"A short and quick message that will shake the whole nation" - And knoweth it not(39)
This message of the Revelation of the Headstone is the greatest message ever given of God to mankind; and it is the continuation of the message of the pyramid. This gives the complete and perfect revelation of Christ. And with this perfect revelation of Christ, the Lord is winding up his entire plan of redemption. So, the spirit of God has already started crying that the time is no more. This brings the fulness of Christ in to the church and gives her the great rupturing faith and brings the unity in the mind and in the heart of the members of the Bride, which is the real unity produced of God.
“Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the son of God, unto a perfect man …” – Eph.4:13.
“Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment…” – I Corin 1:10
This message of the Headstone is a whole message, which gives a complete and perfect revelation of Christ, to which are tied the following other mysteries
1. The Mystery of ‘Seven Thunders’
2. The Mystery of ‘The Manifested Sons of God’
3. The Mystery of the ‘Third Pull’
4. The Mystery of the ‘Seventh Seal’
5. The Mystery of the ‘Coming of the Lord’
6. The Mystery of the ‘Godhead restored in Man’
These mysteries, though the great prophet has revealed them in his messages, remained loose-ended and were not tied together and made known to the Church until this time of His Coming. Wherein the Holy Spirit, our Great Joshua has revealed the Thunder mysteries and has tied these loose ended mysteries to the Headstone and has formed a whole message to give the great rupturing faith to the Bride. These mysteries themselves are tied with one another as a cluster, and if we just lift up one we will see that it is tied up with the other mysteries.

This sketch looks like a molecular structure of an organic compound where each atom is tied with other atoms by bonds. Each of these mysteries is tied with the Headstone, and they themselves are tied with one another. How true is the statement of the prophet that ‘Natural types the Spiritual’ . Amen

All these mysteries were packed in the Seventh Seal and sealed with the seven thunders. Now, when the Holy Spirit has opened the Thunders, these other mysteries have come out linked with one another and forming a complete and perfect message with the Headstone. By revealing all these mysteries to the Church the Lord fills her with His fulness and sets the Church in ORDER, keeping it ready to receive the greatest SWEEP of God which is already on its way. Because the Lord has already set the Headstone on the Pyramid and finished capping it. Oh, the wise will get awakened by the voice of the midnight cry! Amen.
“It had to WAIT till THIS TIME. Now all things has been brought, coming, shaping upto a HEADSTONE to a manifestation of sons of God coming back, and the Spirit of God coming in to these men, so perfectly until their ministry will be so close like Christ’s till it will join them and HIS Church together”. – Adoption (Pg.104)
“There will be seven voices of these thunders that will reveal the great revelation at that time. So, I believe, to us who… if we don’t know it, and It won’t be known till that time, but it will be revealed in that day, in the hour that it’s supposed to be revealed in … and we know that this Seventh Seal cannot be broke to the public until that hour arrives. – The Seventh Seal (Pg.575, 576)
“And here when the Seventh Seal, When He opened it. He also omitted it again, see. So we see that it is a complete mystery, therefore, the hour is not yet for this mystery to be known, therefore, we’re this far and the rest of it will be known right around about the time…” – The Seventh Seal (Pg. 577)
“Then He said, “Now there is a third pull coming, but don’t try to explain it.” – Sirs, is this the time (Pg.49)
“If it is coming time that the revelation of the Seven Thunders will be revealed to the Church (how to go) I don’t known. I have just stated what I saw”. – Sirs, is this the time (Pg. 53)
“Having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself. That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him”. – Eph. 1:9,10.
“But Brother, we are waiting for the manifestations of the Sons of God who will come back to take it over again; waiting for the fulness of times when the Pyramid gets, upto the top, when the full Sons of God will be manifested, when the power of God will walk out, Hallelujah; and will take every power that Satan has got away from him”. – Predestinated Mystery of His will (Pg. 8,9)
Because the Holy Spirit has opened up the winding up mysteries, the wise will understand that the Church has already come into the dispensation of the fulness of times and the manifested Sons of God must be on the scene revealing the mysteries to the Super Church of living saints. Amen. The Bride will prove all things and hold fast that which is good.
The sketches given in these messages are given as the Holy Spirit gave then while revealing the mysteries.
“You can’t teach babies supernatural things without causing carnal comparisons”. – This Day this scripture is fulfilled (Pg.39)
Many saints are going to miss this silent move because with their great expectations they look up to see the fulfillment ignoring that the Lord’s ways is always in simplicity and in humility. The great prophet has said that ‘when man’s way is upwards God’s way is downwards. When people look to the West His way is in the East. Always God does everything according to His WORD, but people miss it because of their high mindedness. But the Bride will try everything with Scriptures and the prophet’s message and accept it with all the humility in the heart as the people of Berea.
“These (the people of Berea) were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they RECEIVED THE WORD with all READINESS A MIND and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so”. – Acts 17:11
“The Church is waiting on me and you. Adoption time, when God can pour into us His fullness. His Power, His resurrection that when the Church and Christ become so close together till Christ becomes visible among us, and raises the dead, and we go in the Rapture.” – What was the Holy Ghost given for (Pg.12:15)
The Lord has now led the Church into the fullness of time, that is, the time of Adoption wherein very soon, He is going to bestow His authority in the Church.
In this time of Adoption the Lord is winding up this age in three phases.
I Phase : The fulness of Christ
II Phase : The Power of Christ
III Phase : The Resurrection of Christ
Now, the Lord has been pouring His fulness into His Church by giving the complete and perfect revelation of Christ through the Baptism of the Holy Spirit without sensation; which is the ‘True former rain’ as prophesied by the prophet.
“The mystery of the Baptims of the Holy Ghost, without sensation, but the person of Christ performing in you the same works that He did”. – Sirs, is this the time. (Pg.32)
“God unfolding Himself, not in sensations, no that . . . . sensation. You see the place? He just gets it so humble ’til anybody can see it, if you don’t try to inject your own mind to it and your own thoughts – it’s God”. – God in Simplicity (Pg. 40)
The capstone is already resting on the Pyramid and the Lord has already set the Church in order (in its position) by establishing the Five fold ministry in the church. The nest thing is the pouring of the power of Christ in the Church. First the door will be shut and then the power will be poured (Please read the previous messages (l) The Knowledge of the Lord (2) The message of pyramid (3) The Grace dispensation, as it began so is it ending).
It is high time the bride knows her position in the body of Christ and waits upon the Lord to receive the soon coming power from God. The members of the Bride will surely understand their position in the Church through the revelation and they will not try to take another man’s position, which is against the will of the Father in heaven.
The fulness of Christ in the Bride will make her see the plan of Redemption in plain view and brings her to a complete understanding of who she is. The great prophet has said that once the Bride understandings who she is then will come the Rapture.
India, in the beginning, was a free country ruled by Indian rulers.
Some centuries ago, English people came to India for trade. And the circumstances became such that the Indian rulers became slaves to the English traders, and later on the country want into the hands of English people. At the end of the last century, the Indian patriots, when they studied the history, their mind was awakened and they came to the realisation that the foreigners had no right to rule India. So, they began to raise their voice for the freedom of India. And at last the English people restored India back to the Indians; and powers and authority were given back to the Indians.
“The natural types the Spiritual” said the great prophet. In the same way the Lord is first pouring His fulness (the full knowledge of the Lord and His will) into the Church and thereby He is placing the ‘perfect mind of Christ’ in it. Once the Bride understands her position, the Lord is going to place His power in the Church. And by this authority the dead saints are going to be resurrected. Then the whole church will go in the Rapture to meet our Loving Bridegroom.
The time is no longer !
Oh, Bride get awakened ! Amen.
The main object of God becoming Christ (Invisible Elohim God became visible Jehovah God) is to REVEAL HIMSELF, which He could not do as Elohim being an invisible Spirit and self existing God, welling in the light where nobody could reach; and whom no man has ever seen or can see. The object of God giving the Bible to man is to give a complete revelation of God to man and the relation of man to God. The great prophet says that God has created everything, from the huge planets to the invisible sub atomic particles, to reveal Himself. Since the creation of Adam, God has been revealing Himself to man for six thousand years.
The human history began with the age of innocence in the garden of Eden and now it is ending in the ‘Rupturing age’ wherein God is winding up His plan of reception. The plan of redemption is not only to save a man from his sin, but also to restore the man back to his original position that is the restoration of Godhead to man.
“The seventh mystery is of God, even Christ, as the Incarnate fulness of the godhead embodied, in whom all divine wisdom and god line is restored to man”. – Sirs, is this the time?
It is God’s gracious will that man should be filled with all the fulness of God and attain the full stature of Christ. If man is not filledwith all the fulness of God he cannot fully understand God. If God is not fully understood by man then God’s object of becoming Christ to reveal Himself fully to man would remain unachieved. The fallen man with his darkened mind cannot understand the great love of God, because man’s thinking is miles and miles far away from the thinking of God.
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts”.- Isiah 55:8,9
So, man, however intellectual or however spiritual he may be, cannot understand God with his carnal mind. The great love of God is beyond the comprehension of human mind. There is only one way of achieving this, that is by God keeping His own mind in man.
“And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God”. – Eph. 3:19
When the fulness of God is fully placed in man, then he will know God as he is known of Him.
“. . . but then I shall know and understand fully and clearly, even in the same manner as I have been fully and clearly known and understood (by God)”. – I Cor 13:12 (Amplified)
Man being filled with the ‘fulness of Christ’ was kept as the Hope of the Church. It is the gracious will of the Father that this should be fulfilled at the coming time of the Lord. Man attaining the fulness of Christ has been the Hope of the Church for two thousand years. Now, this has become the FAITH of the church of the living saints of today. Because God by His amazing grace and by His sovereignty had placed His fulness in a man, the great prophet Branham. God achieved this placing of ‘the Godhead’ completely in the prophet through the “the three pulls”.
“You all notice my preaching, it’s always three and sevens. Seven is a complete; three is His perfection. First, second, and Third Pull and o-o-oh on and on – everything – see”. – The Third Exodus (pg.40)
. . . by seeing those seals revealed and the great things that’s taken place right here in the last few years. believe with all my heart that the door of mercy is beginning to close”. – The fifth Seal
The Lord completed His plan of redemption as a first phase in the great prophet the ‘Godhead’ was placed in him and so the door of mercy began to close. And now when the last person of the Bride receives the fulness, the Lord is going to shut the door completely and pour His power for the translation of the body.
The Thunder Mysteries reveal how the Godhead was first restored in a Man (the great prophet) and now in the little group who believes in the WHOLE message of the prophet. This displaying message was first preached to the little flock here in Vellore as the Holy Spirit revealed them. And now it is passed on to others, as brief messages to serve as a guideline to understand how God is capping the Pyramid. I believe that every little flock is sovereign in itself, being only subjected to the Holy Spirit; and every Pastor is Sovereign being subjected only to the Holy Spirit to preach. What the Holy Spirit shows through revelation. So, if the reader doesn’t agree with any of the things revealed in this message, he has the freedom to ignore these and go in his own way, as God has created every man a ‘free moral agent’. And if you are blessed by these revelations, give glory to God and go ahead with all humility in your heart; and the Lord will bless you with still more revelations. Amen.
Apostle Paul had his own freedom to preach the revelations which the Holy Spirit gave him. Prophet Branham also had the same freedom to preach what was shown to him by the Holy Spirit. And by the same freedom this message is placed before the Church. And it is left to the individual to accept it or reject it.
Oh, the wise will catch the silent midnight cry of the Spirit of God! Amen.
Man always expects the things to happen according to his own thinking and expectation. That is why the Jews missed John the Baptist and the Messiah. Now in this end time the Christian world has failed to recognize the great prophet because of the same reason. In the same way many of the believers of this day are going to miss this silent move of God.
“Remember, when God predicts anything great to happen, the people are looking so far away by their wisdom ’til they miss what happens’. – Questions & Answers (pg.495)
“Now, people then missed it just as they missed it and do it TODAY – the same thing … – God in simplicity (pg.26)
“Oh, Church, rise and shake yourselves! Pinch your conscience, wake yourself up in this hour! We must be desperate or perish! There is coming forth something from the Lord! I know it as “Thus saith the Lord”! It’s between life and death! It’ll pass through us and we won’t see it”.
Since the time of fall, man’s thinking has become quite contrary to God’s thinking. One of the purposes of God opening the seals in this end-time is to renew the mind of the Bride. When God open the seals and shows the things, definitely it would be quite contrary to man’s thinking. But the Bride will understand the revelations and accept them with all the humility in the heart, just as the Queen of Sheba humbled herself and accepted the things shown to her.
“Now, I want to make this real clear. Everytime, that these seals has come to the place, everything that I ever believed on them and have read of other people, has been contrary to what came to me in the room. And my mind, at this time…. The reason I had that healing service this morning is because my human mind is becoming so away from my own way of thinking. – The Seventh Seal
“May I just pass this to you. When the supernatural comes in, that’s the mind of Christ. You become so far away from your own thinking till in your own mind….” – The Seventh Seal (Pg. 530)
“…. And there that great queen humbled herself, and came and accepted the Message”… – The first seal (Pg. 133)
The prophet’s message is a `WHOLE AND PERFECT’ message given of God
Every time God sends a message there lived three kinds of people:
(a) Believer – (fully believed the whole message)
(b) Make believer – (partly believed the message)
(c) Unbeliever – (completely disbelieved the message)
This message of `revelation of THUNDERS’ is only for the people who believe the message of the prophet to be the `WHOLE AND PERFECT’ message of God and nothing should be added nor taken away from it. Many people may not accept this message but this will separate the wise from the foolish. Amen. Whenever God sends a message, it would separate a little group of people from the majority of the world. Noah’s message separated his family from the rest of the world. John the Baptist’s message separated a humbled group of people of harlots and publicans from the wise and educated religious people. When the Lord came, only the seed of God recognized and accepted Him. The message of the great prophet Branham separated the virgins, both wise and foolish, the undenominational church from the denominational church. Now, this `revelation of Thunders’ will separate the wise from the foolish. God has so designed this simple message and sent it in such simplicity that many saints of God will disregard and reject it. Later on, when the Lord pours out His full power to vindicate this message these saints of God would go from one end to the other end of the world to hear the word of God but the Lord would have shut the door and taken the Bridge in Rapture.
“…. the Sixth seal now being opened, it was for a threefold purpose. Now, here was the purposes: The first thing was that the sleeping virgins had to go through the tribulation period for purification. She had to be purged of her sins of unbelief and rejecting the Message – now she’s not the Bridge, but its the church – the pure people that didn’t have the opportunity may be, to receive the message, or in some way that they were blinded by these false prophets, and they didn’t got a chance, and yet they’re really sincere in heart, and here they’re purged during this time” – The Seventh Seal (Pg. 575).
Whenever God gave a message to the people, it was a perfect message; and nothing should be added nor taken from it. The LIFE OF GOD is only in the WHOLE message of God and whenever something was taken away or something was added, then it produced death instead of life. The `life’ is in the `seed’. When a seed is tampered, the life in it goes away. The word of God is the seed of God and there is life in the world. As long as man believers and accepts the pure and unadulterated Word, he will have the life of God in him. And when something is added or taken away, it gives only death. This has been so from the garden of Eden. As long as they believed thee whole message of God, they had the life and peace of God. And the moment they believed the adulterated message of Satan, they lost the life and peace of God; and they got themselves separated from God.
When the law dispensation began, the Lord gave His message of commandments through the prophet Moses. That was the whole and complete message till the dispensation of law changed into the dispensation of Grace.
“Now therefore hearken, O Israel, into the statutes and unto the judgement, which teach you, for to do them that ye may live, and go in and possess the land which the Lord God of your fathers given you.
You shell not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish sought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you” – Deut. 4:1,2
The Word of God was given to the people of Israel as commandments for two purposes:
1. for them to have life
2. and to possess the God given inheritance.
Prophet Moses, who delivered the people of Israel from the Egyptian bondage and restored them to the promised land, stands as a `type’ of the end-time prophet Bro. Branham, who delivered spiritual Israelites from the bondage of denominations and restored them to the faith of the Pentecostal fathers. The people of Israel they should neither add nor take away anything from the message of much more should we spiritual Israelites have to believe the message of the prophet to be a whole and perfect message to have the `Life of God’ and to possess the God-given inheritance – the fullness of Christ; and be careful not to add anything nor to take away anything from the prophet’s message.
Later on, after the death of Moses, the Lord God commanded Joshua to keep himself with in the message of the prophet Moses.
“Only be thou strong and very courageous, that thou “mayest observe to do according to all the law, which Moses my servant commanded thee: turn thou not from it to the right had or to the left, that thou mayest proper wither soever thou goest”. – Joshua 1:7
The message of Moses was a perfect message till the dispensation of Grace began. In the beginning of the dispensation of Grace, the Lord added the New Testament to the Scriptures. And the New Testament was sealed with the Book of Revelation, and the Book of Revelation itself was sealed with the Seal of God.
For I testify into every man that hearth the words of the prophecy of this Book. If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book.
And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. – Rev. 22:18, 19.
The message of the great prophet Branham, whom God raised to interpret the book of Revelation is a whole and perfect message in itself. As Moses warned his people. Prophet Branham also has warned the people that they should not added anything nor take away anything.
“Don’t add to what I’ve said, don’t take away what I’ve said, because I speak the truth as far as I it, as the Father has given tome. See? Don’t add to it, just say what I said” – God’s only provided place of worship.
If any one doesn’t believe the complete message of the prophet as it was given, he will not got the rupturing faith – Amen!
“And I want you to get built up now in the — this Holy Oracles of God in the faith. The Faith of this hour. The Faith! It’s going to take more faith than every was in any age, the this was to be rupturing faith, be taken up. And some want you to believe tonight in ALL that you have seen, heard, the word that you have heard preached, the signs and wanders that you have seen done. We want you to accumulate ALL that together in your heart, and consider whether if that be of God or not”. – Spiritual feed in due season
The prophet’s year of 1977
The year of 1977 brought a great shaking among the believers of the prophet’s message. Because in the year 1933, out of inspiration and besing on a vision, the prophet had predicted that the Laodicean Church age would wind up before 1977.
“And at 1906 the Ladniesan church age set in, and I don’t know when it’ll end, but I predict it’ll be done by 1977. I predict, not the Lord told me, but I predict it according to a vision that was showed me some years ago, that, five of those things has (out of the seven) has already taken place” – The Ephesion church age
“We believe that the Laodicean Church started in A.D. 1906. I predict… Now remember, “predict”, especially you listening at the tape. I don’t say it will be, but predict that it will end by 1977, that the Church will go completely into apostasy and she’ll be oustead Christ, might come anything. Now, I could miss that a year, I can miss it twenty years. I could miss it a hundred years. I don’t know where it – But I just predict that according to a vision. He showed me, and taking the time, the way it’s progressing, I say it’ll be something between `33 and 77′. – The Leadicean Church Age (Pg. 500, 501).
So, all the believers expected the rapture before 1977. But the rapture did not happen before 1977; and now we have come to the end of 1982. Because the rapture did not happen before 1977, some of the people branded the great prophet as false prophet and went and joined various denominations, some others, who didn’t want to join the denominations, began to reason the prediction of the prophet and started giving their opinions which they should not have done. When a true prophet gives a message it is not for reasoning, but to believe and accept it even in the midst of contradicting circumstances because God will never allow His TRUST PROPHET to ERR in the predictions. Balaam who was a falce prophet, went to curse the Israelites, but when he opened his mouth. She Lord God took control of controlling Balaam to keep him from cursing His people would He have allowed His TRUE PROPHET BRANHAM to make a wrong prediction? Some people even went to the extent of judging the God- sent prophet. When a prophet speaks, there is no man on the earth to judge him because the prophet is the mouth piece of GOD. When a prophet comes with `Thus saith the Lord’ he takes the place of God, when he says ordained `Thus saith the Lord’. It is the sovereignty of God that He has ordinated prophet in that way. When a man judges a true prophet, it is judging God Himself.
“The Lord Jesus loves you and He died that you might be well. He sent me as His prophet to tell you what is truth” – Believe what He said is Truth.
“Do you think that God Almighty would give me the ministry He’s got around like this with super nature – signs and things which has never been seen since the New Testament and let me walk in error like that? Certainly not”. – Image of the Beast and Questions.
“And if God has so honoured His word to heal the sick and the blind and the afflicted and swept it across the world surely He wouldn’t let me go out with an error then, would He?” – Unpardonable Sin
“The Lord, who is showing the vision is just – your faith in Him is using me as a mouthpiece to say to you what you desire Him to tell you. See. what I me an?” – Visions and Property
Some people have gone even to the place of judging the prophet and slicing and cutting the whole message of the prophet, which nobody should have dared to do. These people have come out with the `Teaching’ of `only believe the thus aid the Lord’.
This is nothing but a false teaching very cunningly kept in by the devil into the saints of God. This very statement of `only believe the Thus saith the Lord’ is unscriptural, and quite contrary to the teachings of the great prophet Branham.
The scripture WARNS us to believe `WHAT ALL’ the prophets have said.
“Then he said unto them, O feels, and slow of heart to BELIEVE ALL THAT the prophets have spoken” – Luke 24:25.
“…… Believe in the Lord your God so shall ye be established; believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper” – II Chronicles 20:20
“Now, if this is the word of God (you believe it?) then why doubt any wood of it, any phase of it? How can you say that this is part, and this is no good, and that is that; pick out what you want? You can’t do it. It’s either all good, or it’s none of it good. That’s right; so as soon as you see that it’s the Truth, take a hold of it. Don’t turn it loose, no matter what circumstances, how they try to reason, `why can’t – `don’t, don’t do that at all. Stay right with it; God promised it”. – Wisdom versus Faith
“Don’t add to what I’ve said, dont’ take away what I’ve said, Because I speak the truth as far as I know it, as the father has given to me. See? Don’t add to it, just say what I said. – God’s only provided place of worship (Pg. 143).
The prophet made this prediction in 1933 and later on before his death, he endorsed his prediction and stood by it. Amen.
The people who take only the `Thus said the Lord’ from the prophet’s message cannot even take the Bible as a WHOLE AND PERFECT book, because Apostle Paul had made certain statements of his own which were not directly received from the Lord. But later on the Lord had include them in the Scriptures and has made them canon for the New Testament Believers.
“Now concerning virgins I have no commandment of the Lord; yet I given me judgements as once that hath obtained mercy of the Lord to be faithfully” – I Cor 7:25.
“I speak not by commandment
— And herein give me advice – LI Cor 8;8, 10.
These project and Apostle surrounded their live wholly to God and remainder in the presence of the Lord. When they made certain statements on their own, they were just the same as that of Christ’s. Because they stayed completely in the presence of Christ they got the mind of christ inducted in to them. So, when they speak, their words became the words of Christ, which is the TRUTH.
“And Elijah the Tishbite, who was of inhabitants of Gilead, said unto hab, as the Lord God of Israel liveth, before whom I stand there shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according to my word” – I Kings 17:1.
Elijah’s words came truth.
“Then Peter said unto her, How is it that ye have agreed together to tempt the Spirit the Lord? Behold, the feet of them which have buried thy husband are at the door, and shall carry thee out. Then fell she down straight away at his fact. – Acts 5:9, 10.
The words of Peter became truth.
The failure of the traditions about 1977 is only Anna rent and it not an actual failure. The prophet was sent as a trapper to set and setter the people and to keep them quite away from the, great message of translation (Place refer to Bro.Junior Jackson’s in `Sirs, is this the time’ (Pg. 14). Only very few people grayed on the top of the mountain in obedience to the prophet’s word watching at the whitestones, but the majority of the people went away in different directions. The little group of people went away foreordained ones’ to received revelations of the whitestones mastery (the revaluation Thunders).
Even Satan caught this prediction literally and designed his impersonating ministry of description and set his message of deception; but it became an utter failure.
Now, how are we going to account for this apparent failure? Can we dare say that the prediction was wrong. No the prediction was not wrong. But the fault is only with the Roman Calender. The prophet who predicted about 1977 in the year 193 and endorsed his prediction before his death has also stated elsewhere in his message about the error of the Roman Calender and also he has mentioned how much the Roman Calender is short of. The Bridge knows that she has already been led into the first phase of the winding up move of God and very soon she going to enter into the next phase; that is receiving the power of Christ for translation; and that would be a very Roman Calender year you would see the prediction of 1977 was correct. That would be the prophet’s year of 1977.
This short message about the prophet’s year of 1977 is just to make the Bridge take the prophet’s message as a WHOLE message and not to slice in into bits even in the midst of contradicting circumstances message are going to have the Rupturing Faith. Amen.
The great prophet’s message is not for reasoning but to believe and accept every bit of it. Those who reason the message of the prophet are sure to miss this silent winding up move of God, which is producing the great rupturing faith in the Bridge.
“My thoughts is not my own, even what it is that told me; if it’s wrong, then it’s wrong. But I am not tolling it by my own, I’m tolling what somebody else has said. That somebody else it the God that spoke to use and done all these things that He has donot – Feast of the Trumpet (Pg.104).
“Now remember, the word of the Lord comes to the prophet, not the theologian the prophet. He is a reflector of God’s word. He can’t say nothing he can’t say his own thoughts; he can only speak what God reveals… There is such a thinking as gift of prophecy in the church, but a prophet is predestinated and for ordained for the hour. See? Yes, Sir!
Now, if a prophecy goes forth; two or three have to set and judge whether that’s rights or not fore the church can receive it. But nobody’s set before a prophet! Cause he was absolutely the word of God. He was that word in his age” – Rapture
“… We find out, that at the beginning when a messenger was sent to-to misconstrue his word or to doubt one word, it was total annihilation and eternal separation from God, to misconstrue that we singers word” End time Evangelism.
The Bridge of Christ was foreordained to believe every word of God and to believe every bit of the prophet’s message. And she will keep herself within the message of the prophet as Joshua kept himself within the message of Moses. Amen.

Before we go deep into the message of the Hoadstone, let us see how we have come to the knowledge of the Headstone. One of the purposes of the Pyramid message to the Church is to know her exact `LOCATION’ as she progresses in the third exedue towards the goal, the Headstone; and to know the time precisely how closer we have come to that great day of the Lord.
“I returned to this little building, and we made dozens of tapes of the pyramids and everything to show the people the hour that `we are living in” – Sirs, is this the time?
Sometime ago when the Holy Spirit gave the message on the pyramid, he revealed the location of the Church was in the gap between the Headstone and the top of the pyramid; and in the days of the prophet the Church was at the top of the body of the pyramid. Now, at this time of His coming the Spirit of God has led the church through the gap had has filled the church with the base of the Headstone, where is lying the `Whitestone’ the great unwritten seal – the seal of Thunders.
“And you notice, above the Pyramid is the capstone, and beneath there says, “The great seal” – Message of Grace (9)
Because the church is now right at the whitestone the Holy spirit has revealed the mysteries of the `Whitestone’ and so we see the mysteries of the Headset one revealed. And this REVELATION has fitted the church with the Headstone and the church is capped.
“Time shall be no more. He announces that time is over. What happens? Could that be so, now Brothern? Seriously think! If it is, then the Pyramid is capped by the seven thunders” – Sirs, is this the time (47)
Now, when the Holy spirit has revealed the Thunders who church must get alert because it has come to the fullness of time and the manifested sons of God must be on the seen now, otherwise the thunder mysteries would not have been revealed. The next move of God is pouring of the power of Christ into the church and placing His authority in it.
OH, the wise will catch the silent move of God for she is ordained for that! Amen.
“But Brother, we are waiting for the manifestations of the sons of God who will come back to take it over again waiting for the fullness of times when the Pyramid gestes up to the top, when the full sons of God will be manifested, when the Power of God will walk out, Hallelujah and will take every power that Satan has got away from Him”. – Predestinated Mystery of His will (Pg. 8, 9).
“This word tells it here, and He’s hid it. And these mysteries has been hid now, remember, the Bible said, “Since the foundation of the world, waiting for the manifestations of the Sons of God.” to display them to the church. Oh. my, you et it.? —Adoption (Pg.31)
“There’ll be seven voices of these thunders that will reveal the great revelation at that time… if we don’t know it, and it won’t be known `till that time, but it will be revealed in that day, in the hour that it’s supposed to be revealed in … and we known that this Seventh Seal cannot be broke to the public until that hour arrives.” —The Seventh Seal (Pg. 576)
This revelation of the Thunders makes the Scripture very plain and brings the redemptive plan through the prophet’s message into a clear view; in other words it makes the revealed mysteries known to the church, as Joshua exhorted the Israelites to keep themselves within the message of the prophet Moses to overcome the enemies and to possess the inheritance.
Those who disbelieved Moses’ message perished in the wilderness. Though they came upto the entrance of the promised land, they missed it because of their unbelief.
“So we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief.” – Heb 3:19
`Let us therefore fear, lost a promise being left us of entering into his rest, any of you should seem to come short.’ – Heb 4:1
Those who don’t believe the COMPLETE message of the prophet are sure to miss the RAPTURE which is the fulfillment of the HOPE of the CHURCH.
Now, we are living at the end of the end-time, when the fullness of time has come and the Super Church of the living saints is waiting for the ADOPTION to raise the dead saints and to go as a WHOLE BODY of CHRIST IN THE RAPTURE to meet the LORD in the air.
“— the Bible teaches there will be a rapture of the church? (Yes, Sir! That’s right…) a catching away of the Church.” – The Rapture (6)
“But to the Church, the Bride, the rapture is revelation to her it is revealed to her that the revelation, the true Bride of christ will be waiting for that revelation of the rapture.” – The Rapture (14)
Generally the word “RAPTURE” is used to express the catching away of the Bride. Thought the translation of the body is instantaneous, in the twinkling of an eye, the “process” of rapture is spread over a short span of time.
“—SOME of you people that really BELIEVE this to be the TRUTH that we are entering another age: we are entering the ruptured age.” – Invisible Union (55)
The great prophet has said that the rapture is a revelation. Now, the revelation is God making the WORD known to an individual and to the Church.
When Jesus (the WORD) looked at His disciples and asked “Whom say ye that I am?”; Peter answered and said, “Thou art the Christ, the son of the living God.”. And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Bar Jone: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my father which is in heaven.”
So, the REVELATION is the Heavenly Father making the WORD KNOWN to the people.
The process of rapture, that is, the preparation of the Bride for the rapture is in the Scripture; and this Scripture has to be revealed to the Bride, before the translation of the Body, to produce the rupturing faith.
“For we that are in this tabernacle do groan, being burdened: not for that we would be unclothed, but clothed upon, that mortality might be swallowed up of life.
Now he that hath wrought us for the selfsame thing is God, who also hath given unto use he corniest of the Spirit.” —II Cpr. 5:4,5.
It is God, who does this preparation in a very humble way unnoticed by the world. The process of making the Bride ready for the rapture is in such simplicity that many of the believers would miss it. The great prophet has said so.
“The Rapture will be the same way, It’ll be so simple, no doubt it will be likewise `till the Rapture will come one of those days and nobody will know nothing about it.” – God in simplicity (57)
“Don’t lot it be said some of those days, “I thought the Rapture was supposed to come, ” and hear the voice say back, “It’s in the past” God help you. Now, lot’s bow our heads.” – The Fourth Seal (332)
“You heard the tape of the 7(Seven) thunders: What time is it Sir? It happened the other day! You know these things, The time is at hand, the time is at hand church! Don’t wait any longer So, how do you know the rapture’s not going on all the time. First thing you know it’ll be past, one disappearing here and there, it’ll be gone the first you know, and judgement will strike the world.” – God in simplicity (Albuquerque)
Now, the Church has come to the fullness of time and therefore the Lord has revealed the mysteries of thunders. Through the revelation of Thunders the Lord has completely revealed the Pyramid message thus capping the Pyramid. When we study the Pyramid diagram there is a little gap left between the Headstone and the Body of the pyramid. In the days of the prophet Branham the Church was at the top of the body of the Pyramid; and that is why the prophet has left the gap blank and uninterpreted, because it was not the time then for the Church to know the interpretation of the mystery of the little gap. Also a thing cannot be interpreted before it happens. This little gap represents a little invisible age at the end of the seventh church age; the great prophet hastermed this `little age’ as `the rupturing age’ just as the Scientists have termed the modern age as the `Space age’ wherein man has learnt to go into space. So also (in the rupturing age) our Joshua, the great Holy Spirit is teaching the Church through the revelation of Thunders thus imparting the rupturing faith to go in the rapture to her heavenly home which is far beyond the space. Amen.
“—Some of you people that really believe this to be the truth that we are entering another age; we are entering the ruptured age.” – Invisible Union (55)
“Watch the Church as it’s come as it moves… Now, look at the age coming now right upto the Headstone. See what I mean? The coming of the Lord, the made known.” – Adoption (107)
In this short rupturing age the Lord reveals the mysteries of thunders, which are the outer seals and renews completely the mind of the Bride and transforms her and makes her fit for the transulation, which is going to happen in the twinkling of an eye when the great sweep comes over the Bride, which is the true latter rain as prophesied by the Prophet Branham.
“Now, the coming of the Lord is in mystery, we don’t know when He’s coming, how He’s coming, but we know He’s coming. Soon?
And so was all the mysteries of God waiting for this last day…” – Christ is the mystery of God revealed (33)
“But His mystery is Only revealed to His belowed Bride” – Christ is the mystery of God revealed (71)
The mystery of the coming of the Lord is revealed and made known only to the Bride in this rupturing age. So, the coming of the Lord and the rapture will not be asurprisig thing for the Bride. apostle Paul writes that the day of the coming f the Lord will not catch the Bride unawares.
“But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that day should overtake you as a thief. Ye are the children of light and the children of the day. We are not of the night, nor of darkness.
—But let us, who are of the day, be sober putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation.”—II These 5:4-8.
The people of Israel, before their deliverance from the land of Egypt, had light in their dwellings whereas the land of Egypt had darkness over it.
“And Moses stretched forth his hand toward heaven; and there was a thick darkness in all the land of Egypt three days?—But all the children of Israel had light in their dwellings.” —Exdus 10:22,23.
This stands as a type of the Supernatural light, the revelation of Thunders, which the Lord has sent to His Bride in this ‘rupturing age’ just before her deliverance from this Egypt, the world; whereas the entire world is in utter darkness of the spiritual things of the Lord.
“And in this great hour that we’re how living in and we see yearly it gets darker and darker to the world and the coming of the Lord gets brighter and brighter as He reveals Himself in His world and in His manifestation.” – The Third Seal
“A little dew drop —But just let the sun shine out once. Did you notice how happy it gets? It just glistens and quivers. Why? It knows that it’s that sunlight is going to draw it back to where it was at the beginning.
And so is every man or woman that’s born of the spirit of God. There is something shout it when night spreads over us that we’re happy because we know we’re going back to where we come from.. from the bosom of God. – Birth P???
“I believe that ????? still have a great light coming on now that’ll just flood the earth one of these days for a short time , may be just in a matter of months. But I believe that there’s great Light coming —” —Questions and Answers (Pg.10)
I’m only building. The hour is close at hand when you are going to see somthing happen, when something is going to take place and all this background, her, has only been laying a foundation for a short quick message that will shake the whole nation.” – And knoweth it not
“Now you want to learn ab-c’s so you can study algebra later, when these other seals on the back is opened? —The End Time Massager
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Who has blessed us with the greatest blessings by sending us to this world when the fullness of times has come, whereby He has already started capping the Pyramid by placing His fullness in His Church of the living saints, whom He had foreordained for transformation through the revelation of thunders, which were not revealed till this TIME of His coming. This message is written only for the saints of God, who believe that Bro. Branham was the prophet of God sent in these last days to separate the Bride from the World and the denominations and to make her ready for the coming of the Lord through his message. People, who don;t take the prophet’s message as a whole message are already missing the greatest blessing of being filled with His fullness. And they are sure to miss the great sweep of god which is already on its way to translate the body of the Bride.
In this invisible “Rupturing age” the Lord is taking the Church through three phases just before the Rapture.

“The church is waiting on me and you. Adoption time, when God can pour into us His Fullness, His Power, His resurrection that when the Church and Christ become so close together till Christ becomes visible among us and raises the dead, and wage into the Rapture.” – What was the Holy Ghost given for (Pg. 12-15)
The Church has already come to the end of the first phase of being filled with the Fullness of Him. Very soon the Lord is going to shut the door of mercy and pour out His Power into the church. Only in the first phase of being filled with His Fullness the Bride of Christ is having an invisible union with the Bridegroom., the WORD. By this invisible union the Bride is attaining the full stature of Christ. And she is waiting to receive the Power and authority to resurrect the dead saints.
“I believe that we’re living in a great uniting time. I am taking these red lights down, and flash signals—showing to this little group, with all my heart, that I believe that we are living in the line of God’s word in this great prophetic hour, just before the coming of the Lord Jesus; uniting together and getting ready.” – The Uniting time and sign
“Oh, how the Churches today ought to see the sign of the time that we are living in ! flec as hard as you can to Calvary, for Life; not some Church, but to Jesus Christ. Unite yourself with Him.” – The Uniting time and sign (12)
“God is uniting His Bride. She’s coming together from the east and the west, from the north and south. There’s a uniting time and that’s on right now. What’s she uniting for? The Rapture! Amen.
“—And she’s united Herself with Her Bridegroom (see?) and the Bridegroom is the Word.” – The Uniting Time and Sign (21)
” We see the Bride uniting, uniting with the word. Why? The Wor is God… As the Bridegroom (being the Word), and the Bride (being the hearer of the Word), they come together in union. They unite like a wedding— and they become one. The Word becomes you, you become the word. Jesus said— In that day you’ll know that I’m in the Father, Father in Me, I in you, and you in Me.” See? At “that day”. what day? This day! See find out the great hidden mysteries of God being revealed. Oh, how I like that!” – The Uniting Time and Sign (24)
“Now wake up! Shake yourself, right quick, and look out here where we’re at! where are we? —now wesee the Brideuniting with the word. Oh, my! Time that the saint’s shall arise to unite with those that are living, to go and unite with Jesus Christ for Eternity.” – The Unit Time and Sign (27)
“—but all of a sudden, you’ll see appear before you, your loved ones that’s gone on has come to unite with you again. And we’ll be changed in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye; and be caught up, together, to meet our Lord in the air. And then unite with Him, to be there forever, and never to be out of His Presence again.” —The Uniting Time and Sign
“Oh, that Spiritual union of Christ in His Church now, when the flesh is becoming word; and the word is becoming—we are near the coming of Jesus to be united with His Church, where the word becomes the word.” – Invisible Union
“That is my message to you, Church. You that is a union, spiritual union by the Word—it is word coming on word, on word, on word, on word, until it comes into the full stature of Christ. —After all I had been made ready for the event —That is what is taking place right now: All is being made ready for the event. A church is being pulled out for His Name sake.” – Invisible Union of the Bride of Christ
In this first phase of the invisible Rupturing age, the Bride is having an invisible union with the Bridegroom. This is the preparation that the Lord is doing in the Bride for that great day of the Rapture. The people who don’t recognise this silent move of God preparing the Bride are sure to miss the Rapture. The Bride is already in the process of being Ruptured – `THE PREPARATION’ by the Spirit of God. Amen! Oh, the Bride will search the scriptures and the prophet’s message and recognise the silent move and identify herself with it !
II PHASE : The Power of Christ in the Church.
“Yes, Sir! We don’t know how He’s going to do it. He is the dynamics. We just become members of the machine of His body, forming ourself into His Image and see Him uniting Himself with us in His works, with His love gifts, as He hands them to us just before the wedding supper. And we’re waiting, watching for that. The Dynamics of this church will be a fulfilling of the Holy ghost, that we have worked in a small measure, while the Headstone is coming down to unite with the Body. But when that Head and Body unites together the full power of the Holy Ghost would rise up just exactly like… Even the dead, that’s dead in Christ for hundreds of years age, will rise in the beauty of His Holiness and take a flight thought the skies. The Dynamics is the Holy Spirit.” –What shall I do with Jesus?
“—He’ll place into the church all the powers that Christ had in Him… The same power that rested in Jesus Christ rests in the placed sons in the Body of Christ—Let me say this, if your count me a fanatic from this night on; that very something that I’m speaking f will be done. There’ll be a power come into the Church and now is coming in that the Holy Spirit will anoint the people till they’ll speak the word and it will create itself like that. We haven’t seen power —that’s coming into the church now. I know it for a fact.
Say unto this mountain “Be thou moved,” don’t doubt in your heart but believe that what you say shall come to pass, you can have what you have said. The placing of the church in the position there the fullness of the power of Holy Ghost comes into the church. Then the critics’ mouth will be shut. It’ll be a short time.” —Hear ye Him (Phoenix)
“In these last days the true Bride church (Christ’s seed) will come to the Headstone, and she will be the Super Church., a super race, as she nears Him. They in the bride will be so much like Him that they will even be in His very image. This is in order to be united with Him. They will be one. They will be the very manifestation of the Word of the living god…” – An Exposition of the Seven Church Ages.
This three phase winding up move of God is like `a three staged rocket’ which blasts in succession in three different stages. And in every stage the rocket is taken into a new phase of the space journey. `Natural types the Spiritual’ has said the great prophet. If we closely study the developments in the material world, we will be amazed to see that these developments stand as `types and shadows’ of the development in the spiritual realm. For the first time in the history, man has learnt to produce enormous power of nuclear energy which he has used to over come the pulling of the Earth’s gravity and to carry him into space.
Through the Baptism of the Holy Ghost without sensations, the lord has already led the Church in a mysterious way into the revelation of Thunders. And by this He has placed His fullness in the church. Very soon He will lead the Church into the second phase. The Church being filled with the full Power of Christ. In the second phase the church would have become total word and whatever she speaks, that would be the truth. And whatever she does that would be the truth; All the critics mouths would be shut.
At every phase of this invisible age the Lord is potentially lifting up the church and keeps her ready for that great event of Rapture. By the authority and the power placed in the church of the Living Saints, the dead saints are going to be resurrected. And then the whole body of Christ would be taken up in the Rapture to meet the Lord in the air.
Medical Science has so much been developed that the surgeons have succeeded in the transplantation of organs and limbs. In the spiritual realm the Lord has succeeded in transplanting Him own mind into the Church.
“What was once in God’s mind is now in the Body of Christ”. —Christ is the mystery of God revealed (Pg.58)
In these days the Bride is continually getting transformed through the renewing of the mind. Because we are still in the cage of flesh, we don’t see the transformation. But when this body of flesh is changed into glorious body we will just take off from this world and will be traveling like our `thoughts’. Till such time of translation we have to keep building up the `Faith’ even amidst contradicting circumstances. This transformation by the renewal of mind cannot be proved or established by reasoning; as faith cannot be proved by reasoning, and if anything is proved by reasoning it cannot be the `faith’. Faith is believing the promises of God even under contradicting circumstances. The great prophet has said that growing in the faith is just like climbing up a ladder and when we reach the top of the ladder we burst into another dimension, the dimension of realities.
Very soon the Bride is going to enter the sphere of realities when the `True latter rain’ Fallson her as prophesied by the great prophet Branham. Amen!
“So these five senses is the only thing that god let us loose to. Now there is another one called faith. But by faith ye walk up ladder and finally you can get so high until you break into another world, which is visions.” —Christ is the Mystery of God revealed
Most of the people who process to be the believers of the prophet’s message do not believe that there should come a message just before the rapture to awaken and revive the slumbering bride and to produce the rupturing faith in her. Only in the midnight just before the coming of the Bridegroom there was a cry, “Behold, the bridegroom comet: go ye out to meet him.” when Prophet Branham was here, it was the evening time. Now, the church has come into the midnight hour, the time of His coming. Already the `midnight cry has gone forth; and it is a very saddening thing that many people are still slumbering unaware of the midnight cry because of its simplicity.
The Bride is already awakened and she is making herself ready by putting on the wedding garment, the HUMILITY of Christ.
“… a man is always giving God for what He has done, looking forward to what He will do and ignoring what He is doing right now. That’s exactly. Man is still the something. —The sixth Seal (Pg.425)
It was so in the days of Jesus: People believed in Moses but they failed to recognise their Messiah about whom he had prophesied. That is why the Lord looked at them and said, “Do not think that I will accuse you the Father: there is one that accuseth you, even Moses, in whom ye trust.
For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me: for he wrote of me.
But if ye believe not his writings, how shall ye believe my words?” —John 5:45-47
It was so in the days of the Prophet Branham: Had the Christian world believed the Lord Jesus, it would have believed the prophet Branham also; because the Lord Himself had foretold of the prophet. “…Elias truly shall first come, and restore all things.” – Matt. 17:11
And it is so now again in these days of Sons of GOD: Had the believers really believed the complete message of the prophet Branham they would have recognised these days of the Sons of God, whom the Lord has already raised to reveal the hidden mysteries of God; because the prophet has foretold of the coming of the Sons of Gods at the coming time of the Lord to reveal the Thunder mysteries to the Church.
The Prophet has clearly told in his messages about the coming of a message at the coming time of the Lord.
A fresh message
Notice! But watch when the Spiritual Bride when she begins to have a revival, who she begins to come back and live Herself up with the Word of God, watch then again, you see, how that the Scriptures at that time, there will be a message sweep out to catch that Bride – catch that woman – elect…
…but then the time that the people are ready to live up, there is a message comes forth and they live with it…
…Now, but you notice when the people begin to try to line with the word, there comes a fresh message from the Word of God right straight to the people and it kept that message in line up every time. It is just in God.” —Invisible union of the Bride of Christ (Pg. 9) 11-25-196
A short and quick message
“I’m only building. the hour is closest hand when you’re going to see something happen, when something is going to take place and all this background, here, has only been laying a foundation for ashort, quick message that will shake the whole nation.” —and knoweth it not (Pg.13) August 15, 1965
A message after the healing service
“— the mysteries of God would be declared (Rev.10) when the seventh angel begins to sound his message, not the healing service. The message that allows the healing service.—I have heard but now I see (Pg.36)
Generally in a healing service first a message will be given to build up the faith in the hearts of the people and then the people will be prayed for. But the prophet tells here of a message that follows the healing service. Prophet Branham had a healing ministry through out his ministry. So, the message after the healing service is the message that should come after the prophet’s ministry to reveal the thunder mysteries.
“Notice, Who-the end time messenger, his job will be to get the saints ready. Bride ready for the Bridegroom. That’ll be his message. Now you want to learn a-b-c’s so you can study algebra later, when those other seals on the back is opened? They’ll only be revealed to them. —The End time Messenger.
Greater Light
“I believe that we still have a great light coming on now they’ll just flood the earth one of those days for short period, may be just in a matter of months. But I believe that there’s great light coming. — Questions and answers(Pg.10) Oct 15,1961.
The Second Climax
“Or is this that second climax that I talked about the other day? Is there something coming forth for the Church”? I don’t know. I could stay on that a little bit, but I will move on. Could it be that the mighty thunder, … Is this the Mystery of the Thunders that will bring back the Headstone? —Sirs, is this the time? (Pg.48)
“And I thought that I was the happiest I ever seen. I was standing in the sun, s-u-n, and was a-and was preaching the Gospel to a large, mammoth congregation. And they were setting in a forest, and streaks of the sun was shining down on them, just here and there.a getting it, getting the word.
—And I preached so long, until the congregation became hungry for physical food. And they, some of them got tired, so they just get up and went out to get them so me food, started going out. I said, “Don’t. don’t.”
” I had two climaxes I wanted to meet- I wanted to meet in my sermon. And the Lord had given it to me. And any preacher knows when you really know it’s – God’s give it to you, you just burning to tell the people. And I was just a – preaching, “Charlie”, just as hard as I could preach, just laying it on, you know, and saying, “All these great things… This what god’s doing, look at this… He discerns the thoughts of the heart. What is it? The Word, “…And I was just preaching to “who wouldn’t have it”…Directly, I noticed the people begin to get like they was physically hungry. And so they had enough spiritual, so they started walking away and some of them (Brother Branham yawns to illustrate -Ed) started walking away. I thought, “What’s the matter with everybody?” And – and I looked and here was some young couples going along to my side, and I stopped; I said, “Just a minute, friends, just a minute you will be back again when the evening shadows fail.” See” I said “You’ll be back again. But, let me give you this first climax …….. And someone said, “Man, I’d like to have some biscuits and some of …….” like that. Well I just thought, “Well, glory to God. If they want biscuits and some or ……..” So I turned around; I thought, Oh, but you know what The shadows is going to fall after while. Right away. And I said “Then tonight, when that congregate gathers in again …. Now, I put the climax to them that the things that they have seen me do is found in the Word of God, not in some mythical book or some organisation it’s found in the Word (See?) every bit of lit in the word, `cause I am commissioned to that ….””I’ll be background, kind a background.” You know the way I do it on these Church ages and things, say what I said before.” I will background it on the word, and then this great, marvelous climax …. I said, what a time it’ll be. “Praise be to God.” And I seen myself getting real little, and heard that, “Praise be to God.” I seen myself fading up like that, and here I was standing there……” ……Blasphemous names (Pg. 41.42)
First Climax
Prophet Branham was sent to separate on undenominational Church (wise and foolish virgins) and to turn them to the Apostolic faith. The Church was revived in the days of the prophet. This was the “First Climax”. Before the evening shadows fell, the prophet went away from the scene because he was the evening light.
Second Clima
The prophet has said that the second climax will some in the night time after the falling of evening shadows. When the virgins were slumbering there came a cry in the midnight to awaken the Bride to meet the Bridegroom. So, the Midnight cry is the second climax. The midnight cry is the revelation of the Thunder Mysteries which produces the rupturing faith in the Bride. The first climax brought the Bride out of the denomination, and these and climax creates the rupturing faith in the Bride and clothes here with the wedding garment. In the “tent vision” when the people were led into the little wooden room, the Third pull, the prophet had already been taken out of scene and he was taking a moment’s rest in the air.
The prophet has prophesied that this Midnight Cry, that is, the revelation of Thunders will come only at the coming time of the Lord;
“…it won’t be known `till that time, but it will be revealed in that day, in the hour that it’s supposed to be revealed in.”
“We know that this Seventh Seal cannot be broke to the public until that hour arrives….”
“… And here when the Seventh seal, when He opened it, He also omitted it again, see. So we see that it is a complete mystery, therefore, the hour is not yet for this mystery to be known. ….The Seventh Seal (Pg. 576, 577)
The above few passages show beyond any doubt that there should come a message just before the Rapture. If we search the prophet is messages very diligently, the Spirit of God will reveal still more about this last message. Scripture also very clearly show that there should come a message just before the rapture.
“Behold I show you a mystery; we shall not all sleep, shall all be changed.
I a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet for the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed.” – I Cor 15 : 52, 53
The great prophet has clearly said that `a trumpet’ is a message from God to gather His people and to gel of something great that is going to happen.
“Now notice, the trumpet is to call together the people – assemble themselves together for something.”
`Paul said, “When the trumpet gives an uncertain sound, who can prepare themselves for war, or for peace, or whatever it is “who knows you have to know what the trumpet sounds. Therefore, when the trumpet sounds, we see something in the earth today…. Now, the only way you’ll know what the trumpet sound is, is to look what the music sheet says. That’s all. It’s a great symphony (see?) ….No matter what you say, the Bible is right. Beat it out, according to the Sheet Music right here before us, then the great symphony of God’s great not is playing out just right, then we see, the hour and where we’are standing.” – Coast of the Trumpets
“For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God; and the dead in Christ shall rise first:” – I Thess 4:16
The great prophet’s message was the SHOUT and his days were the days of the shout. Now, the church has come into the days of the VOICE. Very soon we are going to see the resurrection of the dead saints. Because the Bible says that the dead will be raised at the last trump. The prophet has said that the voice is to wake up and revise the living saints from their slumber and for the resurrection of the dead.
“And the voice wake up – wakes up the sleeping Bride, the sleeping dead.” – The Rapture
“The Bride hasn’t had are vival yet. There has been no revival there – no manifestation of God to stir the Brideyet, see? We’are looking for it. It will take these seven unknown thunders to wake here up again. He will send it. He promised it.” – The Third Seal
So, it is evident that the last trump of I cor 15:52 is the same things as the voice of I Thess 4:16. We will see it more clearly when the Lord takes us to the message on “the Manifested Sons of God”.
“while the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept. And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold the Bridegroom comet : go yet out to meet him.” – Mat 25:5, 6
The Scriptures and the prophet’s message show very plainly that there should come a message just before the repute. This is the message which separates the wise from the foolish. Those who miss this message of `Midnight Cry’ are sure to miss the rapture; and they will go into the tribulation.
“The first thing was that the sleeping virgins had to go through tribulation period for purification. She had to be purged of her sins of unbelief and rejecting the Message …..Now she’s not the Bride, but it’s the Church – the pure people that didn’t have the opportunity, may be, to receive the Message, or in some way that they were blinded by these false prophets and they didn’t get a chance and yet they’re really sincere in heart, and God knows their heart and here they are purged during this time.” – The Seventh Seal
“The wise shall understand in the last – in this last days”? It’s been given to him.
The Spirit of wisdom comes into the Church to make known to the Church by the revelation of the Holy Ghost – bringing the Church in and revealing what day that we are living in. Just the same as Gabriel came to Daniel, the Holy spirit comes to the Church in the last days to reveal these great ….., secret things. Do you understand now? – The Seventy Weeks of Daniel
When we speak of “Thunders”, certain questions might arise in the mind of the believers as:
1. What is the Revelation of Thunders?
2. When would they be revealed?
3. Who will reveal them to the Church?
4. To whom would they be revealed?
5. What is the purpose of God revealing the Thunders to the Church?
6. How to check the genuineness of the revelation of the Thunders?
7. When the Thunders are revealed, what is the next move of GOD that the Church could look for?
If we search the prophet’s message very diligently we will find answerers for these questions. The prophet’s message is a whole message given of God and it contains answerers for all the questions that might arise in the mind of a believer. Because, when the Bride goes in the rapture she will be free from all the doubts, being filed with all the fullness of God.
Let us consider these questions one by one.
(1) What is the revelation of Thunders?
“And I saw another might ……………… down from heaven, clothed is with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon the head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire.
And he had in his h……………………. book open; and he set his right foot upon the sea, and his ………………………………. on the earth.
And cried with a loud voice as when a lion roared: and when he had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices.
And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write : and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Seal up and those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not.” ….Rev. 10 : 1-4
Apostle John was forbidden to write what the seven thunders uttered and he was asked to SEAL up those things. So there are two sets of seals:
(a) The written seals or the inner Seals .. Revelation Chapter 6.
(b) The unwritten seals or the outer seals, the seals that are struck to the scroll.
The thunders are the outer seals.
“…The Seven seals that we are trying to speak of (when we come this time) are the seven written seals, ….. But there are seven other seals that are on the backside.” – Sirs, is this the time?
“I was about to write and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Seal….” (Capital S-E, A-L) “Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not. (It is on the backside) When a book is completed….. After it is all done completed, then these Seven thunders, voices, is the only thing that is stuck to the Book, this is not revealed. It is not even written in the Book.” …Sirs, is this the time? (Pg. 38)

“Notice, Revelations 5:1. Listen at this now.
“And I saw in the right hand of him that set on the throne a book written within (the writing was inside) and on the backside, sealed with seven seals.”
Now there is writing on the inside of the Book, but the backside had seven seals on the back of it that wasn’t written in the Book.” …Sirs, is this the time (37)
Without breaking the outer seals (the seals that are stuck to the scroll) the inner seals (the seals that are written in the scroll) cannot be revealed. The great prophet before the revealed the written seals to the church, broke upon the outer Seal first. The message of “Sirs, is this the time?” contains the revealed mysteries of the outer Seals; and these revealed mysteries were not made known to the Church until now. Because the Church has now come to the time of His coming, the Lord has made these revealed mysteries known to the Church. Since the message of “Sirs, is this the time?” contains the revealed mysteries of the “Thunders”, the prophet has insisted much in other messages to road this particular message of “sirs, is this the time?”.
“Then the little fellows, if you will just hold your amens the children. Just wait just a little while, because I want this to be surely gotten, because many will not have the tape. So, I want you to be sure to get it.” – Sirs, is this the time? (5)
“…How many in here have read what Time is it Sirs? or have heard it, you known What Time is it Sirs, That’s bothered me quite a bit. If you haven’t I wish some, if you could get to hear it or some way….” – The Breach (68)
“Now notice, remember the vision of the constellation Charlie, here you are. Something gain on, I told you, this week that you… It’s been all round you but I wonder if you noticed it. Remember the constellation of the vision of the Angels when I left here to go to Arizona? Do you remember “What time is it, Sirs?” Do you remember that.”….The Seventh Seal (Pg. 559)
“The Lord showed me a vision one day about ten O’clock one morning, and I came and explained at here that I’d seen it, didn’t know what it was – it was a constellation of Seven Angels. We’ll Remember that. You’ll get it on the tape, called, “What time is it, Sirs. Well know, that is exactly what You’re seeing now.” …The Seventh Seal (Pg. 577)
“Another thing I want you to notice, what taken place. And if you’re listening to the tape of the “What time is it Sirs?” ….The Seventh Seal (Pg. 578)
We will understand this revealed mystery of the outer seals more clearly as the Lord takes us into the messages on the Seventh Seal and other mysteries. It is not possible to isolate any of these mysteries and go deeper into it without penetrating into other mysteries because those mysteries are interconnected.
The following passages taken from some of the prophet’s messages will give an understanding about the revelation of Thunders. If we need the messages of the prophet very carefully under the guidance of the Holy spirit, the Lord will show many more substantiating passages.
It is the revelation of Jesus Christ
“And Seven Thunders right in the revelation, here, of jesus Christ, is some mystery. Does not the Bible say, that this is the revelation of Jesus Christ? Well, there is some hidden mystery them of it… What is it? The Seven Thunders have it…” …Sirs, is this the time?
It will not be outside the bible, but it will reveal the hidden truth of the written word
“…these Seven seals that’s held that Book is a mystery to people, should be open at that day. That’s what He promised, Now, it won’t be nothing outside the word, because you can’t add to the word or take from the word. It’s got to remain always the Word. But the revelation is to reveal the Truth of It, what it is, to make it fit with the rest of the Scripture. And then God indicates that to be the Truth.” …The Rapture
It will give the revelation of the Word missed in the ages of past
“Now, someone said, `Well, that Seven seals then, Brother Branham, that will be revealed in the last days, some great mystery how we get closer to God…! No Sir, it cant be. `Whosoever shall take one word from This Bible or add one word to It, his part will be taken …. the Book of Life, What it is, is a revelation on what has been missed back there, to bring… It’s already wrote here; It in here; it’s to reveal what already’s been written (see?), `cause you can’t add one thing to It, or take one word from It.” …Feast of the Trumpets (Pg. 102)
It will give the complete revelation of Jesus Christ which was hidden till this end of time
“This is the complete revelation of Jesus Christ, and the Seven Seals had the mysteries hid of what it all was, and is supposed to open it in the last day, at the Laodicean age, at the end of time. Thank be to God, that finishes the Message to the Church.” …Feast of the Trumpets (Pg. 102)
“I’m thankful for this Spiritual food, Lord – the Spiritual food of the Seven Seals was promised to be opened. `You say that will be something different.’ No, no… you can’t and one word or take… it’s already in there. It’s just hid; it’s sealed. It’s just hid; it’s sealed. How many understands that say, `Amen!
See, you say, `Well, that’s a mystery that will come forth’. No, no, it’s already written. You can’t add one word to It or take one from It, See, it’s already in there. It’s just got to be revealed in the last days.” …Invisible Union of the Bride (Pg.52)
“Then back out there at the beginning of the Seven Seals, when those seven Angels come down in that pyramid form, stood there and told me to return back here and speak on those Seven seals. He’d be with me. He showed me what they were, the lst things. I always thought it was sealed on the back of the Book on it’d be something wan’t written on the Book, but it turned out that it was made known that He cannot do that. It isn’t something that’s written in the book…. It’s something that’s been hid in the Book. …Spiritual Food in due Season (Pg. 13)
The Complete plan of redemption is revealed
“….it’s sealed with Seven Seals, And then it’s on the back side is because it’s wound up; the sealed mystery is one the inside, and it only says the white horse ridden or the black horserider and what more on the outside, but the mystery of the whole Book is in those Seals from Genesis to Revelation a complete plan of redemption is revealed in these Seven Seals, oh, it’s an important time. God help us to get.” …The Breach (Pg.92)
Things would come into a clear view
“Oh, brother, Sister, are you catching it? Look! Don’t you see It’s been veiled through these ages according to what God said, and It would be opened in the last days, those Seven Seals would be broke, and the full thing would come into view of the people, what’s took place all along.” …The Unveiling of God (Pg.29)
So the revelation of the Thunders will not be anything outside of the Scriptures, but it will bring the hidden truth of the word into a clear view to give a complete and full revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ and of His full plan of redemption at this hour of His coming Amen.
The revelation of the Thunders will not be outside the Bible and the Prophet’s message
A drop of the blood placed on a glass slide will appear as a red spot to the naked eye. But, if the same drop of blood is viewed through a microscope the various things that are in the blood are clearly seen. Now, these various things viewed through the microscope were not anything outside the drop of blood. But they were hidden in the blood and new they are made visible through the microscope.
Now, science has so much advanced that the scientists have developed Electron microscope of very high magnification to have a clear knowledge of micro things. “Natural types the Spiritual” has said the great prophet Branham. Through the revelation of Thunders, the Lord has now, in the time of his coming, revealed the hidden things of written word of God and had made it plain to the Bride. Now, through the revelation of the thunders, the Lord has given a complete revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ and of the complete plan of redemption.
All through the seven Church Ages, people had only a limited revelation of the Word as the Spirit gave to them. When the Lord raised the prophet Branham as the divine interpreter, the word became more clear. We solemnly believe that the prophet’s complete message is the amplification of the Scriptures for the believers. Through the prophet’s message we see the word more clearly, and understand it better. So, to a believer, the prophet’s message is like a magnifying lens making the word more magnified (revealed). As we were studying the word through the magnifying lens, the prophet’s message, the Lord by all His amazing grace has slipped in another magnifying lens – the revelation of Thunders, without our knowledge, over the prophet’s message, thus enabling the Bride to see the word in plain view through the prophet’s message. Two magnifying lenses arranged coaxially form a microscope. So, through the revelation of Thunders, the Lord is giving a complete revelation of Himself and is plan of redemption. Therefore the things revealed through the revelation of the Thunders will not be outside the WORD and the prophet’s message.

This great privilege of seeing the WORD through this second lens of the “revelation of Thunders” is not given to many but only to the elect, the Bride. So, many of the believers will disregard and reject this message because of its simplicity.
“That’s the only way you’ll know Him today; only way you’ll get the threefold revelation of God is for the Holy Ghost …. and the only way it can ever be, is you’re predestinated to see it, if it don’t, you’ll never see it. If you are not predestinated to see it, you’ll never see it, `Cause that Light can flash and you’ll go away and make fun of it and explain it away by some intellectual conception when the very God Himself manifesting Himself and proving it. See? But if it ain’t upon you to see it, you won’t see it…” …Christ is the mystery of God revealed (Pg. 50)
In Bro. Jackson’s dream, as narrated in “Sirs, is this the time?” the great prophet after interpreting the writings on the rock went to the top and opened the capstone by a sharp tool. And he asked the brethren to watch the whitestone. Then he slipped away from them and went westward and vanished away. “Then the brethren turned around, after while and said, `Did he vanish? Where did he go?’ And he said that some took on that way, some took one way and some another, but a very few stayed and looked on to what I had told them” …Sirs, is this the time? (Pg. 15)
1. When would the Thunders be revealed?
…… in its time
“He makes it plain when it is time to make it plain. But he didn’t make it plain then. Why? Because He was going to keep it a secret until the last days, and the sounding of the last angel’s Message was to gather up these mysteries to make it clear. …First Seal (Pg. 143)
“…. it won’t be known `till that time, but it will be revealed in that day, in the hour that it’s supposed to be revealed in…”
“…We know that this Seventh Seal cannot be broke to the public until that hour arrives.” …The Seventh Seal (Page 576)
….When the Pyramid gets up to the top “
…Waiting for the fullness of time, when the Pyramid gets up to the top, when the full sons of God will be manifested….” …Adoption (Pg. 114)
….In the last days
“…it would be manifested in the last days, waiting and groaning for those sons of God to rise in the last days, with the power of the Holy Ghost at the end of the age, to reveal the secret things from the foundation of the world, to bring it up.” ….Adoption (Pg. 32)
“I believe that through these seven thunders will be revealed in the last days in order to get the Bride together for rupturing faith”. …The First Seal (Pg. 128)
… at the coming time
“If it is coming time that the revelation of the Seven Thunders will be revealed to the Church…”. …Sirs, is this the time? (Pg.53)
…. at the end time “
…We’re at the end time, and God is adopting, setting positionally in Church, in the Body of Christ…” …Adoption (Pg.75)
….at the end of time “
…This is the complete revelation of Thunders. Seven seals had the mysteries hid of what it all was, and is supposed to open it in the last day, at the Laodicean age at the end of time”. – Feast of the Trumpets (Pg. 1102)
Because the Lord has revealed the Thunder mysteries to The Church, it is clear beyond and shadow of doubt that the church has now come to the coming time of the Lord – Amen.
III. Who will reveal the Thunder Mysteries?
Mysteries of God are revealed in three stages:
“Do you believe in God’s mathematics? If you don’t, you’re sure lost…” – The Seventh Seal (Pg. 536)
“Now, in threes and sevens in God’s number in His mathematics of revealing His word…” – The Seventh Seal (Pg. 574)
God always reveals His mysteries in three stages. To begin with the Mysteries of God were hid in His great mind before the foundation of the world.
“But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto tur glory” – I Cor 2:7
When God spoke out the mysteries it appeared as if it thundered.
“Father, glorify thy name. Then came a voice from heaven saying I have both glorified it, and will glorify it again. The people therefore, that stood by, and heard it, said that it thundered…” – John 12: 28, 29
“And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as to were the noise of Thunder… – Rev. 6:1
“It thundered as soon as the Lamb struck the Seal. And what did it reveal? Not all the itself. First it was God, next It’s in a symbol then It’s revealed – three things…” – The First Seal (Pg. 139)
The Thunder mysteries are also revealed in three stages
First Stage: Apostle John heard it only as a Thunder and the mystery still remained a hidden mystery.
Second Stage: The great prophet Branham has revealed the Thunder mystery in a symbolic form in his messages. So, the hidden mystery became the revealed mystery through the prophets message. It was not fully made known to the Church at that time because it was not the time for the Church to understand it.
Third stage: In this end of time, the coming time of the Lord, this revealed mystery of Thunders is revealed and made known to the Elect Bride through the manifested sons of God as prophesied by the great prophet Branham.
“these mysteries had been hid now, remember, the Bible said, “Since the foundation of the world, waiting for the manifestations of the sons of God”, to display them to the Church. Oh, my! you get it?” – Adoption (Pg. 31)
“What do you think the writer of this Book that seen it, and seen where it would be manifested in the last days, waiting and groaning for those sons of God to rise in the last days with the power of the Holy Ghost at the end of the age, to reveal the secret things from the foundation of the world, to bring it up…” – Adoption (Pg. 32)
“…He opened these seven mysteries in there, and it show forth and brings forth these things that have been hid since the foundation of the world – might be revealed in the last days – to sons of God. They brought that forth now before the people that they see it. There you now to this undenominational bride”. – Invisible Union of the Bride (Pg. 43)
In this end of time the Bride will recognise the manifested sons of God through revelation and align herself with the word through the revelation of the Thunders which is the last `Trumpet’ message to the last church. Amen (We will study in more detail about the manifested sons of God as the Lord leads us to the next continuing message of the Revelation of the mystery of the Manifested Sons of God.
IV. To Whom would the mystery of Thunders be revealed?
Whenever God sends a message it always separated a little group of people from the rest of the unbelievers. In the days of Noah only eight people received the message. In the days of the prophet John it was mostly the publicans and the harlosts who believed the message. When Martin Luther came only a little group of people accepted the message and separated themselves from Roman Papalism. When the great prophet Branham came, only a little group of people was separated from the denominational churches. Now, the Lord is sending His last Trumpet message, the revelation of Thunders, to separate the Elected Bride (the wise virgins). Many saints of God, who profess to be the believers of the prophet’s message, will reject this winding up message because of its simplicity.
Only to the predestinated ones
“That’s the only way you’ll know Him today; only way you’ll get the threefold revelation of God is for the Holy Ghost – And the only way it can ever be, is you’re predestinated to see it, If it don’t, you’ll never see it. If you are not predestinated to see it, you’ll never see it, `cause that Light can flash and you’ll go away and make fun of it and explain it away by some intellectual conception when the very God Himself manifesting Himself and providing”. – Christ is the mystery of GOD revealed (Pg. 50)
Only to His Bride
“But His mystery is only revealed to His beloved Bride. That’s the only one could see it”.
“But all this mystery is revealed only as He promised to His Bride. Hell is against this Truth of the revelation of this mystery. But the Bride is standing on it. That is Her stand.” – Christ is the mystery of God revealed (Pg. 71, 72)
Only to these who have obeyed in small things
“Were back into something now that God’s revealing the hidden mysteries that’s bean put on the Book before the foundation of the world.
And these who have obeyed in these small things will catch it in these other things, If you haven’t, it’ll go over the top of your head as far as the east is from the west.” – Seals Questions & Answers (Pg. 491)
Only to these who are alert
“We are sure to miss the thing unless it is absolutely, genuinely revealed by the Holy spirit and vindicated the same. His children will things and be alert.
Only to these who have the spirit of God and wait upon the Lord
“Now, watch! They that have the spirit of God wait for these things. And when they see these things, they believe these things. Jesus said, “No man can came to no except my father draws him, and all that the faith or has given he they will come to me.
They wait on the Lord, waiting, and when they do, they see that promise of today being vindicated, it renews their faith in His word”. – Doing God a service without His will ( 33)
“He that promised these things in the last days He that said these things, He that’s now in the time of the revelation of these things being made known “come and dine”. Oh. don’t miss it. my brother”. – The Breach (Pg. 112)
Though many believed will reject this last Trumpet message the Bride will catch it because she is foreordained for that – Amen!
V. What is the purpose of God revealing the mysteries of the Thunders
In one stroke the Lord achieves many things. By revealing the mysteries of the Thunders the Lord achieves the following various things:
The bride will be awakened and revived
“The Bride hasn’t had a revival yet. There has been no revival there-no manifestation of God to God to stir the Bride yet, see? We’re looking for it. It will take these seven unknown thunders back there to wake her up again. He will send it. He promised it”. – The third seal (Pg. 253)
To catch that Bride
“Noticed! But watch when the spiritual Bride when she begins to have a revival, when she begins to come back and line Herself up with the Word of God, watch then again, you see, how that the Scripture at that time, there will be a message sweep out to catch that Bride – catch that woman elect. – Invisible Union of the Bride (Pg. 9)
To gather his bride together
“Then we have go at the revelation in this last days for the message of the Lord God to gather His Bride together”. – Invisible Union of the Bride (Pg. 29)
To set the Church in its position
“What’s the whole erection waiting for? The manifestations of the sons of God. It’s waiting for the Church to become into its position – God trying to place His church in position…” – Adoption (Pg. 88, 89)
To produce the rupturing faith
“….and the Seven thunders throwed their voices out. What if it is something to let us know how to enter into the rupturing faith…” – Sirs, is this the time? (Pg. 46)
“Is that really these Seven thunders fixing to utter out something that the little group that has gathered together will receive a rupturing faith to go in the Rap ture when He comes…” – Sirs, is this the time? (Pg. 51)
“And I believe that through these seven thunders will be revealed in the last days in order to get the Bride together for rupturing faith; – The first Seal (Pg. 128)
“But when these seven thunders ever in Rev.10 uttered, he said, `Don’t write them at all’.. They are mysteries. We don’t know what they are yet, but in my opinion they will be revealed right away. And when they do, it will give faith for that repaturing grace for that Church…” – The First Seal (Pg. 142)
To renew the mind of the Bride
“Now, I want to make this real clear. Everytime, everytime that these Seals has come to the place, everything that I ever believed on them and have read of other people, has been contrary to what come to me in the room. And my mind, at this time.. The reason I had that healing service this ** is because my human mind is becoming so away from my own way of thinking…” – The Seventh Seal (Pg. 529)
“May I just pass this to you. When the Supernatural comes in, That’s the mind of Christ. You become so far away from your own thinking `till in your own mind….”. – The Seventh Seal (Pg. 530)
To produce one heart and one accord
“The pyramid is so perfect that you can’t run a bazor blade between them, where them stones go together. Such beautiful masonry. Some of them would weight hundred of tons up in the air, and so perfectly set together. That’s the way God’s bringing His Church. We are fitly joined together, one heart and one accord”. – Adoption (Pg. 107)
To place His fullness in the church
“By having the revelation of His secret made known to them by His grace it means the Church, that He’s trying to get into it….” – Christ is the mystery of God Revealed (Pg. 58)
To cap the Pyramid
‘Seriously think! if it is, then the Pyramid is capped by the Seven thunders. That is now He makes the individual. He caps him and seals him with the Holy Spirit – and now the Headstone comes to cap off the Church. Does the Thunders mean that, my Brethren?” – Sirs, is this the time (Pg. 47)
To bring the power to the church
“Now, will this be the mystery that would open up, that would bring Christ, bring a power to the Church” – Sirs, is this the time (Pg. 49)
The reveal the coming of the Lord
“And Seven thunders uttered their voices, and john was even forbidden to write it (See? – the coming of the Lord.”) – Christ is the mystery of God revealed (Pg. 17)
“But you see, it’s a hiddon mystery. now one knows it. But it… right along with what he said: no one would know His coming: they also would not know about this seven thunder mystery. So you see, it’s connected together”. – The Seventh Seal (Pg. 576)
” Waiting only now for them Seven Mysteries right at last on the coming of the Lord…” – Warming, them Judgement
To reveal the plan of redemption
“… but the mystery of the whole Book is in those seals from Genesis to Revelation, a complete plan of redemption is revealed in these Seven Seals. Oh, it’s an important time, God help us to The Breach (Pg. 92)
“… for the Bride to attain the perfection of Christ
The revelation of the mysteries of the Thunders gives us a complete and perfect revelation of Christ and His plan of redemption. When the mysteries of Thunders are completely revealed to the Bride she would have attained the perfect stature of Christ being filled is known of Christ. Amen.
“…Now I know in part;but then I shall know and understand fully and clearly, even in the same manner as I have been fully and clearly known and understand by God.” – I Cor. 13:12 (Amplified)
“Look! What was once God’s great secret, great mysteries secret in His mind, is now put in the hearts of the believer, that is the Body of Christ. .. What was once in God’s mind is now in the Body of Christ.. By having the revelation of His secret made known to them by His grace… It means the church, that He’s trying to get into it…” – Christ is the mystery of GOD revealed (58)
“… His Church is Himself revealed….” “Look, God in His Body – Christ and Christ in His Body – the Bride. Oh my! God made manifest in Christ; Christ made manifest in the Bride…” – Christ is the mystery of God revealed ( 39,58)
“…His Church is Himself revealed….”
“Look, God in His Body-Christ and Christ in His Body – the Bride. Oh my! God made manifest in Christ; Christ made manifest in the Bride…” -Christ is the mystery of God revealed (.39,60)
VI How to check the genuineness of the revelation of the Thunders?
The Bible teachers us to prove all things and hold fast that which is correct.
“Prove all things, hold fast that which is good.” -I Thess 5:21
Our forefathers, the early Christians, checked everything with the vindicated word of God and distinguished the TRUTH from the false.
“I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars.” -Rev. 2:2
Because the great prophet has said that the mystery of the Thunders would be revealed at the end of time, many people might come with their own messages claiming them to be the revelation of Thunders. The prophet himself has given very clear instructions how to .. the genuineness of a revelation. The following passages would be of great help to … whether a revelation if rom God or not.
“You say, `Well, this angel appeared to St. Bonfiaco and said this, that, and the other and they should say this. I don’t doubt that a bit in my mind but what some body seen the vision. I don’t doubt but what Joseph Smith Say the vision, but it wasn’t according to the rest the world. So, therefore to me it’s wrong. It has to come with the rest of the word. So, therefore to me it’s wrong. It has to come with the rest of the word.
That’s the way with the Church ages and Seals and all the rest of it. And when anybody thinks that he has these seven thunders, if it don’t compare with the rest of the Word, there’s something wrong. It’s got to come “Thus Saith the Lord” in for this is the Book – this is the revelation of Jesus Christ in its entirety”. – The Fourth Seal ( 284)
When God gives a new revelation it will a gree with the entire Scripture. He will not violate His own word. When a new revelation dovetails completely with the entire Scripture it becomes as “Thus saith the Lord; because the entire scripture is “Thus saith the Lord”
“And it’s got to be, “Thus saith the Lord”, because it’s not only as I say it, me knowing it myself, but the word of the Lord is “Thus saith the Lord”. And here is the word taking what he has give to me and blending it together and showing it, so you will know yourself it’s ‘Thus saith the Lord”. – The Sixth Seal (447)
According to the word
“How you judge him? By the way he stays with the word, right with the word. See, that’s how you know all man, is by the way he stays with the word. `If they speak not according to the word, there” no life in them’, says the Bible. – Adoption (89)
Check with the Music sheet
“Now, the only way you’ll know what the trumpet sound is, is to look what the music shush says. That’s all. It’s a great symphony the composer has wrote the book, and director must be in the same spirit of the composer. If he don’t he gives the wrong beat it according to the Sheet Music right here before us, then the great symphony of God’s great act is playing out just right, then we see the hour and where we’re standing” – Feast of the Trumpets (103).
If a revelation is contrary to the Word, then it isn’t Revelation – The First Seal (122)
“Now I have to say this just the way it comes to me: and if it comes to me and didn’t compare with the rest of the Scriptures, then God never gave it Scripture has to agree with Scripture and anything contrary to the Scripture if that Angel of the Lord told me anything that wasn’t scriptural. I wouldn’t believe him… – The Third Seal (267)
“When God revealed His promise to them; and not only did He reveal it, but He proved it. That’s what I’ve always said: “A man can say anything, (he’s just apt to say anything) but when God comes around and vindicates that…” – The Third Seal (273)
“…Then I just tie it right in. I know that’s God as long as it’s comparing Scripture with Scripture. That’s the way you have to do. Just like putting a building together – the stones have to fit stone by stone.” – The Fourth Seal ( 236)
“You let the Holy Spirit – He is the prophet of the day. Let him come into your heart now, and examine with the word of God, and the doubts about the message will be all dissolved. He dissolves all the doubt. You’ll find out, it is exactly on the word for this day”. – Invisible union of the Bride (27)
Humble yourself and come to God!
“See, you say, “Well, that’s a mystery that will come forth.” No, no it’s already written. You can’t add one word to it or take one from it. See, it’s already in there. It’s just got to be revealed in the last days.
Won’t you come? Come on now friends. If you cant understand, come kneel down and talk to Him about it. If I can’t make it plain to you, He will for He is the dissolves of all doubts. – Invisible Union of the Bride (52).