Christ Branham







"A short and quick message that will shake the whole nation" - And knoweth it not(39)


Many things are connected with this GREAT SEVENTH SEAL. God’s entire mystery ends in this Seventh Seal. This is the climax and the culmination of God’s Great plan of Redemption.

Nature, the Greater Prophet has said, is the FIRST BIBLE. So, even in the nature we see the complete plan of redemption is hidden. When God, in the beginning, created the Nature He had His plan of redemption in His Great Mind. Now, God has successfully placed His own Perfect Mind in His True Church at this period of the Seventh Seal. So we see the complete plan of redemption in the nature as our Creator saw His own plan of redemption in the nature when He created them.

“My FIRST BIBLE was NATURE. If you’ll just watch the way nature works, you can find God”.- God’s Eagles (7)

“Now as we see that all of the natural things is a type of the Spiritual things… That was my FIRST BIBLE. Before I ever read a page in the Bible, I know God. Because the BIBLE is WRITTEN EVERYWHERE in nature; and it just corresponds with the word of God… just so many things that we could type God in nature”.- The Choosing of a Bride (7)

“And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him:”- Colo 3:10.

“Now I know in part; but then I shall know and understand fully and clearly, even in the same manner as I have been fully and clearly known and understood by God”- I Corin 13:12 (Amplified)

Harvest is the end of cultivation and it is reaping in plenty of what was sown as the seed. It is the gathering of the fruits of the hard toiling of cultivation. Israelites were asked to observe two feasts related to their harvest.

  1. The feast of the first fruits
  2. The feast of the ingathering.

“And thou shalt observe the feast of weeks, of the first fruits of wheat harvest, and the feast of ingathering at the year’s end.”
-Exodus 34:22

The Seventh Seal is only the spiritual fulfillment of these two feasts of the first fruits and ingatherings.

The Lord Jesus died as the original seed of Wheat and He became the quickening spirit, so that He could pour HIS ENTIRE LIFE (THE HOLY SPRIT) into the hearts of His children and bring them up to His own PERFECT STATURE and make them REAL CHRISTS in His own image thus fulfilling HIS PROMISE that was given as the HOPE to the church when people were saved.

When the Great prophet was made The Christ during the Third pull it was the spiritual fulfillment of the Feast of the First Fruits. Now it is the fulfillment of the feast of ingathering when the Bride is being filled with all the fullness of God.

“And not only the creation, but we ourselves too, who have and enjoy the first fruits of the Holy spirit – a foretaste of the blissful things to come – groan inwardly as we wait for the redemption of our bodies, our adoption (our manifestation as God’s Sons) for in this hope we were saved”.-Romans 8:23, 24

“Three is perfection. The ministry come to its perfection when it REPRODUCED CHRIST AGAIN IN NATURAL AMONGST HUMAN BEINGS”
– Souls that are in prison now (50) The Seventh Seal is the end of the entire plan of Redemption.

“We must remember that this Seventh Seal is the end of time of all things.. it every bit ends. It is the end; it is the end of the struggling world. It’s the end of struggling nature. It’s the end of everything”.- The Seventh Seal (556)

When God became Christ it was the BEGINNING. Now Man has become CHRIST and it is the END. The revelation of God becoming Christ gave us the revelation to see Christ as Alpha. Now, the revelation of Man becoming Christ gives us the revelation to see the Christ as Omega, and this is the revelation which was kept hidden in the Book of Revelation which was written quite a long time after the church had already been founded on the revelation that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of the Living God.

The revelation of Christ as ALPHA gave us the first fruits of the Spirit The revelation of Christ as OMEGA has already given us the Fullness of the spirit.

One Christ died and has produced many Christs at the end of the last church age. The entire theme of the seventh seal is, how man has become perfect Christ”.
In this chapter the Holy Spirit is leading us to see the various things that have taken place at various stages of this Great Seventh Seal.

After a thorough and comparative study of the Church History with the Scriptures Rev.1-3, the Great Prophet gave a Message on Seven Church Ages in 1960. In this message he has fixed the Seven Church messengers.

When all the written mysteries were revealed there came the time for the Lord to reveal the Unwritten Mysteries, the Seals.

The Great prophet has revealed that there are two kinds of seals.
  1. The Written Seals
  2. The Unwritten Seals.
“.. The Seven Seals that we are trying to speak of (when we come this time) are the Seven written seals, and these Seven Seals, as you know, are just the manifestation of the Seven Angels of the Seven Churches. But there are seven other seals that are on the back side of the Book – outside the Bible”.- Sirs, Is this the time? (30) “Now there is writing on the inside of the Book, but the backside had Seven Seals on the back of it that wasn’t written in the Book”- Sirs, Is this the time? (37) To reveal the written Seals, first of all the unwritten Seals had to be broken. In seals we have to understand two things to have a clear revelation about the opening up of the Seals. Breaking of the Seals (Events of the Seals) 2. Revealing of the Seals (Revelation of those events from the word) Though both seem to carry the same meaning, there is a vast difference between them. The first one is the event of the manifestation of the Power of God. The Second one is revealing of the Scriptures related to the particular event. “… Did you notice each one of those ages, as I told you about the Church coming in, there was a Trumpet sounded, a Seal tore loose;… Don’t miss it now. Notice, each Church age had its messenger. We know that. Paul was the first messenger. And when the first trumpet sounded, and the First Seal was tore loose…”- Sirs, Is this the time? (33) The Great Prophet Branham opened the Seals and revealed that each Church Messenger had broken a Seal in his respective Church age. Paul and other Church Messengers broke their respective Seals by the Manifestation of the power of God. Where as the Christ Branham gave the revelation of those seals by opening up of the scriptures. Even this act of revealing those Written Seals was the Manifestation of the breaking of the First Seal (Unwritten). In Revelation Chapter 5 We see that only the Christ had prevailed to receive the Sealed Book and break open the Seals. The event of the breaking of the First Seal (Unwritten Seal that was struck to the Scroll) was the Coming of Christ to reveal (by the opening up of the Word) the Seals that were broken by the messenger of each church age. When the Great Prophet opened the Written Seals two things had taken place. First, the first Seal (Unwritten Seal struck to the Scroll) was broken, and that is why there was a blast of Thunder. When the Seven Angels came in a constellation in the shape of a Pyramid. The significance of this Great event was that the Great Prophet was made the Christ to open the Seven Seals. That is to say that the Lion of the tribe of Juda and the Root of David, who became the Quickening Spirit after His ascension poured Himself fully into the Great Prophet and thus making him the Christ reproduced from among human beings. Various promises related to the Second Coming of the Lord have already been fulfilled in the ministry of the Great Prophet. “The Seventh Seal brings Him back to earth. The Lamb came and took the Book out of the right hand of Him and sat down, and claimed what He Owned. What He had redeemed… Three is perfection. The ministry come to its PERFECTION when it REPRODUCED CHRIST AGAIN IN NATURAL AMONGST HUMAN BEINGS”. “ Then when the last name on that Book was redeemed, the Lamb came forth and took the Book. I’M THE ONE THAT DID IT. “-Souls that are in prison now (50,25) “The last Book in the Bible (Revelation) shows us that there will be a Return of Him in the last days to the Gentile Church”-True sign overlooked (33,36) “He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also’ Jesus said that, See? Now, we’re going to have, we got a ministry coming that’s just exactly like the life of Christ. What does that ministry identify? The coming of the Lord” “ We’re living in the last day, the generation that will see Jesus Christ return to earth. This day this Scripture is fulfilled in your sight….” -This day this Scripture is fulfilled (34) “After almost two thousand years God has visited again”.-Going beyond the camp “The Elijah of this day is the Lord Jesus Christ. He is to come according to Luke 17:30. He’s the Son of Man that’s to reveal Himself among His people not a man, GOD!”-Doing God a service without His will “When they look and even see Jesus Himself, they fail to recognize Him… SO IS IT TODAY”-Look away to Jesus (26) To understand this in detail please read the Message on the revelation of the Coming of the Lord.
  1. Secondly, The Christ Branham revealed the Unwritten Seal. Thus the event of the opening of the Seals was the beginning of the Seventh Seal (Written) and also it was the break opening of the First Seals (Unwritten).
One of the purposes of God opening the Seals is to show three things to His children. 1. What God was doing in the past. 2. What God is doing at the present. 3. What God is going to do in the future. “…under these seals, if they ever get… when they are opened, you can see exactly what God is a – doing, what He has done, what He is going to do.”- The Sixth Seal (427) Through the opening of the Seals God renews the mind and replaces His own mind into His predestinated seeds. when the Great Prophet opened the Seven Seals his mind was completely renewed and the perfect mind was placed in him, to understand THE ENTIRE MYSTERY OF GOD. Thus he was made THE FIRST FRUIT of the HARVEST. Out of the three things only the first one, that is, what God was doing till the time of opening up of the Seals was revealed to the Church. The other two things were kept as mystery to be revealed by the Thunder revelations at this time of His coming. Now, God by His sovereignty has raised the Seven Manifested Sons of God and has already sent the Revelation of Thunders to reveal what God was accomplishing in the Life and the ministry of the Great Prophet at the time of opening up of the Seals and what He is doing at present and what He is going to do in the future. Thus, He is renewing the mind of the Bride and is placing His fulness in her. Now, the entire Mystery of God has been revealed to the Bride. This is the spiritual fulfillment of the feast of ingathering. Now, the time has come for the Lord to take the produce of the Harvest to the Garner. This is the end of the Church age. THE VARIOUS THINGS THAT ARE INVOLVED IN THE SEVEN SEALS: (1) …..HIS COMING….. “Seventh Seal hasn’t opened yet you know, that’s HIS COMING”- Feast of the Trumpets (25) “This Book’s already opened, (that’s right) just waiting for the Seventh Seal to be identified with coming of Christ”- What Shall I do with Jesus (43) “Because the Seventh Seal, there was Silence, No one knew that was the minute, hour that Christ would come as He revealed it to us”.-Feast of the Trumpet (22) (2) ….THREEFOLD MANNER…. “And now as certain as I stand in the platform tonight, I had the revelation that revealed – It’s in a three-fold manner”-The Seventh Seal (557) “Now, do you notice on the opening of this Seventh Seal, it’s also in a threefold mystery….. The Seven Thunders in Heaven will unfold this mystery…….”-The Seventh Seal (575) (3) …..BRINGS HIM TO EARTH….. “The Seventh Seal brings Him back to earth”- Souls that are in prison now (50) (4) ……REVELATION CHAPTER 10…… “Revelation 10 was Seventh Seal”- Feast of the Trumpets (38)
“…That’s on the Seventh Seal. It’s just like firing a rocket in to the air and that rocket explodes here and it goes up, and then it explodes again. It pumps out five stars. One of those stars explodes and blows out five stars from it; see; it fades on out. That’s what this Seventh Seal – it just ends the time for the world”- The Seventh Seal (556) (6) ……MESSAGE OF THE SEVENTH ANGEL ….. “Now, the Angel was to my left, would really be the last or Seventh Angel …. his coming towards the east ….. so that would be the last angel’s Message – very notable – and his great sharp wings and how he flew right to me. Now, that is this Seventh Seal”.- The Seventh Seal (578) (7) ……. END OF THE CHURCH AGE …….. “This Seventh Seal …….. end of the Church age. It’s the end of the Seventh Seal……..”- The Seventh Seal (578) ONE OF THE PURPOSES OF OPENING OF THE SEALS “……when they are opened, YOU CAN SEE EXACTLY what God is a – doing. What he has done, what He is going to do. Here it is exactly” – The Sixth Seal (427)
  • What God did in the past.
  • What God is doing at the present.
  • What God is going to do in the future.
Because the Fullness was placed in the Great Prophet he understood the ENTIRE MYSTERY of God and revealed them in the Seven Seals. But it was not the time for the Bride to understand the entire mystery of God. So, God revealed only the mystery related to what He had already done until the time of opening up the Seals. The other two things, though they were revealed, were kept as the Revealed Mystery to be revealed at the time of His coming. ALWAYS GOD INTERPRETS WHAT HE HAS DONE “Now reveals all the mysteries THAT HAS GONE ON IN THE PAST” – The First Seal (129) “….these revelations then of what it has been breaks forth upon the people, and see what’s happened. Do you get it now?” – The First Seal (132) “….And so was all the mysteries of God waiting for this last day. AFTER IT’S ALREADY BEEN COMPLETED THEN HE REVEALS; HE SHOWS WHAT HE’S DONE, OH, MY! NEVER GAVE HIS MYSTERY IN FULL” – Christ is the Mystery of God Revealed (33) The only thing how God was pouring out His spirit into the Church in various stages to counter act the spirit of antichrist through white horse, red horse, black horse and pale horse was revealed to the Church at the time of opening of the Seals. What God was accomplishing at that very time of opening of the Seals in the life and Ministry of the Great Prophet and what God was fixing to do in the future after the death of the Great Prophet were not revealed to the Church at that time. That is why the Great Prophet was mentioning about these hidden mysteries as “something is happening” and “something is fixing to happen”. Now, God has revealed these mysteries by opening the Seventh Seal because the predestinated time has come for the Church to know the revelations of the Seventh Seal to attain the perfection to go in the Rapture. The Church age ends at the end of the FOURTH SEAL. “….After the four horse riders has went out, the Church is gone see?”. – The Seventh Seal (534) It is very clear that the Church goes in the Rapture at the end of the FOURTH SEAL. So, it is evident that the Seven Church Ages were kept concealed within the FOUR SEALS. When the Great Prophet opened the Seven Seals he pulled out these Seven Church Ages from the FOUR SEALS and displayed to the Church. THE SEVEN WRITTEN SEALS AND THE SEVEN UNWRITTEN SEALS There are two kinds of Seals.
  1. The Written Seals
  2. The Unwritten Seals
“The Seven seals that we are trying to speak of (when we come this time) are the Seven Written Seals, and these Seven Seals, as you know, are just the manifestation of the Seven Angels of the Seven Churches. But there are Seven other seals that are on the back side of the Book – outside the Bible”. – Sirs, Is this the time? (30) The Great Prophet has revealed that these Seven Written Seals are only the manifestation of the Seven Church Angels and also he has revealed that the Seven Church Ages were kept hidden within the FOUR SEALS of Rev. So, now it has come to a clarity that THESE SEVEN WRITTEN SEALS ARE QUITE DIFFERENT FROM THE SEVEN SEALS IN THE BIBLE AND THESE SEVEN WRITTEN SEALS WERE KEPT CONCEALED WITHIN THE FIRST FOUR SEALS OF REV.6. The Seven Written Seals have revealed the events of what God has accomplishing in the Seven Church Ages till the time of opening of the Seven seals. The Seven unwritten seals reveal the events of what God has been accomplishing from the time of opening of the Seven seals till will now the very time of the Rapture. “SEVENTH SEAL IS THE COMING OF THE LORD”. “…Seventh Seal hasn’t opened yet, you know, that’s HIS COMING…”
  • Feast of the Trumpets. (108)
Revealing of the Written Seals and the Unwritten Seals The Seven Seals that we are trying to speak of (when we come this time) are the seven written Seals, ….. But there are seven other Seals that are on the back side of the Book…”- Sirs, is this the time? (30) “Notice Seven seals on the Book has … Now, that’s different from the Seven Thunders. “And at the end of the Pentecostal Age we are supposed to receive…. a messenger that will take all those loose ends out there and reveal the whole secret of God for the rapturing of the Church. Then there is coming forth seven mysterious thunders that are not even written at all! And I believe that through these seven thunders will be revealed in the last days in order to get the Bride together for rapturing faith”.- The First Seal (128) “…just waiting for the Seventh Seal to be identified with the COMING OF CHRIST….”- What shall I do with Jesus (42, 43)   “… Now, do you notice on the opening of this Seventh Seal, it’s also in a THREE FOLD MYSTERY…”- The Seventh Seal (575) “And now, as certain as I stand in the platform tonight, I had the revelation that revealed… it’s in a threefold manner”- The Seventh Seal (557 Phase – I   – to reveal the mysteries and to prepare the Bride. Phase – II  – to receive the Bride in the mid air Phase – III – with the Bride on the Mount of Olives to usher into Millennium.
Phase – I (To Prepare the Bride) Phase – II (To Receive the Bride) Phase – III (With the Bride on the Mount Olives)
Luke. 17:22, 26 Matt. 24:27, 39, 44 Matt. 24:30 & 16:27
Matt. 24:37 I Thessa. 4:17 Rev. 1:7 & 6:16-17
John. 14:1-3; I John. 3:2 Rev. 19:11-16
Acts. 3:19-21 Rev. 16:15
I Corin. 5:1-5
Phil. 3:20, 21
IIThessa. 1:9
Heb. 9:28
Rev. 10:1-7
Rev. 3:20
John. 16:20, 21
“The Seventh Seal brings Him back to earth”- Souls that are in prison now (50) “Revelation 10 was Seventh Seal”- Feast of the Trumpets (38) TWO DIFFERENT MINISTRIES THAT WERE HIDDEN IN THE MINISTRY OF THE GREAT PROPHET “Now this messenger of Mal.4 and Rev.10:7 is going to do two things. One : According to Mal.4 he will turn the hearts of the children to the fathers. Two : He will reveal the mysteries of the seven thunders in Rev.10. which are the revelations contained in the seven seals.”- The Seven Church Ages. (327) “…the Lord came down and spoke to me, that MY SECOND MINISTRY that was ready to take place in the near future, And there was spoken into existence three squirrel!”.- The Message of Grace (4) As the Seventh Angel, he revealed all the Written Mysteries in the Bible. When the Seven Angels came in a constellation and visited him he was made the Christ to open the Seals. THE COMING OF THE LORD IS SET IN THREE PHASES “And now, as certain as I stand in the platform tonight, I had the revelation that revealed – it’s in a threefold manner”. “Now, do you notice on the opening of this Seventh Seal, it’s also in a threefold mystery”.- The Seventh Seal (557, 575) “Seventh Seal hasn’t opened yet, you know; that’s His coming”- Feast of the Trumpets (25) So, the coming of the Lord is in three phases” I. …. comes to prepare the Bride
  1. …. comes to catch away the Bride
III. …. comes with the Bride on the Mount of Olives to usher us into the Millennium. “The Seventh Seal brings Him back to earth. The Lamb came and took the Book out of the right hand of Him and sat down and claimed what He owned what He had redeemed. Is that right? It’s always been that Third Pull. Three is perfection. The ministry came to its perfection when it reproduced Christ again in natural amongst human beings”.- Souls that are in prison now (50) “Then when the last name on that Book was redeemed, the Lamb came forth and took the Book. I’m the one that did it!”.- Souls that are in prison now (25) “The last Book in the Bible, (Revelation) shows us that there will be a RETURN of HIM in the last days to the GENTILE CHURCH”.- True Sign overlooked (35, 36) “He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also’ “Jesus said that, see? Now, we’ve going to have, we got a ministry coming that’s just exactly like the life of Christ, What does that ministry identify? THE COMING OF THE LORD”.- Adoption (107) “We’re living in the last day, the generation that will see Jesus Christ return to earth, This day this scripture is fulfilled in your sight…”- This day this Scripture is fulfilled (34) “After almost two thousand years God has visited again”- Going beyond the Camp. THE SEVENTH SEAL BRINGS OUT THE SEVEN ANGELS TO WIND UP THIS AGE “… It’s just like firing a rocket into the air, and that rocked explodes here and it goes up, and then it explodes again, it puts out five stars. One of these stars explodes and blows out five stars from it; and then one of them stars explodes and blows out five stars from it, see; it fades on out. THAT’S WHAT THIS SEVENTH SEAL – It just ends the time for the world”.- The Seventh Seal (556) Generally stars in the Book of revelation represent messengers. Seven stars represent the seven Church Messengers. By giving the above analogy in the Seventh Seal, the Great Prophet was trying to throw an hint about the coming of seven Messengers at this winding up time. This revelation will come to a clarity when you see that there are many passages that blend with this revelation. “… to the angels of the Church of Laodicea….”- Sirs, Is this the time? (46) “…They say there will be a great round up. And cow-boys like dogies will stand… se who it is? the Boss of the riders! That’s the Lamb to the SEVEN MESSENGERS who’s posted and knows every brand”.- The Breach (108) The Seventh Seal brings seven Messengers to the Laodicean Church “It’s just like firing a rocket into the air, and that rocket explodes here and it goes up, and then it explodes again. It puts out five stars… One of these stars explodes and blows out five stars from it… That’s what this Seventh Seal-it just ends the time for the world…”.- The Seventh Seal (556) The great Prophet has given this analogy to show of the coming of seven Messengers in the last days to the Laodicean Church. In this analogy five stars appeared after the disappearance of the first five stars. But in the Book of Revelation seven Stars represent the Seven Church Messengers. The Great prophet Branham was the Seventh Church Messenger. After his disappearance the Lord has raised the Seven Messengers, who are the seven Manifested sons of God. “But this Angel… this said, to the A-N-G-E-L-S of Laodicea”.- Sirs, is this the time? (46) “They say there will be a great round up, And cow boys like dogies will stand… See who it is? the B`ssoss of the riders! That’s the Lamb to the Seven Messengers Who’s posted and knows. He promised that these things would come in the last days and the seventh church age, at the end of it, when the messengers arrived, there it would be. There would be revealed those broken seals.- The Second Seal (223) “God said He will send His angels at the last times. Not angels down through here, but angels at the last time,… an angel is actually interpreted a “messenger”.- The seed of discrepancy (5) “… (Amos 3) He makes it known first, and He promised that these things would come in the last days and the Seventh Church age at the end of it, when the MESSENGERS ARRIVED there it would be. There would be revealed those broken Seals-they would be revealed”.- The Second Seal (223) “… God said He will send His angels at the last times. Not angels down through here, but angels at the last time, and would gather together. We know that this is the coming harvest time now. Now, an angel is actually interpreted a “MESSENGER”. And we see that there is seven angels of the seven Churches, and now…”.- The Seed of Discrepancy (5) If you see the diagram you will know the Seven Church Messengers are represented by Seven Stars in a vertical line to denote that they were raised in different ages and also you will see another set of seven stars in an horizontal line to denote the seven messengers (the Seven Manifested Sons of God) whom God has now raised to wind up this age. And also you will see that these set of stars are in a cyclic order. That is why even the Great Prophet has said that! “Now, what this great secret is that lays beneath this seal, I do not know…. and it unfolded into something else that I seen. Then when I seen that, I looked for the interpretation that flew across there, and I couldn’t make it out. That’s exactly right. See? The hour isn’t quite yet for it, but it’s moving into THAT CYCLE, see.”- The Seventh Seal (567) THE SEVENTH SEAL BRINGS OUT THE MESSAGE OF SEVENTH ANGEL’S SEVENTH OF THE SEVEN MANIFESTED SONS OF GOD “Now, the Angel was to my left, would really be the last, or Seventh Angel… him coming towards the EAST… so that would be the LAST ANGEL’S MESSAGE – very notable …. and his great sharp wings and how he flew right to me. Now that is, this Seventh Seal”.- The Seventh Seal (578) This message of this Seventh Angel is the last message to the last Church. And this is the last Trumpet sound to proclaim and reveal the TRUE SON OF MAN AND HIS COMING. “ … Revelation 10:1-7. And in the days of the sounding of the seventh angel’s Message, the mystery of God should be finished. The hidden mystery of Revelation 10: 1 to 7 the LAST MESSAGE TO THE LAST CHURCH AGE. Fulfills exactly in this age, St. Luke 17:30. The day when the Son of man shall be revealed”.
  • Mountain (23)
“In the very day that the Son of man is revealed, Revelation 10:1-7… The Seventh Angel’s Message, opening up the Seals… What is it? Not the angel is the Son of man. Can you get it separated now? That’s where it seems to be so hard for you. You see? Not the Son of man Himself, but the seventh angel, the seventh messenger, is revealing to the public the Son of man, because it’s left the shuck”. – The Anointed ones at the end time (60-61) Now, the Holy Spirit has pulled out the Seven Unwritten Seals from the Seven Written Seal and is showing it to the True Church through the Seventh Angel (7th of the Manifested Sons of God). BLAST OF THUNDER INDICATES OPENING OF THE FIRST SEAL! ‘HALF AN HOUR SILENCE’ – INDICATES THE LAST SEAL! Seventh Seal of the Unwritten Seals is the coming of the Lord for the Rapture!. When the First Seal was opened, that there was a Thunder? The First Seal in the Book was opened, there was a Thunder. Would not the First Seal on the outside Book open the same way? God doesn’t change His programme. Let’s turn over to Revelation 6. “And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the Seals and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, come and see”. Now, never was another Thunder: and the last Seal was opened, there was space in Heaven for a half hour silence. But the First Seal was opened, there was a blast of Thunder. The Seventh Seal (Written) and the First Seal (Unwritten) were opened at the same time when the Christ came down as the Mighty Angel of Rev. 10:1-7 on 28th Feb.1963. “Seventh Seal is the end of time of all things. It is the end of the Seventh Seal”. IN BETWEEN THE SIXTH AND THE SEVENTH SEALS: “But between the Sixth Seal and the Seventh Seal, there is something that takes place. See? And how lovely that’s placed just at its right place. ..Now, you notice in the 7th Chapter.. and it’s between the Sixth and Seventh Seal that this interval is given. Now, we want to NOTICE THIS. It’s Very important that we notice this little time”.- The Seventh Seal (534) “Now, the 7th chapter of Revelation. reveals a happening. It’s not here just for nothing. It’s not put in between this for nothing, see. it is here for a purpose and it’s a REVELATION THAT REVEALS SOMETHING”.- The Seventh seal (536) “..I keep quoting this over, not so much to you all here, but you see, people. these tapes go everywhere. See, you understand that. You hear me quoting back; it’s for that purpose.”- The Seventh Seal (540) “Let’s just read., Now, listen real close now. Now, I want you to read with me if you can because I’m going to refer back to this just in a little bit. The 7th chapter-now this is between the Sixth and Seventh Seal”- The Seventh Seal (542) “.. There’s a lot of things I can’t explain, but I know it’s real anyhow. All right. This time was between spoken of by Jesus in Mathew the 24th chapter and the 31st verse..”-The Seventh Seal (548) “Now, where are we at, friends? The Seals and everything opening up; we’re getting this in between here. There it is. See where we are sitting? I hope you get it. I haven’t got no education. I know what I’m talking about, but may be I can’t explain it to make sense to you. But I hope that God takes the words that’s mixed up and divides them out right, see, and lets you know what it is, because we’re at the door. We’re here at the time.”- The Seventh Seal (55) God is going to send a message to the people of Israel in between the 6th and the 7th Seals to call out and seal the elected people. This future event is only a shadow of the Real thing that God is accomplishing in the True Church right now. Now, the Holy Spirit has already sent a short and quick message, the Message of the Seventh Seal to gather the elected Bride. The Great Prophet has clearly told that when the calling out of the Bride goes forth it will be in between the 6th and the 7th Seals. So, it is very clear that the True Church has come to the very time of the coming of the Lord. Through the opening of the Unwritten Seals (The Thunder mysteries), the Lord has revealed what He has been accomplishing in this Rupturing Age, the period of the Half an hour silence. What did God accomplish at the beginning of this half an hour silence period? He placed His foulness in the Great Prophet and made him the Christ. It was the fulfillment of the Feast of the First Fruits of the Harvest. This was the mystery of the First Seal (unwritten). What is God accomplishing now at present? he has revealed the Seventh Seal (the Thunder Mysteries) thus placing His foulness in the Bride, and keeping her ready for the Rapture. This is the Spiritual fulfillment of the Feast of the in gathering. What is God going to do in the Future? He is coming to catch away the Bride. That is the end of the Church age, and the end of the half an hour silence period. (The Seventh Seal) “…this Seventh Seal is the end of time and all things. It’s the end of the Seventh Seal”.-The Seventh Seal (556) “…Is this the Mystery of the Thunders that will Bring Back the Headstone?” – Sirs, Is this the time? (48) THE TABERNACLE PLAN IN ITS REAL VIEW. When Moses set the Tabernacle, the ARK was placed in the Holy of Holies which was in the western part of the Tabernacle, and the entrance was kept on the Eastern side. To go to the presence of God which was in the West, one had to go through the Gate which was in the East. IN THE WEST The ARK of God was in the West; and the entrance in the East. The tabernacle was only a shadow and here is the Real object with all its clarity; Ark was the dwelling place of God. In these last days, the Living Ark of the living God was placed in the West. That is to say that God was hidden in Simplicity in the Great Prophet Branham. That was the manifestation of God through the Son of Man in the West. Manifestation is what we perceive through five senses and understand by the mind. IN THE EAST God who is hidden in simplicity in the West is now being revealed in simplicity in the East through the message of the seventh Seal. Revelation is understanding the Word through the opening of the understanding or enlightening of the eyes of understanding by the Holy Spirit. God, from the beginning was trying to express his plan of redemption. The Tabernacle of the Old Testament was a shadow or pattern to show how God was trying to draw man, who separated himself from the presence of God by his sin, unto Himself. Once in a year, at the time of the feast of atonement, the high priest was allowed to go to the holy of Holies with the blood of atonement. Now, at this time of the Rapture, the Lord has drawn the Bride unto His own presence. The Real Bride has already came into the Holy of Holies. By the revelation of God, who was hidden in the Living ark, the great Prophet Branham, we are now being drawn into the Holy of holies, which was the place of His presence. Six thousand years ago man was driven away from the presence of God. Now, after six thousand years, man has been drawn back to the very presence of God under the precious blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. What man lost in Eden has already been returned to man. The Great plan of Redemption of God is coming to an end. When the written Seals were revealed, the Fulness was placed in the Great Prophet. That was the feast of the first fruits of the Harvest. Then the door of Mercy began to close. “..and by seeing those Seals revealed and the Great things that’s taken place right here in the last few years – I believe with all my heart that the door of mercy is Beginning to close.”- The Fifth Seal (390) Now, the Unwritten Seals have been revealed through the revelation of the Seventh Seal. and the Bride is being filled with the ‘Foulness of God’. This is the “feast of ingathering”. Now, the door of Mercy is completely closing. NO MORE DELAY The ARK was in the West; and the Entrance is in the East. “Revelation 10: 1-7, …. The Seventh angel’s Message, opening up the Seals… What is it? Not the angel is the Son of Man, but the messenger is revealing the Son of Man. can you get it separated now? That’s where it seems to be so hard for you”.- Anointed ones at the end time (61) “… I’m wishing you the very merriest of Christmas, that God will send His Star, from the East, that rose in the East, nineteen hundred years ago, and Will guide you to the word made flesh”.- We have Seen His star.. (32) When the Lord Jesus was born two thousand years ago the wise men went, the Great Prophet has said that the wise men who went to see Christ were from India. When they said that they had seen the Light and had come to see the king, people laughed and mocked at them. “a lot of them said, well, there is no such a thing as that four hundred years, we never heard. What’s the matter with them crazy people? send them on Back up in India Where they belong”.- We have seen His star… (26) That was only a Shadow of the Real event that is happening right now when the Son of Man is being known to the public through the revelation of the Seventh Seal. “…The Church has come the same thing from the Seven Church Ages and so forth. Civilization’s moved right on to the west, and the Church has moved, right on to the West. And now, if it go any further than what we are now, we come back East again. You leave the Coast you go right back into China, Japan, right back again. Seven thousand miles across you go right back to the East Again. So East and West has most. That’s all of it. W’re at the end. There’s nothing left”.- The Man that can turn on the Light (33) “…I can almost see that angel standing there and saying at the last of that Seventh Angel’s message, `Time shall be no more’ That little loyal Bride will fly away into, the arms of Jesus one of these days.”- The Sixth Seal (405) “PROVE ALL THINGS; HOLD FAST THAT WHICH IS GOOD”.– I Thess 5:21.