"A short and quick message that will shake the whole nation" - And knoweth it not(39)

The purpose of the sole aim of Christ Branham’s ministry was to prove that Christ Jesus is Living and His Word is the Truth.
In the same way the sole aim of our ministry is to testify that Christ Branham is alive and His Word is the Truth.
Only to prove and vindicate the resurrection of Christ Branham on the third day of His burial like Jesus Christ.
O God, how in this last day there shall be Light again across the earth! And Ill prove to My disciples! Go tell them that I am not dead, and Im not a tradition, but I am a living Christ. Ill meet them. Take this Message to My disciples, that I am risen from the dead, the Gospel, good news.
Christ Branham has said in the message “The sign of this time”,
“Someday, if I die, when they are putting me in the grave, they will be playing that, you know. When you hear that I am gone, don’t you believe I am dead : I am not. But just stop somewhere. If you hear it on the radio or somewhere, read it in the paper, just sing that song (won’t you?) and just remember that’s it, just “Only believe”. – The sign of this time (32)
Christ Branham had the revelation that He will not die, and that’s why He asked the people to sing that song “only believe”, “only believe that I will not die”.
Christ Branham had the revelation that He will not die but His children and the people they did not have the revelation why He told them to sing “Only believe”, So without the revelation of what He had said they simply sang the song “Only believe” like a parrot. A parrot does not have the faculty to understand, but it will just repeat what it hears.Christ Branham had the revelation that He will not die but His children and the people they did not have the revelation why He told them to sing “Only believe”, So without the revelation of what He had said they simply sang the song “Only believe” like a parrot. A parrot does not have the faculty to understand, but it will just repeat what it hears.
So, Bro. Billy Paul, Bro. Pearry Green and the other brethren without revelation why, Christ Branham had said to sing “only believe, only believe” They stood and sang simply in obedience to the word of Christ Branham without revelation.
Now, God has poured through the true former (that is the teaching rain) in the east that is in Vellore, India and He has now revealed why he asked to sing the song “Only believe, only believe. Now we in India, in the east with the revelation of the true former rain, we sing the song “Only believe, only believe Christ Branham is not dead, only believe”.
Song I
This is what we believe!
This is what we testify !
This is what we sing!
This is what we teach in the Church!
This is what we proclaim to this adulterous and dying world!
God has given us His entire authority and power of the Heaven. Very soon we are going to prove and testify to the unbelieving and dying world that Christ Branham is not dead and He is the life. And we are going to manifest and demonstrate by the entire dynamic power and authority of the Holy Ghost.
Song II
Song III
It is not because we wish, or by our efforts, but it is what God has promised us, Heaven and earth may pass away but not the Word of God because what we have been telling is the truth. The entire heaven has now come down here.
We are so happy that our God is the unfailing God.
There is one thing that Christ Branham cannot do; that is, He will not fail and He cannot fail; because He is God.
When Christ Branham was buried, The Pillar of fire was resting on the tomb for three days and nights.
In 1969, we had seen the photograph of the Pillar of fire on the tomb of Christ Branham. A Sister, who believed Christ Branham as prophet Dr.Oliver who had been to Canada, on her way back to India, she had visited Jeffersonville. At that time, some believers had taken her to the tomb of Christ Branham and they had given a photograph of the tomb on which the Pillar of Fire was resting. And they had told her the Pillar of Fire was resting on the tomb for three days and three nights. This is a scientific authentication that the body of Christ Branham was in the tomb only for three days.
At that time, in the year 1969 we had not understood this phenomena. Only now when the Holy Ghost has revealed the resurrection of Christ Branham on the third day of His burial the Holy Ghost has reminded us about this photograph.
Christ Branham is the man child of Rev.12:5, begotten by the woman and her child was caught up unto God and to His Throne.
“And she brought forth a man child who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron. And her child was caught up unto God, and to His Throne”. – Rev.12:5
“…And what is the woman’s symbol in the Church … or Bible? Church why? Christ’s Bride and so forth, you see, it’s woman – the Church”. – Seals (217)
“Now, the woman represented the Church, and the Child that she brought forth was Christ. The moon under her feet was the law. The sun at her head was grace, twelve stars in her crown was the twelve apostles” -Hebrews (5)
Christ Branham says,
“…And the Bride, coming of Christ, coming out of the Church, there’ll have to be a Sheaf waved again in the last days. Oh, my!”
Waving of the sheaf! what was the sheaf? The first one that came to nature, the first one that proved it was a wheat that proved it was a sheaf. -It is the rising of the sun (13,14)
Christ Branham has said that for the Bride to come there had to be a waving of a sheaf.
What is a Sheaf?
It is the first stalk of grain which had attained the maturity.
“Because I live, ye live also, “Speaking to His wife, “Because I live, Ye live also. “What a resurrection that that was! And what a resurrection this is ” to be quickened from the dead, to be made alive in Christ Jesus by God’s Quickening Power” -It is the rising of the sun(14)
“But if the Spirit of Him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, He that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by His Spirit that dwelleth in you” – Romans 8 : 11
Christ Branham says,
Because I live, ye live also speaking to his wife, Because I live, ye live also, what a resurrection that that was ! And what a resurrection this is”. – It is the rising of the Sun(14)
- What a resurrection that was!
- What a resurrection this is!
Here, Christ Branham is trying to differentiate the two resurrections. The resurrection of Jesus Christ and His own resurrection (Christ Branham’s resurrection at the evening time).
The sheaf waving on the day of Pentecost
Jesus Christ rose on the third day of His burial. After His ascension. He was waved as a sheaf waving in the presence of God. Only at that time the Holy Ghost was poured on the people, who were waiting in the upper room. They all filled with the Holy Ghost on the Day of Pentecost.
The Sheaf waving at the evening time
Only at the evening time, Christ Branham rose from the dead and ascended to Heaven. He was waved as a sheaf waving at the evening time.
Now, the unchanging God has poured His Holy Ghost on His real believers, who believe in the resurrection of Christ Branham. This is the Baptism of the Holy Ghost without sensation.
The people on whom the Holy Ghost was poured on the day of Pentecost were Jews. Jews always look for the signs. That’s why God gave them signs to understand the pouring of the Holy Ghost.
They have seen cloven tongues of fire resting on their heads and they heard the people speaking in tongues and prophesying in other languages. They were just saved by blood of Jesus Christ for them to understand the experience of the baptism of the Holy Ghost, the Lord had given them various signs. Whereas now the baptism of the Holy Ghost is without sign, because we are believers and we don’t need to look at the signs, being believers we look to the Word of God for the evidence. That’s why God has given us the Baptism of the Holy Ghost without sensation just opening our mind to understand the Word. When a Word is connected with another word, It is of God.
“Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit who is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.
These things we also speak, not in words which man’s wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual.
“But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned”. – I. Cor.2:12-14
“The Baptism of the Holy Ghost they’ll say, “Oh that was for another day. “But if they don’t…” well, it wasn’t for another day, but I’ll tell you, it don’t come just like it did on the day of Pentecost…God unfolding Himself, not in sensation.” -The Seals (36, 40)
The mystery of the Baptism of the Holy Ghost without sensation, but the person of Christ performing the same works that He did. – Sirs, Is this the time (32)
This is the Baptism of the Holy Ghost without sensation, just opening our mind to see the mysteries in the Bible.
The Holy Ghost that was poured on the day of Pentecost, the people had seen cloven tongues, of fire resting on every one in the upper room.
They had strange feelings in their bodies and they spoke in tongues and they prophesied in various tongues, people were astonished to see those signs of the Holy Ghost.
Now at this end time, God had poured the baptism of the Holy Ghost without sensation, and this is the true former rain.
True former and latter rain
“Oh, there will be a true former and latter rain in the last days upon that little group, that come with Him on this little donkey, low and humble, no doubt or denomination, crying, “Hosanna to the king that comes in the Name of the Lord! “What’s the matter today? What’s the attraction on the mount?” -What is the attraction on the mountain (19)
Teaching Rain
“Where He’s Speaking of the coming of the former and latter rain, the word former is the Hebrew word M-O-U-R-E-H, moureh, which mean s teaching, in other words it will be a teaching rain and a harvest rain” -The spoken word is the original seed (64)
Individual (How God enters into the Church)
“By having the revelation of His secret made known to them by His grace,…See? It doesn’t mean just me or just you; it means the church, that He’s trying to get into it.” – Christ is the Mystery of God Revealed (58)
Nearly for 20 years God had been pouring His fulness little by little by the revelation of seven thunders into the bride.
Now all the fulness of God is now poured into the bride
“What was once God’s great secret, great mysterious secret in His mind, is now put in the hearts of the believer, that is the Body of Christ.” -Christ is the mystery of God revealed (58)
Now, only the people who have the fulness of God in them have become the full sons and daughters of God. Only these people have in them what all God had in Himself. Only to this people God has bestowed the Adoption of the Heaven.
The authority of these people is as good as the authority of God Himself.
When these full sons of God speak it is as good as God Himself speaking.
“…wait until them seven thunders utter their voices to that group who really can take the Word of God and handle it there! it’ll slice and cut. They can close the heavens,’ they can shut this or do whatever they want to…They could call for a hundred billion tons of flies if they wanted to Amen! Whatever they say is going to happen because it’s the word of God coming from the mouth of God.” – The Seals (304)
“The word is in the bride (as it was in Mary). The bride has the mind of Christ for she knows what He wants done with the word. She performs the command of the word in His name for she has “Thus saith the Lord.” – Pick up your pen and write. (2)
When these people speak, it is “Thus saith the Lord”.
God wants to finish His plan of Redemption by speaking through the full sons of God.
The Quickening power which raised Jesus Christ and Christ Branham from the dead on the third day of His burial is now poured into the real believers, who have the revelation of the resurrection of Christ Branham at this end time.
‘That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him.
The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints.
And what is the exceeding greatness of His power towards us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power.
Which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places.
For above all principality and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come”. – Ephesians 1:17-21
By this every believer who has the revelation of the resurrection of Christ Branham has the power to create another world.
“As much as your faith will be released, that’s how much power you can have, because in you dwells the power to make heavens and earth… you got enough power to make a new earth…” – The Ever Present Water from the Rock (31,32)
All the saints that were saved during the seven church ages, they had only a portion of the spirit of God that was the earnest of our inheritance. They didn’t possess the inheritance, whereas now who believe on the resurrection of Christ Branham, the Lord has filled us with the fulness of God. We have possessed our inheritance. The fulness of God, during the seven church ages, the saints were received only the earnest of our inheritance were only made the priest and they were placed in the Holy place for two thousand years, these saints were placed in the Holy place.
There are three kinds of mysteries in the Bible.
1. Mysteries – Written.
2. Mysteries – Symbolic form. (Unwritten Seals)
3. Mysteries – Hidden (Unwritten Seals)
The great prophet Branham till the end of the seven church ages had preached the written mysteries. When the time came for Him to preach the unwritten mysteries (In symbolic form and hidden mysteries) He had to become Christ so he was taken into the Holy of Holies so He went into the inner veil (Holy of Holies) and taken His position in the Ark.

STONE TABLETS which were made by man and written by God. This represents Christ Branham, who was made the Word by God. He was born of parents made Christ by God.
The first set of stone tablets which were broken by Moses were made of God and written of God represents Jesus Christ, who was born of God and made Christ by God.
“Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made that same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ.” – Acts 2 : 36.
When Christ Branham entered into the Holy of Holies. He was placed at a higher level than the church at that time.
When Christ Branham opened the Seals He was under the Shekinah Glory in the Holy of Holies; but the church was outside the inner veil. Just standing in the Holy place and that’s why the church could not understand what Christ Branham was telling.
At that time only Seals were broken and they were not made known. Christ Branham had said the true church will come to the Headstone. Now the church has grown and come to the Headstone. And now that’s why we are able to understand the broken Seals-made known by this revelation that the Headstone has come and united with the church.
“In these last days, the true Bride Church (Christ’s Seed) will come to the Headstone, and she will be the super Church, a super race, as she nears Him. They in the Bride will be so much like Him that they will even be in His very image.” – Pick up your pen and write (1)
As per the Word of God Christ Branham is now seated on the Throne of God.
Christ Branham’s children and other believers look to the tomb of Christ Branham in Jeffersonville, America. But we the full sons of God look to the Throne of God, when we think of Christ Branham.
We have dedicated our very life to preach and proclaim the resurrection of Christ Branham.
We preach about the resurrection of Christ Branham not for money but we have dedicated our lives to preach the truth and truth alone.
We have to face and pass through various things in our lives, such as poverty, starvation, nakedness and so many hardships (rejection by our people, marking…)
What we are preaching and proclaiming is not the truth and the hand of our living God is not resting on us, the very Christians in Vellore, India would have destroyed us.
No body had dare to come because we had the Word of God in us and so many things had yet to be fulfilled through us.
Though, many people talked against us, no body dare to come and meet us, though they were talking to destroy us, no body dared to come because we had the Word of God.
Preparing the bride, that was alone was not my ministry like Elie’zer went along with Rebecca till Isaac met her, so it is my ministry to take the prepared bride in the skies to meet Christ Branham in the mid air.
The devil can touch us only on this earth when we leave this earth and go in the skies to meet the Lord he cannot come there.
All the events recorded in the Bible has some great significance and meaning, only bride can understand, because she has the mind of Christ. Whereas the denominational people without the revelation they read these events as grandma stories. It is the principle of God, before doing anything first He shows by a sign or a pattern then He does the real thing.
God in the beginning had cursed the world that’s why the world is in the perishing condition, confusion everywhere, people not living in peace with one another.
But in the millennium it will be like Eden without any cursing. Then how the cursing is removed. It was God who cursed the world .
“To Adam He said, “Because you listened to your wife and ate from the tree about which I commanded you, “You must not eat of it’,
“Cursed is the ground because of you ; through painful toil you will eat it all the days of your life.” – Genesis 3:17
Because God himself had cursed, God himself has got to remove the cursing. Then how God is going to remove the cursing? God is not a black magician. A magician will take a open empty tin and keep it on the table, cover it with a cloth, then with his magic stick, he will just do something around the tin, then he will remove the cloth and take out a dove from the tin. Then after showing the dove to the audience, he will put it back into the tin and closed it with a cloth. He will take the magic stick and wave it over the tin. Then he will remove the cloth and he will show the empty tin the dove has disappeared. So this is a black magic.
God cannot remove the cursing without doing anything. God is a God of justice. Penalty has got to be paid, when the law of God is transgressed.
For example the Lord told Adam and Eve, the day you eat the fruit you will die. This Word of God is the law of God. According to His law Adam and Eve should have been killed; because the law demanded that. But God is not only of justice, but is a God of love. He didn’t want His children to die. To pay the penalty, God himself wanted to die in the place of His children. That is why, in the garden of Eden, God took a lamb and killed it as a sacrifice in the place of Adam and Eve. And under the blood of the lamb God began to have fellowship with man and later on the Lord Himself came as Jesus Christ and died as the Lamb of God had to do this because He is a God of justice. In the same way to take away the cursing of the world the Law of God demanded the penalty.
A pattern
The events took place in Jericho stands as a pattern, a type for this day.
Joshua cursed the city of Jericho, when he destroyed
“Joshua cursed the Jericho and he said a man who tries to rebuilt Jericho will be a cursed man, when he lays the foundation, he will sacrifice his first born son, when the doors are kept then he will offer his second son as the sacrifice”.
“In Ahab’s time, Hiel of Bethel rebuilt Jericho. He laid its foundations at the cost of his first born son Abiram, and he set up its gates at the cost of his youngest son Segub in accordance with the word of the Lord spoken by Joshua son of Nun. – 1 Kings 16:34
This was literally done in I kings 16 : 34 there we see a man by name Heil comes from Bethel and rebuilts Jericho at the time of laying the foundation he brought his first son Abiram and offered him as a sacrifice.
At the time of keeping the doors, he brought his second son by name Segub and offered him as a sacrifice. By the event God had foreshadowed how. He is going to renovate the world and lift up the cursing. In the Bible every name has some meaning. Heil = living God, Bethel = House of God, Abriram = father of loftiness, Segub = elevated.
A man by name Heil which means the living God came from Bethel which means house of God came to rebuilt Jericho, he took the cursing upon himself at the time laying the foundation he took the first born son Abiram; which means father of loftiness and offered him as a sacrifice at the time of laying the doors, he took his second son Segub; which means elevated and offered him as the sacrifice.
God has made this as a pattern to show how he was going to lift up the cursing.
God came as Jesus Christ (cursing) and took upon all the sins (upon himself) and died as a sacrifice.
“Christ hath redeemed us from the Curse of the Law being made a curse for us : for it is written Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree. – Gal 3:13
“The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! – John 1:29
And upon His death and His resurrection the church has been built.
“Built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the Chief Corner stone.
“In Him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a Holy temple in the Lord”. – Ephesians 2:20,21
Church is a new creation of God in the cursed world. God wanted to built the church as a place, without any cursing. This was fore shadowed in the Old testament as the cities of refuge in various places.
“Then the Lord said to Joshua: Tell the Israelites to designate the cities of refuge, as I instructed you through Moses, so that anyone who kills a person accidentally and unintentionally may flee there and find protection from the avenger of blood.
When he flees to one of these cities, he is to stand in the entrance of the city gate and states his case before the elders of that city. Then they are to admit him into their city and give him a place to live with them.
If the avenger of blood pursues him they must not surrender the accused, because he killed his neighbour unintentionally and without malice or pre-meditate.
He has to stay in that city until he has trial before the assembly and until the death of the high priest, who is serving at that time. Then he may go back to his own home in the town from which he fled. – Joshua 20:1-6
When a man goes for cutting a tree and accidentally kills a man, not intentionally, he will have to run to the city of refuge and tell the event. When cutting the tree, the axe had fallen on the man and he was killed so he has come to take the refuge, then the elders of the city will take him inside. And the revenger of the man, who was killed cannot come and take revenge on him. Because he has entered into the city of refuge. All the time, the man has to be within the city of refuge if he goes out of the city for any reason he will not have any protection.
The city of refuge refer to the Church.
When a man joins a Church the Church becomes the protection for him and the devil cannot touch him; but when the man leaves and goes out he looses the protection of God.
Jesus Christ, who is the real Abiram laid himself as the chief corner stone for the Church.Jesus Christ, who is the real Abiram laid himself as the chief corner stone for the Church.
Now in the last days at the time of laying the doors of the Holy of Holies, God laid Christ Branham as the sacrifice. Christ Branham is the real `Segub’, Christ Branham is a sinner born of parents but he was saved and filled with the Holy Ghost and the Lord has ordained him to be the first fruits of the harvest and made him the first Christ reproduced from the human beings.
“…. It is a Grain of Wheat itself. THE SON OF MAN will be made manifest. The GRAIN of Wheat will come back to itself AGAIN, THE SON OF MAN in the last days…” – The Anointed Ones at the end time(39)
“For whom He foreknew, He also predestinated to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the first born among many brethren “. – Romans 8:29
“But when He again brings the firstborn into the world, He says: “Let all the angels of God worship Him”. – Hebrews 1:6
Jesus Christ is our Saviour. We are saved by His Blood. Christ Branham is our Kinsman redeemer. By His blood we are redeemed.
By the blood of Jesus Christ people are saved and the world has not saved. Now by the death of Christ Branham, He was the real atonement and the cursing is removed; because the cursing is removed, a redeemed man cannot die. Now, the cursing has been removed only from the redeemed man. The redeemed man cannot die, because of his faith in Christ Branham. Whoever believes on Christ Branham cannot die.
When Jesus Christ was here, He was the door of the Kingdom of God; and whoever believed were saved and has entered into the Kingdom of God. When Christ Branham was here. He was the door of the Kingdom of Heaven. The Kingdom of God is quite different from the Kingdom of Heaven.
In the days of John the Baptist, people began to enter into the kingdom of God.
Whoever accepted Jesus Christ they had entered into the Kingdom of God that is the church. Now whoever believes in Christ Branham they are entering in the Kingdom of Heaven. He was at the door.
“Now learn this parable from the fig tree: when its branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near.
So you also, when you see all those things, know that it is near, at the very doors.” – Mathew 24:32, 33
Christ Branham has said in his various messages that He would not die and his followers believed it. But they had no revelation how He would be resurrected. Bro. Pearry Green was asked to take care of the box in which the body of Christ Branham was laid. They had to take the body of Christ Branham by a chartered plane.
On the way in an airport they had to wait; at that time Bro. Pearry Green was sitting by, the side of the box. Bro.Pearry Green in the book “The Acts of the Prophet has said that he was expecting Christ Branham come to life in the box itself and say, “Bro.Pearry Green I have come to life, please take me out of the box”.
Bro.Pearry Green expected the resurrection of Christ Branham by the carnal way and he had forgotten the simple principle that is the life in a seed to be manifested it has to be buried. He had forgotten the scripture, “Jesus Christ rose from the dead on the third day of His burial”.
“The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, be crucified and on the third day be raised again”. – Matt 17:22,23
“… The Christ will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day.” – Luke 24:46
The body of Christ Branham was embalmed and kept in a mortuary. Christ Branham’s children and others expected that Christ Branham would come back to life and that’s why they delayed His burial.
Jesus Christ was born and also resurrected in the spring season in the month of April. In the same way, Christ-Branham also was born in the spring season in which the nature itself brings forth a new life. Christ Branham was killed in an accident in the month of December. God did not want him to be buried in the month of December and that is why he had inspired people to preserve the body till April. In April when the spring time came that was the time for the resurrection of Christ Branham but they were keeping the body in the cold storage. For the resurrection, the body had to be buried. So the Lord twisted the ear of the Indiana Governor and he commanded the body of Christ Branham to be buried.
During the birth of Jesus Christ, Mary and Joseph were in Nazareth. But, according to scriptures, Christ Jesus was to be born at Bethlehem. So God made government to proclaim a decree that every man should go to his native place for the census. So, Joseph had to go Bethlehem. So he had taken Mary along with him, at the time Mary had delivered the child. And that is how the scripture was fulfilled that Christ was born in Bethlehem.
Christ Branham was buried on 11th April 1966. And He was resurrected like Jesus Christ on the third day of His burial, that is 13th April 1966.
In the last days, the rapture will be a secret rapture. In the same way, the resurrection would also be a secret; and that’s why Christ Branham in His glorious body had come out of the sealed tomb and had ascended unto the heaven.
“And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne”. – Rev. 12 : 5.
The Lord has kept the resurrection of Christ Branham in secret, even the believers of the spoken word had failed to believe the very words of Christ Branham.
“But in the evening time there shall come Life again. There will be a resurrection in the evening time. It shall be Light at the evening time.” – It is the rising of the Sun (10)
These so called believers had failed to understand that the heaven and earth will pass away but not the Word of Christ Branham. According to the promises of Christ Branham, the Gospel light has come to the east and it has been shining from Vellore, India. God had been pouring the true former rain (the teaching rain) and had been revealing the Thunder mysteries, by this, we the little remnant in India have been enlightened by the Holy Ghost to understand the secret resurrection of Christ Branham. Now, we are sending this message from India in the east and very very soon the heaven and the earth will be shaken to prove this resurrection of Christ Branham.
Unless a man humbles himself and accept the message about the resurrection of Christ Branham, that’s going forth from India in the East, he cannot and will not go in the rapture.
Only this faith of the resurrection of Christ Branham will give the rapturing faith. – Amen and Amen
Three sacrifices in the plan of redemption of God.
1. Morning sacrifice
2. Noon sacrifice
3. Evening sacrifice
Later on, these, times of three sacrifices have become the three times of prayers in a day.
Christ Branham also insisted the people to pray at the morning sacrifice time, noon sacrifice time, and at the evening sacrifice time. These three sacrifices have great significance in the plan of redemption of God.
1. Morning Sacrifice
The morning sacrifice was carried out in the garden of Eden, when man sinned and separated himself from God. The first man had to be killed by the Law of God.
“But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it; for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die”. – Genesis 2:17
At that time the Lord himself took a lamb and offered it as a sacrifice in the place of the man to foreshow that Lord himself would come and die at a latter stage.
The sacrifice that offered in the garden of Eden is the morning sacrifice. In the garden of Eden the human history had begun that was the morning time of the human history. The lamb that was offered in the garden of Eden became the morning sacrifice. This morning sacrifice was only a shadow of the noon sacrifice where Jesus Christ himself died as the noon sacrifice.

2. Noon Sacrifice
In a day noon is the middle of the day and in a day the time is reckoned from the noon, AM and PM. AM – before the noon and PM – after the noon. Jesus Christ came and died as the noon sacrifice. In the history of ages are reckoned as BC and AD. BC means before Christ and AD after the death of Christ. So, Jesus Christ was the centre of the History; because He is the noon sacrifice.
Apart from the noon sacrifice, at the evening time they had to offer another sacrifice as the evening sacrifice.
3. Evening Sacrifice
Morning sacrifice was the shadow of the noon sacrifice. In the same way noon sacrifice was the shadow of the evening sacrifice. The evening sacrifice is the final sacrifice.Morning sacrifice was the shadow of the noon sacrifice. In the same way noon sacrifice was the shadow of the evening sacrifice. The evening sacrifice is the final sacrifice.
Jesus Christ was the noon sacrifice; so, according to the plan of redemption, there had to come another sacrifice after the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, who had become the noon sacrifice. In Leviticus 23 The Seven Festivals of Jehovah are mentioned.
“The Seven Festivals of Jehovah” – Leviticus 23
1. The Feast of the Passover – Vs.4,5
2. The Feast of the Unleaven breads – Vs 6-8
3. The Feast of the First fruits – Vs 10-14
4. The Feast of the Pentecost – Vs 15 – 22
5. The Feast of the Trumpets – Vs 23 – 25
6. The Feast of the Day of Atonement – Vs 26 – 32
7. The Feast of the Tabernacle – Vs. 34 – 44
These seven festivals are connected with various important times in the seven Church Ages
(1) The Feast of Passover
The first festival, the Feast of Passover represents the death of Jesus Christ, who refers to the Pascal Lamb.
You know that after two days is the Passover, and the Son of Man will be delivered upto be crucified. Matt 26:2
(2) The feast of Unleaven Bread
Jesus Christ had offered His body as the Unleaven Bread – Communion.
(3) The Feast of the First Fruits
During the Feast of the First Fruits, people would bring a bunch of stalk of grains and offered it as the first fruits. Grains of the wheat were sown and the harvest time full grains of wheat are harvested. Grains were planted. Same grain were harvested. This represents the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The priest will take this stalk of grains and wave them in the presence of God, only on the day next of Sabbath day. Sabbath was on the Saturday, the day after the Sabbath was Sunday. So the first fruits were waved on Sunday. This refers to the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
4. The Feast of the Pentecost
They would count seven Sabbath after the feast of First Fruits on the next day of the Seventh Sabbath; that is on the fiftieth day, they would celebrate the Feast of the Pentecost. After the resurrection of Jesus Christ the Lord showed himself alive for forty days and on the fortieth day, the Lord had ascended to the heaven and the Lord had commanded His disciple not to go out of Jerusalem, but to wait till the promise of God was to be fulfilled. They wait and waited with the ladies in the upper room for the fulfillment of promise of the Father. Ten days they had to wait, on the tenth day after the ascension that is, the fiftieth day of the resurrection, the Holy Ghost was poured upon the hundred and twenty people who were waiting in the upper room. On that day, the Jews were celebrating the Feast of Pentecost. The Holy Ghost was poured on the day of Pentecost. On the day of Pentecost, when the Holy Ghost was poured, the Church was established on the day.
The first three festivals were fulfilled in Jesus Christ and the fourth festival was fulfilled at the beginning of the Seven Church age. Last three festivals. (i) The Feast of Trumpets (ii) The Feast of the Day of Atonement and (iii) The Feast of the Tabernacle were to be fulfilled at the end of the seven church ages, at the second coming of the Lord.
5. The Feast of the Trumpets
The Feast of the Trumpets was fulfilled in the ministry of Christ Branham. In the Old Testament period the Trumpets would be blown to gather the people and announce certain messages to the people. The messages which Christ Branham had brought were the messages from heaven. They were vindicated by the Supernatural vindication to prove that Christ Branham’s message were from heaven.
Now, Christ Branham’s message with supernatural vindication had attracted the attention of the people all over the world, and gathered them unto God. So this was the fulfilment of the Feast of the Trumpets.
6. The Feast of the Day of Atonement
This was the sixth of the seven festivals. The Feast of the Atonement, the High Priest would go into the Holy of Holies with the blood of the Atonement, to make atonement for himself and for the congregation. Only on this day of the year, the High Priest would go into the presence of God. This Feast of Atonement was fulfilled in the ministry of Christ Branham.
On the day of Atonement the High Priest would go into the Holy of Holies to make atonement for himself. Then he would come out of the Holy of Holies and go to the Altar of Sacrifice to offer the sacrifice of atonement for the congregation. Then he would go into the Holy of Holies with the blood of atonement to make atonement for the people.
The Feast of Atonement was fulfilled in the ministry of Christ Branham. When Christ Branham went into the Holy of Holies with the blood of Jesus Christ to make atonement for himself. Then he came out and offered himself as the sacrifice of the atonement for the people. This was the evening sacrifice.
Christ Branham was the only man who had entered into the Holy of Holies as the High Priest with the blood of Jesus Christ when He was in the world. That is why He is called the Most Holy.
“… and to anoint the Most Holy…” – Daniel 9:24
Jesus Christ when He was in the world. He was the Lamb of God Only after His death he went into the Holy of Holies as the High Priest with His own blood.
“When Christ came as high priest of the good things that are already here, he went through the greater and more perfect tabernacle that is not man – made, that is to say, not a part of his creation.
“He did not enter by means of the blood of goats and calves but he entered the most Holy place once for all by His own blood having obtained eternal redemption”. – Hebrews 9:11,12
The Feast of Atonement was fulfilled in the ministry of Christ Branham. Christ Branham himself was the sacrifice of the atonement, that is why He is mentioned as the Genuine Atonement.
“And the seventh angel’s message, under the same trumpet. Same everything, exactly, the same seal, is to what? Call the people, the Bride out of the pentecostal and world traditions to the Genuine Atonement, the Word, Christ, impersonated in His word here, made flesh among us” – The Feast of the Trumpets (36)
Jesus Christ was the Pascal Lamb. People were saved by the blood of Jesus Christ, whereas Christ Branham is the sacrifice of the atonement, under the blood of Christ Branham people are redeemed.
7. The Feast of Tabernacle
During the time of the Feast of Tabernacles, people could go to the jungles and they will cut the branches and leaves and they will bring it and put boots before their house. During the Feast of Tabernacles all the people whether rich or poor they live only in the boots.
All the people of Israel will come and live in the boots. History says that they celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles only at the time of Ingathering because only at the harvest time they have ample of money for their travelling and bring offering unto God, and history says that these two festivals were celebrated at the same time.
Now, we are living in the real days of the Ingathering and the Feast of Tabernacles, so the Feast of Tabernacles is the last festival. So we are living at the end time.
Jesus Christ also said that harvest is the end of the world.
The Seven Festivals of Jehovah mentioned in Leviticus 23 have know become fulfilled in the Seven Church ages (2000 years).

People are delivered from the bondage and had received the earnest of the inheritance.
Under the blood of Christ Branham people are redeemed by the redemption, we get back the things that had been lost.
For two thousand years, people were saved by the blood of Jesus Christ and they had received the Holy Ghost which was only the first fruits of the Holy Ghost. It was only the earnest of our inheritance and people were made priest and gathered into the Holy Place.
And under the blood of Christ Branham the saved people have become redeemed. Under the blood of Christ Branham we have been redeemed and possessed our inheritance – The fulness of God.
The people under the blood of Christ Branham are ready to go in the rapture being delivered from the cursings of the world.
All the powers and authority that were in Christ Branham have now come into the bride. By these powers and authority we are going to shake the heaven and the earth and prove the resurrection of Christ Branham that He had resurrected on the third day of His burial.
How did bride get the power and authority of Christ Branham?
Everything is in the form of shadows and types in the Bible. In
II Kings we study about Elijah and Elisha coming together from Gilgal and go to Bethel, Jericho, Jordon, and so on. Here the relationship between Elijah and Elisha is stated as follows:
And the sons of the prophets who were at Bethel came out to Elisha, and said to him, “Do you know that the Lord will take away your Master from you today?” And he said, “Yes, I know; keep silent”. – II Kings 2:3
The Elijah is stated as the Master and head of Elisha. Only the husband is the head and master of the wife. So the relationship between Elijah and Elisha was that of bridegroom and the bride. The Elijah represent the Christ, the bridegroom and Elisha represents the Church, bride.
The Gilgal means a “circle”. A circle represents eternity. So Elijah and Elisha were coming together from eternity. Before the foundation of the world the Church was in Christ as Eve was in Adam. Wherever Adam went Eve also went along with him.
When Elijah went from Gilgal to Bethel, Jericho and Jordon, Elisha also went along with him. The bride was in Jesus Christ, wherever Jesus Christ went the bride also went along with him. Only on the Cross at the time of His death the bride was separated from the Bridegroom.
In the same way only after crossing the Jordon, Chariots of fire and horses came and separated Elijah from Elisha. And Elijah was taken up in a Chariot of fire. And before that Elijah told Elisha that he was going to be taken into heaven and asked Elisha what he wanted from him. For that Elisha said that he wanted the double portion of the spirit of Elijah. For that Elijah said only when you see me go up you will get it otherwise you will not.
And so it was, when they had crossed over, that Elijah said to Elisha. Ask, what may I do for you, before I am taken away from you? And Elisha said, please let a double portion of your spirit be upon me.
So he said, you have asked a hard thing. Nevertheless if you see me when I am taken from you, it shall be so for you; but if not it shall not be so. – II Kings 2:9,10
When Elijah was taken up in the chariots of fire Elisha looked up and cried and Elisha tore up his garments. And at that time the Elijah’s mantle fallen, Elisha took up also the mantle of Elijah that fell from him, and went back, and stood by the bank of the Jordan. And smote the waters and said: “where is the Lord God of Elijah? Immediately the river Jordon was split up. The prophets were standing and watching the things and have come to know that the power of Elijah has come upon Elisha so they came and fell prostrate before Elisha and worshipped him. (II Kings 2:12-15)
Elisha represents the bride and he got the powers and authorities of Elijah when he looked at Elijah when he was taken up.
By this event, the God had foreshadowed how the real bride is going to possess all the powers, life and authority of Christ Branham.
Through the Bible and the living messages of Christ Branham the Holy Ghost has revealed that Christ Branham has risen, on the third day of His burial like Jesus Christ. And He has ascended to the Throne of God (Rev. 12:5). Only the members of the real bride in India, by the revelation of the “Seven Thunders look to the heaven when we think of Christ Branham. So this act of faith has brought the entire power and authority of Christ Branham into the hands of the bride. By this authority we are going to shake the heaven and earth and bring fire from heaven and demonstrate with mighty signs and wonders, never seen ever before, to prove and testify the resurrection of Christ Branham. This is going to make the people tremble and fall in the name of Christ Branham.

Whereas the others so called believers of the message of Christ Branham, the people of Voice of God, the people of the Voice of The Seventh Angel Publication, the people of William Branham Good News Society, the people of Voice of God in India, and other people, without the divine revelation they look to the tomb of Christ Branham in Jeffersonville, America. These make believers who don’t believe the very words of Christ Branham.
“… And the Bride, coming of Christ, coming out of the Church there’ll have to be a sheaf waved again in the last days. Oh, my. ” – It is the rising of the sun (34)
O God, how in this last day there shall be Light again across the earth! And Ill prove to My disciples! Go tell them that I am not dead, and Im not a tradition, but I am a living Christ. Ill meet them. Take this Message to My disciples, that I am risen from the dead, the Gospel, good news. – It is the rising of the sun (9)
“Someday, if I die, when they are putting me in the grave, they will be playing that, you know. When you hear that I am gone, don’t you believe I am dead : I am not . But just stop some where. If you hear it on the radio or some where, read it in the paper, just sing that song (won’t you) and just remember that’s it, just “only believe”. – The sign of this time (32)
And to be waved again, we realize , in the last day, according to Luke 17:30, in the S-O-N of man will be revealed, or waved again over the people. It is the rising of the sun (13)
We firmly believe that every message of Christ Branham is of God and they are absolute. So we are believing it was Christ Branham that was resurrected in the evening time and we have been praying and searching the scripture and the Spoken Word message for more enlightment. So the Lord by His grace enlightened us and helped us to bring out this message on the Resurrection that Christ Branham has risen on the third day of His burial. When Jesus Christ rose from the dead, met the ladies who had come to the tomb to know about the body of Jesus Christ. The Lord had met them on the way and He showed them that He was alive and told them to go and tell His disciples to go to Galilee to meet Him there.
The Lord Himself could have gone to Jerusalem to meet His disciples and show that He was alive. But on the other way told them that He himself was going to Galilee and asked His disciples to go to Galilee to meet Him.
By this, the Lord was doing a pattern to show how the real believers could understand the resurrection of Christ Branham. (How the real believers could meet the risen Christ Branham).
Galilee means “A Circuit” that represents the eternity. We, the real believers when we think of Christ Branham, we look to the heaven, who is seated on the Throne of God.
By looking to Galilee (The Heaven) the Lord has given us the revelation about the resurrection of Christ Branham that took place at the evening time, and the Lord has made in other passages about the resurrection very real and true and now we the real believers have come to the real Galilee and we, are having real fellowship with the resurrected Christ Branham. By this, we have possessed all the power, life and authority of Christ Branham, Amen and Amen.
These so called believers they are just looking to the tomb of Christ Branham in Jeffersonville and they have missed the revelation about the resurrection of Christ Branham.
They have not only missed the power, life and authority of Christ Branham but they have also invited judgment on themselves for not believing the Words of Christ Branham. And they will be destroyed.
Christ Branham had to die for so many reasons.
1. Christ Branham had to die as the second smitten rock for the bride to possess the fulness of God. (Num. 20:11)
2. Christ Branham had to die as the genuine atonement for us to possess our redemption. (the Feast of the Trumpets – 36)
3. Christ Branham had to die as the real `SEGUB’ to deliver the world from the cursing of God. (1 King 16:34)
4. Christ Branham had to die as the son that was sent at the fruit season for the world to be condemned for rejecting the Son that was sent at the fruit season. (Mt. 21:39)
5. Christ Branham had to die as the High Priest of this day for us to go from the Church which had been our city of refuge to our home in heaven, because our citizenship is in heaven. (Jos 20:6)
Till that time the devil cannot touch my life because these promises have got to be fulfilled through me. I cannot die by natural death. I cannot die of accident and no body can kill me.
My ministry will end only in the mid air when I hand over the bride to the Bridegroom Christ Branham. Till that time the devil cannot touch my life.
My ministry is not only preparing and taking the bride in the rapture but I have also been ordained by the Lord to snatch away the power and authority from the devil which he had taken from Adam.
“He controlled all nature: it was given into Adam’s hands to control all nature. And when Adam’s redeemed back again to God the way he should be and have faith in God he’ll do it again too (Amen!) because it lays in Adam’s hands” – I will restore unto you.
Christ Branham had really risen from the dead on the third day of his burial. We have been believing this for more than twenty years. The Lord has proved this scientifically.
Every year we had been celebrating the real Christmas on April 6th and the real Easter on April 13th. On one occasion to celebrate the real Easter I had drawn some white clouds on a paper fixed Christ Branham’s picture on the cloud to illustrate his ascension to heaven. Before taking it to service, I had placed it on the table in the sitting room. At that time, one brother Solomon, our believer, had come and taken a snap of this picture. Later on when developing the film we found supernatural dark clouds had been formed showing that he was going up in a dark cloud.
This fact blends with the scripture.
“He made darkness his covering, his canopy around him- the dark rain clouds of the sky” -Psalms 18 : 11
So this is the Supernatural vindication of His ascension. On another occasion, while celebrating the real Christmas on April 6th, we brought a big birthday cake and placed before the photo of Christ Branham. After singing birthday songs and prayers, I went in front of the photo to cut the cake on behalf of Christ Branham, at the time also we have taken a photo.

Place : Bro.Sadhu Sundar Singh’s House, (The Super Church) Vellore – 4.
Time : 6th April, 1990
After developing the film we found huge pillar of fire standing before Christ Branham. This is also supernatural vindication of God to prove what we are doing is 100% correct.

Place : Bro. Thomas’s House (Vellore)
Date : April 13th, 1991
By the help of the Holy Ghost I want to search the scriptures and Spoken Word to understand the resurrection of Christ Branham. Then I would like to share with you all.
Many scriptures have been fulfilled now, now let us turn to
I Corinthians 15th chapter starting from 20th verse. We find two resurrections are mentioned there. One resurrection stated as the history and other resurrection is stated as the prophecy yet to happen.
“But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the first fruits of them that slept.” – I Corin 15:20
This refers to the resurrection of Jesus Christ that had become a history.
“For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead.
For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. But every man in his own order : Christ the first fruits afterward they that are Christ’s at his coming.” – I Corin 15:21, 23
Here the resurrection of Christ the first fruits is stated as a prophecy.
In verse 20 that is the resurrection of Jesus Christ. There, Jesus Christ is stated as the first fruits of them that slept.
In verse 23 it is stated as “Christ the first fruits”.
Here, the Christ the first fruits is the first fruits of the harvest. This refers to Christ Branham, who is the first fruits of the harvest.
Jesus Christ had become the first fruits of them that slept and rose from the dead.
In verse 20, St.Paul mentions the resurrection of Christ as a history that refers to Jesus Christ, whereas in verse 23, he writes about the resurrection that is yet to happen, every man in his order.
Here, he writes about the resurrection that is going to take place at the time of second coming of the Lord. He tells it as a prophecy about Christ the first fruits of the harvest and hence he didn’t know the things that are to happen at this end time.
After the resurrection of Jesus Christ other Old Testament saints rose in order. And the Church was built on the revelation of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The early Church was formed on the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Here, The Super Church is built on the resurrection of Christ Branham, so Christ Branham had to die first and rise immediately on the third day of His burial for the Super Church to be formed.
Now, the Super Church has been formed on the resurrection of Christ Branham.
To the Super Church the Lord has given the revelation about Christ Branham the Headstone. The Super Church has been growing and it has come to the Headstone. The Super Church has understood the second coming of the Lord. The Headstone is not Jesus Christ but it is Christ Branham. Now everything is over, we are just waiting for the Lord. Before His coming this resurrection has got to happen.
That’s why, there has to be a time space between the resurrection of Christ Branham and the resurrection of the dead saints.
That resurrection and this resurrection.
- That resurrection – Jesus Christ Saviour – the Holy One
- This resurrection – Christ Branham – Redeemer – the Most Holy.
At the time of St. Paul, the resurrection of Jesus Christ had become a history. So, St. Paul and other saints understood it easily. Whereas the resurrection of Christ Branham was yet to happen and thus history was not made and so it was not revealed to St.Paul.
Now at this harvest time the Super Church has been built on the resurrection of Christ Branham and on these revelation the Super Church has been formed and the Lord had been revealing the Thunder Mysteries for the last twenty years.
By this revelation now we have understood the resurrection of Christ Branham. And that’s why we are testifying the resurrection of Christ Branham as the early apostles had testified the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Now, the resurrection is yet to happen; but the first fruits of the harvest, Christ Branham has already risen in this generation, and the resurrection of the dead saints is going to happen now. The bride of Christ being the grains of the harvest has the Godhead in them and the bride has the mind of Christ and now the seals have been broken, the same anointing that was in Jesus Christ is now placed in the bride.
“Now, if you can get back here under these seals, if they ever get… When they are opened you can see exactly what God is a doing, what He has done, what He is going to do. -The Seals (427)
God has not done anything but first showing a sign.
First God shows in the form of a sign before doing it in real.
“When God does something, check it with the scripture” -Turn on the light (12)
“Now, God never does anything without first showing a sign, He’s not guilty of ever doing anything but first-declaring it by His sign” -We have seen His Star (5)
“God declares it in the Heaven before he declares it on earth-watching those Heavenly bodies” -Sirs is this the time (12)
“What’s the matter with this church age that we’re living in today? can’t you see it? God declaring it in the skies, declaring it in the skies, declaring it in His word, declaring it on the paper, declaring it amongst the people? Can’t you open your eyes and see the hour? There are they that testify the truth : This is the light of the hour.” – Turn on the light (17)
“…In this present darkness that we’re living, these days that we are now living in, when light is done turned out in the Heavens, It’s turned out here amongst, before, to show us, showed by the Bible, on the Seven Seal’s what was taking place. And here God declares it right in the Heaven comes right down and declares it on earth.” – Turn on the light (22)
Even the resurrection of Christ Branham, God has done a sign, In Daniel 6th chapter, Daniel was thrown in the den of lions at the evening time and sealed the Cave. This shows the death of Christ Branham at the evening time.
“Then the King commanded, and they brought Daniel, and cast him into den of Lions…” – Daniel 6 : 16.
“And a stone was brought, and laid upon the mouth of the den, and the king sealed it with his own signet and with the signet of his lords : that the purpose might not be changed concerning Daniel. – Daniel 6:17.
“Then the King, when he heard these words, was sore displeased with himself, and set his heart on Daniel to deliver him and he laboured till the going down of the sun to deliver him.” – Daniel 6:14
The next day morning when the morning light had brighten the eastern side King hurried upto the Cave and cried.
“Then the king went to his palace, and passed the night feasting neither were instruments of music brought before him and his sleep went from him.
“Then the king arose very early in the morning, and went in haste unto the den of lions”.
“And when he came to the den, he cried with a lamentable voice unto Daniel : and the King spake and said to Daniel, O’ Daniel, servant of the Living God, is thy God, whom thou servest continually, able to deliver thee from the lions”? – Daniel 6: 18-20
Then said Daniel … my God hath sent His Angel, and hath shut the lions mouths, that they have not hurt me …” – Dan 6:21,22
Then the king rejoiced that Daniel was not killed by the lions. He was thrown into the den at the evening time and the cave was sealed. The next day morning the seal was broken, the stone was rolled away and Daniel was brought out alive.
“Then was the King exceeding glad for him, and commanded that they should take Daniel up out of the den. So Daniel was taken up out of the den, and no manner of hurt was found upon him, because he believed in his God.” – Daniel 6:23
God had done this as a sign to foreshow the resurrection of Christ Branham.
But this time, when the sun rise, there was a dual sun rising; another, son, rising. It was the … not only S-U-N rising, it was the S-O-N had risen to bring Eternal life to all God’s Promised seed that by fore knowledge. He had seen laying upon the earth. – It is the rising of the sun (page 6, para 41)
When Christ Branham was here it was the evening time and He had to die as the evening sacrifice according to the Scripture and He rose from the dead on the third day of His burial. The revelation of the resurrection of Christ Branham is now given to the people in India on the eastern side.
Only by this revelation now we have come to know for sure that Christ Branham has risen like Jesus Christ on the third day of His burial.
As Joseph is a real type of Jesus Christ, Daniel is a real type of Christ Branham.
“Shunam” means two resting places (two dwelling places) God first dwelt in Jesus Christ, secondly the same Lord God has dwelt in Christ Branham. In I Corinthians 15th chapter, there Apostle Paul writes the two resurrections. The Lord God first dwelt in Jesus Christ and later on same Lord God had dwelt in Christ Branham. Only the real bride has the revelation that the Lord God dwelt in two bodies. That is why, I said that we are in “Shunam”.
Jesus Christ was the original seed that went into the ground. So Jesus Christ was the first grain of wheat.
At the harvest time, the life that was in the original seed comes to the grain of the harvest. So same life is resting in two places and manifesting in two different grains.
Whatever life was in the seed came forth into a plant and thence into fruit. The very same law applies to the church today. Whatever seed started the church will come forth and be like the original seed because it is the same seed. – pick up your pen and write (1)
1. The grain of wheat that went into the ground – Jesus Christ
– the first dwelling place
– the original seed
2. The grain of wheat that was harvested – Christ Branham
– the second dwelling place
– the first fruits of the Harvest.
At the harvest time we cannot see the grain of wheat that was sown. There is only one possible way to see the original grain of wheat that is by the grain of the harvest. Same life in two different bodies.
All the people in this world cannot understand God. Only to whom that God had given the revelation can understand it. God open the eyes of the elected to see the truth, the same God himself closes the eyes of the other people, lest they see the truth.
This is the light that God has sent on the eastern side to enlightned the resurrection of Christ Branham.
“… the resurrection of the dead”.
“But every man in his own order: Christ the first fruits: afterward they that are Christ’s at his coming”. – I Corinthians 15: 21,23
Christ Branham when he was here, it was the evening time and he had to die as the evening sacrifice (The Genuine Atonement) and he has risen on the third day of his burial at the evening time itself. That is why Christ Branham has said that the evening time there will be a resurrection.
“But in the evening time there shall come Life again. There will be a resurrection in the evening time. It shall be light at the evening time”. – It is the rising of the sun (10)
And the Seventh angel’s Message, under the same Trumpet, same everything, exactly, the same seal, is to what? all the people the Bride out of the Pentecostal and world tradition to the Genuine Atonement, the word, Christ impersonated in His Word here, made flesh among us. – The Feast of the Trumpet (36)
The Lord has built the Super Church on the revelation of the resurrection of Christ Branham at the evening time. This is the Super Church. This Super Church has to grow and attain the maturity.
“In these last days the true bride church (Christ’s seed) will come to the Headstone, and she will be the super church, a super race, as she nears Him. They in the bride will be so much like Him that they will even be in His very image. This is in order to be united with Him. They will be one. They will be the very manifestation of the Word of the Living God”. – Pick up your pen and Write (1)
It has taken nearly more than twenty years for the bride to become matured grains and attain Christhood. All that was once in God has now come into man. Godhead that was in God has now come into the bride.
So many promises have come to pass in the formation of the bride. Now the real bride is ready for the rapture. The bride that has been formed on the revelation of the resurrection of Christ Branham has now become fully matured and attain the Christhood. Amen.
Now she is ready for the rapture and she will meet only Christ Branham not Jesus Christ. Because Jesus Christ became the quickening spirit.(1 Cor 15:45)
The people who had the revelation of the resurrection of Christ Branham has become the members of the Super Church (another Ephesian church ie. 8th Church Age). Only these people have the revelation of His second coming, that only Christ Branham is going to come as the Bridegroom. This has taken up more than twenty years.
“My First Bible was Nature. If you’ll just watch the way nature works, you can find God.” – God’s Eagles (I)
Only now the resurrection of the dead saints is going to happen before the rapture.
Christ Branham has said that before the rapture, the dead saints would come and have fellowship with the living saints. The dead saints are in the 6th dimensions; whereas the living saints are in the 3rd dimensions.
The dead saints were believed that they would meet Jesus Christ in the mid air. But the Holy Ghost has revealed through the Thunders Mysteries that we are going to meet only Christ Branham in the mid air but not Christ Jesus. But the dead saints were hoped to meet only Jesus Christ. But now the mind has got to be renewed to understand it is not Jesus Christ but Christ Branham that we are going to meet in the mid-air. That is why, Christ Branham has said that just before the rapture, the dead saints have fellowship with the living saints, when the Holy Ghost comes and reveals the Thunder Mysteries to the living saints, the dead saints also come and have fellowship. They are in the sixth dimension, that is why, we don’t see them but they come and hear these revelation of the thunder mysteries. Now the mind is renewed and now they also look to Christ Branham.
By the revelation of the mystery of the Son of Man, the dead saints have become united with the living saints.
The revelation of the Thunder Mysteries have united the dead saints awaiting for their resurrection with the living saints awaiting the rapture.
Now the same revelation of the mystery of the Son of Man has united the living saints of the super church with the Head Stone.
The anointing in the Headstone has now come into the Super Church (8th Church ie., the another Ephesian Church age) and from the Super Church the anointing is passing on into the dead saints making them ready for the resurrection. Now the dynamics is in the Head stone Christ Branham and from Him the dynamic is coming into the Super Church (Living saints) and from us it will go into the dead saints. Its just like a train. The power in the engine, the first compartment is connected to the engine and the second compartment is connected to the first compartment. The momentum will pass from the engine and go to the first compartment and from the first compartment goes to the second compartment. Dynamic is in the Head stone. Christ Branham is now coming into the living saints and from the living saints it goes to the dead saints awaiting the resurrection. Thus the Headstone (Christ Branham – Dynamic) and the Super Church and the Church of the dead saints have become one unit like the pyramid.
“At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you.” – John 14:20
Only now every man is going to rise in his own order. Thus we see there has to be a time space (gap) between the resurrection of Christ Branham and the resurrection of the dead saints. Only the real bride who has the mind of Christ can understand this.
Evidences to prove of the resurrection of Christ Branham.
Evidence 1
“For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly; so shall the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth”. – Matt 12:40
“Notice, He referred to Jonah. As it was in the days of Jonah” meaning Jonah, “so shall it be in the son, coming of the Son of Man”.
Now many people condemn Jonah. I do not condemn Jonah. You know, they say, well, he’s a Jonah”. You’re heard that expression.
But you mustn’t do that, Christians. You shouldn’t condem God’s servants. Jonah was a prophet. He was not out of the will of God. He did just exactly. He must do that for a sign. Everything happens, not by just happening, it happens for a sign”. – The sign of this time (13)
In the same way the sign of Jonah that happened in the Son of Man Jesus Christ should also happen in the Son of Man Christ Branham. Jonah was the sign of the resurrection of the Son of Man. Christ Branham also the Son of Man, He is the Son of Man that was to come in the end time.
“… I the Son of Man will be revealed in this day…” – Birth pains (39)
“…. It is a Grain of Wheat itself. THE SON OF MAN will be made manifest. The GRAIN of Wheat will come back to itself AGAIN, THE SON OF MAN in the last days …” – The Anointed Ones at the end time (39)
When a man is elected as the President of a Country, certain powers conferred on him, and when that President goes out a new President come, this new President will have the same power and authority what the previous President had.
Evidence 2
“Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it again” – John 10:17
If the Son of Man Jesus Christ had the authority to lay down the life and take it back, the Son of Man Christ Branham also had the same authority to lay down his life and take it back.
Evidence 3
“Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my father”. – John 14:12
Though these promise looks as if a general statement but it is particularly given to Christ Branham. Only Christ Branham had done greater works than what Jesus Christ himself had done. Jesus Christ rose on the third day of his burial. According to this scripture Christ Branham also had the authority to rise on the third day of His burial.
Evidence 4
“For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell; neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy one to see the corruption”. – Psalms 16:10
The corruption sets in only after three days. That is why Jesus Christ rose from the dead before his body could see the corruption.
The Bible says that Jesus Christ was the Holy one. But the same Bible says that Christ Branham is the Most Holy (Daniel 19: 24).
Christ Branham has Himself interpreted the Scripture in His message” Seventy weeks of Daniel”
Jesus Christ, when He was in this world He was the Lamb of God. Only after His resurrection, He went to the Heaven-Holy of Holies, as the High Priest with His own blood. Whereas Christ Branham the High Priest when He was in this world went into the Holy of Holies with the blood of Jesus Christ in His hands, That’s why he is called the Most Holy.
When the Holy One was not allowed to see the Corruption, how God could allow the Most Holy to see the corruption? So Christ Branham also rose from the dead on the third day like Jesus Christ.
Evidence 5
The anointing is not emotions. The anointing is supreme power in control. Knowing exactly what and how, and that’s what’s here”. – The Inner Veil (41)
The greatest anointing that was ever given to any one was Jesus Christ.
The life that is in the original seed that sown at the harvest time comes and settles in the Grains of the Harvest. In the same way all the anointing, power, authority and life that were in Jesus Christ had come into Christ Branham who is the first fruits of the harvest.
If we take some grains of the harvest and sow and water them they will also germinate. That means the life in the grains of the harvest has manifested. In the same way, Christ Branham had the same life, authority and power what Jesus had in Himself. That is how Christ Branham also risen from the dead on the third day of His burial.
Evidence 6
“Then the King commanded, and they brought Daniel, and cast him into den of Lions…”
“And a stone was brought, and laid upon the mouth of the den, and the king sealed it with his own signet and with the signet of his lords : that the purpose might not be changed concerning Daniel.”
“Then the King went to his palace, and passed the night fasting neither were instruments of music brought before him and his sleep went from him”.
“Then the king arose very early in the morning, and went in haste unto the den of lions”.
“And when he came to the den, he cried with a lamentable voice unto Daniel : and the King spoke and said to Daniel, O’ Daniel, servant of the Living God, is thy God, whom thou servest, continually, able to deliver thee from the lions”.
“Then the king rejoiced that Daniel was not killed by the lions. He was thrown into the den at the evening time and the cave was sealed. The next day morning the seal was broken the stone was rolled away and Daniel was brought out alive”.
“Then was the King exceeding glad for him, and commanded that they should take Daniel up out of the den. So Daniel was taken up out of the den, and no manner of hurt was found upon him because he believed in his God”. – Daniel 6:16-23
God never does anything without first forming a type (pattern)
“When God does something, check it with the Scripture” – Turn on the light (12)
“… God, never does anything without first showing a sign. He’s not guilty of ever doing anything but first – declaring it by His sign”. – We have seen his star (5)
To prove the resurrection of Christ Branham, the Lord had done a pattern of throwing Daniel into the lion’s den.
Putting him in the Lion’s den refers to the death of Christ Branham in the evening time. The door of the den is sealed.
“Then the king commanded, and they brought Daniel, and cast him into the Den of Lions. Now the king spake and said unto Daniel, thy God whom thou servest continually. he will deliver thee.
And a stone was brought, and laid upon the mouth of the den and the king sealed it with his own signet, and with the signet of his lords that the purpose might not be changed concerning Daniel.
Then the king went to his palace, and passed the night fasting: neither were instruments of music brought before him: and his sleep went from him.
Then the king arose very early in the morning, and went in haste unto the den of lions.
And when he came to the den, he cried with a lamentable voice unto Daniel. And the king spake and said to Daniel, O’ Daniel servant of the living God, is thy God, whom thou servest continually, able to deliver thee from the lions?
Then said Daniel unto the king…
My God hath sent his angel and hath shut the lion’s mouths that they have not hurt me…”
Then was the King exceedingly glad for him, and commanded that they should take Daniel up out of the den. So Daniel was taken up out of the den, and no manner of hurt was found upon him, because he believed in his God”. – Daniel 6: 16-23
In the evening time Daniel was put into the Lion’s den.
When a seal is broken, Christ Branham has said, the life after death is revealed there. The next morning when the eastern side became brighter by the morning light. The seal was broken and the great stone that was put at the mouth was rolled away, Daniel came out alive people saw Daniel coming out alive and unhurt. This refers to the resurrection of Christ Branham.
Evidence 7
“But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the first fruits of them that slept”. – 1 Corinthians 15:20
This refers to the resurrection of Jesus Christ that had become a history.
“For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead.
For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive,
But every man in his own order; Christ the first fruits; afterward they that are Christ’s at His coming” – I Corinthians 15:21-23
Here the resurrection of Christ the first fruits is stated as a prophecy.
In the verse 23 it is stated as “Christ the first fruits”
Here the Christ the first fruits is the first fruits of the harvest. This refers to Christ Branham who is the first fruits of the harvest.
Evidence 8
“Because I live, ye live also”, speaking to His wife, “Because I live, ye live also” What a resurrection that that was’ and what a resurrection this is” . – It is the rising of the sun (14)
- What a resurrection that was ?
- What a resurrection this is?
That resurrection – Jesus Christ – the original seed – Saviour-The Holy one
This resurrection – Christ Branham – the First Fruits of the Harvest – Redeemer- The Most Holy
Here, Christ Branham is trying to differentiate the two resurrections.
The resurrection of Jesus Christ and his own resurrection (Christ Branham’s resurrection at the evening time).
Evidence 9
“The true Easter Seal has broke death from around me, and I’m alive “. – It is the rising of the sun (42)
Evidence 10
“…But in the evening time there shall come life again. There will be a resurrection in the evening time. It shall be light at the evening time”
– It is the rising of the sun (para 64, pg.10)
You call yourself as the believers of the Spoken Word messages and you don’t believe the Words of Christ Branham and you fail to recognise who is Bro. William Marrion Branham. You have failed to have the revelation about His Glorious resurrection at the third day of His burial.
Christ Branham has said in the message” It is the rising of the sun” that there would be a resurrection in the evening time.
Now we have passed the evening time and come to the mid-night hour.
“And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to His Throne” – Rev. 12:5