose the glory and the life of God, lost the most precious and the only characteristic of the Sonship, that is humility. The real humility is obedience to the Word of God. When Adam and Eve reasoned the Word of God in their mind, at the very same moment, they lost the humility. When Adam lost humility, he lost the mind of Christ and sinned in the flesh by his carnal mind. That is why fear haunted them and death came to them.
“For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.
“Because the carnal mind is enmity against God : for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.” —- Romans. 8:6,7
Adam, when he lost humility, lost the very sonship. When the Lord Jesus came as the Son of God, He manifested what the sonship is.
“For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of Him that sent me.” —- John. 6:38
“I can of mine own self do nothing :… I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which that sent me.” —- John, 5:30
Adam, by losing the humility, lost the mind of Christ, glory of God and the life of God. Now, the plan of redemption is to restore these things which Adam lost by his disobedience.
It is very amazing to see that the Lord is restoring all these thing in the True Church through the baptism of the Holy Ghost without sensation, which is the true former rain.
Now, let us see how the Lord is restoring all these things back to man.
“By humility and the fear of the Lord are riches, and honour and life.” —- Prov. 22:4
Now, God is sending the real humility in the hearts of the members of the real Bride. When He sends a revelation, man being a free moral agent, has got the freedom either to accept it or to reject it. Cain being the serpent seed rejected the counsel of God for want of humility. Pharisees and lawyers rejected the counsel of God given through John the Baptist, and there by lost the chance of going into the kingdom of God.
When we have humility, the Lord has promised to give us riches, honour and life. In some of the translations the word glory is used in the place of ‘honour’. The Lord has never promised the worldly riches to the Church. All the true servants of God remained poor, but they were rich in Christ.
“…Hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him? —- James. 2:5
Here the riches that come by humility is the revelation of the mysteries of the Kingdom of God.
“Unto me, who am less than the least of all saints, is this grace given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable RICHES of Christs.” —- Eph. 3:8
“That in the ages to come he might show the exceeding RICHES of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus.” –Eph. 2:7
“To whom God would make known what is the RICHES of glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you the hope of glory” —- Colossians 1 :27
“As sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; as poor, yet making many RICH; as having nothing, and yet possessing all things.” —- II Corin. 6 :10
When the Lord reveals His mysteries, He renews our mind; and as our minds are renewed, so much of the mind of Christ is transfered into us. As the Lord reveals mystery after mystery, He continually renews our mind, and everytime a portion of His mind is placed in us, That is how Christ is pouring out His fulness into the True Church.
Making the mystery known to His Church is not the only purpose of God sending His revelation. Through revelation God wants to pour Himself into His children. And that is why the Lord has kept the revelation only for the predestinated Bride.
“But His mystery is only revealed to His Beloved Bride” —- Christ is the Mystery of God revealed (71)
“That means this Book can’t be revealed to anyone but a special class of people” —- Seven Church ages (16)
“God has purposed that and hid it from the eyes of the prudent and wise and revealed it to the predestinated babes who were predestinated to receive it.” —- Christ is the mystery of God revealed (26)
“…it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given.” —- Matthew 13 :11
We understand the mysteries only when God enlightens our eyes of understanding.
“That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him: The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know…” —- Eph. 1:17, 18
When God enlightens our eyes of understanding, we understand the mysteries. To enlighten our eyes, God sends His light into our mind. And that light is the life of God. “In him was life; and the life was the light of men” —- John 1:4
That life is the Lord Himself. “Jesus saith unto him, ‘I am the way, the truth and the life.” —- John 14: 6
So, when a man receives a revelation, He not only understands the Word but receives the very life of God into himself. That is, through revelation Christ enters into an individual.
“By having the revelation of His secret made known to them by His grace… it means the church, that He is trying to get into it.” —- Christ is the mystery of God revealed (58)
God, by His sovereignty, has predestinated this end time, that is the time of His coming, for revealing all the mysteries which were hidden since the foundation of the world. That is why the prophets in the ages past were asked to seal the visions and keep them as hidden things.
“But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased” —- Daniel 12:4
“And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things?
And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end.
Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly and none of the wicked shall understand; BUT THE WISE SHALL UNDERSTAND.” —- Daniel 12:8-10
“And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write: and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered and write them not.” —- Revelation 10:4
Now the predestinated time has come for revealing these mysteries and that is why the Lord is revealing them to the true church, which has come into the Rapturing age, which is a little age kept hidden within this Laodicean age itself. Only to those whom that Lord has taken into this Rapturing age, He has opened their eyes of understanding to understand the mysteries. But the others are left only in the experience and knowledge of the Loadicean age.
Now at this coming time of the Lord, the Real Bride, through humility, is getting back the following things: the mind of Christ, the glory and the life of God, which Adam lost by his disobedience.
Oh! Bride, don’t you see the plan of redemption is coming to an end? When the great Prophet Branham opened the seals, the door of mercy began to close. And now when the Holy Spirit is revealing the unwritten Seals the door of mercy is completely shutting.
The Bride will get awakened by this midnight cry and get ready by adapting herself into the provided channel of God.
“HUMILITY” is the wedding garment of the Bride. We will study more about this wedding garment as the Holy Spirit leads us into the Message of “The Third Pull”
God of love wanted to express His great love. He fully manifested His great love through His humility.
The Lord is clothing even His Bride with the genuine humility to express His Divine love through her, as she has become the eternal Body of Christ.
Without humility no one will go in the Rapture.
“Blessed are the poor in spirit:for their is the Kingdom of heaven” —- Matt. 5:3
“Now remember, How many was here at the first when I…last Sunday? Remember what I preached on?-HUMILITY. Oh, don’t forget that. I’m going to stop a minute to warn that again…I don’t mean it may be that way, exactly that way, but that’s the way it is.” —- Questions & Answers (Seals) (495)
Lord Jesus Christ didn’t go back to heaven by the virtue of being God, but because of His real humility He was raised to the most high place.
“And after He had appeared in human form He abased and humbled Himself (still further) and carried His obedience to the extreme of death, even the death of (the) cross.
Therefore (because He stooped so low), God has already exalted Him and has freely bestowed on Him the name that is above every name” —- The Amplified New Testament-Phil 2:8,9
Even the Bride will go in the Rapture only through her HUMILITY.
Now, in this space age, man has succeeded in going into space. This he has achieved by the nuclear power which is the result of the knowledge of the structure of an atom, which is the least thing of an element, Only the knowledge of the ‘LEAST THING’ has enabled man to go into space.
The Great Prophet has said that every development in the material world has a spiritual meaning. Even in the Spiritual realm, only the knowledge of HUMILITY is going to take the Bride in Rapture.
The Bride will put on humility, the characteristic of the Living God, as she has been foreordained for that .-Amen.
Perfection is attaining complete maturity of godliness both in mind and character. The Lord achieved this placing of perfection in a gradual process of revealing His mysteries. When a Word is revealed, the power in the revealed Word renews the mind, and the life in it goes in the heart to produce humility in the heart; because only through humility the divine love, which is the spiritual fruit can be manifested. When we accept the revelation from God and humble ourselves, God sends some more of His revelation to renew our mind. And the renewal of the mind in turn brings out the transformation in us.
“…be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” —- Romans 12:2
“But we all with open face be holding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.” —- II Corin 3:18
Everytime the Lord sends a revelation to the church, He transfers a portion of mind into it. As an illustration let us consider the letter “A”, This symbol ‘A’ is a mystery to a child who has not learnt the alphabets. A teacher knows the meaning of this symbol ‘A’ When he explains the child how to write this symbol, and pronounce this symbol to be ‘yea’, the child understands the meaning of this symbol ‘A’. Now, when the child understands the meaning of the symbol and pronounces this symbol, a portion of the mind of the teacher is transfered into the mind of the child. Because the child has acquired the same mind of the teacher when he looks at the same letter ‘A’, again he himself will tell it as “yea”.
Something happens in the spiritual realm also. Whenever a mystery is revealed to an individual, a portion of the mind of Christ is transfered into him. This process of ‘revelation’, ‘renewal of mind’ and ‘transformation’ is going on in a spiritual process. By this process the Lord has achieved placing of His fulness in the True Church.
“Then he said, that which is in past will be done away with when that which is perfect is come or WHEN WHICH IS PERFECT IS MADE KNOWN” —- Question and Answers 08-23-64
“Paul said,’Where there’s tongues they shall cease, where there’s prophecies it’ll fail. Where all these gifts, they’ll soon be done away with…But when that which is perfect is come, that which is in part is done away, see. So, we want the perfect thing, brethren.” —- Questions and Answers 1-12-61

At this time of the Bride getting ready for the Rapture, “waiting upon the Lord” has became a very important thing. God wants every member of the Bride to wait upon Him. Waiting upon the Lord is quite different from praising, praying and meditating, Waiting upon the Lord is just kneeling down in the presence of the Lord to hear from Him.
When we wait upon the Lord, He reveals His will and purpose of our life and shows the part that we have to play in the great plan of His redemption. Waiting upon the Lord helps us to come to a closer fellowship with God and to walk with Him.

“And Enoch walked with God: and he was not, for God took Him.” —– Genesis 5:24
Enoch is a type of the True Church which is going to be raptured.
“But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint” —- Isaiah 40:31
“I am going to seek’ til I find what God wants me to do…You have got to get to the place where you want to know the will of God, AND HOW CAN YOU DO THE WILL, IF YOU DON’T KNOW THE WILL?
...DO you love Him? Be real sure of that. Be real sure of it. They that love the Lord.
“They that wait upon the Lord,
Shall renew their strength.
They shall mount up with wings like an eagle.
They will run and not be weary
They will walk and not faint.
Oh teach me Lord, teach me Lord to WAIT.” —- Sirs, is this the time? (55)
“You came here to talk to Him and let Him talk back to you, The trouble of it is, we do too much talking and don’t listen enough. Then when we come in here, wait on Him” —- God in Simplicity (5)
“They that wait upon the Lord. Let me humble my pride and call on your Name, Let me wait, Lord, till I hear that still, small voice. And that voice will be a scriptural voice.” —- Abraham’s Royal seed. (20)
“They that wait upon the Lord… teach me, Lord to wait. Teach me, Lord, to wait down on my knees”. I like that. “And in your own good time you’ll answer my plea; teach me not to rely on what others do, but just wait in prayer for an answer from you. That’s it. THAT’S THE TRUE SERVANT THAT WAITS FOR HIS MASTER’S TURN. —- Present Stage of my ministry (18)
“Lord Jesus, any that’s physically able can pull back the pages of this Bible, but only the Holy Spirit can interpret it in the light that it’s been meant to…May the Holy Spirit reveal it to us as we wait on Him in Jesus Christ’s name. Amen” —- Paul a Prisoner (6)
God has created every member in the body of man to minister unto the other members in the body. Every member gets its commission only from the mind. So, every member is waiting upon the mind to receive the commission to carry out the will of the mind. In the same way every member of the Bride is foreordained of God to play a part in the great plan of redemption. To know the will and purpose of God for an individual, everyone has to go alone into a closet to wait upon the Lord.
When we go and wait upon the Lord, the Holy Spirit comes into our heart and points out our shortcomings, failures, and other sins that are hidden in our heart. God wants us to repent for these things and set right with Him and our fellowmen. Waiting upon the Lord helps us to have a close fellowship with God.
People give their own interpretation to this parable, and they say that people should use the natural gifts and ability for the service of God.
But a real interpretation from God will always dovetail with the entire Bible. Talent is Jewish money; and the man took these talents from his treasure and gave to his servants.
As we have seen already, ‘riches’ represent the revelation of the mysteries. When God gives a revelation through His church, and the believers go to the presence of God and wait upon Him with all the humility in their heart, the Lord magnifies the revelation by showing various passages from the Written Word and the Spoken Word of God. As the Lord magnifies the revelation, the believer gets more and more of the fulness of Christ placed in him and attains perfection.
“He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given,
For whosoever hath, to him shall be given. and he shall have more abundance: but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath.” —- Matt. 13:11, 12
If a man doesn’t go to the presence of the Lord and wait upon Him to have more revelations of what he has received he actually loses the light which he has received and becomes blinded to see the fulfilment of the Word of the hour.
The servants who received five and two talents because of multiplying what they had received went into the joy of their
Lord; whereas the man who received one talent and had no desire in the heart to trade and multiply it was cast into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. The outer darkness represents the great tribulation, Many saints of God who don’t have the desire in their heart to go to the presence of God to have a clear understanding of the things foretold in the Spoken Word, will be cast into the great tribulation for the purification of their sin of disbelieving God’s message for this winding up age.
“Now, we find out also, in this that the sixth Seal not being opened, it was for a three fold purpose…The first thing was that the sleeping virgins had to go through the tribulation period for purification. She had to be purged of her sins of unbelief and rejecting the Message. This she was in the tribulation period…Now she’s not the Bride, but it’s the Church-the pure people that didn’t have the opportunity, may be. to receive the Message, or in some way that they were blinded by these false prophets, and they didn’t get a chance, and yet they’re really sincere in heart” —- The Seventh Seal (575)
Waiting upon the Lord takes away all the greenness in us and helps us to ripen and get dried and be prepared for the Rapture.
“We’re right there ready now, The only thing the church coming out has got to lay before the sun to ripen. The great combine will come by afterwhile. The wheat will be burned, the stalks, but the grain will be gathered into it’s garner. See? —- Rapture (32)
“This is the end. The wheat’s come back to its grain, The shuck has pulled away from it. And the wheat must lay in the presence of the sun to be ripened. —- Rapture (13)
If we search the Written Word and the Spoken Word very diligently under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we can find how many ‘manifested sons of God’ that God would raise at this end of time to wind up this church age.
God has given us the Written Word and the Spoken Word for the Bride to know the purpose and will of God, and to know for sure what His ways are.
“How that God in His infinite wisdom has foreshadowed all things to us; that we might by things know, of certain, what lays before us. Made it so plain. that God and His Word, and the Nature and His Universe, is so perfectly arranged together, that even the-the sinner can see something is fixing to take place. God has so arranged it. No one is without excuse. —- Hearing, Recognizing, Acting on the Word of God (2)
The great Apostle Paul was living at the end of the dispensation of law and also at the beginning of the New Testament era. So, God revealed Him that the things of the Old Testament were only the shadows of the things of the New Testament.
“For the law having a shadow of good things to come, and not the very image of the things.” —- Heb. 10:1
“Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ” —- Col.2:17
In the same manner the Bride is now living at the end of the grace dispensation and also at the beginning of the dispensation of the kingdom. What the Lord is now doing is only the preparation to set up His kingdom on the earth.
Now, the Holy Spirit, our great Teacher is showing that even the things which happened in the dispensation of the Son and in the Church ages are only shadows of the things that have happened in the life and ministry of the great prophet Branham and the things that are happening in the True Church after the great Prophet. The entire Bible is focused on these events of reality. Now, all the shadows and types are disappearing and merging with the Real things. We will understand these things clearly as the Lord takes us deeper into the message.
“Now, when a shadow comes across the floor, you can tell whether it’s maid, woman or beast, or whatever it might be, because it casts a shadow upon the floor. And as that shadow gets shorter-the shadow being the negative, and there cannot be a negative with a positive-therefore, when the positive becomes closer to the negative, the negative is swallowed up in the positive. The shadow and the positive comes together, and that’s what makes it then a-the positive. And if all the old things, the Bible said in the Old was shadow of the things to come.” —- God’s chosen place of worship (9)
The Lord Jesus fed the multitude with five loaves; and the next time with seven loaves. Every time the people ate well and were satisfied. And also every time the remaining that were leftover were gathered and kept in baskets.
The Great Prophet says that nothing happens without any cause and everything in the Bible has a spiritual significance.
“Look, let’s take a simple drop of ink. Everything is for a purpose…There’s nothing without a purpose and a cause” —- God in simplicity (60)
“Now, that has got a significance! it has got a meaning. It’s a meaning. Nothing happens without a meaning.” –The First Seal (137)
“Now, you remember at the first, beginning, I said, There can’t be nothing without a reason.” —- The Fifth Seal (346)
Bread represents the Word, and breaking of bread represents the dividing of the Word, or the revealing of the Word.
In God’s numerology number five represents GRACE. Five loaves represent the message of grace which the Lord Jesus brought when he came at the end of four thousand years or at the beginning of the fifth thousand years. When the Lord was here, people received the Word directly from Him. After His death people had to receive the revealed Word only from the twelve apostles. The twelve baskets represent the twelve apostles.

Number 12 represents foundation. The Israel nation is built upon the foundation of the twelve patriarchs. The church is built upon the foundation of the twelve apostles.
“Now, therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God;
And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets. Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone” —- Eph. 2:19, 20
“And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in-them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.” —- Rev. 21:14
The Bible promises the coming of the Lord to the Church at the end time.
“But he denied the Holy One and the just, and desired a murderer to be granted unto you;
And killed the Prince of life, who God hath raised from the dead;…And now, brethren, I wot that through ignorance ye did it, as did also your rulers….
Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord.
And he shall send Jesus Christ, which before was preached unto you: —- Acts. 3:14-20
“And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.” -Luke.-17:26
“Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come into him, and will sup with him and he with me.” —- Rev. 3:20
John 14: 1–3
John 16: 16–21
II Corin 5: 1–5
Phil. 3: 20–21
II Thess. 1: 9
Heb 9: 28 etc
In these last days the Lord has visited His church according to His promises, though it is contrary to man’s thinking and expectations. The above quoted verses which pertain to the second coming of the Lord have already been accomplished before our eyes. But the Church has failed to recognize it. This the Lord has accomplished through the predestinated body, the body of the Great Prophet William Marrion Branham. That is how the Church has received the revelation of Seals directly from God Himself, The revelation of Seals is a message of perfection.
“You be sure to say just what the tape says. Don’t say nothing else, because…I don’t say that of my own! It’s HIM THAT SAYS IT;” —- God in Simplicity (19)
“It’s tremendous when you see God from the Heaven, stand before groups of man, and stand there, declare Himself just as He ever did… And that’s the Truth, and this Bible open. See? We’re here!” —- Rapture (30)
“And today, Before Jesus comes again, the full manifestation of Jesus Christ is to be manifested in flesh. Just think of it ! Jesus said, ‘As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be at the coming of the son of man, when the Son of Man is being revealed.” —- God is His own Interpreter (13)
“The last book in the Bible, (Revelations) shows us that there will be a RETURN OF HIM in the last days to the GENTILE CHURCH -A sign. How they miss it. He’s prophesied to come again BEFORE THE GREAT AND THE SECOND COMING OF THE LORD.” -A True Sign Overlooked (35-36)
“He that believeth on Me, the works, that I do shall he do also” Jesus said that see? Now, we’re going to have, we got a ministry that’s just exactly like the life of Christ. WHAT DOES THAT MINISTRY IDENTIFY? THE COMING OF THE LORD.” —- Adoption (107)
“We’re living in the last days, the generation that will see Jesus Christ RETURN TO EARTH. This day this scripture is fulfilled in your sight…” —- This day this Scripture is fulfilled (34)
“Now, we have already seen and are witnessing the appearance of the Lord, Now, remember, appearing and coming is two different words. “To appear” and then ‘to come’. Now is the appearing. He’s already appeared in these last days, right here with us in the last few years.” —- End Time Evangelism (62-63)
If we read the messages of the great Prophet Branham very carefully, the Lord will show us many more passages to substantiate this revelation. We will understand this very clearly as the Lord leads us into the messages “the Revelation of the true Son of Man” and “the Revelation of the coming of the Lord.”
In God’s numerology the number SEVEN is the number of perfection.
“Three is a number of completion, See? The third one. The next peak was five, number of grace. And the next peak has seven, a number of perfection, the end.” —- Standing in the gap (35)
“Five is grace, and seven is perfection” —- Gabriel’s instruction to Daniel (14)
“But seven is the number of God’s perfection. Six days He made the heavens and earth…Seven is God’s perfect number”. —- Count down (21)
These two words, though seem to carry the same meaning, show a striking difference. No two words have the same exact meaning. The difference can be understood easily by considering some illustrations.

Here each coin is round and so the circle is complete. But they are not of the same size. The size increases according to the value; and one rupee coin is the biggest. The circle of the one rupee coin is both complete and perfect. So, the perfection is completion plus the maturity. A thing can be complete but may not be perfect. A little child may be complete (whole) in itself, but it is not matured. But a matured man is both complete and perfect in himself.
In God’s numerology the number SEVEN is the number of perfection. After six thousand years and the beginning of the SEVENTH thousand years, the Lord has again visited the church through the body of the Great Prophet B-R-A-N-H-A-M. (Seven letters) and has given us the message of F-U-L-N-E-S-S. (Seven letters), When the great Prophet was here, the Church received the message of fulness directly from the Lord Himself. This was signified when the Lord fed the multitude the second time with SEVEN LOAVES.
The remaining left overs were gathered and kept in seven baskets. Later on, had any one wanted to have the bread blessed and broken by the Lord, he would have had it only from those seven baskets. These seven baskets represent the seven manifested Sons of God whom the Lord has raised in these last days with apostlic ministry to carry the message of fulness to the members of the Bride.
Twelve baskets signify the twelve apostles who are the foundation of the Church. And the seven baskets signify the seven manifested Sons of God through whom the Lord is perfecting the Church.
It is more impressive to read the things in the amplified version. There it is stated as:
“And they all ate and were satisfied. And they picked up TWELVE SMALL HAND BASKETS, full of the broken pieces left over” —- Matt 14:20
“And they all ate and were satisfied, and they gathere up SEVEN LARGE PROVISION BASKETS, full of the broken pieces that were left” —- Matt 15:37
“Do you not yet discern-perceive and understand ? Do you not remember the five loaves of the five thousand, and how many SMALL HAND BASKETS you gathered?
Nor the seven loaves for the four thousand and how many LARGE PROVISION BASKETS you took up? —- Matt 16:9,10
The twelve small hand baskets signify the twelve apostles who carried the message of GRACE to impart the first fruits of the Spirit.The seven large provision baskets signify the seven manifested Sons of God who carry the message of fulness to impart the FULNESS of the spirit.
Because the Lord is revealing the revelation of the hidden mystery, we now understand the real significance of the Word.
“Now the revelation of Thunders, it won’t be nothing outside the Word, because you can’t add to the word or take from the word. It’s got to remain always the word. But the revelation is to reveal the TRUTH OF IT, what it is, to make it fit with the rest of the Scripture. And then God vindicates that to be the TRUTH.” —- The Rapture (16)
Now the revelation of Thunders has revealed the truth of the waters from the two rocks in the Exodus; and ‘five loaves’ ‘twelve baskets’, ‘seven loaves’ and ‘seven baskets’.Amen! Glory to God.
“The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass and he sent and SIGNIFIED it by his angel unto his servant John. —- Rev. 1:1
The Great Prophet has revealed that this angel was not an angelic being but a prophet
Rev. 19:10 and Rev:22:8,9
There is a significance in God sending a prophet to the Apostle John to reveal the Book of Revelation to him. Nothing is without any reason.
“Now, that has got a significance; it has got a meaning. It’s a meaning. Nothing happens, without a meaning.” —- The First Seal (137)
John was a type of the True Church which is going to be raptured.
“John was a type of the rapturing Church” —- Revelation Chapt. 4 pt. I (572)
“And the same voice that was walking in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks also was the same voice he heard in Heaven, saying , “Come up hither”. John went up. It represented the Church going in the Rapture.” —- Revelation Chapt. 4. pt. III (657)
John represents the True Church which is going to be raptured; and the prophet who was sent to him represents the great prophet Branham whom God raised in the last days to reveal the Book of Revelation to the Church. The Book of Revelation was a closed book till the Great Prophet was raised. Now because of this Great Prophet, the Book of Revelation has become an open Book.
To this Great Prophet, the Lord sent Seven Angels to reveal the mysteries of the Seals.
“…I must not take what anyone says, It must be inspired. And I believe that the Seven Angels who are holding these seven thunders will grant it.” —- God in simplicity (18)
Here again there is a significance of God sending seven angels to the great prophet to reveal the mysteries of the Seals.
The significance is this: When the Seven Angels came to the prophet, he was caught up into the constellation of seven angels. There he saw the whitestone.
Here, the great Prophet stands as a : type of the Real Bride who is going to be raptured very soon. The seven Angels represent the seven Manifested Sons of God whom God has raised to reveal the Thunder mysteries to the true church.
“ ‘They say there will be a great roundup,
And cowboys like dogies will stand,
That will be marked by the riders of judgement,
That’s posted and knows every brand.’
…Who it is?-The Boss of the riders! That’s the Lamb to the Seven Messengers who’s posted and knows every brand” —- The Breach (108)
“He doesn’t do anything unless He makes it known (Amos 3) He makes it known first, and He promised that these things would come in the last days and the seventh church age, at the end of it, when the messengers arrived, there it would be.
There would be revealed those broken seals- they would be revealed, and here they are. That is in the name of the Lord. Believe it, friends.” —- The Second Seal (223)
“And the Angels took me into that pyramid of themselves-the mysteries of God known only to them. And now, they were the messengers that come to interpet that pyramid or at the Message of these Seven Seals which lays with inside the pyramid.” —- The Seventh Seal (578)
Now, this revelation of the coming of the seven Manifested Sons of God to reveal the Thunder mysteries is dovetailing with the word, vision, history and interpretation. And so this revelation is “THUS SAITH THE LORD.”
“And when anybody thinks that he has those seven Thunders if it don’t compare with the rest of the Word, there’s something wrong. It’s got to come “THUS SAITH THE LORD” —- The Sixth Seal (447)
“Now, the vision, plus the word, plus the church ages, and all blend together. So, I could truly say that to the best of my understanding and according to the Word of God and the vision and the revelation, the interpretation there of is THUS SAITH THE LORD.” —- The Seventh Seal (579)
Because the Lord has raised seven messengers after the death of the great prophet Branham, he cannot be the last messenger to the church. One cannot be the last person if there is one next after him. It we really humble ourselves and seek God through the Spoken Word and the Written Word, He will make it very simple and plain, and will enable us to see it very distinctly.
The Great Prophet Branham, who was the seventh church Angel has spoken of the coming of another seventh angel at the end of time. It needs the revelation from God to understand and differentiate another seventh angel apart from the great prophet Branham.
“And Jesus answered and said unto them, Elias truly shall first come and restore all things.
But I say unto to you, That Elias is come already, and they knew him not…” —- Matt. 17:10,11
Here, the Lord speaks of two different persons having the ministry of the same spirit. We understand this only by revelation. This looks so simple and plain to those who have received the revelation from God. But to the denominational people, it has become a confusion due to lack of revelation. That is why they have failed to recognize the God-sent prophet. Now, to understand about the other seventh angel, it needs revelation from God.
“And the only way it can ever be, is you’re predestinated to see it. If it don’t, you’ll never see it, ‘cause that Light can flash and you’ll go away and make fun of it and explain it away by some intellectual conception when the very God Himself manifesting Himself and proving it. See? But, if it ain’t upon you to see it. you won’t, see it.” —- Christ is the mystery of God revealed (50)
There are certain scriptures which have compound revelations. Two different persons and two different ministries are contained in one and the same scripture. Only by revelation one can distinguish and separate the different persons and ministries that are packed in the same verse. One is hidden within the other.
“And history always repeats itself and Scriptures has a compound meaning to it and a compound revelation.
For it is just like it says in the Bible that out of Egypt I call my son’(referring to Jesus). Run the margin on that and you’ll find out it also refers to Jacob-same Scripture. Jesus was His greater son. Jacob was His son that He called out of Egypt, which the Scofield reference and all other references it had a double answer. It had an answer to Jacob called out and to Jesus called out. And so, is it today!” —- This day this Scripture is fulfilled (9)
“ ‘The time is at hand’, The time was not at hand previously. In the wisdom and economy of God this mighty revelation (though fully known to God) could not come forth hither to. Thus we immediately learn a principle-the revelation of for EACH AGE can come in that age only, and at a specific time And in this age (Laodicean the revelation of God will come in ITS DUE TIME. It will not falter, neither will it be premature. Think on this and heed it well, for we are in the end time today.” —- Seven Church Ages (17)
“God reveals His word in His own predestinated season” —- Doing God a Service without His will (9)
“…the Holy Spirit said, “pick up a rock laying there, throw it up in the air; when it comes down say, ‘THUS SAITH THE LORD!’ There’ll be judgment strike the earth…” —- This day this Scripture is fulfilled (23)

“I’m bringing an indictment to the denominational churches of this day and also many of the independents for crucifying Jesus Christ afresh in this day-indicting them…
I indict this generation for the second crucifixion of Jeses Christ…

Therefore, the time for repentance, for a nation, it’s gone. I believe that this nation cannot repent. I believe that it’s crossed the line between mercy and judgment.” —- The Indictment (13)
“When the messengers arrived there it would be. There would be revealed those broken seals-they would be revealed; and here they are. That is in the name of the Lord. Believe, it friends.’ —- The Second Seal (223)
“…when this great revelation-revealed mystery is made known to you, then you denounce all the things of the world” —- Christ is the mystery of God revealed (59)
“I can almost see that Angel standing there and saying at the last of that Seventh Angel’s Message, “Time shall be no more” —- The Sixth Seal (405)
If this seventh Angel in this passage refers to the great prophet the time should have ended in His days itself and the Bride should have been raptured already in his days.
The Seventh Seal and the Third Pull were not made known to the Church in the ministry of the great prophet. Because it was not the predestinated time for the church to receive it. Just now we saw that God always sends His revelations of the predestinated due season.
“…if we don’t know It, and it won’t be known til that time but it will be revealed in that day, in the hour that it’s supposed to be revealed in.” —- The Seventh Seal (576)
“But you notice, He omitted the revelation of this Seventh Seal. And here when the Seventh Seal, when he opened it, He also omitted it again, see. So we see that it is a complete mystery, therefore, the hour is not yet for this mystery to be known, therefore, we’re this far and the rest of it will be known right around about the time…” —- The Seventh Seal (577)
“Then He said, “Now there is a third pull coming, but don’t try to explain it” —- Sirs, is this the time? (49)
IF THE CHURCH HAS REALLY UNDERSTOOD THIS POINT, IT WOULD HAVE HUMBLED ITSELF AND SOUGHT THE LORD FOR THIS REVELATION. Only this revelation about the Seventh Seal can give the rapturing faith. It is the will of the Lord that this revelation of the mysteries of the Thunders should be revealed at the very time of His coming.
“If it is coming time that the revelation of the Seven Thunders will be revealed to the church (how to go)…” —- Sirs, is this the time? (53)
“Now, do you notice on the opening of this Seventh Seal, it’s also in a three fold mystery. The Seven Thunders in Heaven will unfold this mystery. It’ll be right at the coming of Christ, because Christ said no one knew when He would return” —- The Seventh Seal (75)
Now, because the Lord has already revealed this Seventh Seal, the Church has already come to the VERY TIME OF HIS COMING! AMEN.
The revelation of the Seventh Seal has to come directly from Heaven:
“And we’re now coming up to the last Seal tonight, the Lord willing. And it’s a very mysterious Seal…It’s not even mentioned in the Scripture nowhere-no symbols, anything to hold onto. It’s got to come right direct from Heaven.” —- Questions & Answers on the Seals (457)
“…Now…the opening of this Seventh Seal…The seven thunders in Heaven will unfold this mystery” —- The Seventh Seal (575)
There cannot be a message without a messenger. God always sends His message only through a man. The Great prophet has
prophesied that the Lord would raise the manifested Sons of God in the last days to reveal the hidden mysteries and to wind up this church age. Had the church really believed its prophet, it would have humbled itself before God and would have searched the Written Word and the Spoken Word of God to understand and recognize the things promised for this winding-up time. The Real Bride will do it because she is foreordained for that.
“But this Bible tells you who, when, where and what to look for and never has failed one time”
“A man at’s blind cannot tell where he is going, he’s got to seek the understanding from somebody who can see. Until we can understand, somebody has got to tell us what’s truth” —- One in a million (14)
“This remember this, that each one of us, young or old, your first step that you ever made in your life, someone had to lead you. That’s right.AND YOUR LAST STEP YOU’LL EVER MAKE, SOMEONE WILL BE LEADING YOU. SOMEONE HAS TO LEAD.” —- Leadership (4)
“I said, ‘Well, it depends on what you’re looking at. See, what you’re looking for.” —- Leadership (8)
“Now, we’re living in the last days, watch the things that’s promised for the hour.” —- Leadership (38)
“The Great Prophet has prophesied about the coming of a messenger in the end time to reveal the Thunder mysteries to gather the Bride and make her ready for the rapture. Though he has made it so plain and clear in his various messages, it has become a great confusion to those who have begun to reason it with their carnal mind. Whatever it is, now the time has come for the TRUTH to be made known to the Bride.
“The hour has arrived!. Truth’s got to be known! The exodus is at hand! —- The Third Exodus (26)
It has always been a very hard thing to separate the present messenger from the previous one.
It’s always been a fight for the messenger to separate the old from the new. It’s always been that fight; for-for the messenger coming in to separate old from new, though always the message must be Scriptural, now, for each has foretold of the other to come…
…Notice, each one foretold the other one would come. Each one of the messengers, after the message foretold it would come. Now, but the people always takes the message of the day that they’ve had, they set it up…
When Luther preached justification…he set the Lutherans in order… And when Wesley come in, the Philadelphian church age, with the message of sanctification, why it was hard for Luther to see that. Them Luiherans wouldn’t believe it.” —- The Evening Messenger (17, 18)
Oh my!…I wish I could GET THAT TO THE PEOPLE and could actually…Don’t fail, don’t fail, please don’t this time. I am fixing to leave you. Don’t fail! If you ever listened, listen. These Seals are on the Backside of the Book, and at the time that the Seventh Angel is sounding, all the mysteries that are written in the Book are completed… when that seventh angel sounds out every mystery, it is over. LET HIM WHO HE MAY. WHATEVER IT MIGHT BE. God’s word can’t fail.” —- Sirs, is this the time? (38)
“But there will come on this earth, by God’s promise, a genuine servant of God, identified by God (by His word being the answer of this day), that’ll set the Bride in order (a real little minority of the church) and take it up. That’s right! He’ll introduce, “Behold. there’s the one I talked about, see that’ll come”
( Dec. 6, ‘65) Modern events are made clear by —- Prophecy (41)
This message was given just two weeks before his death. Here, we see he foretells of another messenger to come.
In most of the messages especially in Seals and “Sirs, is this the time?” the great Prophet speaks of the two seventh angels simultaneously just to make it a confusion for them who are not predestinated. The elected people will understand it by revelation.
“And he said, unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of God: but to others in parables: that seeing they might not see, and hearing they might not understand.” —- Luke 8:10
“But those who believe God’s hour that we’re living in, these things are hidden Food. Just thinks, God has so hid it that they look right at It and don’t see It. The same way that Elijah blinded the Syrian army. The same way that God blinds the unbeliever from the true genuine Food of the child. the believer.” —- Spiritual Food in due season (14)
“…the church is already called out, the Bride’s already chosen, and just waiting before the judgment strikes. Already waiting, eating the Food of God, enjoying the blessings of God” —- Spiritual Food in due season (15)
“It’ll do the same thing that he did, he would feed on the secret things of God which is hid from the world.” —- Spiritual Food in due season (18)
“And, Father, so is it today. The church, the true believer, the Body of believers, has access to Food, spiritual Food, that the nominals know nothing about, The world knows
nothing of this Food, Father, But your church, your people, the Bride of your son, loves It,” —- Spiritual Food in due season (20)
“But he don’t know that this is the hidden Food, He don’t know that this is the secret thing that’s hid from him. He doesn’t know It. It’s-It’s-It’s pitiful, a mind that’s naked, miserable, blind and don’t know it. See? That’s a bad thing” —- Spiritual Food in due season (23)
“-that’s the Bride of Christ, Sure, She’s got a ministry, a great ministry-the ministry of the hour, it’ll be so humble …last Sunday? Remember what I preached on?-HUMILITY. Oh, don’t forget that. (I’m going to stop a minute to warn that again)…I don’t mean it may be that way, exactly that way, but that’s the way it is” —- Questions & Answers on Seals (494)
“He speaks of great big things…when this comes to pass, it’ll be great, big like this, and it’ll be so humble you’ll miss the whole thing and just go right on’ —- God in Simplicity (66)
Very often, the Great Prophet speaks of the two seventh angels simultaneously, just to confuse the ‘make-believers’. To differentiate one from the other, the second seventh angel-the seventh in the constellation-will be suffixed with (C) as “Seventh angel (C)”
The Great Prophet has thrown the secrets of God-THE REAL THINGS as “hints”, and had kept them hidden in his messages, so that only the predestinated people might understand by revelation and see the entire plan of God in plain view without any shadow or blurring.
“I pray that for across the nation and even around the world where the tape will be played, that they, also will receive this Thanks giving message and KNOW BY THE HINTS AND THINGS THAT HAVE BEEN THROWED. what they must do. I pray it, Father; grant it” —- Invisible Union of the Bride (49)
Every God-sent messenger knew by revelation who he was. Moses knew who he was. That is why he forsook the pleasures of sin and the treasures in Egypt.
“By faith Moses…refused to be called the son or Pharoah’s daughter…By faith he forsook Egypt” —- Heb 11:24-27
John the Baptist knew by revelation who he was and knew his location for sure in the Scripture.
“He said, I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, make :straight the way of the Lord, as said the prophet Esaias.” —- John 1: 23
Lord Jesus knew by revelation His place in the Scripture.
“And there was delivered unto him the book of the prophet Esaias. And when he had opened the book he found the place where it was written,
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me…And he began to say unto them. This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears. –Luke 4 : 21
“And he said unto them, These are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning me.” —- Luke 24:44
Even the Great Prophet Branham knew by faith his position in the Scripture. The Message of “This day this scripture is fulfilled” is full of the scriptural confirmations of his ministry.
When he had the vision of the seven angels he saw another seventh angel (C) also placed in Rev. 10 : 7 itself, If the Great prophet alone was the one mentioned in Rev. 10 : 7, all the mysteries should have been revealed to the church in his days itself and the church should have been raptured already.
Now the predestinated time has come for the Lord to manifest this seventh angel (C) to reveal the hidden mysteries and wind up this dispensation. That is why the Holy Spirit is revealing the location of this seventh angel (C) in the Written Word and the Spoken Word of God.
“NOW LISTEN. This Angel came down from Heaven. See, the other Seven Angels of the Seven churches were earthly messengers, but this angel-all the message is finished, The Seventh Angel winds up the whole thing. This Angel come… He isn’t a man from the earth, AS THE MESSENGERS TO THE CHURCH AGES; THAT IS FINISHED– but this Angel brings the next announcement-But this angel…THIS ‘SAID, TO THE ANGELS OF THE CHURCH OF Laodicea…He come down from Heaven! because the Mystery is all finished, And when the Mystery! is finished the Angel said, “Time shall be no more,” and the Seven Thunders throwed their voices out. What if it is something to let us know how to enter into the rapturing faith.
…Is there something fixing to happen, and these old marred, vile bodies going to be changed? Can I live to see it, oh, Lord? —- Sirs, is this the time? (45, 46)
If a person really humbles, before God and seeks God through the above given passage of the Great message “Sirs, is this the time?” the Holy Spirit will make him see what God was trying to convey through the Great prophet Branham. This little passage Portrays the church till the rapture.
Please note that the great prophet tells of the coming of seven angels in the Laodicean age.
I. Seven Church Angels
II. Mighty Angel from Heaven
III. Seven Angels to the Laodicean Church
This can be very clearly understood by considering the various ministries.
God reveals his mysteries in three stages,
“Now, in threes and sevens in God’s number in His mathematics of revealing His Word.” —- The Seven Seal (574)
There are three kinds of Mysteries in the Bible,

“How that by revelation he made known unto me the mystery;…
Whereby, when ye read, ye may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ.
Which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men, as it is now revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit” —- Ephesians 3:3-5
God has revealed His mysteries in three stages,
- The Apostles
- The Great Prophet Branham
- The Manifested Sons of God
In these last days the Lord raised the Great Prophet Branham as the seventh church angel. The ministry of the seventh church angel was to reveal the written mysteries.
When he finished revealing the written mysteries, he CEASED to be the Seventh Angel. And the ministry of Christ began as he revealed the Seals. When the Great Prophet opened the Seals to the Church, it was not the predestinated time for the church to have the revelation of the unwritten seals. So, the hidden mysteries, though revealed, yet remained a mystery. To make this revealed mystery known to the Real
Bride, the Lord has raised the seven manifested Sons of God. They are the ordained servants of God for the harvest.
“The Book that is written within is then completed WHEN ANGEL CEASES-now please understand this-when the Seventh Angel’s message is completed…
Now there is writing on the inside of the Book, But the backside had Seven Seals on the back of it that wasn’t written in the Book…Now do you see what I mean? Are you following me? Then is the time for the Seven Voices of Revelation 10 to be revealed. When the Book is finished, there is only one thing left, and that is the Seven mysterious voices of Thunder. —- Sirs, is this the time? (36, 37)
If you very carefully read the following passage, you will not miss to see how the Great Prophet is trying to differentiate the seven angels of the end time from the Seven church angels.
“as the messengers to the church Ages, THAT IS FINISHED-but this Angel Brings the next announcement – It was Christ… But,THIS ANGEL…this said, TO THE ANGEL OF THE CHURCH OF LAODICEA” —- Sirs, is this the time? (45, 46)
The three things that the Great Prophet wants to convey are :
- Messengers to the church ages
- Christ-The mighty Angel from Heaven
- Angels of the church of Laodicea
Here is another substantiating passage from the message “The Seed of discrepancy.”
“Notice in verse 41, the two also very close, so close in the last days till He didn’t do it…He could not depend on some certain church to separate them.” He said, “HE SENDS HIS angels to separate them.” An angel is coming to bring the saparation, the segregation between the right and the wrong. And no one can do that but the Angel of the Lord. He’s the one that is going to tell which is right and which is wrong. God
SAID HE WILL SEND HIS ANGELS AT THE LAST TIMES. NOT ANGELS DOWN THROUGH HERE, BUT ANGELS AT THE LAST TIME, AND WOULD GATHER TOGETHER, We know that this is the coming harvest time now. Now, an angel is actually interpreted a ‘messenger’ ”
God always reveals the mysteries through the last messenger.
- The Apostle Paul was the last of the twelve apostles. Though there were twelve apostles, God chose the Apostle Paul to reveal His mysteries.
- There were Seven Church angels. The Lord chose only the Great Prophet Branham, who was the seventh church angel to reveal the entire mysteries of God.
- Among the Seven Angels of the constellation, the Lord has chosen the seventh one to reveal the mystery of the Seventh Seal.
“And the one of them coming (was the one that looked so strange to me) was the one on my, be to the, left where I entered the constellation at, but counting from the left to the right, it would have been the Seventh Angel, see.” —- The Seventh Seal (565)
“And if you’re listening to the tape of the “What Time is it, Sir?” you will notice that one Angel was very notable to me. The rest of them just seemed ordinarily; but this Angel was a noted Angel…So that would be the last angel’s Message-very notable.” —- The Seventh Seal (578)
“…counting from the left to the right, would have been the Seventh Angel. He was brighter, meant more to me than the rest of them. You remember I said he had his chest out like that, and was flying eastward. Do you remember like that? I said, ‘It picked me up, lifted me up!’ “Do you remember like that? Here it is! The one with the Seventh Seal-the thing that I’ve wondered all my life. Amen!” —- The Seventh Seal (561)
Both the Seventh Angels, the Seventh Church Angel and the Seventh Angel (C) of the constellation have their location in the Bible in Rev. 10 : 7. That is why the Great prophet uses the same Scripture to identify both of them. The wise will understand it.
“I believe that the Seventh Angel of Revelation 10 is the Seventh Church Age Messenger of Revelation 3:14…
‘But in the days of the voice of the Seventh Angel’…Now you notice, this was AN ANGEL and it is THE ANGEL of the Seventh Church Age.” —- Sirs, is this the time (29)
The Great Prophet Branham was the Seventh Church Angel and so he is termed as THE ANGEL. And the seventh angel (C) is one of the seven angels of the constellation and so, he is termed as AN ANGEL.
“…Now, sounding forth, this messenger, the seventh Angel here, is sounding forth his message to the Laodicean Church.NOTICE HIS TYPE OF MESSAGE. Now, it wasn’t to the First Angel (wasn’t given that). Second Angel, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth; but it IS THE SEVENTH ANGEL THAT HAD THIS TYPE OF MESSAGE. What was it ? Notice, his type of message: FINISHING ALL THE MYSTERIES OF GOD. —- Sirs, is this the time ? (30)
The Great Prophet Branham tied all the loose ends that were left in the seven church ages. Now, this Seventh Angel (C) will tie all the loose ends that are left in the Seals unrevealed, when the white stone mystery (Thunder Mystery) is revealed.
“Now, all the Mysteries of justification, sanctification, Baptism of the Holy Ghost is done explained. NOW, PICKING UP THE LOOSE ENDS OF WHICH IS CONCEALED IN THE SEVEN SEALS, not the Seven Churches, the Seven Seals revealed the Mysteries. And then He opened this thing up at the top and found rock in there, white, but had never been wrote on, is a mystery.” —- The Third Exodus (42)
“And at the end of the Pentecostal Age we are supposed to receive, according to the word, as God help me tonight to show you through here, that we are to receive a messenger that will take all those loose ends out there and reveal the whole secret of God for the rapturing of the church… and I believe that through these seven thunders will be revealed in the last days in order to get the Bride together for rapturing faith.” —- The Seventh Seal (128)
“It’s always been a fight for the Messenger to separate the old from the new. It’s always been that fight, for-for the messenger coming in to separate old from new, though always the message must be scriptural, now, for each has foretold of the other to come…
Notice, each one foretold the other one would come. Each one of the messengers, after the message foretold it would come. NOW, BUT THE PEOPLE ALWAYS TAKES THE MESSAGE OF THE DAY THAT THEY’VE HAD, THEY SET IT UP…
…when Luther preached justification by faith…he…set the Lutherans in order…And when Wesley came in the Philadelphian Church Age, with the message of sanctification, WHY, IT WAS HARD FOR LUTHER TO SEE THAT. THEM LUTHERANS WOULDN’T BELIEVE IT.” —- The Evening Messenger (18)
“In the very day that the Son of Man is revealed, Revelation 10:1-7, read it when you get home…The seventh angel’s message, opening up the Seals…What is it ? Not the angel is the Son of man, but the messenger is revealing the Son of man. CAN YOU GET IT SEPARATED NOW ? That’s WHERE IT SEEMS TO BE SO HARD FOR YOU. YOU SEE ? Not the Son of man Himself, but the seventh angel, the Seventh Messenger, is Revealing to the Public the son of man, because it’s left the shuck…it’s the grain itself again” —- The Anointed ones at the end time (61)
It is very plain here to see that at this end: time the ‘Grain’ has left the shuck. This ‘Grain’ is not the Lord Jesus because He was the ‘Grain’ that went into the ground to reproduce the grains at the harvest time. So, this Grain which has left the shuck is the Great Prophet Branham whom God has ordained ‘the Son of Man.’ In the days of the Great Prophet, the Son of Man was manifested in the life and the ministry of the Great Prophet. Now the Son of Man is revealed to the Real Bride through the opening of the Seventh Seal. The seventh Angel (C), being the messenger of the seventh seal, is now revealing the True Son of Man to the Real Bride. Amen!
“Look! I want to say one more thing. Closely now, don’t miss this. How striking! FROM THE SEVENTH ANGEL’S (MESSENGER OF THE SEVENTH SEAL) Message (and Revelation 10 was Seventh Seal) to the seven Trumpets, between those two times…Oh God, how can we say this to make the people see it ? It’s between that sixth Trumpet (and the sixth Trumpet… and the sixth seal sounds at the same time.) and between the sixth Trumpet and the Seventh Trumpet, there is a prophet to appear before the Gentiles to call the people back to the original Pentecostal doctrine…” —- Feast of the Trumpets (39)
Even in the first Church age there were twelve Apostles, but the Lord chose the Apostle Paul to be the leader and the Angel of that age.
“Remember, Paul, founding the Church at Ephesus, became the messenger to that Church, and the Spirit that was in the land at that time was a lion spirit. And the lion is the Lion of the tribe of Juda which is Christ, and Christ is the Word. PAUL WITH THE WORD OF THAT AGE.” —- Questions & Answers (464)
“…and he represents the end-time leader that will come to the Church EVEN AS PAUL CAME AS THE ORIGINAL LEADER.” —- An Exposition of the Seven Church Ages.
“God” lotted His Word out to each age. And each one of those age has to manifest. And also foreordained men for that age to fulfil that Word. EVERY TIME HE “LOTTED HIS WORD, HE ALOTTED A MAN FOR IT.” —- Rapture (10)
“…each generation has its revival and GOD RAISES HIM UP A MAN, SETS HIM WITH HIS WORD AND STARTS HIM OUT WITH THE MESSAGE FOR THAT AGE.” —- The Spoken Word is the original Seed (19)
“God uses man, and man only, God doesn’t use machinery. God doesn’t use groups of man. god doesn’t use organizations. God uses individuals, always.” —- Perfect Faith (9)
“You can’t go under a group of men. I defy anytime that it ever went, God never did use a group of man. He uses ONE MAN.Exactly one man at a time, ‘cause two men’s got two opinions. One man! Exactly right. Notice now, every dispensation it’s been that way, all the way down through, it’s been that way every time.” —- The End Time Evangelism (27)
“…only thing He had to have is one man that he could operate with. That’s all He wants, is one man…
…one man that He can hold in His hand and SHOW HIS WORD ALIVE AND SHOW HIMSELF ALIVE” —- The Third Exodus (26)
“God took one man in the wilderness, trained him up and brought him back, and took the thing over and brought the people out. See, what I mean ? He cannot change His program. He’s God. He’ll never deal with a group…” —- The Third Exodus (39)
“Now, God always uses a-a prophet, a man. If you use a bunch of man. you get different ideas…But god always works with an individual…But, let me tell you, there will rise a messenger at the end of this Pentecostal age and WIND UP THE THING. IT WILL BE A MAN. Not a group, not a denomination, but a man. It’s always been, and God cannot change. His program. He’s the Eternal God.
...they’ve done the same thing today! So we’re looking for a messenger. (God, send him!) Do you think we’ll receive him ? No, Sir! he’ll be “A crank and a fanatic”. Sure enough, but God will prove him.” —- The Evening Messenger (12,13,32)
Now the Spirit of God wants to take us into a still deeper dimension of His revelations. Dear Reader, if you are not convinced of this revelation, please forget about this and you be free to go in your own way. THIS REVELATION IS ONLY FOR THOSE WHO BELIEVE THE ENTIRE WRITTEN WORD AND THE ENTIRE SPOKEN WORD. AMEN!
The Lord has given us the Scripture to know His ways for sure. The events in the Bible are only shadows and types of what the Lord has been doing since the days of the Great Prophet Branham. Now, the Lord has been leading his people into the revelation of Real and True things: “the True Word”, “the True Grain”, “the True Tabernacle”, “The True Son of David,” “The Real Melchizedec,” “The True Messenger,” “The True Trumpet,” “The True Former and latter rain,” “The True Church,” “The True Bride,” etc. Only the knowledge of these real and true things will give the rapturing faith to the Bride.
The Prophet Moses delivered the people of Israel from Egypt and led them up to the promised land. This is only a shadow of the real things which the Lord has accomplished through the Great Prophet, The Great Prophet Branham delivered us from the Spiritual Egypt, the denominations. Moses never led the people into the promised land. So, also the Great Prophet never led the people into the real promised land, because it was not the predestinated time for the Church to possess it. The Promise or the hope of the Church is possessing the Fulness of Christ. Only Joshua led the people into the promised land, NOW, WHO IS OUR JOSHUA THAT will lead us into the Real Promised Land, the Fulness of Christ ?
“Our Joshua, which is the Holy Spirit. Joshua means “Jesus, Saviour.” Joshua means the Holy Spirit representing it in the Spiritual as that was in the natural, that He is our great warrior, He’s our Leader; As God was with Joshua, so is God (in the Holy Spirit) moving us about.” —- Adoption Pt I (11)
“The Leadership is the Holy Spirit, friend. It leads you and guides you into all Truth.” —- Leadership (34)
Many Brethren have taken this literally and are leading the people in their own carnal way without fully understanding the meaning of the leadership of the Holy Spirit. The Spoken Word gives us the correct interpretation of the “HOLY SPIRIT LEADERSHIP.”
“Oh, I know there’s many rise up and go out and say, ‘Oh I don’t need to go to church anymore. Praise God, the Holy Ghost has come, He’s the teacher.’ When you get that idea, you’re just wrong. For why did the holy Ghost set teachers in the Church, if He was going to be the teacher?’ See ? There are first apostles, prophets, teachers, evangelists, and pastors. The Holy Spirit set teachers in the Church, so He could teach through that teacher.” —- Hebrews (174)
“So devils must have something to work in, somebody to work through. And that’s the way God does too, He has to have us! HE’S DEPENDING ON US TO WORK THROUGH US.” —- The Greatest Battle (8)
“He got the Holy Ghost. That was His Tutor,…to raise His children…, HE SPEAKS THROUGH HUMAN LIPS.” —- Adoption (49)
If He’s still God, He can use my lips to speak the same word that He would do, ‘cause He has no lips but mine and yours. He has no eyes but ours. So he just comes down and operates His Church through our body.” —- The Message of Grace (39)
“He anoints his servants with his Spirit; He sends them angels…the spirit and the word came to the prophets; and the prophets had the word of God…It wasn’t the man, it was the Spirit of God in the man, the Spirit of Christ in the man.’ —- The Greatest battle (26, 27)
“God’s purpose we find here, in sending the Holy Spirit, was one purpose; that God himself, might dwell in His Church and continue his plans through the Church.” —- What was the Holy Ghost given for (6)
“but God’s way for his Church is to be led by the Holy Ghost and by His Spirit…the Holy Spirit used to be the leader in this nation…we have rejected our Leader, the Holy Spirit! and through corrupt politics have brought in man perversed mind …we need Holy Spirit Leadership-not INTELLECTUAL MAN” —- The Rejected King (9, 11, 12, 13)
Twelve stars are the “twelve apostles” that brought the messages to us, now, UNDER THE HOLY SPIRIT.” —-Shalom (12)
“But God always works: with an individual…He spoke to one man and that man had to bring the message.” —- The Evening Messenger (13)
So, the leadership of the Holy Spirit is not a group of people but God working through ONE MAN. Amen!
“but finally, we’re at the river now.-He’s going to raise up A NEW ONE With A Joshua to take them Over. The law failed; Moses went with it; Moses failed. Joshua took them over. We find out that the organizations has failed, but the Spirit of God…That the Holy Spirit will come into the Church, not an organization, but the Holy Spirit will get among the people and make Her ready to go up, cross Jordan” —- Gabriel’s instruction to Daniel (24)
“Now let us stand like Joshua and Caleb. Our promised land is coming in sight even as theirs did. Now Joshua means “Jehovah, Saviour.” and he REPRESENTS THE END-TIME LEADER THAT WILL COME TO THE CHURCH EVEN AS PAUL CAME AS THE ORIGINAL LEADER. CALEB REPRESENTS THOSE THAT STAYED TRUE WITH JOSHUA.” —- “Pick up your pen and write”
So, this Joshua the end time leader, is not a group of people but a single man. God has ordained this man to lead the people to the Rapture as Joshua led the people of Israel into the Promised Land… BECAUSE GOD HAS ORDAINED THIS MAN TO LEED THE BRIDE TO THE RAPTURE AFTER THE DEATH OF THE GREAT PROPHET BRANHAM, PROPHET BRANHAM CANNOT BE THE LAST ANGEL.
This Joshua, the end time leader, is also an inspired prophet. The Great Prophet has called him as: “the end time leader,” “the last earthly messenger,” “the last angel”, and so on.
“Now, let us stand like Joshua and Caleb (NOW, WATCH CLOSE, THIS IS GOING TO HAVE A SPIRITUAL BACKGROUND)…Joshua…represents the end time Leader to take the Church over, Caleb represents the true believer who stayed with Joshua…NOW LISTEN, THIS IS GOING TO MEAN SOME THING…
…Joshua waited for that time! Oh how-No matter how much people might have said, ‘God gave us the land, the promise; let us go now take it.” They might have said, “Joshua, you lost your commission. You’re all washed up. Why are you not doing something ?… But this wise God-sent prophet knew the promise of God but also knew to wait for that promise-a clear-cut decision from God for his time. These parables ? Now, watch. And when the time came, God gave it to Joshua, who had stayed with Him by the Word, for He could not trust others; He could trust him. SO WILL IT REPEAT.” —- The Spoken word is the original seed (121)
“but the Seventh Seal doesn’t reveal anything (What’s going to happen to it), see, because at the end of that Church age is to come a prophetic gift to reveal these things. Are you following it ? All right.” —- Questions & Answers-Seals (466)
“Moses…sent his general, Joshua, which was a prophet, so he sent a minor prophet under Moses: And Joshua listened to Moses.” —- Proving His Word (21)
“…When Joshua was made the commander-in-chief of the army, and they came down to the very edge of the water…the fields were swept across by a flood. Oh, what a tempting time! But Joshua said, ‘Get ready, you’re going to see the Glory of God!’ And they sanctified themselves and got ready, making ready when everything seemed to be contrary. But that was the seed of Abraham, who God swore. ‘I’ll give him the gate’. He came to the Jordan, that was his gate, and he possessed it.” —- Possessing the Enemy’s gates (9)
“…when this Seventh Angel rises in the Laodicean age and begins to sound forth the TRUE TRUMPET…Because it will be contrary, they won’t believe it. They sure won’t believe it. But it will be an inspired prophet… And when he does, he sounds forth to call from Babylon, ‘Come out of her my people and be not partakers of her sins.’ God SEND HIM-DON’T MISS IT.” —- Sirs, is this the time (39)
“THE SEVENTH MESSENGER TO THE SEVENTH CHURCH AGE, is the fellow that is going to reveal, by the Holy Spirit, all of these mysterious things that are going to…you know where it’s at (the 10th Chapter, see ?)…Notice, this last message of the Church age is not a reformer, he is a PROPHET!” —- The First Seal (144, 145)
Please note here that Rev: 10:1-7 is the Seventh Seal and it is the last message to the last Church age. That being the Seventh Seal the Great Prophet never interpreted it as he was not the messenger of the Seventh Seal. Only the Seventh Angel (C) is the messenger of the Seventh Seal.
‘’Notice, it’s God fulfilling His Promised Word AGAIN, of Revelation 10:1-7 ‘And in the days of the sounding of the Seventh Angel’s Message the mystery of God should be finished. The hidden mystery of Revelation 10:1-7, The LAST MESSAGE To The LAST CHURCH AGE, Fulfils exactly, in this age, St. Luke 17:30, “The day when the Son of Man shall be revealed.” —- What is the attraction on the mountain (23)
“LOOK, I WANT TO SAY ONE MORE THING, CLOSELY NOW, DON’T MISS THIS. How striking! From the Seventh Angel’s (messenger of the Seventh Seal) Message (and Revelation 10 was Seventh Seal, … Oh God, how can we say this to make the people see it ? It’s between that Sixth Trumpet (and the Sixth Trumpet…and the Sixth Seal…between the Sixth Trumpet and the Seventh Trumpet, there is a prophet to APPEAR before the GENTILES to call the people back to the ORIGINAL PENTECOSTAL DOCTRINE.” —- Feast of the Trumpet (121)
When God raised the apostles at the first Church age they brought a doctrine about Christ that gave a revelation about Christ as “Alpha”. Now at this winding up time the Holy Spirit has already sent a complete and perfect revelation about Christ, to see the Christ as ‘OMEGA’ The next message “The True Son of Man” will deal about this Doctrine of Christ.
“Then comes the Laodicean Church Age with the Baptism of the Spirit, but they messed it all up and went right back into the formalism like they did in the first place-when he was to look upon as Alpha and Omega-the first and the last.” —- Sirs, is this the time ? (34)
“…the Spirit and the Word come to the prophets; and the prophet had the Word of God…it was the Spirit of God in the man, the Spirit of Christ in the man; For the Word of God…” —- The Greatest Battle (27)
“Now, God always uses a-a prophet, a man. If you use a bunch of man, you get different ideas; see, each man, two man. Never did he have two major prophets on the earth at one time. He takes one, so the other one can take its place for another day, another message. He never has two, He has one at a time.” —- The Evening Messenger (12)
This Seventh Angel (C) will reveal the True Son of Man to the Bride and announce the coming of the headstone.
“In the very day that the Son of Man is revealed, Revelation 10:1-7, …The Seventh angel’s Message, opening up the Seals…what is it ? Not the angel is the Son of man, but the messenger is revealing the Son of man. Can you get it separated now ? That’s were it seems to be hard for you.” —- The anointed ones at the end time (60)
“…And when this Seventh Angel rise in the Laodicean Age and begins to Sound forth the TRUE TRUMPET…Because it will be contrary they won’t believe it, they sure won’t believe it. But
it will be an inspired prophet, because there is no way to figure it out…Now when his sounding forth…Now that is THUS SAITH THE LORD. We have that clear…God send him-don’t miss it. —- Sirs, is this the time ? (39)
“…But this is introducing the headstone, the last day, the Bride tree. IT’S CONTRARY TO ALL OF IT. And yet It’s the same light for the matured…” —- A man that can turn on the Light (32)
“Now when that gets on tape, which it is, that’ll probably send ten thousand of my friends away from me, because they’re going to say that Brother Branham is trying to put himself and make himself a servant, or a prophet or something before God. Let me tell you, my brethren, that’s an error! I’m only telling you what I seen and what has been told to me, and you do what ever you want to. I DON’T KNOWN WHO’S GOING TO…
It may be time, It may be the hour now, that this great person that we’re expecting to rise on the scene may rise on the scene. May be this ministry that I have tried to take people back to the Word has laid a foundation; and if it has, I’ll be leaving you for good. There won’t be two of us here at the same time. If it is, he’ll increase, I’ll decrease. I don’t know. But I have been privileged by God to look and see what it was-unfold to that much. Now that is the truth.” —- The Seventh Seal (567)
“…THEN WATCH, WHAT I AM FIXING TO TELL YOU in a few minutes. WATCH THE THIRD PULL THEN! It will be absolutely to the total lost, but it will be for the Bride and the Church.
Now, we are closer than it seems to be. I don’t know when, but it is real close, I may be building a platform for somebody else to step on. I may be taken before that time. I don’t know.
And that time may be this coming week that the Holy Spirit will come and bring Christ Jesus…” And if I am laying a foundation that another shall stand upon, grant, Lord, that soon it will happen, That the Word might be fulfilled. Our heart’s desire is to see your Word fulfilled.” —- Look away to Jesus (7, 40)
Here this passage…“the Holy Spirit will come and bring Christ Jesus” refers to the Holy Spirit bringing the Manifested Sons of God to reveal the mysteries and wind up this dispensation. It is clearly interpreted in the message” Sirs, is this the time ?”.
“…There is nothing to be scared about, If Jesus is coming it is a very…it is a moment that the whole world has groaned and cried for. If it is something, breaking forth now, for a new coming-a new coming of a new gift or something, it will be wonderful. If it is coming time that the revelation of the Seven Thunders will be revealed, to the Church (how to go), I don’t know. I have just stated what I saw.” —- Sirs is this the time ? (53)
The Scripture tell us that the whole world is groaning and crying for the appearance of the Manifested Sons of God.
“For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the Manifestation of the Sons of God…For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now…” —- Romans 8:22
The same fulness that was in the Lord Jesus Christ was placed in the Great Prophet Branham. And the same fulness is now placed in the Manifested Sons of God and from them it will be imparted to the various members of the Bride. Before the rapture, the Bride would be in the form of the Lord Jesus Christ.
“In these last days the true Bride Church (Christ’s seed) will come to the Headstone, and she will be the Super Church, a Super race, as she nears him. They in the bride will be so much like him that they will even be in His very image. This is in order to be united with him. They will be the very manifestation of the word of the Living God.” —- Pick up your pen and write. —- (Seven Church Ages)
“And then those stones that fit around that headstone, will have to be stones that’ll be so completely like that stone” —- Adoption (106)
“Notice, the end-time messenger, his job will be to get the saints ready, the Bride ready for the Bridegroom, That will be his message, Now you want to learn ABC’s so you can study algebra latter ? When THOSE OTHER SEALS ON THE BACK IS OPENED they’ll only be revealed to them. That’s right, Learn ABC first. What is ABC ? ‘Always Believe Christ’ (not your creed), Christ. See ? Believe what he says, not what somebody else says.” —- The Evening Messenger (35)

In Sabino Canyon the Great Prophet received “The King’s Sword”. IT WAS “THE SWORD OF THE KING” not a Sword of a king. It was made of three materials,
- Blade of Silver
- Guard of Gold
- Handle of Pearl
“Now, I went up in the Canyon, and I climbed as high as I could go…I was standing in prayer, and something happened. And now…something fell in my hand, (now, I know if you don’t understand Spiritual things, it may seem very strange.) but something struck in my hand; and when I looked, it was a Sword. And the handle was made of pearl, the prettiest pearl I ever seen. The guard (you know, where I guess, it’s to keep your hands from being lanced, you know, while the people were dueling) was gold. And the Saber’s blade wasn’t too long, but it was just razor sharp, and it was glistening silver. And it was the prettiest thing I ever seen. It just fit my hand exactly, and I was holding it…And while holding it in my hand, a voice from some where said, “That is the King’s Sword.” —- The Breach (68, 69)
These three elements silver, gold and pearl are precious materials. Silver is a precious metal. Gold is more precious than silver. Pearl is the most precious of all the three, In the Bible Silver, Gold and Pearl are used to represent the Word of God.
“The Words of the Lord are pure words; as silver tried in a furnace, purified seven times.” —- Psalm 12:6
“The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. The statutes of the Lord are right…more to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey, and the honeycomb.” —- Psalm 19:7-10
“Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.” —- Mathew 7:6
These three parts, blade of silver, handle of pearl and guard of gold put together formed the perfect Sword of the King. The Sword of the King is the Word of the Lord.
“This is the Sword of the Lord”. And the Sword of the Lord is the ‘Word of the Lord.’ For the Word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword” —- Standing in the gap (23)
“And then in Sabino Canyon one morning like this, while in prayer, there had been a Sword in my hand and said “This is the Word-the Sword of the Word.” —- It is the Rising of the Sun (2)
When the Great Prophet received this perfect Word, he became the perfect Word.
“Then he said, that which is in part will be done away with when that which is perfect is come or when that which is perfect is made known” —- Question & Answers 08-23-64.
When a sword is held in hand, only the blade and the guard will be visible to others, whereas the handle will be completely concealed within the hand. Pearl is the costliest and the most precious of the three materials. Pearl represents the Thunder Mysteries which were kept hidden tilll this very hour of His coming. Thunder Mysteries are the deepest and the greatest mysteries in the Bible, Only the revelation of the Thunders makes the Bride perfect and clothes her with the Wedding garment.
The great prophet was forbidden to make “the seven seal” and “the third pull” known to the Church.
“And remember the Third Pull was the opening of them Seven Seals to reveal the hidden Truth that’s been sealed in the word. Do you see it ? —- The Anointed ones at the end time (61)
Only after receiving the Sword of the Lord, the Great Prophet revealed the mysteries of the Seals.
“Then. Lord, I pray that you’ll help me. I’m beginning to fade away, Lord, I know my days can’t be too many more, and I pray you’ll help me. Let me be true, Lord, and honest and sincere that I might be able to bear the Message as far as it’s ordained for me to bear. And when it comes to the time that I must lay down, when I get down to the river and the waves begin to come in, Oh God, MAY I BE ABLE TO HAND THIS OLD SWORD OVER TO SOMEBODY ELSE THAT’LL BE HONEST WITH IT, LORD, AND WILL PACK THE TRUTH, GRANT IT, LORD.Until then, help me to be strong and healthy and courageous…we feel now that Your Spirit is among us. WE BELIEVE THAT YOU WILL ANSWER OUR PRAYERS…’ —- The seventh Seal (573)
“Oh, Gentiles, as I have said, who’ll pull that Sword with me ? He wants a fresh drink this morning, not this old stagnated Church creeds and things we’re fooling around with, HE WANTS GENUINE FAITH IN THIS WORD WHO’LL BELIEVE EVERY WORD OF IT.” —- A man that can turn on the Light (11)
“But let me tell! you, there will rise a messenger at the end of this Pentecostal age and wind up the thing. It will be a man. Not a group, not a denomination; but a man. it’s always been, and God cannot change His program, He’s the Eternal God…
They’ve done the samething today! So we’re looking for a messenger. (God, send him!) DO YOU THINK WE’LL RECEIVE HIM ? NO Sir! HE’LL BE A CRANK AND A FANATIC’, SURE ENOUGH BUT GOD WILL PROVE HIM…
…SHARP SWORD: (Lord, send us a great Message) THAT’S WHAT WE’RE LOOKING FOR. Then, of course, when he comes to fix those stones and to cut them out for the building, what will happen ? MANY OF THEM WON’T STAND THE WORD TEST. They’ll love their organization better than they love the Word of God, although that Word be a vindicated by that man. HE’LL BE A PROPHET THAT’LL COME IN THE NAME OF THE LORD and he’ll be the one that’ll come upon the earth. I BELIEVE IT.
Oh, everybody says, ‘It’ll be a group of people’. I want somebody to show me in the Bible where it’ll be a group of people; God would break His own Word, He can’t do that. No, Sir, He promised this. IT’LL BE A ONE MAN. And then there’ll be others with him, of course, thousands, the WHOLE CHURCH BELIEVERS WILL BE WITH HIM, EVERY WHERE.
Like it was in the days of Noah; there won’t be too many of them saved, because Jesus said, ‘As it was in the days of Noah’.Do you know that ? ‘As it was in the days of Lot’, count them ‘so shall it be.’
“…let somebody say something bad about you, ‘Oh, the old holy roller!’ something like that. And a Voice came to me said, ‘That, but I never called you to do that. I called you to take the SWORD and stand there like Joshua and challenge, brother. Not fool around with some old society or some church organization, but challenge the Devil, stand in the forefront, MAKE RIGHT RIGHT, AND WRONG WRONG. PREACH THE WORD AND find out WHO’S GOT THE FAITH TO BELIEVE IT. LAY IT ON OUT THERE.
I got to speeding up on that car, all the time washing. I said, ‘Thank You, Lord, Thank You, Lord,’ Felt good then. ‘It’s all right, Lord, I’ll grip’er a little tighter, and I want to die with IT in my hand.” —- Hebrews (150)
“What do we do ? Take the Sword, which is the Word of God, Pull IT with what ? A hand of faith, strong hand of faith, the two edged Sword. The Bible said in Hebrews 4, It’s-It’s a two-edged sword, cuts both coming and going” —- The Greatest Battle (57)
“I saw seven angels come…stood right there when those seven angels appeared right there on the hill ? It shook the hills for miles around like that, There stood seven angels (with a SILVER SWORD IN HIS HAND) and said, ‘go home and open these Seven Seals that are given”… —- The Easter Seal
One of the Seven Angels, who visited the Great Prophet had the Sword it His Hand, The seven Angels signify the Seven Manifested Sons of God, whom God has already raised to wind up this age. One angel that looked strange and notable with a notable message was the Seventh Angel, This Seventh Angel is the messenger of the Seventh Seal, It is in the hand of the Seventh Angel (c) the lord has put the Sword, And he is the end time Leader and the last earthly messenger. HE IS THE TRUE MESSENGER BLOWING THE TRUE TRUMPET TO ANNOUNCE THE COMING OF THE TRUE JOSEPH, THE TRUE SON OF DAVID, AMEN!
He that has got ear let him hear what the Spirit says to the true Church. Amen!
If this is not so, there is no chance any where in the world to know the revelation of the unrevealed Seventh Seal. Amen!
Only the revelation of the Seventh Seal will make the Bride Perfect and give her the Rapturing faith to go in the Rapture.
The Seventh Seal has already been revealed to the True Church. Always, the Lord reveals what He has already done.
“Jesus said in the last days it would be like Lot’s time. His preaching will be with the Spirit and straight line of God’s Word. Because so much has been called God’s truth, MANY WILL MISUNDERSTAND THIS TRUE MESSENGER (I’VE GOT WROTE THE P-R-O-P-H-E-C-Y), PROPHECY. BECAUSE- BECAUSE SO MUCH HAS BEEN GOD’S TRUTH BY FAKERS. MANY TRUE MINISTERS WILL MISUNDERSTAND THAT MESSENGER.
At the end time prophecies will repeat, I believe, as the first forerunner came from the wilderness and cried, “Behold the Lamb of God”, the second forerunner will probably do the same by pointing the people to a Word-born Bride: The Bride of Christ will be pointed to the skies at the appearing of Jesus, screaming ‘Behold the Lamb of God’ will come forth from his lips, God help us to be ready for this near event. Now, I better leave it from right here,
Do you believe ? Why has this been ? Have you a better understanding now ? It’s the Word, friends…There’s much more to be said, but surely the Holy Spirit by this time has-has SUNK IT SO DEEP IN YOU, that you know what I’m talking about. We are at the end time. The seeds sowed now; the latter rain is fixing TO COME FORTH.” —- The Spoken Word is the Original Seed (125)
Some people may say that this was fulfilled in the ministry of the Great Prophet. If you read very carefully, the Spirit of God will reveal that this event has to happen JUST BEFORE THE RAPTURE.
In 1933 the Angel who appeared over the River Ohio said that as John the Baptist was sent to forerun the coming of Christ.Prophet Branham was sent with a Message to forerun the Second Coming of Christ.
NOW. THE MESSAGE OF THE GREAT PROPHET BRANHAM ALONE IS FORE RUNNING THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST. Now, the Second Climax of the Prophet’s message is going on at this midnight hour to awaken the sleeping Bride. Now, The Great Prophet is dead but his message is LIVING.
“…but I want you to know the TRUTH. And I haven’t got much time left, you know that, I’m fifty – five. BUT THESE TAPES WILL LIVE when I’m gone, and you will see whether it’s right or not, if I be a true servant or a false prophet. I’ve never told you nothing yet but what happened, SO WILL THIS HAPPEN’’ —- The Harvest time (50)
“I know that after my going away from this earth that tapes and those books WILL BE LIVING ON, and many of you young children will find in the days to come that this is exactly the TRUTH, because I speak it in the Name of the Lord.” —- And knoweth it not (7)
“…At the end time Prophesies will repeat… The Bride of Christ will be pointed to the SKIES AT THE APPEARING OF JESUS, screaming ‘Behold the Lamb of God’ will come forth from HIS LIPS. God help us to be READY FOR THIS NEAR EVENT …” You know what I’m talking about . We are at the END TIME. The seeds sowed now; the LATTER RAIN IS FIXING TO COME FORTH”. —- The Spoken Word is the Original Seed. (125)
This Prophecy has not been fulfilled because the Rapture is not over yet. At the time of Rapture there has to come a Messenger to shout, ‘Behold the Lamb of God’. This is the cry that is going forth right now in this MIDNIGHT HOUR. When the Great Prophet was here it was the evening time. And another striking thing we have to note is that the Great Prophet who came after the pouring of the Latter rain is talking of another latter rain that has to come at the time of Rapture. We have already studied about this true latter rain mentioned in the message “What is the attraction on the Mountain – page 19.”
“Oh, there will be a true former and latter rain in the last days upon that little group that come with Him on this little donkey”,
This true former rain is already coming to an end and the Real Bride is waiting for the true latter rain for the translation of the body.
“(Listen close, now) All Scriptures that has not been fulfilled, must be, before that time. The Bible is to be finished-to be finished; the Gentile dispensation is to be finished with the Church age. When THIS ANOINTED MESSENGER arrives, of course, he will plant the seed of the entire Bible, plumb from the serpent to the MESSENGER, IN THE FORMER RAIN…” —- The Spoken Word is the Original Seed (123)
In the above passage we know that the “this anointed Messenger” is the Great Prophet Branham. Then, WHO IS THIS MESSENGER IN THE FORMER RAIN ? Coming of this messenger in the former rain way a mystery then. Now, because the former rain is coming to an end and the Lord has already raised a messenger to bring forth a message about the Seventh Seal, the Lord is making this “mystery of the Messenger in the former rain” known to the Bride.
“If there’s an antitype, there’s got to be a type for that antitype to come from, AND EVERY THING I SAY THAT IS TRUE HAS A TYPE. It a type. You have a shadow. -How can I overcome ? (13)
The idea of the Great Prophet using the Word ‘True’ as an adjective with certain terms is to denote that they are the last things.
So, “the true Messenger, with the true trumpet” is the LAST MESSENGER WITH THE LAST TRUMPET. Now, this message of the ‘midnight cry’ is the last trumpet. As THE LAST TRUMPET HAS ALREADY BEGUN TO GO FORTH the predestinated time has come for the resurrection of the Saints who died in Christ. Very soon the Real Bride is going to see the Resurrected Saints. Amen! Oh, what a glorious time would it be.
When John the Baptist came according to Malachi 3:1 he had also fulfilled the first part of Malachi 4:5, 6 by turning the heart of the fathers to the children. There by he showed in ‘type and shadow’ of Elijah that was to come before the second coming of the Lord to turn the heart of the children back to their fathers.
When the Great Prophet Branham came as the fulfilment of the latter portion of Malachi 4:5,6 he has also fulfilled the first part of the Seventh Angel’s ministry (of rev 10:7) of revealing the mysteries. In doing so he has also shown in ‘type and Shadow’ of the coming of another Seventh angel (C) to reveal the mystery of the Seventh Seal.
“Now, sounding forth, this messenger, the Seventh Angel here is sounding forth his message to the Laodicean Church. Notice his type of message, Now it wasn’t to the First Angel; (wasn’t given that), Second Angel, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth; but it is the Seventh Angel that had this type of message. What was it ? Notice, his type of message :finishing all the mysteries of God.” —- Sirs, is this the time ? (30)
When Moses handed over the leadership into the hands of Joshua, he laid his hands upon him and imparted the spirit that was on him to Joshua.
“And Joshua, the son of Nun was FULL OF THE SPIRIT OF WISDOM; for Moses had laid his hands upon him: and the children of Israel hearkened unto him, and did as the Lord commanded Moses,” —- Deut. 34:9
“Now look, before he died, he climbed up Mount Nebo, that morning when he knew he was going. He done stripped Aaron, put his clothes upon another. Took his own robe, put it upon Joshua, commanded him to stay with them precepts.” —- The Message of Grace (17)

This story of the Old Testament is only a shadow. Now there is the real object of this shadow ? That is what is going on now. If you are predestinated to see it, you will see it. Otherwise you will mock at this, and go on your way till judgment strikes and brings you to your senses from your deep slumber.
“And in Sabinyo Canyon, He said, ‘This is the Third Pull.’ And there’s three great things that goes with it, and one unfolded today…or yesterday, the other one unfolded today… and there’s one thing that I cannot interpret because it’s in an unknown language. As I stand right there and looked right straight at it, and this is the Third Pull coming up. And the Holy Spirit of God…Oh my! That’s the reason all Heaven was silent!” —- The Seventh Seal
There are three things which go with this Sword of the King. He has unfolded two things; one in the sixth seal the previous day, and the second in his message of the seventh seal. The third aspect was in an unknown language. He was forbidden to make it known.
I. “Now, we know the fire in the 19th chapter of the coming of Christ, proceeded a Sword from His mouth, which was the word. Was that right ? -the word. Oh, if you’ll get this material now for that seal tomorrow night. THE WORD IS THE THING THAT GOD SLAYS HIS ENEMY BY.” —- The Sixth Seal! (432)
II. “… ‘the sword of the king’, and there’s only one ‘the King’, and that’s God! and He has one Sword-that’s His Word-What I live by!…Oh, what a day we are living in-what a great thing. SEE THE MYSTERY AND SECRET ? THE THIRD…” —- The Seventh Seal (562)
III. If you are really wise, you will see the third one also is in the very same passage because the Great Prophet’s Message is already interpreted, This is only the displaying of the hidden interpretation.
“…there’s one thing I cannot interpret because it’s in an unknown language. As I stand right there and looked straight at it, and this is the Third Pull coming up. And the Holy
Spirit of God…Oh my! That’s the reason all Heaven was silent!” —- The Seventh Seal (564)
What is that the entire Heaven was silent about ? It was the Seventh Seal. At this time of the coming of the Lord, in this Third Pull Ministry, the Holy Spirit has interpreted the coming of the Lord through the Seventh Angel (C) who is the messenger of the Seventh Seal. Amen! Anyone that has ears let him hear what the Holy Spirit is saying to the Real Bride of Christ.
Now, who is the STRONG MAN that opened the door of the little wooden room and let the people enter into that wooden room, the Third Pull, in the Great Tent Vision ?
The three hundred people who went with Gideon shouted: “The sword of the Lord and of Gideon.” This is only a shadow and type of the real event. What is the real event ? Who is the real man to whom Gideon was but a shadow?
The Vindicated message of the Great Prophet contains the answers to these questions. We will understand these things very clearly as the Lord takes us into the messages of the Revelation of “The Third Pull” and “The Seventh Seal”
This is not to boost up a man on the scene, but to display the plan of God in plain view. If anything is not of God, it will come to naught. But if it is of God, the entire Heaven will stand by it. Amen.
This seventh angel (C) in the constellation was a notable one with distinct features. The Great Prophet says that everything has a spiritual significance.
“…as the Angels lowered themselves from Heaven to bring the message. And you remember, I said the one on the right side of the constellation had a… kind a chest back, and his wings… You remember me saying that, all of you ? And how that I watched him ? HE WAS VERY DISTINCTIVE FROM THE OTHERS…, see the distinctive angel on the right hand side ? See the pointed wing of it,” —- Standing in the Gap (21)
“…See the pyramid shape ? Look at this one on this side, THE POINTED WING COMING WITH HIS CHEST OUT LIKE THAT on my right hand side” —- Is your life worthy of the Gospel ? (2)
“…One Angel, I said in there, was a strange angel ? He looked more to me than any of the rest of them. Do you remember that ? —- The Seventh Seal (560)
“the Seventh Angel. He was brighter, meant more to me than the rest of them. You remember, I said he had his chest out like that and was flying eastward.” -The Seventh Seal (561)
“… ‘It picked me up, lifted me up!’ Do you remember that ? Here it is! The one with the Seventh Seal-the thing that I’ve wondered all my life. Amen! —- The Seventh Seal (561)
“Remember, the Seventh Messenger was…The noted one to me-the seventh Angel-it seemed more to me than any…And the one of them coming was the one that looked so strange to me was the one on my …counting from the left to the right, it would have been the seventh Angel.” —- The Seventh Seal (565)
“…And if you’re listening to the tape of the ‘What Time is it, Sir ?’ you will notice that one Angel was very notable to me. The rest of them just seemed ordinarily; but this Angel was a noted Angel…Now , the Angel was to my left, would really be the last, or Seventh Angel, …him coming towards the east… so that would be the last angel’s Message-very notable …kind of his head back, and his great sharp wings and how he flew right to me. Now, that is this Seventh Seal. It still is a notable thing. And we are… we don’t know what it is as yet, because it’s not permitted to be broken.” —- The Seventh Seal (578)
“He was BRIGHTER, meant more to me than the rest of them.” —- The Seventh Seal (561)
BRIGHTER : If a student is said to be bright, that shows his brilliance. God by His sovereignty has made this seventh angel (C) spiritually more brilliant than the other angels; as the apostel Paul was than the other apostles.
“…he had his CHEST OUT like that…” —- The Seventh Seal (561)
CHEST OUT: This shows he is a strong man-strong in the faith. ‘Faith’ is believing the Word of God even under impossible and unfavourable circumstances.
“…kind of his head back, and his great sharp wings…” —- THE SEVENTH SEAL (578)
GREAT SHARP WINGS : Generally wings represent spiritual understanding. An eagle is noted for its strong wings. Only because of the peculiar wings, eagles soar into the sky. A prophet is likened unto an eagle. A prophet, by the God-given revelation, is taken deeper into the realms of God to understand clearly the things of God.
“… But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles.” —- Is, 40:31
“And the four beasts and each of them had six wings about him… ‘And they flew’, and so forth, ‘and had eyes without, within, and behind’. IT SPOKE OF THEIR INTELLIGENCE…THEIR INTELLIGENCE, THEY KNOW WHAT WAS, WHICH IS, WHAT SHALL COME. They had ‘eyes without’, showing what they could see, what was to come; ‘eyes within’, knows everything now; and ‘eyes in the back’, which knowed what was” —- Revelation, chapter Four, Pt III (693-694)
“Do you remember like that ? I said, ‘IT PICKED ME UP, LIFTED ME UP!’ Do you remember that ? Here it is! the thing that I’ve wondered all my life.’, —- The Seventh Seal (561)
“…kind of his head back, AND HIS GREAT SHARP WINGS, AND HOW HE FLEW, RIGHT TO ME. Now that is this Seventh Seal.” —- The Seventh Seal (578)
The seventh angel flew with his great sharp wings to the Great Prophet, picked him up and lifted him up. The Spiritual significance of this is: the revealing of the Son of Man by the seventh angel (C)
“In the very day that the Son of man is revealed, Revelation 10:1,7, read it when you get home…The Seventh angel’s Message…Not the angel is the Son of man, but the messenger is revealing the Son of man. Can you get it separated now ? That’s where it seems to be so hard for you. You see ?…the seventh messenger is revealing to the public the Son of man, because it’s left the shuck.” —- The Anointed ones at the end-time (61)
The seventh angel’s (C) ministry is to reveal the seventh seal which gives a perfect revelation about Christ, the Son of Man.
In a cabinet of ministers, the minister with the most important portfolio is the Chief Minister or the Prime Minister. Here, in this constellation of seven angels, the Lord by His sovereignty, has made this notable angel of very distinct features, with a notable message of the seventh seal, as the Archangel. And his message of the Revelation of the seventh seal is “the VOICE OF THE ARCHANGEL.” And this is the “MIDNIGHT CRY.” Now the Real Bride has already come into the days of the voice of the archangel.
He that has an ear let him hear what the Spirit says to the Real Bride. Amen.
Now, the True Church has come to the days of the Voice of the Archangel. There are two purposes of the voice of the Archangel.
- To shout the midnight cry, and awaken the living saints from their sleep of deadness in their spirit, and make her ready for the coming of the Lord.
- To show the might and power of the Living God to the world and to resurrect the dead saints.
The ministry of the seven manifested Sons of God is the ministry of the Third Pull.
“Then He said, ‘Now there is a third pull coming, but don’t try to explain it’…If this is the third pull, then there is a great ministry lying ahead…And the third flight was angels! Not birds, Angels! And that is the end time. That is all of it. Will this be the time, Brethren ? Is this the time ? —- Sirs, is this the time ? (49,50)
We will understand this very clearly as the Lord takes us into the message on the Revelation of the Third Pull.
“The second is a voice of the resurrection. The same voice, that a loud voice in St. John 11:38 and 44, that called Lazarus from the grave. Getting the Bride together, and then the resurrection of the dead (see ?) to be caught up with it.” —- The Rapture (32)
“…And the voice wakes up-wakes up the SLEEPING BRIDE, the SLEEPING DEAD.” —- The Rapture (34)

“The Bride hasn’t had a revival yet. There has been no revival there-no manifestation of God to stir the Bride yet, see ? We’re looking for it; IT WILL TAKE THESE SEVEN UNKNOWN THUNDERS BACK THERE TO WAKE HER UP AGAIN. He will send it. He promised it. Now watch. Now, she was dead” —- The Third Seal (253)
Here, it is very clear that the Great Prophet has revealed that only the revelation of Thunders will bring revival in the church and that revival will AWAKEN the Bride and make her ready for the Rapture.
“And so, we tonight, WANT TO THINK on that, and remember that in the midst of all this cry. GOD CANNOT SEND A REVIVAL UNTIL HE’S GOT MAN IN SHAPE TO TAKE IT…And before we can have THIS REVIVAL, GOD HAS TO CALL OUT AND TRAIN MAN (GOD-TRAINED MAN) TO CARRY THIS MESSAGE” —- God called Man (6)
“Notice, the END TIME MESSENGER, his job will be to get the saints ready, Bride ready for the Bridegroom. That’ll be his message. Now you want to learn A, B, Cs, So you can study algebra later, when those other seals on the back is opened. They’ll only be revealed to them.” —- The End Time Messenger.
“Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ let us go on to perfection…We are entering into another phase… leaving the doctrine…But leaving that, let’s go into perfection. Oh, my, wished I had the VOICE OF AN ARCHANGEL NOW TO BRING THIS TO A PLACE WHERE YOU COULD SEE IT. —- Hebrews (179)
These passages show that the Archangel is the end time messenger, who is the Seventh Angel (C). Now this Revival is not a public show of jumping and shouting, because He has brought about this revival through the Baptism of the Holy Ghost without sensation, which is the True former rain. The Lord is finishing this revival but most of the professing believers are not aware of this. It is a very sad thing that many end time ministers of the end time message are still ignorant of this God sent revival. If a man is not predestinated he will not see it and he cannot see it.
“Revival in our time! The revival would be so small, they’d never know it ever happening” —- The seed is not heir (25)
“…This is the Third Pull…The Angel of the Lord said: ‘This will not be a public show” —- The Tent vision.
“Let us get ready for this midnight cry. It’s coming in a hour when you think not. There’ll be a cry not amongst the unbelieving world; IT’LL BE A SECRET,” —- The Uniting Time and Sign (30)
“Oh, Church, rise and shake yourself! Pinch you conscience, wake yourself up in this hour! We must be desperate or perish! There’s coming forth something from the Lord! I know it as THUS SAITH THE LORD. There’s coming forth something, and we better get desperate. It’s between LIFE AND DEATH. IT’LL PASS THROUGH US AND WE WON’T SEE IT.” —- Desperation (23)
The True Former Rain is coming to an end. The Lord has finished revealing the mysteries of God, The entire world has come to the VERY BOUNDARY LINE which separates the Grace from the Judgement of God. At any time the door of Mercy might close completely. The purpose of the plan of Redemption is coming to an end. Now, the Lord is waiting for the last member of the Bride to come into the Ark of God.
“May the Holy Spirit give them Light, We realize that the time is perhaps later than we think it is. We pray, God, that as we come here, just believing that may be there is something here that could be done that would help the people or catch that last sheep. WE KNOW, WHEN THE SHEEPFOLD IS FULL, THEN THE SHEPHERD WILL CLOSE THE DOOR.
As it was like in the days of Noah, when the last member of the family was brought in, God closed the door. AND THEY BEAT AND POUNDED, BUT IT WAS TOO LATE. DEAR GOD, THEY HAD THE OPPORTUNITY.” —- One in a Million (12)
Don’t you see through the revelation of the word of the hour that the door is shutting completely ? If you can’t see it through revelation, it is high time you RUN TO GOD TO OPEN YOUR EYES. If you neglect this warning only the Judgement is going to open your eyes to see that you are left out in the Rapture.
Oh, how horrible and miserable would it be to see that you are left out in the Rapture. Oh, Bride! check up your TOKEN. This is the time of checking our TOKEN. See whether your lamp is full of oil and wick is trimmed! Don’t you hear the still voice of the midnight cry, announcing the coming of the Headstone ? This midnight cry is only for the predestinated Bride.
“Could it be that the mighty Thunder, or THE SEVENTH ANGEL in the seven constellation, SEVENTH PERIOD CONSTELLATION-Is this the Mystery of the Thunders that will bring back THE STONE ?” —- Sirs, Is this the time(48)
Oh, Bride “BEHOLD THE HEAD STONE IS COMING; GO YE OUT TO MEET HIM”.Who is this Head Stone ? He is the Christ, the Alpha and OMEGA. Do you know Christ as OMEGA ? The revelation of Christ as Omega is the oil that will keep your lamp burning. Without the oil you cannot meet the Bride groom.
Oh, Bride! Check up your lamp for the oil! If the oil is not in you, run up right now to someone who has got that oil. You may say that oil is the Holy Spirit and wine is the revelation. Yes, that is true. But it is high time that you know that we receive the Holy Spirit only through the revelation from God.
All through the Seven Church ages people only knew that Lord Jesus is the Christ. The Apostles knew even when Jesus was on the earth, that He was the Christ the Son of God. But
the apostle John wrote the Book of Revelation only after the ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ. This Book “THE REVELATION” was written to give a revelation of Jesus Christ Himself.
“The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him to show unto his servants things WHICH MUST SHORTLY COME TO PASS…” —- The Revelation 1:1
“This “which must shortly come to pass” was something that was to happen after the church had already received the revelation that Jesus was Christ, the Son of the Living God. This Book, The Book of Revelation was given to give a revelation about Jesus Christ. Because this Book of Revelation was written quite after the church had received the revelation that the Lord Jesus was Christ, the purpose of this Book was to give a revelation which is definitely some thing more than the revelation that Jesus is Christ. Then, what is THAT REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST that is kept hidden in the Book of Revelation which was written after the Apostles had already received the revelation that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of God ?
Do you have THAT REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST which is hidden in the Book of Revelation and which was kept hidden through seven Church ages till the Great Prophet Branham opened the Seals ?
I am not questioning the revelation by which we were saved. We are saved by the revelation that Jesus was the Christ. Only on this revelation the Church was founded.
This is the revelation that makes us see the Christ as OMEGA, THE END. My Brother, this is the OIL (THE FUEL) which is going to take you in the Rapture to soar into the space to meet the Bridegroom! Amen! Amen!! Amen!!!
The time has become so critically short that you will not find ample time to study and know this. Even if you have the messages of the Great Prophet, you cannot and willl not understand it without hearing through the predestinated messengers of this winding-up age. The Lord who gave the Bible to the church has also ordained the five offices, apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers to teach the Word to the believers.
Philip had to go to explain the Scripture to the Ethiopian [Acts. 8]. The Apostle Peter had to go to the house of Cornelius to preach the Word to them. The Lord ordained five-fold ministers to carry the message of Salvation to the church. If it was so then, it is so even now. The Lord has raised the seven manifested sons of God in this winding up age to carry the message of Fulness.
Without this message of Midnight cry [the Message of the Revelation of Thunders] there is no chance on the earth to have the rapturing faith and be prepared to meet the Lord. This is the predestinated way of God.
My Dear Reader, don’t take anything as a prestige issue.Understand the things of God, and humble and channel yourself into the predestinated channel of God, for this winding up age.
Run, Run to some one who has got the oil, the Revelation of Christ as Omega. Now, the Real Bride Rebekah knows her Bridegroom by revelation, not by intellectual knowledge, as both Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, because Isaac has opened up His heart and poured into His Bride through the whispers of love, the revelation of Thunders.
“The Church is a type of this bride. You know that…this is the royal seed of Abraham…After Eliezer found the one with character, then he had to get her to stand still long enough to listen to his message from Isaac. It will be the same with the messenger of the last day, the evening light. First it is to find that church that will believe the message. Hunt it! Can you understand what I am talking about ? Hunt that church that will even let you come in, that won’t close the door in your face. Then you have found character. If she then will only stand still long enough to learn how that bride will be dressed! Look at little Rebekah, listening to every Word her little heart beating expectantly as Eliezer was telling her of Isaac. What a striking thing. I wish we had a little more time on this. Eliezer was not speaking : of himself…Notice, the end time messenger’s job will be to get the saints ready as a Bride for the bridegroom. That will be his message.” —- The End Time Messenger (29)
One of the jobs of this Archangel is to shout the midnight cry, which is the Last Trumpet, to awaken the sleeping Bride, clothe her with the wedding garment and make her ready for the Rapture…The wise will understand what the Spirit is uttering to the Real Bride of Christ! Amen!
The Bible speaks about the first resurrection of the saints of the New Testament Age.
“Behold, I shew you a mystery; we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed.
In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump; for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
For this corruption must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.” —- I cor. 15: 51-53
“For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.
For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trump of God : and the dead in Christ shall rise first.” —- 1 Thess 4:15,16
This “the resurrection of the dead, and the living putting on the glory” has been the HOPE of the Church. When God saved the people, they were saved with a HOPE.
“For we are saved by hope! —- Rom 8:24
HOPE of the church is the ADOPTION. When the church gets this ADOPTION, we enter into the final and the last phase of the plan of Redemption. That is, the dead will come back to life and the living will put on immortality.
Now the question is not about believing in this resurrection and catching away of the Bride, because it is in the Bible. Now the question is about the time of the fulfilment of this promise. When is this great event, for which the people of God have been waiting ages after ages, going to take place ?
Only at this point every one is forced to show his TRUE COLOUR, whether:
The Great Prophet Branham is dead now. but that Greatest Man of God has left back HIS LIVING WORD to feed us with fatty and strong meat of God, to lead us in these days of utter darkness, and finally to separate and segregate Abraham’s group from the rest of the people. Amen!
Now, the present battle is between the Believers and the make-believers. In the days of the Great Prophet, ten virgins were separated from the unbelievers, Now, the voice of the archangel is to separate the believers from the make believers. Among ten virgins there were both wise and foolish. Only at the time of the coming of the Bridegroom the midnight cry came and separated the wise from the foolish.
The wise will understand that the God of Heaven did not come to the earth to tell some grandma story. But He came to tell the mysteries of the kingdom of God. This parable of ten virgins portrays the condition of the Believers and the make believers that would prevail at the very time of the coming of the Lord.
The wise will understand that right now we are at the very time of the fulfilment of this parable. Just stand and see how it is being fulfilled.
This resurrection, and the living putting on the glory, have to take place at the ADOPTION TIME which in turn, has to take place at the very time of the coming of the Lord, Amen!
When is the coming time of the Lord ? Just don’t quote the very familiar verse of Matt. 24:36, “But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only”.
It is high time that a believer should know that even the devil quoted the Scripture to the Lord.
The Great Prophet has said that every revelation should dovetail with every word and the entire Bible, but not with one single verse alone. What does the Bible say about this ?
“But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should evertake you as a thief” —- I Thess 5:4
What does this phrase “are not in darkness” convey? If it is not very clear, come let us see this phrase through the God given microscope “The Spoken Word of God”
“And in this great hour that we’re now living and we see yearly it gets darker and darker to the world, AND THE COMING OF THE LORD GETS BRIGHTER AND BRIGHTER AS HE REVEALS HIMSELF IN HIS WORD AND IN HIS MANIFESTATION.” —- The Third Seal (229)
Do you say it is not very clear ? Brother, you have not focussed the Microscope properly. It is high time you search for the Pearl of Great Price. Oh, see, now it is very clear!
* “When He comes this time, hardly none but those who are ready will know when He comes”—- Broken Cistern (3, 33)
* “Quickening power did that to us. Quickening power LETS US SEE HIS COMING” —- It is the rising of the Sun (45)
* “Now the coming of the Lord is in mystery” —- Christ is the Mystery of God revealed (33)
* “But a mystery requires the teaching of the Spirit or it never becomes clear” —- Seven Church Ages (16)
* One of the great purposes of God raising the Great Prophet was to INTERPRET HIS COMING.
‘Watch the church as it’s come, as it moves. …Now, I look at the age coming now right up to the Headstone, SEE WAHT I MEAN ? THE COMING OF THE LORD. THE MADE-KNOWN” —- Adoption (107)
* “Now, do you understand, class ? If we can find out what these seventy of weeks are, we know when the consummation is. Oh, my! God help us to know it. It tells us exactly some where in these pages, exactly from that time till this time until the consummation, AND IT WON’T MISS IT ONE MINUTE” —- Gabriel’s Instruction to Daniel (25.27)
* “…And though many may feel that this is an irresponsible statement in view of the fact that Jesus said that ‘no man knoweth the day nor the hour’ I still maintain this prediction after thirty years because, Jesus did not say no man could know the year, month or week in which His coming was to be completed,” —- The Seven Church Ages (322)
* “Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets” —- Amos 3:7
Here, in this phrase “will do nothing”, does it not include His coming also ? Surely the Lord God will not come without first revealing to His Bride. That is why He raised the Great Prophet to interpret His coming.
“Why, seeing times are not hidden from the Almighty, DO THEY THAT KNOW NOT SEE HIS DAYS ?” —- Job 24:1
Now, the time or the coming of the Lord has become a thing of clarity in the Written Word and the Spoken Word. If it looks blurred to your eyes, My Brother, the wrong is not with the Written Word or the Spoken Word, But there is something wrong somewhere in your EYES. Please run to the Spiritual ophthalmologist, the Holy Spirit, before He closes His ophthalmic clinic for ever. Hurry up, my brother, hurry up!
“See, It’s already in these…It’s just got to be REVEALED IN THE LAST DAYS. Won’t you come ? Come on now, friends. If you can’t understand, come, kneel down and talk to Him about it. if I can’t make it plain to you, He will; for HE IS THE DISSOLVER OF ALL DOUBTS.” —- Invisible Union of the Bride of Christ (52)
Now the time has come for the segregation of different groups of people. Whether people like it or not, the predestinated time has come for the Living Word to separate and segregate the wheat to be carried into the garner. The hay was bundled long ago. Now is the time of separation of the seed from the shuck, for the seed cannot be heir with the shuck . The Lord has already begun to wave His fan to produce the wind of “doctrine about Christ as Omega” in this Latter Church Apostolic time to drive away the shuck.
“Whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat in the garner; but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.” —- Matt. 3:12
This very verse is being fulfilled now before our eyes. Grains are gathered together and shuck are flocking together. Birds of the same feather are flocking together.
Now the Seventh Angel (C), the messenger of the Seventh Seal, has begun to blow his True Trumpet to reveal the mystery of the Seventh Seal.
Whenever a Seal is revealed, the Great Prophet has said, the following things have to follow the breaking of a seal.
- A mystery is revealed
- Believers are sealed by the Revelation from God
- Brings a religious disturbance
- Majority of the people will reject the Heaven-sent message.
- Finally plague will fall on the people who reject the message.
Now, the Lord has already revealed the Seventh Seal. It has already brought a great disturbance among the so-called brethren, The rejection also has already come. Now, the only thing that is to happen is the falling of the plague,
Oh, Bride of Christ, are you still slumbering ? Check up your token! See whether your lamp is full of oil and your wick is trimmed.
“Behold, the Bridegroom, the True Son of Man is coming to catch away His True Bride”
Now, the time has come for God to come and to settle this dispute on the TRUTH.
“Notice when the Message is rejected and the messenger seems to be defeated, that’s when God steps on the scene, his message is over. —- The Evening Messenger (36)
“The trumpet always denotes war. The messenger, the angel come on earth-the messenger of the hour…He arrives and a SEAL OPEN, REVEALED; a trumpet sounds, and WAR IS DECLARED, and away they go… HE SEALS AWAY THIS GROUP that’s put in, AND A PLAGUE FALLS UPON THOSE WHO REJECTED IT!” —- The Sixth Seal (421)
“Here is the plan of it; The first thing happens, there is an announcement in the heavens first. What happened ? A SEAL is opened, What is that ? A MYSTERY IS UNFOLDED. And when a mystery unfolds, then A TRUMPET SOUNDS, It DECLARES A WAR. A PLAGUE FALLS.” —- The first Seal (126)
* Please read the message on page 33 of the book “Sirs, is this the time ?”
Now, the time has come for the ADOPTION and resurrection of the dead.
Do you believe in the Resurrection and the Rapture ? Even an unbeliever, (denominational man) knows these things are going to happen. Do you know the time of the resurrection and the Rapture ? (Of course nobody will know the hour and the day)
If you do not know how close you have come to this great event, for which people have been waiting ages after ages, you are not a believer. You are one among the bunch of IGNORAMUSES-the make-believers.
“Yea, the stork in the heaven knoweth her appointed times; and the turtle and the crane and the swallow observe the time of their coming; BUT MY PEOPLE KNOW NOT THE JUDGMENT OF THE LORD.” —- Jeremiah 8:7
“Every person that’s here, present, every person that listens to this tape, and even though some day I have to leave this world, THESE TAPES WILL STILL LIVE, That is right. See ? You’ve got to be in one of them! It’s exactly. You can’t escape it; You’re in ONE OF THESE CLASSES”
BELIEVER : “A real believer don’t hear nothing but the WORD. That’s all. He watches the WORD. He ain’t looking for no gimmicks. He believes God, and that settles it, and he just keeps going on. See ? There is the believer,”
UNBELIEVER: “The unbeliever fills up in a minute, and he can’t stay to listen to ten minutes to the Message; he’s got to get up and walk out. It’s against his creed, and he just won’t have no more to do with it, so he goes out.”
MAKE – BELIEVER : “There’s that make-believer that’s just watching. He’ll sing out there, ‘Oh, I believe this, and I believe this, but Oh, you know I heard somebody say so and so…Then the make-believer hangs right on – that Judas. See ? That’s the deceiver, That’s the-That’s A RASCAL (if I have to say such a word). Judas, he hangs around…some time these make-believers are very popular with the people (that’s right) these make-believers. See ? some of them are mighty man, educated, doctor’s degree, big pay, everything; some of them are great man, shrewd, just like sons of Satan would be…That’s just exactly.” —- Three kinds of Believers (28, 36)
“Look, you’re one of these classes. And you’re PRESENT RIGHT NOW, THE PRESENT STATE OF MIND that you here in this visible audience, and you that’ll be in the invisible audience of this tape, your present STATE OF MIND. after listening to this tape PROVES TO YOU WHAT CLASS YOU’RE IN.It tells you exactly where you are” —- Three kinds of Believers (40)
The Written Word and the Spoken Word teach us about the resurrection of the dead saints just before the coming of the Lord. Every Christian, whether real or formal, believes it, even the devil believes it. Now the question is about “HOW AND WHEN”
The Unbelievers, they are out of picture now. Now, the battle is between a true believer and a make-believer. The same Spirit of God will not fight against Himself; and neither the spirit of antichrist will fight against itself-Now the battle, yes the greatest battle and the last in the church has come up. The Spirit of antichrist which went on White horse, Red Horse, Black horse, Pale horse has now come into the make-believers, the professing believers, to fight with the real believers who have taken up a stand even at the cost of their life to believe and PROCLAIM that every bit of the message of the Great Prophet to be THE TRUTH. Amen!
“And remember, it’ll fall on one or the other sides, till it comes down sometime LIKE A HONED RAZOR BETWEEN THE DIFFERENCE OF RIGHT AND WRONG. IT’S GOT TO BE EVERY WORD OF GOD, NOT JUST EVERY WORD, BUT EVERY WORD : And it’s got down today, not to Lutherans, not to Methodists; not to Pentecostals but to that HONED AGE, in this age WHERE THE ANTICHRIST ANOINTING IS SO PERFECTLY, it would deceive the very elected, they’ll fall on the wrong side if they DON’T WATCH IT, like a wedge. WATCH! BE CAREFUL! We’re not living in a Pentecostal age now. We’re passed that age.” —- Trying to do God a service (29)
A believer will definitely know the time of the resurrection, because he is not a miserable blind man of Laodicea but an eagle of this “eagle age” – “the Rapturing age” – “the invisible age” where in the Holy Spirit has interpreted “the coming of the Lord”.
When will he come ? In which BODY will He come ? Members of the Real Bride have now entered into “the Eagle Age” and have become eagles. An eagle is a seer. Members of the Bride have become eagles-the seers Seers, to see what ? To see the coming of the Lord! To see “How” and “when”. Amen!
When Christ Jesus came 2000 years ago, prophet Simeon and Prophetess Anna were the only two people foreordained to see Christ the Messiah, at that time (Lk. 2:25-38). Now, what is the significance of this scripture ? The Great Prophet has said every thing in the Bible has spiritual significance.
Are they not, Simeon and Anna stand as a type of the things of ‘antitype’ that are happening right now at the coming time of the Lord, as Joshua and Caleb were the types of the present events ?
“Now Joshua… he represents the end-time leader that will come to the church even as Paul came as the original leader. Caleb represents those that stayed true with Joshua…” —- Pick up your pen and write
Now Prophet Simeon represents the End-Time Leader. Prophetess Anna represents the Bride. Anna was a blind woman. The Great Prophet has said, when Christ was brought to the temple, a light appeared to blind Anna and that light brought her to Christ. Does this not portray clearly the picture of the Real Bride ?
The Bible tells that Prophetess Anna met the Lord at the age of 84 years. The Great Prophet has said that everything has a significance. What is the significance of this ? Now we are living in the year ‘84. All the mysteries are over! The church has come to the very time of the coming of the Lord. Run to God and find out the significance of this!
I. Christ came unto His Own-The Jews. His Own received Him not.
II. Christ came in these last days unto His Own-the Church-His Own Church received Him not.
III. Now, He is coming to His Bride. His own, the Real Bride, is going to receive Him! Amen!
The real Bride knows that the predestinated time of the ADOPTION has come and this is that time for which the entire creation has been waiting with groaning.
Oh, Bride, come and see the Written Word, through the God given microscope, the Spoken word of God. Come and see, it has become crystal clear-NOW THE TIME OF ADOPTION HAS COME! AMEN!
Oh, what a Glorious time!
Mountains and valleys, rejoice,
Rivers and streams, rejoice,
Forests, Deserts, Plain lands, rejoice,
Birds, Animals, Reptiles and Fishes, rejoice,
Let everything on this Earth rejoice,
Oh, Bride of Christ rejoice
Rejoice! Rejoice!! Rejoice!!!
As we are entering into the status of the Original creation of God. REJOICE. AMEN!
“And the church in this day that has received the Token of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit-that the Blood has been shed, and that the Holy Ghost is upon the church-without us, then they could not raise, BUT THEY’RE DEPENDING ON US” —- The Token (11)
“Them without us is not made perfect, ‘Paul said, Hebrews 11. ‘without us they cannot be perfected.’ THEY MUST HAVE THIS MINISTRY TO RAISE UP the Lutherans. Wesley, and all of them down through their ages” —- Questions & Answers (8-23-64)
* “These people who died in here are depending and waiting on us. SO THIS CHURCH HAS GOT TO COME TO PERFECTION IN ORDER TO BRING THE RESURRECTION, and they’re under-souls under the altar waiting for this Church to come to its perfection.” —- Stature of a Perfect Man (53)
* “Same Holy Spirit that saved Lutherans, that sanctified the Methodist, that baptized the pentecostals, is now setting in order the coming of the Lord Jesus. When it’ll be so powerful, that Body will come into this group of Church THAT’LL DRAW THE REST OF THEM FROM THE GRAVE! There’ll be a resurrection! That’s what the Holy Ghost is for. What is the Holy Ghost ? Without us they cannot be made perfect… God’s waiting on me and you! The Church is waiting on me and you. ADOPTION TIME, WHEN GOD CAN POUR INTO US HIS FULNESS, HIS POWER, HIS RESURRECTION, that when the Church and Christ become so close together till Christ becomes visible among us and RAISES THE DEAD, AND WE GO INTO THE RAPTURE.” —- What the Holy Ghost was given for (14, 15)
“God poured Himself into Christ. Correct, Christ poured Himself into the Church; therefore… Now watch!…the whole thing is one plan of redemption. Coming down, that God coming back to live in, and dwell with, and commune to His people as He did at the beginning. Now then, as soon as HE GETS HIS CHURCH IN SPEAKING CONDITIONS, gets His church to a place that He can flow Himself through… then there’ll come a Eden, He’ll take His Church back to where it…it left Him at, back to an Eden Again”
—- What the Holy Ghost was given For [60]
* “Now, in this age that we’re now living, this age, it’s beyond Pentecost. …But the church has moved on. It’s gone into greater, more powerful… BUT IT’S ALL A COMING FORTH OF THE HOLY SPIRIT TILL THE GREAT CHURCH IS BEING FILLED UP AND CHUGGED FULL [HALLELUJAH!] OF THE GREAT POWERS OF ALMIGHTY GOD, UNTIL IT’S GOT TO A PLACE UNTIL THE VERY WORKS THAT JESUS DOES HAS MANIFESTED ITSELF IN THE CHURCH NOW” —- What the Holy Ghost was given for (12)
* “Jesus said, ‘Say to this mountain…’ And you’ve heard the …about what’s been taken place; that’s the ministry that we’re entering into. We’re way up the road now. Soon the coming of the Lord Jesus. And we’ve got to have rapturing faith in a church that can be changed in a moment in a twinkling of an eye to go out, or we’ll not go. But don’t worry, it’ll be there. IT’LL BE THERE. And when the power of this church raises, it’ll bring its Brethren. The power of that church will bring the other Brethren! Then there’ll be a General resurrection. And were looking forward to it. —- Questions and Answers on the Holy Ghost (62)
* “Under Luther, they believed by faith. Under sanctification they shouted, Under Pentecost they spoke in tongues as a gift. But now the negative is positive. The cap is coming on the pyramid, and it is the end time. Christ and His church are so much a like that it is going to call the dead from the Methodists, Lutherans-all those back there…and there will be a resurrection,” —- Elijah and the Meal Offering (23, 24)
* “That’s the way the church is going to have to be: so honed down (the word honing the church) until when Christ comes to take the church the ministry of the church’ll pick right up on it and will raise Luther, Wesley, Pentecost, and all, and will go up with it.” —- Abraham’s Covenant Confirmed.
* The dead saints are waiting upon this Super Church for their resurrection.
“The second is a voice of the resurrection. The same voice that, a loud voice in Saint John 11:38 and 44 that called Lazarus from the grave. Getting the Bride together and THEN THE RESURRECTION OF THE DEAD (See ?) to be caught up with it.” —- The Rapture (32)
* “…and voice and woke Lazarus. With a loud voice He cried, “Lazarus, come forth.” See ? And the voice wakes up-wakes up the sleeping Bride, THE SLEEPING DEAD.” —- The Rapture (34)
There are two purposes of the voice of the archangel,
- To shout the midnight cry to bring out a revival in the hearts of the predestinated members of the Bride, and awaken them from their slumber.
- To bring out the resurrection of the dead saints.
The purposes is coming to an end. Very soon we are going to enter into the next phase, that is, receiving the Dynamics, the True latter rain. Before the Power falls, the door has to be closed.
“And even those who are alive and remain’ til His coming shall not hinder those which are asleep, for the Trumpet of God shall sound at the last trumpet, when the last seal is broke. and when the Seventh Angel has given his Message; the last Trumpet shall sound and the dead in Christ shall rise, and we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them to meet Him in the air.” —- The Breach (105)
“The Trumpet of God shall sound, and that last trump will blast forth the same time that the LAST ANGEL’S giving his Message and the LAST SEAL is opened, and that Last trumpet
will sound, and the Redeemer comes FORTH to take His redeemed possession-the Church, blood washed.” —- The Breach (104)
“Now as soon as this church, the Bride is brought together, she is taken up in the mystery of the Seventh Seal.” -Feast of the Trumpets
“So the last shall be first, and the first last; for many be called, but few chosen” —- Matt. 20:16

Apostles and the Disciples were the saints of the first generation of the church. The Apostles and prophets were the foundation of the church, Now, we are the last generation and we are the last members of the church, The church was founded on the Apostles. But the church has to come to perfection by this Super Church. The Super Church of the living saints is the connecting link that connects the Headstone with the Pyramid, the church. MECHANICS, the Super Church is set ready, The DYNAMICS is coming very soon. Don’t you hear the midnight cry announcing the coming of the Headstone ?
First a cry went forth before Joseph rode in his chariot,
“And he made him to ride in the SECOND chariot which he had; and they CRIED BEFORE HIM, BOW THE KNEE: and he made him ruler over all the land of Egypt” —- Gen. 41: 43
We know Joseph is the Lord Jesus Christ. He is coming in the SECOND CHARIOT.” Our Great prophet has said that
nothing is without any significance or reason. Now, what is the significance of this Second Chariot ?
In “the message of Grace”, the Great prophet says that the “SECOND ROCK” is the Headstone.
“Remember Moses, also, that great leader. God should have killed him. When he went down there to glorify himself by smiting that Rock and said, “You see what I can do ?” in other words. “You rebels, must we fetch you water from this Rock ?” And he smote It and the waters didn’t come; he smote it again. What did he do ? He testified of the weakness of-of Christ, cause Christ was that Rock. That’s the Headstone.” —- The Message of Grace (16)
We know that the first Rock types the Lord Jesus Christ who was slain for our sins, Rock is the Christ. Who is this second rock which was also smitten ?
Why did the Great Prophet indict this generation and the Church for crucifing the Christ for the second time at their pulpits ? Who is this Word for whom the second rock stands as the type ?
The Bible tells that when the Second Rock was beaten, water came out ABUNDANTLY. What does this ABUNDANT WATER signify ?
If you are wise, by this time you would have understood about this Second Rock the Headstone, and also about the ABUNDANT WATER.
My dear Reader, it is already getting too late as we have already begun to hear the midnight cry announcing the coming of the Headstone, Without the revelation of the Headstone, one can not meet Him, This is the revelation which was kept hidden for ages in the Book of Revelation and which was revealed by the Great Prophet and yet remained a mystery until the Seventh Seal was opened at this Great Hour of His coming.
The Super Church is the conecting link that connects the Headstone with the Pyramid. Now, the Super Church is set ready to be coupled with Headstone.
In the formation of a train, the engine will bring a compartment and put it in the track. Then the second compartment will be brought and coupled to the first one, Likewise it will go on till the last compartment. In this illustration, each compartment represents a Church, Now, the seventh compartment is the last compartment in the process of formation of the train. The First compartment is the first one in the formation. But the engine is always attached to the last compartment, last in the formation, When the engine starts to move, the momentum will be conveyed only to the Seventh Compartment because that is the one attached with the engine That is how momentum is transmitted from the engine to the compartment attached with it and from this 7th compartment to the 6th; and from the 6th to the 5th and so on; upto the first compartment.
The seventh compartment is the last one in the formation but it is the first one to receive the Dynamics. The first compartment would be the last one to receive the Dynamics
This “DYNAMICS” is the power of the true latter rain. By this dynamic power, the true church is going to shine as it never shone before. Only in this latter rain period we are going to see removing of mountains, creating of the missing limbs and controlling the nature; and finally the resurrection of the dead saints. Mouths of all the critics would be shut.
“Not a thunder head, but a cloud of glory! His own glorious presence shall strike the earth, ‘He cometh in clouds.’ Oh I love that! Clouds! There will be wave after wave of His glory come across the earth and resurrection of the saints shall come. When that blessed Holy Spirit that’s lived in their hearts and they died with their corpse laying there and their…singed over and things like that; they’re placed out here in the grave yard: a great wave of that same spirit’ll ‘whew’ wave after wave! He that is last will be first and he that was first’ll be last, How can it be that way ? That is the order of resurrection, I won’t know nobody in the generation before me or the generation, after me; I’ll know those in the generation of this and every generation will come sucessfully right as it went down. They which were last’ll be first. Sure, it has to be, see ? I’ll know my people, and the next man my Daddy’ll know his people, his grandfather knows his people; on downs like that- wave after wave after wave after :wave …and the saints shall rise.” —- Seven Church Ages

The wise will not fail to see a “mini Seven Church ages” hidden within the great Seven Church Ages. Does not the First Bible, the nature, reflect this ? Have not the scientists termed the structure of an atom as a mini Solar system ?
The world has seen a mini solar system hidden in the great solar system. Now, the Real Bride has seen a mini seven church ages kept hidden within the great seven church ages. Amen!
“It never was put on top the pyramid. They couldn’t understand. Why ? The capping stone was rejected, the head-Christ. But it will come someday…Now what does it do ? Then they’re waiting for the headstone which is love; for God is love…What is that ? The Holy Ghost coming down through Christ Holy Spirit, THE HOLY SPIRIT IS ABOVE ALL THIS, WELDING THIS TOGETHER, BUILDING A WHAT ? -A PERFECT CHURCH FOR THE CAPSTONE TO CAP OFF! WHAT’S IT BEEN DOING AGAIN ? It’s manifested through Seven Church Ages and Seven Church messengers.” —- The Stature of a Perfect Man (46,47)
* “Now, there’s no doubt we’re in the Seventh Church Age. We all know it.
Now, it’s the Seventh Church Age that takes the rapture, All of the other six died. But Enoch was translated because he was not found: God took him. But Enoch raptured, was a type of all of the rest of them dying, but the-THE END TIME BRIDE WILL BE CALLED OUT OF THE (THE RAPTURING, WITHOUT DEATH)-WILL BE CALLED OUT OF THE SEVENTH CHURCH AGE WHICH WE ARE NOW BEARING RECORD OF THAT AGE. OH, MY! LET’S DIG IN NOW REAL DEEP. SEE ? NOW, HERE ALSO A TYPE OF THE SEVEN CHURCH AGES, WHICH IS IN REVELATION 10:7 that the great mystery of the Book was to be unfolded by the Seventh Angel’s Message.” —- The Rapture (22)
Only the knowledge of this hidden secret of this mini solar system has enabled man to soar into space. This enormous dynamic power is kept hidden in this invisible solar system. Only the knowledge of this hidden mystery of this invisible mini church ages is going to enable the Real Bride to soar into the space to meet the Bridegroom. Dynamics is hidden behind this invisible, hidden mystery -The revelation of Thunders. Amen.
Behold, the Headstone cometh!
Go ye out to meet him!!
Is your lamp full of oil-the revelation of Thunders!
Is your wick trimmed and kept ready for lighting the lamp!
“Like Thomas, he was about the last one to see the Lord, but he had to see Him to believe Him. See ? When they see it happen, Oh, Thomas come in, but he was a little late.
Now, when they see the things that’s predicted and saying THUS SAITH THE LORD happens, then they say, “Give us some of your oil’. See ? —- Doing God a Service without His will (20)
Is the Great Prophet talking about the early apostle ?
When and where did the people go to him to get oil ?
When does the question of running for the oil come ?
Was it at the beginning of the church age, or at this winding up time ?
Run to God and find out before the door shuts before you.
Brother, get awakened by this Midnight cry. If you don’t get awakened now from your deep slumber, only the judgment has to come to awaken you. You do whatever you want, after all you are a free man.
The Written Word and the Spoken Word of God contain the answer to this question!
Even in the days of the Great Prophet, his message was sent all over the world. He himself had gone seven times around the world carrying the God-sent message.
“I know this is being taped. And I say things here, I realize I’m not only talking to this congregation, BUT ACROSS THE WORLD. And I…because these tapes go out to many nations, and they take them even back in the tribes in Africa…” —- Count down (2)
“And this tape goes all over the world…” —- A man that can turn on the Light. (4)
“And I think, now, that our tape customers, which around the world. …A message that goes forth from here, circles the globe. See ? Out into the jungles and everywhere, it goes by tape recordings…” —- Standing in the gap (4)
When the Message has gone all over the world, what is the Great Prophet trying here to convey ?
“And you believe that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today, and forever and I’m HERE TO MAKE KNOWN HIS WORKS AND HIS WAY. I’ve been very reluctant on these things the 15, 16 years i’ve been on the field, but there’s an hour coming now when something’s fixing to take place. THE MESSAGE WILL GO TO ANOTHER NATION, ANOTHER PEOPLE. But while we are in presence of His holy being… the Church in America I believe’s just about called out; She’s finished: She’s washed; She’s ready-the real Church.” —- God’s Provided Way (1-15-63)
To which people and which nation has the Message gone ? It cannot be any country in the Western hemisphere. When the Prophet was in the world, the Gospel light had gone to the Wes-tern most part on the globe. So, the Message must have gone to some eastern country!
If any man in any of the western countries claims that he has got the revelation of Thunders. He is a liar and his message is false. Because he is contradicting the first Bible, the nature, and the Written Word and the Spoken word of God.
* “And we all know that civilization has traveled from east to the west …And the civilization has traveled from east to west because it’s followed the sun, and now we have got all the way to the West Coast, If we go any further, we’re back East again. See, So, we’re at the end of the road.” —- The Evening Messenger (9)
* “Now, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. It doesn’t change, it’s the same sun. Now when the Holy Spirit came, Jesus, the Son of God, He came in the east, on the eastern people…it’s traveled, as civilization has traveled with the sun, coming from the east to the west, and NOW WE’RE AT THE WEST COAST. WE GO ANY FARTHER. WE’RE BACK EAST. Till, everything denotes His coming. We are at the end time. Everything shows that it’s all over’. —- The end time evangelism (11)
* “…Civilization’s moved right on to the west, and the church has moved right on to the west. And now, if we go any further than what we are now, WE COME BACK EAST AGAIN. You leave the West Coast you go right back into China, Japan, right back in again, SEVEN THOUSAND MILES ACROSS YOU GO RIGHT back to the east again. So east and west has met. That’s all of it. We’re at the end. There’s nothing left.” —- A man that can turn on the Light (33)
When Moses set the tabernacle, the entrance was kept at the eastern side. For one to go into the Holy of Holies, the presence of God, he had to go the eastern side of the Tabernacle to enter into it.
This is only a shadow and type!
Now, what is the significance of the gate on the eastern side ?
We do believe that our God visited his people in these last days and manifested Himself in the western most country. To have a complete and perfect revelation about this, one has to receive the revelation which God has sent to an eastern country.
Notice, it’s God fulfilling His promised Word AGAIN, of Rev. 10:1-7, ‘And in the days of the sounding of the Seventh Angel’s Message, the mystery of God should be finished. The hidden mystery of Rev. 10:1-7. THE LAST MESSAGE TO THE LAST CHURCH AGE.’ —- What is the attraction on the Mountain (23)
“Revelation 10: was the Seventh Seal”. —- Feast of the Trumpets (39)
“And he had in his hand a little book open: and he set his right foot upon the sea, and his left foot on the earth.” —- Revelation 10:2
What is the revelation of this message ? What is the significance of the Mighty Angel keeping His left foot on the sea and the right foot on the earth ?
We will study this in detail as the Lord leads in to the message of the Revelation of the 7th Seal.
Generally we keep our left foot first when we board a train or bus or climb up a stair case. Even the first astronaut, when he landed on the moon, first placed his left foot on the surface of the moon. Athletes when they get ready for the running race keep left foot first, When the training is given for the cadets, they are taught to keep the steps as left, right, left…
In natural things ‘the left foot’ is placed for the first step. The Great Prophet says that natural types the Spiritual.
The left foot of the Mighty Angel on the earth signifies the FIRST CLIMAX of the Message of the Great Prophet that took place in America when he opened the Seals in 1963.
Now, the right foot represents the Second step-SECOND CLIMAX of the living message of the Great Prophet which God has sent in a country represented by “the sea”
We know “the sea” represents peoples and multitudes.
When Christ was born, wise men went to see Him. The Great prophet says that these wise men went from India!
“…But the wise men that followed the star, all the way from INDIA, the Orient-months-coming through the valleys and deserts, passed over observatories. And they kept the time of the night by the stars, And no historian or any one ever mentioned of ever seeing that star but the WISE MAN. IT WAS JUST MEANT FOR THEM TO SEE IT. SO YOU CAN SEE THINGS THAT THE OTHER FELLOW MIGHT NOT SEE. TO YOU, IT’S A REALITY. TO HIM, THEY DON’T UNDERSTAND” —- Hebrews (8)
If wise men seeing the Christ was only a shadow, where is the real object ?
You find out from God through revelation
What is the Great Prophet trying here to convey in this passage :
“I’m wishing you the very merriest of Christmas, THAT GOD WILL SEND HIS STAR FROM THE EAST, that rose in the East, nineteen hundred years ago, AND WILL GUIDE YOU TO THE WORD MADE FLESH” —- We have seen His star… (32)
Do you want to see the vindication to believe this revelation of Thunders ? Yes, you are going to see it! Just wait for a little more time till the door is completely shut, You are going to see the entire power of God walking on the face of the earth for a little season just before the Rapture.
Dear Reader, are you still in your deep slumber ? It is high time you should know that Abraham’s royal seed will never look to the circumstances or signs and wonders but to the LIVING WORD of the LIVING GOD. Amen!
“Having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself.
That in the dispensation of the FULNESS OF TIMES he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him;” —- Ephesians 1:9, 10
“Do you believe in dispensations ? Bible said so, ‘In the dispensation of the fulness of time.’ What is that fulness of time ?… there was a dispensation of Mosaic Law. There was a dispensation of John the Baptist. There was a despensation of Christ. There was a dispensation of Church organization. There was dispensation of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. NOW IS THE DISPENSATION OF ADOPTION, what the world’s waiting groaning. ‘And when the fulness of time comes, when the dispensation of the fulness of time’ What is the fulness of time ? When the dead rises, when sickness ceases, when-when all the earth ceases to groan, ‘The fulness of the dispensation of time. Watch this.” —- Adoption (89, 90)
Now, we learned that the fulness of time is waiting for what ? The fulness of all time, the time that when sin will cease, the time when death will cease, the time when sickness will cease the time when sin will cease, the time when all of the perversions (like perverted things, that the Devil has perverted) will cease. When time itself shall cease. Watch.” —- Adoption (113)
“…To be borned of the water and the Spirit, what does it do ? Then it brings you right back again unto the place of where you should have been at the beginning. See ? THAT’S THE REASON OF CHRIST’S DEATH: BRINGS US RIGHT BACK AGAIN TO WHERE ?-SONS OF GOD.” —- The Spoken Word is the Original seed (27)
“But God specially, upon Adam, breathed the breath of Eternal Life, and he became an eternal person with God. HE HAD POWER LIKE GOD! HE WAS A AMATEUR GOD. HE WAS GOD OF THE EARTH, not God of Heaven now, god of earth.
AND SOME DAY THE SONS OF GOD WILL AGAIN BECOME GODS. Jesus said so:” —- Blasphemous Names (28)
“How you going to do it ? Stand still! God’s the One that placed His church, Sons and daughters of God. GOD, LET ME LIVE TO SEE IT, IS MY PRAYER. SO CLOSE TILL I CAN JUST FEEL IT WITH MY HANDS ALMOST, BROTHER, IT’S RIGHT THERE. THAT’S WHAT I’VE LONGED TO SEE, waiting for the time when walk down the street; there lays a cripple laying there, from his mother’s womb, “Silver and gold have I none”. Oh, WAITING FOR THE MANIFESTATIONS OF THE SONS OF GOD, HALLELUJAH, when God will make Himself known, when it’ll stop sickness, it will stop cancer, it will stop diseases.” —- Adoption (115)
ADOPTION placing positionally! Where they at ? Show me where they’re at ? God calling His children aside by manifestation. They don’t have to say one word about it, you see something’s happened. Positionally placing His Son, getting him into order
just exactly with the same things. He-he’s just as in much authority, his word’s just as good as an Archangel, BETTER. The Son was adopted, put on a higher place, set out there, changed his robes, changed his colour, The father had a ceremony. said, ‘This is my son, from hence forth he’s governor. He’s the ruler, He’s over all my heritage. All that I got belongs to him.” —- Adoption (76)
“I can place him’. ADOPTION, placing, manifesting, take him out here and put a ceremony on him, visit him with an Angel, tell him something…but I mean manifestations of Sons of God, when God manifests Himself and He sends him out. And then he goes forth, and what he says is TRUTH what he does is the TRUTH-what he does, he manifests Christ. How you judge him ? By the way he stays with the Word, right with the Word.” —- Adoption (89)
Unbelievers don’t believe the Promise of God for this hour. Make-believers are going to believe only when they see the outward manifestations, But the Real Bride, the true believers, have already recognized the manifested Sons of God by the revelation of the mysteries revealed.
When the Great Prophet was here, he indicted the world and the denominational churches for rejecting and condemning the Word of the hour, Now, the living Word of the Great Prophet is indicting the make-believers who have failed to recognize their God, who visited them, and for condemning their very God.
Now, the entire world is ready for the judgment, The predestinated time of God has now come for the church to receive the entire power and authority of God. Amen.
Oh, Bride get ready!
No more delaying of time!
Door is completely shutting! Amen.
“…God’s waiting on me and you! The church is waiting on me and you. Adoption Time that when God can pour into us His Fulness, His power, His Resurrction, that when the church and Christ become so close together till Christ becomes visible among us and raises the dead, and we go into the Rapture.”
Already God has poured His fulness into the church through the revelation of Thunders. In this winding up age the so-called believers just laugh and mock at the very term ‘revelation of Thunders’. Those professing believers simply believe what the astronauts say but just laugh at what the spiritual astronauts say.Spiritual astronauts ? Yes, they are the manifested Sons of God whom God has raised in this adoption time to reveal the secrets hidden since the foundation of the world!
“Science has been able to prove that there’s an astronaut that can go so far till you couldn’t see it with your natural eyes, and it can go whether there’s any pressure there or not. He can just go on out because in a pressurized tank, and he can go up there and sail around and see the worlds around. An astronaut! Oh my, what an age that is coming. Yes, Sir, go beyond any natural things at all, and sweep plumb on out into yonder.
What does it represent ? A spiritual time to where God’s going to have spiritual astronauts. Amen! They’re here right now! Hallelujah! THE EAGLES OF THE AIR, that can go beyond anyother bird; sail above everything, spiritual astronauts (glory) that can take the Word of God and prove that He’s the same yesterday, today, and forever. A spiritual astronaut! Oh, my! Glory! That makes me feel good, living in this age! Now what a wonderful thing for a spiritual astronaut! See ? What is it ? What did the natural scientists do ? Has been able to achive that, And God, through man who would stay with the Bible and say that, ‘He’s the same yesterday, today, and forever, and NOT AFRAID of the promise regardless of what anybody said, stay with it. What is it ? You become an astronaut that can go so far it’s beyond denominational thinking. It’s beyond anything else. It’s beyond the things of the church. OUT YONDER with God and Him alone you stay. Astronauts!
…How for it is from justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost! They’re coming to eagle. They first, they were lizards, then they became chickens, then they became crows, but now they’re EAGLES. NO ONE CAN FOLLOW THEM!
An eagle is a special bird. He can go higher than any other bird. He’s prepared to see, keep his head level he gets up there. And some people can jump way up and don’t know where they’re at after they get there, ‘cause he can’t see no farther than what he’s jumped. But there’s some that can look back and see what’s going on. THAT’S THE EAGLE . He can stand there till he looks it over, and wait till he hears a message that tells him what to say. THAT’S THE ASTRONAUT OF GOD. It’s followed all the other achievements, why won’t it follow this achivements.
Astronauts for Jesus…It’s God’s atom power that pushes you plumb out in space out yonder. Amen Oh! …And we got a radar, too, PRAYER. Prayer is the radar power that directs the astronaut. Ask the Father anything in My Name, I’ll do it.” —- Countdown (16, 17)
Already God has raised His Astronauts to go into higher altitudes in the realms of God to see clearly the promise for this hour and to tell the people of God what they have seen. Try these revelations with the Written Word and the Spoken Word and find out whether they are from God or not.
This is the coming time of the Lord. Joseph went out when the cry went before him announcing of his coming. Now, the midnight cry is going on announcing the coming of the Lord, and the Lord is going to come one of these days. Amen!
* Is this mystery of the Thunders that will bring back the Headstone” —- Sirs, is this the time ? (48)
“When He comes this time, hardly none but those who are ready will know when He comes.” —- Broken Cistern [3, 33]
“…Since Jesus promised to return. But, you know, one of these days He’s going to come, any how, see. So I just don’t see nothing left to happen, only the rapturing of the Church” —- Countdown (1)
Already the midnight cry is going on but it is a very sad thing that many brethren are not aware of it.
“Let us get ready for this midnight cry. It’s coming in a hour when you think not. There’ll be a cry, not amongst the unbelieving world; it’ll be a secret.” —- The Uniting Time and Sign (30)
“Oh, Church, rise and shake yourself! Pinch you conscience, WAKE YOURSELF UP in this hour! We must be desperate or perish! There’s coming forth something from the Lord! I know it as THUS SAITH THE LORD. There’s coming forth something, and we better get desperate. It’s between life and death. It’ll pass through us and we won’t see it.” —- Desperation (23)
“…So will it be something when the Trumpet of the Lord shall be sounded out, TIME SHALL BE NO MORE. And those who have been looked at and made fun of, that stood there before the open veil and seen the Word of God manifested. Others will scream for it, but as You said, ‘It’ll be too late then (they went into the wedding Supper), and they were left out where there’s weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth.” —- The Unveiling of God [52]
Now we have come to the last portion of this message on the Revelation of the Manifested Sons of God.
If we very carefully study the message: Sirs, is this the time ? and the messages given after that, you will find that the Great Prophet Branham has repeatedly used the phrases “Something is fixing to happen”. What is that ‘something’ that happened then, and this ‘something’ that is happening right now ?
To understand that something that has happened in the life and the ministry of the great Prophet Branham, one has to first understand this ‘something’ that is happening right now. Those who fail to see this something that is going on right now, will not see that something that had happened in the life and ministry of that great prophet.
The purpose of God opening seals is :
“Now, if you can get back here under these Seals, if they ever get…when they are opened, you can see exactly what God is a doing, what He has done, what He is going to do. Here it is exactly” —- The Sixth Seal (427)
When the Great Prophet opened the Seals, The Lord revealed to him what had happened all through the Seven Church ages, what was happening right at the time of opening the seals. and what is going to happen in future. Because the entire mystery of God was revealed to the Great Prophet, he understood the complete plan of God, But to the Church, the complete mystery was not revealed, because it was not the time for the Church to have the revelation of it. And also God always reveals the things which He has already accomplished or while accomplishing a thing.
So, when the Seals were opened, the Church then understood only the things that happened in the Church Ages until the time of opening the Seals. That is why, through the Seals were revealed, they remained a mystery until this time, At that time the Church only had the revelation of white horse, red horse and so on.
What had happened when the Seals were revealed, and what was to happen till the Rapture, were kept as a mystery. But now the Bride has come the very time of the coming of the Lord and so, He has revealed through the revelation of Thunders, what happened then in the life and ministry of the Great Prophet and what is happening right now at His coming time.
Here are certain passages which show this “Something”
“…I want this to be surely gotten, because many will not have the tape. So, I want you to be sure to get it, and let’s approach it for I’d say thirty-five minutes, or forty, just as reverently as we know how to do it, because this is a tremendous time for me. It is where SOMETHING HAS HAPPENED that I don’t know what to do. I am standing in the most terrific strait I ever stood in, in the days of my ministry, as I know of” —- Sirs, is this the time (5)
“…Oh, just something happened just about one half hour ago. I was telling Brother Wood coming down just a few minutes ago just something-you know there’s a lot of things happen that you just CAN’T TALK ABOUT you know-just something just TOOK PLACE that just helped me so much.” —- The Second Seal (178)
“Now, you’ll just remember that there is something happening. I hope you’re catching it see ? There’s something happening, I just want to test this church one time and see if they could actually pick up something before it actually taken place. Now remember, remember what I told you, and may the Lord help us.” —- The Third Seal (231)
“…If the Lord willing, tomorrow night, I want to show you mystery that’s been going all the time right here in this meeting. I doubt very much whether you’ve ever seen it or not, what’s took place. It’s been something that’s laid right here before you, and I’ve watched each night for it to rise-for somebody to say, ‘I see it’. Don’t turn it away, please.” —- The Sixth Seal (442)
“Now notice, remember the vision of the constellation ? Charlie, here you are, SOMETHING GOING ON, I told you this week that you… It’s been all around you, but I wonder if you noticed it. Remember the constellation of the vision
of the Angels, when I left here to go to Arizona ? Do you remember, ‘What Time is It, Sirs ?’ Do you remember that ?” —- The Seventh Seal (559)
Now were are living at the very time of His coming that He has so graciously opened the Seventh Seal to His Beloved Bride to show what has been done in the Life and Ministry of the Great Prophet when he opened the Seals, what He is doing right now when He has opened the Seventh Seal, and what He is going to do very soon. Amen!
“Come believe on Him if you’ve never…Don’t take any chance. Don’t…don’t…If there is anything in your life, friends, we’re here…SOMETHING IS FIXING TO HAPPEN. I don’t know why; I don’t know when, I know what’s going to happen, but it is bound to be, because He is revealing it right now. He doesn’t do anything unless. He makes it known (Amos 3). He makes it known first, and He promised that these things would come IN THE LAST DAYS and the seventh church age, at the end of it, when the MESSENGERS ARRIVED, there it would be
There would BE REVEALED THOSE BROKEN SEALS they would be revealed; and here they are. That is in the Name of the Lord. Believe it, friends, come out of Babylon.” —- The Second Seal (223)
* “Now let me say something, brethren, There’s something fixing to happen…” —- The Second Seal (224)
* “Or is this that SECOND CLIMAX that I talked about the other day. Is THERE SOMETHING coming forth FOR THE CHURCH ? I don’t know, I could stay on that a little bit, but I will move on.
Could it be that the MIGHTY THUNDERS, or the SEVENTH ANGEL IN THE SEVEN CONSTELLATION” —- Sirs, is this the time (46-48)
“Oh, Church, rise and shake yourselves! Pinch your conscience, wake yourself up in this hour! We must be desperate or perish! There’s COMING FORTH SOMETHING FROM THE LORD! I know it as ‘Thus saith the Lord’. There is coming forth something and we better get desperate, It’s BETWEEN LIFE AND DEATH! It’ll pass through us and we wont’t see it” —- Desperation (28)
“…I am only building; The hour is close at hand when you’re going to see something happen, when SOMETHING IS GOING TO TAKE PLACE and all THIS BACKGROUND, here, has only been laying a foundation FOR A SHORT, QUICK MESSAGE THAT WILL SHAKE THE WHOLE NATION” —- And knoweth it not (13)
“We’re right here at SOMETHING, friends, whatever it is, God knows. Nobody, nobody knows when it’s going to happen. That’s a secret. Nobody knows when it’s going to happen, but Jesus told us, “When you see these things…begin to come to pass, then the time’s at the door.
Watch the very next verse…He shall send forth His angels to the four corners of the heaven, the four winds TO GATHER HIS ELECTED. Is that right ?” —- The Sixth Seal (449)
“…and it unfolded into SOMETHING else that I seen… BE PREPARED, for you don’t know what time something can happen…” —- The Seventh Seal (567)
“I believe the great day is just begin dawing-breaking-the lights are beginning to flash; the birds of paradise are beginning to sing and the same part, they know IT ISN’T LONG NOW. SOMETHING IS GOING TO HAPPEN ,It has just got to…” —- The Second Seal (185)
* “…between the Sixth Seal and the seventh seal there is something that takes place. See ? And how lovely that’s placed just at its right place…” —- The Seventh Seal (534)
* “Lord, I know that SOMETHING’S FIXING TO TAKE palce. I cannot strictly identify it, I’M AFRAID TO SAY ANYTHING, LORD.” —- Who is this Melchisedec (32)
* “…but there’s an hour coming now when something’s fixing to take place. The Message will go to another nation, another people.” —- God’s Provided way (1-15-63)
* “Heavenly Father, we by faith look towards the future. I’m looking now, by faith, towards the COMING SOMETHING. Lord, upon the earth, that’s going to draw Thy people together.” —- Third Exodus (7)
* “You remember on the tape, SIRS, WHAT TIME IS IT ? I quoted over it. “Remember, something’s fixing to take place-Major!” —- Standing in the gap (22)
* “The Lord is fixing to visit His people in a great, marvelous something, friends. It has to be a secret in my own heart, but as you know me, and you believe me. love me, and respect me as God’s servant-just remember I’m telling you a blessing is on the road. That’s right. It’s coming” -Visions and Prophecy (20)
* “CLEAN YOUR LIVES UP, pay your debts; owe no man. Jesus said, “Not… Now, I don’t mean things like your house rent and stuff. You got to do it. Get all your things off your hands. Get everything right. Make ready. Get ready. Remember in the Name of the Lord, something’s fixing to happen.” —- And knoweth it not (36)
* “Heavens and earth will pass away, but my word will not. See what I mean ? Oh, brother, we better take inventory, it might be really later than we think, Might be we’d wake up some day and see that we’ve missed something. Be careful! Watch, pray, search, seek, don’t let it pass over you. And remember, when God’s Word is preached, God’s obligated to that word and will vindicate it.” —- The Evening Messenger (33)
* “So, now, I am going to say SOMETHING TO you, now, that I haven’t said all along. That is the thing that we have looked forward to for so long, for these many years… the third pull has now been vindicated… but when that time comes (when the squeeze comes down) then you will see what you have seen temporarily, be magnified in the fullness of its power. …for the hour is approaching swiftly when something is going to be done…because what I have reached to now in the ministry, I am dropping back here, watching that spot and waiting for the time to use it. But it is going to be used! …here is to him who has wisdom the third is properly identified. We know where it is, So the third pull is here…
…this will be the thing THAT WILL START THE “RAPTURING FAITH “ TO THE GOING AWAY, see. And I must lay quiet for just a little while”
Now, we are closer than it seems to be. I don’t know when, but it is real, real close, I MAY BE BUILDING A PLATFORM FOR SOMEBODY ELSE TO STEP ON. I may be taken before that time.” —- Look away to Jesus (6’7)
“I KNOW WHAT THE THIRD PULL IS, AND I know what it does. Now be reverent; just keep quite. The hour will soon arrive, WHERE GOD IS GOING TO DO SOME GREAT THINGS FOR US” —- Look away to Jesus (21)
If you compile all these underlined words, you will see clearly what the Great Prophet was forbidden to make known to the Church, and the revelation of the hidden mystery that he was trying to throw indirectly as “HINTS” here and there. Now the predestinated time has come for the Bride to have the revelation of this revealed mystery. So, The Holy Ghost, our Great Teacher is now revealing it to the Bride. Who has an ear to hear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the Real Bride Amen!
“…something is fixing to happen…I know what’s going to happen…because He is revealing it right now…these things would come in the last days, …when the MESSENGERS ARRIVED…There would be revealed those broken Seals… is this that Second Climax…for the Church…that the Mighty Thunders or the SEVENTH ANGEL in the seventh period constellation… There’s coming forth something from the Lord!…It’s between life and death. It’ll pass through us and we won’t see it…All this background, here, has only been laying a foundation for a SHORT, QUICK MESSAGE THAT WILL SHAKE THE WHOLE NATION…Something…God knows, Nobody knows when it’s going to happen… to GATHER HIS ELECTED …BE PREPARED…the birds of paradise are beginning to sing …they know it isn’t long now. …between the Sixth Seal and the Seventh Seal… I’m afraid to say anything, Lord…THE MESSAGE WILL GO TO ANOTHER NATION, ANOTHER PEOPLE… that’s going to DRAW THE PEOPLE TOGETHER …something’s fixing to take place…MAJOR…THE LORD IS FIXING TO VISIT HIS PEOPLE IN A GREAT, MARVELOUS SOMETHING FRIENDS…I’m telling you a blessing is on the road. That is right. It’s coming… Clean your lives… Get everything right. Make ready. Get ready. Remember in THE NAME OF THE LORD, something is fixing to happen …Heavens and earth will pass away, but my word will not-it might be later than we think, might be we’d wake up someday and see that we’ve missed something. BE CAREFUL, WATCH, PRAY, SEARCH, SEEK, DON’T LET IT PASS OVER YOU.
…I am going to say something…that I haven’t said all along. That is the thing that we have looked forward to for so long…
then you will see what you have seen temporarily, BE MAGNIFIED IN THE FULNESS of its power…I am dropping back here, watching that spot and WAITING FOR THE TIME TO USE IT. BUT IT IS GOING TO BE USED…here is to him who has wisdom the third is properly identified…So the third pull is here …This will be the thing that will start the ‘Rapturing Faith” to the going away…I may be building a platform for somebody else to step on I may be taken before that time…I know what the third pull is… The hour will soon arrive where God is going to do some great things for us”-Amen!
“And now, I want to say that there’s SOMETHING just getting READY TO HAPPEN. I know it, Many of you here remember when Brother Junior Jackson came to me a little bit before going towards Arizona of a dream he had ? A strange thing. How many remembers that ? And the Lord gave us the interpretation, and it happened to the letter. Now, he’s just had another dream, something.
And the strange thing a man was here the other day from Oregon, Doesn’t hardly know me and was-Dreamed the same dream about, that Junior Jackson dreamed, and-and come told me. I-I don’t know the interpretation; I’m waiting for the Lord, But I know it’s going to be something from God. Just remember that It’s Thus Saith the Lord. It’s something coming forth from God. I don’t know what it is. It’s really striking, VERY STRIKING. Frankly, according to the-the dreams that both man… One of them I’d… He might be a Baptist, Presbytarian; he-he might be setting here this morning. I don’t know. He was here the other day, I don’t know the man,
But he told the dream with tears in his eyes. And it shook him. He came all the way from Oregon here to express it. Brother Jackson came in like manner this morning. One man not knowing the other, one thousands of miles from the other, and both dreams just exactly on the same thing. So, the Holy Spirit is withholding the interpretation there of from me, I don’t know what to tell the man. But I know God is fixing to do something and it’ll be glorious in our eyes.” —- God of this evil age (5) (8-1-1965)
Before we go into the interpretation of this, let us go through the dreams.
“He said,’Mr. Branham, I realize I got to stand before God, I don’t know whether I was asleep or what happened. I dreamed-I’m going to say I was asleep, and I dreamed. I thought my son, in the market, stuck his hand in a sack. When he did, it was sack of apples, and they all turned over. When I went to pick them up, they were all green apples with one bite taken out of them. I was picking them up; putting them back in the sack; some of them rolled out and rolled down; and I went to try to get them, on the grass, and they rolled under one of these chain-lock fences, and this big super-highway ran in there. I looked back east and the chain was hooked against a big rock in the east, I went back there; thought I’d let this chain down, then go over and get the apples for the man. I started to let the chain down; and a voice shook the whole earth, The earth shook under my feet.
He said, “After it quit shaking, I heard a voice; Brother Branham, IT WAS YOUR VOICE! I know, something said to me, It said, ‘I’LL RIDE THIS TRAIL ONCE MORE!’ I started looking up the rock like this, and looked on, in past the clouds, and way up there standing on a rock that leads from the east to the west in a Pointed shape like that, like a Pyramid. Run back there to the east and there you were standing there on a horse, white mane hanging down, and you were DRESSED LIKE AN INDIAN CHIEF-with all the things the Indians use, It had a breast plate; them bangles on the arms, and all down around like that you had your hands up like that-that horse, standing there like a Military Horse, with a prance like this, walking, we standing still’-and he said, ‘You pulled on the reins; WENT RIDING OFF TOWARDS THE WEST, I looked down there and there was a whole lot of scientists.’
The next morning (that was Saturday) on the next morning I preached on Scientists being of the Devil.
And he said, ‘SCIENTISTS, THEY WERE POURING THINGS IN TUBES AND MIXING THEM. You stopped the horse; raised up your hands and began to scream: I’LL RIDE THIS TRAIL ONCE MORE! and he said THE WHOLE EARTH SHOOK. Those people shook; looked up at one another, looked up to you. shrugged their shoulders and went on with their scientific research.
“You started going on TOWARDS THE WEST and when it did, I saw this man that called himself a ‘prophet’, you know. He came upon a horse that was mixed with white and black together.
It was way up above the clouds, and the road wasn’t over about that wide, That horse just ran with the wind blowing the feathers and everything on your garb, then, the horse’s mane and tail blowing. Great master, big white horse walking right in line, and this guy ran up behind you-came from towards Canada.” (and the man lives in Canada) and he said, “…came back and he took his little horse, trying to knock your big horse off; turning him around; make his hips hit against the…HE NEVER MOVED THE BIG HORSE; he just kept walking. Then all of a sudden, you turned around, That will be the third time you spoke but the second time you said, ‘I’ll ride’ You didn’t speak like you did: you commanded. You turned around and called the man by name and said, ‘Get off of here. You know that no man can ride this road here, without God being ordained him to do it. Get off of here.”
He said, ‘The man turned around; and the man has written me letters, and across his horse’s hips (that black and grey and mixed up together) across his horse’s hips was written his name-signature just exactly like is on this letter, He rode off toward the north.
Then you went on down; that big horse turned around way, as far west as you could. You stood, raised your hands up like that ! Then he started crying. He said, ‘Brother Branham, see that horse standing over there, WAR BONNET and everything like that, and that BREAST-PLATE and everything shine.’ He said, ‘you held your hands up a little while and you looked at it again; picked up the reins and said ‘I’ll RIDE THIS TRAIL JUST ONCE MORE!’ He said, ‘The whole earth shook back and forth like that, and there was no more life left in me. I just fell down by the side of the rock, and I woke up.”
He said, ‘What does it mean, Sir ?’
I said, ‘I don’t know’.
Next morning Junior Jackson, who dreamed about the Pyramid, you know, when I went out west – you remember that he called me a month or two before that. He had a dream that was burning; he had to tell me. I said ‘Billy… There’s about 20 standing out there, He said, ‘Junior Jackson down there said that he had to tell you that dream.”
I said, ‘Send him in just about five minutes.’
He brought his wife in, and he said ‘for a witness.’ He said, ‘dreamed, Brother Branham, me and my wife were out riding. And I looked back in the east and I saw-look like a spot-line one of those flying saucers.”
See, the world doesn’t know what that is. You know… You know; we know what it is. We know it’s investigating judgement Angels. You see How that Pentagon, all about how it comes right down to the intelligence; how they go like a flash and be gone; pull away from anything they got. See, and they don’t realize what it is. Let them think whatever they want to. They call them flying saucers or whatever; they don’t know.
He said, ‘And I saw it coming, and I watched it. What it was, it was a man on a horse, and he was coming with lightning speed. I saw he was going to come down in front of me, and I stopped my car, jumped out. When I did a horse was, standing in the road, a great white Military horse walking in a prance’ That’s the word, of course- you know it. Walking in a prance.
He said, ‘There was a man sitting on there. He was dressed in western garb-wasn’t a cowboy, but he looked like a chief over rangers or something.’ (See, all of his chief authority from the west, The Indians over the Indians, rangers over the…) ‘The man had his hat pulled down and was looking sideways and when he turned sideways,’ he said. ‘It was you Brother Branham. You never talked like you did. You said, ‘JUNIOR’ -called him three times.’ He said, ‘I’ll tell you what to do.’ Then you pulled upon the reins of this horse; he made about three lopes and took to the skies, and you were gone – towards the west!’
He said, ‘Just a minute! I looked around and here came a horse smaller than that one with the same breed, but smaller it stood. I walked around.’ he said, ‘He must have sent this one back for me. I got on’ -Junior has done a little riding too; and he said, ‘You know how your saddle fits you, Brother Branham, the stirrups and everything. I thought, well, this fits me just right. I pulled upon the reins; walked to the sky. I pulled on the reins and stopped him, turned him around and went back. When I went back, I stopped the horse, got off : and talked to my wife, and the horse was gone.” —- And knoweth it not (58-61)
The message of the Great Prophet is already interpreted by himself. The interpretation was hidden in his message and now, the Holy Spirit, our Great Teacher, is bringing out the interpretation to the True Church. THIS MESSAGE IS NOT AN INTERPRETATION OF THE MESSAGE OF THE GREAT PROPHET BUT IS ONLY THE DISPLAYING MESSAGE DISPLAYING THE INTERPRETATION.
Most of the believers in the western countries are looking for the Great Prophet to come to reveal the Seventh Seal and the Third Pull before the Rapture. Of course He is coming for His Bride and that will be the Seventh Seal (unwritten), the end of the Seventh Seal (Written), That is the end of everything, The wise would have understood by now that this “RIDE” has already begun. The messenger and the message are the same. The Great Prophet is dead now, But His message is living and it is sounding through another trumpet. The trumpet is mute. Don’t look at the trumpet. Look to the voice; then you will understand the intelligence that is sounding the Trumpet.
“even though some day I have to leave this world, these tapes WILL STILL LIVE.” —- Three Kinds of Believers (36)
“The word made flesh is the Light of the age when you see It; the Bible said so” —- Feast of the Trumpets (100)
So, the Word of God and the messenger of the age was the selfsame thing, all the time. That’s right! —- Spiritual food in due Season (11)
“but listen waht I’ve said. What I’ve said is the Message, Don’t pay any attention to the messenger; watch the message. Keep your eyes, not on the messenger, but on the message” —- Sirs, is this the time (54)
“Let Him do the work. He does the sounding, the trumpets are mute. The voice behind it is the one that gives the sound.” —- Questions & Answers on Seals (483)
“IT WAS A SACK OF APPLES,” It is the message of the great prophet-the bread of life that is stored up in Branham’s Tabernacle.
“Then the food in that little long building-I did not go overseas; I returned to this little building, and we made dozens of tapes of the Pyramids and everything, to show the people the hour that we are living in. Now compare even that with the others, the dreams. This was a vision, THE FOOD; HERE IT IS. THIS IS THE PLACE,”
“I pray for forgiveness of my little church here, that you have sent me down to lead and to guide. Bless them, Lord. I have done according to what the visions and dreams and things has said so the best of my knowledge. I have laid in all the food, that I know how, for them, Lord.” —- Sirs, is this the Time ? (19,53)
The entire message of the Great Prophet was not completely understood by the church. The Seventh Seal was not revealed to the church. The church had received the revelation of the message of the prophet except the Seventh Seal.
“…and it won’t be known ‘til that time, but it will be revealed in that day, in the hour that it’s supposed to be revealed in. …we know that this Seventh Seal cannot be broke to the public until that hour arrives… He omitted the revelation of this Seventh Seal. And here when the Seventh Seal, when He opened it, He also omitted it again, See. So we see that it is a complete mystery, therefore, the hour is not yet for this mystery to be known, therefore we’re this far and the rest of it will be known right around about the time.” —- The Seventh Seal (576, 577)
It is the Message of the Great Prophet that has gone to different nations.
“…Because these tapes go out to many, many nations and they take them even back in the tribes in Africa, back in there…” —- Count down (2)
“I pray that for across the nation and even around the world where the tape will be played, that they, also, will receive this Thanks giving message and know by the hints and things that have been throwed.” —- Invisible Union of the Bride (49)
“And I think, now, that our tape customers, which around the world…A Message that goes forth from here, circles the globe. See ?” —- Standing in the gap (4)
It is the revelation of the Seventh Seal which was revealed to Him and to Him alone, now made known to the True Church through the seventh Angel (C), the messenger of the seventh Seal. This is the Second climax of the message of the Great Prophet in this midnight hour, the coming time of the Lord. Voice is the message of the messenger.
“Watch the shout and the voice over here, the same thing at His coming, See ?” —- The Rapture (36)
“A ‘Shout’, what is a ‘shout ?’ It’s the message going forth first, the living Bread of Life bringing for the Bride.” —- The Rapture [27]
“Now, the only way you’ll know what the trumpet sound is, is to look what the music sheet says. That’s all. It’s a great symphony [See ?]” —- Feast of the Trumpets (20)
“Let Him do the work. He does the sounding, the trumpets are mute. The “VOICE” behind it is the one that gives the sound.” —- Questions and Answers on the Seals [483]
“…I had TWO CLIMAXES I wanted to meet, I wanted meet in my SERMON. And the Lord had give it to me…
I was just preaching to ‘who wouldn’t have it ?’ And after a bit I raised up, you know, and I thought. ‘Glory to God.’ I said , Look at these wonderful things, and this, that ?’
Directly, I noticed the people begin to get like they was physically hungry. And so they had enough spiritual, so they started walking away,… …I thought ‘What’s the matter with everybody ?’ And – and I looked and here was some young couples going away to my side, and stopped. I said, ‘Just a minute, friends, just a minute. You’ll be BACK AGAIN when the evening shadows fall’ See ? I said, ‘You will be back again. But let me give you this first climax. Where does all these things come from that I’ve showed you ? Where are they from ?’ I said, ‘Here they are, They are in the Word Of God. They are THUS SAITH THE LORD, His promise. …’Oh, but you know what ? The shadow is going to fall after while, right away.’ And I said, ‘Then TONIGHT, when that congregation gathers in again…’ ‘I’ll background it on the Word, and then this great, MARVELOUS CLIMAX,’ I said, ‘what a time it’ll be! Praise be to God. And I seen myself fading up like that, and here I was standing there.” —- Blasphemous Names
“Notice! But watch when the Spiritual Bride when she BEGINS TO HAVE A REVIVAL, when she BEGINS TO COME BACK and line Herself up with the Word of GOD, WATCH THEN AGAIN, you see, how that the Scripture at that time, THERE WILL BE A MESSAGE SWEEP OUT TO CATCH THAT BRIDE-catch that woman-ELECT. …Now, but you notice when the people begin to try to line with THE WORD, THERE COMES A FRESH MESSAGE FROM THE WORD OF GOD right straight to the people…It is just in God” —- Invisible Union of the Bride (9)
The first climax came only after the Great Prophet had received ‘the Sword of the King’ and that was the ‘Third Pull’. Now, there are three things that go with this Sword of the King.
- The Great prophet received it and there came the FIRST CLIMAX.
- The Son of Man comes with it on the Mount of Olives to smite the enemy.
- The third one was in an unknown language and the Prophet was forbidden to reveal it.
“And in Sabino Canyon, He said, ‘This is the Third Pull.’ And there’s three great things that goes with it, and one unfolded today… or yesterday, the other one unfolded today, and there’s one thing that I cannot interpret because it’s in an unknown language. As I stand right there and looked right straight at it, and THIS IS THE THIRD PULL COMING UP. And the Holy Spirit of God…” –The Seventh Seal (564)
Here the Great Prophet is telling of the COMING THIRD PULL. And the third pull is opening the mysteries.
“And remember the THIRD PULL was the opening of them SEVEN SEALS to reveal the hidden Truth that’s been sealed in the Word.” —- The Anointed ones at the end time (61)
Now, the Holy Spirit has visited us in an Eastern country and has REVEALED THE SEVENTH SEAL, which was hidden in the message of the Great Prophet Branham.
“And notice the next thing now. I took some kind of a bar and cut it off, and on the inside was white rock that had nothing wrote on it. And at that time I started to the WEST. And I told them all; I said, ‘Don’t go out West. Stay here and look on this ‘til I RETURN! Went WEST for the blast – RETURNED back to the EAST with the Holy Spirit interpreting this unwritten word. Now, if that isn’t perfectly with God Almighty. I want you to know what is. WHAT AM I TRYING TO SAY THIS FOR FRIENDS. It’s to show you that we’re at the end time” —- The Seventh Seal (566)
The Great Prophet went to WEST To have an experience and came back to EAST to open the Seals. This event is only a shadow of what the Great Holy Spirit is doing right now in an EASTERN country at this MIDNIGHT TIME. The Great God, what He did in the life and the ministry of the Great Prophet in the WESTERN part of the Globe at the FIRST CLIMAX time, is now REVEALING IT in the EASTERN part of the Globe by opening out the unwritten Seals (Thunders) at this SECOND CLIMAX time.
The same message of the Great Prophet is now sounding through another trumpet in an Eastern Country.
“and upon this rock I will build my church” —- Matt. 16:18
We know, here, this rock represents the Revelation.
“Do you know what a rock represents in the Bible ? A ‘rock’ in the Bible, here, represents ‘the revelation of God,’ See, ‘God is my revelation’. He is, see, The revelation of the Word is the rock.” —- Shalom (6)
“A ROCK IN A PYRAMID SHAPE” : It is the revelation of the Pyramid message.
“A ROCK THAT LEADS FROM THE EAST TO THE WEST” : A message on the Revelation of the Pyramid going from EAST TO WEST.
“a horse” : represents a message.
“ ‘a great white military horse walking in a prance.’ that’s the word of course. You know it.” —- And knoweth it not (61)
“Now , first stage-white horse, he was just a teacher.” —- The Third Seal (264)
In the first Seal, the white horse was the false message and the rider was the antichrist.
So. “a horse” stands for a message.
“Standing on a rock that leads from the east to the west in a pointed shape like that, like a pyramid. Run back these to the east and there you were standing there on a horse”: It is the revelation of the pyramid message of the Great Prophet going from East to West.
Now the Gospel Light has left America and come to INDIA
“but there’s an hour coming now when something’s fixing to take place. The message will go to ANOTHER NATION, ANOTHER PEOPLE” —- God’s provided way.
Now, the Holy Ghost, our Great Leader, is blowing the pyramid message of the Great Prophet through an Indian Trumpet.
“…then you notice, it opened up the top of the pyramid like Rock (Not pyramid teaching, now; not that, because I… THE MAN WHO TEACH THAT PYRAMID DOCTRINE…I guess they know what they’re talking about. I know nothing about it.)” —- Standing in the gap (19)
That Great Prophet gave us a pyramid message. Now the Holy Ghost, our Leader, has given us a “PYRAMID DOCTRINE”
We will study this doctrine in detail as the Lord leads us into the message on the revelation of the True Son of man.
“You were dressed like an Indian chief-that horse, standing there like a MILITARY HORSE, with a prance like this,”
The Holy Ghost is our Great Joshua, the leader.
“When Joshua was made the commander-in-chief of the army, and they came down to the very edge of the water and could look across and see Jericho, but between them… When Joshua had his army ready, there was a gate. And that gate was called Jordan.” —- Possessing the enemy’s gate (8)
“Some day when our Chief Captain shall come, who armoured us, who give us the armour of God, the Holy Ghost, give us His Word to fight with, stand out there. When our great Chief Captain comes riding, I want to step up on the chariot and ride up home with Him, don’t you ? …When we start walking down through those paradises of God, and the Angels filling the air with anthems above like that; talk about a celebration” —- The Greatest Battle (60,61)
In the second dream, first it looked like a flying saucer. And we know that the flying saucers were the investigating Judgment Angels.
“-like one of those flying saucers…we know what it is. We know it’s investigating Judgement Angels.” —- And knoweth it not (61)
“…floating around like flying saucers. They don’t know what it is. See ? They don’t have any idea. Did you notice the Angels that came down and investigated Sodom before Sodom was destroyed ? They were Lights from Heaven that came down in investigating judgement.” —- Christ is the Mystery of God revealed [87]
“And I looked back in the east and I saw – look like a spot-like one of those flying saucers …And I saw it coming and I watched it. What it was, it was a man on a horse.”
So, this is Joshua, our end time leader.
“God’s destroying angel was coming. They knew it. Joshua was that angel. They were in line. So, is every nation in the world in line of God’s judgment.” —- The Token (39)
“Moses and Joshua. How that it was that He led the children of Israel through the wilderness in their journey as a type of the called out people today” —- Events made clear by prophecy
“Joshua, here, is a type of the last day ministry.” —- Paradox
“That Joshua…he was ready…when he got near Jordan God called him out, said, ‘This day I’ll begin to magnify you before the people.” —- Paradox of God
“…A VOICE SHOOK THE WHOLE EARTH, THE EARTH SHOOK UNDER MY FEET… it was your voice! I know, something said to me. It said, ‘I’LL RIDE THIS TRAIL ONCE MORE!”
This is the short and quick message which the Great Prophet has said that would shake all the nations.
“I’m only building, The hour is close at hand when your’e going to see something happen, when something is going to take place and all this background, here, has only been laying a foundation for A SHORT, QUICK MESSAGE THAT WILL SHAKE THE WHOLE NATION.” —- And Knoweth it not (39)
This shows that this message will be only for a short time. Even the Seventh Angels, who came in a constellation, came in a terrific speed.
“I could see those angels, those shaped-back wings traveling faster than sound could travel. They came from Eternity in a split like the twinkling of an eye. Not enough to bat your eye, just a twinkle” —- Sirs, is this the time ? (26)
“I believe that we still have a great light coming on now that;ll just flood the earth one of these days for a SHORT PERIOD, may be just in a matter of months. But I believe that there’s great light coming.” —- Questions and Answers (10) Oct. 15, 1961,
“What’s the matter with people ? Can’t you see we’re at the end time ? It’s all over! The next thing will be a sweep
that’ll get that little group TOGETHER, in a MONTH or so. She’ll be gone, as soon as she’s gathered together. Well, we’re at the end, there’s no HOPES LEFT nowhere. RUN TO CHRIST, people! —- Letting off the pressure.
“…went riding off towards the west. I looked down there and there was a whole lot of scientists’. The next morning (that was saturday) on the next morning I preached on Scientists being of the devil, And he said, ‘Scientists, they were pouring things in tubes and mixing them. You stopped the horse; raised up your hands and began to scream: ‘I’ll ride this trail once more! and he said the whole earth shook, Those people shook; looked up at one another, looked up to you, shrugged their shoulders, and went on with their scientific research”
The interpretation of this is this: The Holy Ghost is sending out this message of the Second Climax in these days where in the scientists are getting on with their research on “test tube babies” and so on. Very soon the Lord is going to vindicate this message by pouring out His Dynamics into the True Church, There will be miracles, creation, controlling of the Nature in this True latter rain. When the modern scientists see these things happen they are going to look at one another and shrug their shoulders in perplexity! These things will be beyond their comprehension, The scientists being of the devil, will not have any desire to know the Spiritual background of these things. They will not understand that the Great Prophet is speaking through this message that He is going to have another ride (the second one) when He comes on the clouds in the Glory of His Father, Amen!
The message of the Seventh Seal, though it reveals the mystery of the Seventh Seal, actually is an announcement of the coming of the Head stone. This riding of the trail form East to West announces another riding of the trail from East to West-that is His TRUE COMING to catch away His TRUE BRIDE. Amen!
“For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west: So shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” —- Matt. 24:27
“You started going on towards the West and when it did, I saw this man that called himself, ‘a prophet’, you know. He came up on a horse that was mixed with white and black together.
…and this guy ran up behind you… trying to knock your big horse off… He never moved the big horse… You turned around and called the man by name and said, ‘get off of here. You know that no man can ride this road here, without God being ordained him to do it. Get off of here”
The interpretation of this is this;
“White and Black horse”: is the false teaching.
Some one with false teaching is trying to have a ministry to succeed the ministry of the Great Prophet. Nobody can assume the end time ministry to have the end time leadership. Every ministry is predestinated of God, Except a man is ordained of God, nobody can have this ministry of preparing the Bride for the Rapture.
“Who is in the express image of the almighty Jehovah. Who sailed down in a form of a pillar of Fire in a burning bush to attract the attention of a prophet. Who descended upon the mountain, and anyone that even touched it was to be killed besides Moses and Joshua. How that it was that He led the children of Israel through the wilderness in their journey as a type of the called out people today” —- Events made clear by prophecy
“Now, I told you the other day-I say it again-that even civilization itself today is absolutely contrary to God. Civilization is contrary to God. Education is a million miles from Him. Science is a million miles. Science and education is trying to disprove God (see ?) through theological seminaries and schools and rooms of science, and so forth. They’ve had their shake. HOW ABOUT THE VISION THE OTHER NIGHT OF THE MAN WHEN HE SCREAMED TO THOSE SCIENTISTS DOWN THERE POURING THAT STUFF IN LIKE THAT. They just turned, and looked up and went on. There will be one more ride,” —- Christ is revealed in His own Word (21)
“But we’ve got one of the most dreadful times to go through that ever laid before human beings. And I’m just waiting for the hour and-when we can get-everybody can get a chance where you can get off from work and spend a few days, and we can get set up somewhere I can speak on those plagues and things that’s to fall in the days and throw about two or three weeks together and bring that together, if the Lord lets me live to do it and will inspire me to do so. See now those things will be dropped in and THOSE THUNDERS, then you’ll find out WHAT THAT MAN and them people has been dreaming about and all these things there; it’ll come to pass. See ? You’ll notice what them revealed, THAT GREAT THUNDER a coming forth out of the-out of the skies. Now… of course, the whole bunch of you, you know THAT I KNOW WHAT THAT-WHAT THAT MEANS You see ? And … But let’s just wait till the time comes (you see ?) for it…? …Now…And it’ll BE MORE IN SEASON. —- Christ is revealed in His own Word (38)
Lord Jesus Christ died, but His Words are the LIVING WORDS. In these last days when science and knowledge of man are reaching a clima, and the Church has gone into utter darkness and rejected the word of God, God raised a man to show to this world that Lord Jesus and His words are ALIVE. It was one man in the hands of God. Now, the Great Prophet is dead and it is already 20 years since the first climax. Most of the believers have become VERY FORMAL, COLD, and DENOMINATED. Deadness has crept into the hearts of the believers. Brethren have become pleasers of men rather than pleasers of God and God alone. The sin of concealing the TRUTH has become deep rooted in the brethren. Instead of standing for the TRUTH, they are rejecting, resisting and condemning the TRUTH.
My Brethren, come out of Babylon and be not partakers of her sins. You may say that the Great Prophet has already delivered you from Babylon! That is only a word of your mouth; but your life, preaching, teaching and singing show that you are still walking in another street of Babylon! Come out of Babylon!
You may question who this fellow is, shouting like this! If you are wise, by this time you would have recognized him! It is again one man in the hands of God to show this scientific world that the WORDS OF THAT GREAT MAN OF GOD of our generation, a man of little stature, born in a poor family, without much education, lived a very simple life, dedicated life for TRUTH and TRUTH alone, without fame and without desire for money, the greatest man with the highest name in the Kingdom, yet lived very humble, ARE LIVING WORDS. AMEN!
Just wait and see!
Heaven and earth will pass away but the word of the LIVING GOD and of His great Prophet Branham WILL NEVER PASS AWAY. AMEN!
“How that in the sounding of the LAST ANGEL, Revelation 10 : In the days of the Seventh angel these mysteries that’s all been… Them mysteries will be REVEALED in the LAST DAYS when the seven angels-seventh angel’s message, when he, not when he starts out doing this, but when he begins to sound his Message. See ? Not the years in preparation, but the-when he begins to sound the Message, these mysteries then will be revealed,” —- Doing God a service without His will (32)
Before closing this message, dear Reader, let me ask you a question:
Who was this little man of Jeffersonville,
* Who discerned the secrets of the hearts of the people ?
* Who created squirrels ?
* Who spoke and brought Sis. Hattie’s children to repentance and to salvation ?
* Who calmed the storm by His word ?
* Who spoke and cleared off the clouds and made the Sun to shine ?
* Who spoke and made the tumour to disappear from his wife’s left ovary ?
* Who revealed the Seals, which Christ alone had prevailed to receive and to open ?
* Who did miracles and brought the dead to life ?
* Who did the works greater than what the Lord Himself did in this world ?
* Who predicted many, countless number of things and none has failed ?
My Dear Reader, Just stop a minute and tell me who was this little man of Jeffersonville ?
Do you call him a preacher ?
Do you call him a servant of God ?
Do you call him a prophet ?
In the commonwealth of God, a prophet holds the highest office next to God.
But the Lord Himself had said :
“And He said, “But that was the prophets of the Old Testament. You’ve been called to be there IN A MUCH HIGHER OFFICE THAN THAT.” —- Standing in the gap (29)
What is this office “much higher,” than that of a prophet ?
Do you still call him an ordinary man or a prophet ?
You DO NOT HAVE THE REVELATION which that little mean woman of Samaria had in herself. Had she been living in this age, that ONE LITTLE WOMAN WOULD HAVE EVANGELISED THIS ENTIRE WORLD WITH HER MESSAGE, THAT THE MESSIAH HAD VISITED US AGAIN.
Run to God!
Seek the Truth!
Stand for the Truth!
Judgement is following this message!
Now, God’s purpose of this message is to gather the Bride together and give her the rapturing faith to go in the Rapture. The Rapture is the Spiritual Harvest. In a harvest, we reap what we have sown.
CHRIST was the original seed who laid down His very life to reproduce Himself in the CHURCH. CHRIST died to reproduce CHRISTS from among men. The Great Prophet Branham was the first fruits of the Harvest. The spiritual fulfilment of the feast of the first fruits of the harvest was fulfilled in the life and ministry of the Great Prophet.
Now we, the members of the Bride, are the produce of the harvest. We are right now in the days of the spiritual fulfilment of the ‘feast of ingathering’
When God became CHRIST that was the beginning!
Now, MAN has become CHRIST, this is the END!
Oh, Plan of redemption is over!
The door of Mercy is completly closing!
Time is no more!
No more Mercy!
No more Grace!
Judgement is following this message!
Flee for your life!
Already the Bride has begun to hear the Rusling at the top of the Mulberry tree. Now, it is the time for the BRIDE to move.
Oh! Bride of Christ, get awakened from your slumber, put on the wedding garment, THE HUMILITY OF CHRIST, and keep your lamps trimmed and full of OIL-THE REVELATION OF THE THUNDERS.
Oh! we are now hearing the MIDNIGHT CRY for which the saints were longing so much to hear all through the seven Church ages,
Oh! Bride, get to your feet and put on your sandals of PREPARATION; for the Midnight Cry is on.
Move on Brother, Move on Sister,
This is the moving day,
Move a little closer,
Take your stand with Jesus,
Move on Brother, move on.
The move is on
My Lord, the move is on
I hear the rustle in the mulberry tree
I know, I know, I know THE MOVE IS ON. —- Move on Brother